Six Rooms

Room One –The Hallway

Beth Greene had laid down a challenge for her husband-to-be not long after he'd proposed.

Knowing Daryl wouldn't ever admit defeat, knowing he didn't like to lose, Beth had teased him, telling him she thought he was too old, and lacked the stamina to make love to her in every room of their new house in one night… their wedding night. Daryl had wrapped his arms around his Princess and told her that she'd regret taunting him, and that old or not, he would make her pay for underestimating him, because maybe he already had plans.

A frisson of excitement had shot down Beth's spine leaving her body aching for him to carry out those plans, but instead of letting him see exactly how excited she was at the prospect of seeing a whole new side to him, she sighed sweetly and told him it wasn't fair to make promises he couldn't keep, knowing that would only further his determination.

As much as Beth and Daryl were looking forward to their wedding day, what they were looking forward to even more was being left alone to enjoy their new, quiet and perfectly empty house. They'd been living alongside Rick, Mich and the kids for months now, since a few weeks after Beth had arrived, very much alive and kicking, at Alexandria's gates, completely rocking everyone's worlds… none more so than Daryl Dixon's.

Both Daryl and Beth loved their friends, and they more than appreciated their kindness and hospitality in putting them up for so long, but everyone knew Rick's house was too small for that many adults and kids to live together harmoniously on a permanent basis.

Daryl swore he would kill someone if he was interrupted by his sweet Lil' Ass Kicker one more time. Judith, now two and a half (but with the attitude of a sassy sixteen-year-old) adored and loved her uncle 'Rul', and Daryl felt the same way about her… just not twenty-four seven. Not when he'd been half asleep sporting morning wood and she'd launched herself onto his bed demanding he play dolly with her, nor when he was trying to be alone with Beth for the hundredth time that day but Judy wouldn't quit begging him to read her a bedtime story, and especially not that time she'd burst in on him when he was butt naked in the bathroom. The little girl had grabbed a hold of one hand as he'd tried his best to cover himself with the other, Judy oblivious to his embarrassment as she babbled on angrily, telling him he had to teach her bows and arrows "right now" because Carl was being mean to her and she wanted to "shoot him as good as uncle Rul could".

Daryl and Beth loved and adored their weird and wonderful family, but what they needed more than anything was time to be alone… they needed space to work out what came next now that they were together. Now that they were finally a couple.

It was only down to Beth's constant persistence and encouragement after she'd arrived at Alexandria that Daryl had even admitted he had feelings for her beyond those of friendship; he'd struggled to explain what those feelings were, only that he couldn't ever be without her again. But after he'd conquered both his initial embarrassment and his fears about being rejected or hurt, he found it easier to open-up. Over those next few months Daryl had told her about what had happened since the prison had been lost, since he'd lost her. How part of him had died when she'd died.

Even though he still couldn't find a way to tell her all of the things he wanted to, he had tried to explain how he felt now and what he wanted; which he said was for her to stay with him. Beth told him she wanted that, too. She told him she was in love with him and had been since before she'd been taken. Daryl would always be Daryl though; unsure, doubtful, hesitant, and still so much like a damaged and nervous child when it came to trusting people and expressing himself that all Beth wanted to do was make it better for him. She figured Daryl needed more than one declaration of love from her before he would truly believe she wasn't leaving. He needed action, something tangible that even he couldn't ignore.

So, Beth made the decision to move out of Maggie and Glenn's house and into Rick's so she could be with Daryl permanently. For them to move forward, Daryl needed commitment, a reassurance she wasn't going anywhere ever again. And Beth needed to be with him, too… for more reasons than he would ever understand, or that she could ever explain.

Sex was the elephant in the room for a long time. Neither broached the subject, not while they were still learning about each other, building trust and a foundation for a life together. Daryl would kiss her slowly and sweetly whenever they were alone in their room (sometimes for what seemed like hours, and until her lips were raw and swollen) and Beth would grab and squeeze his hand every chance she got (when she knew no one else could see), but that was as far as they'd taken it for months.

Daryl seemed content to sleep next to her night after night, holding her close as he watched her breathing… something, that after she'd died in his arms, he'd grown to accept he'd never see again. But now, all this long time later, his whole life had been turned on its head once more. Beth was back, she was alive, and she wanted to be with him… and for now that was all he needed. He'd never been good with the physical side of relationships, or with relationships in general, and as much as he'd wanted to touch every inch of her beautiful body and make her his in every way, he hadn't, for fear of getting it wrong and screwing up the only good thing he'd ever known.

That was until one night, about five months after Beth had moved in with Daryl. He'd come home from work as usual but instead of noise and mayhem he found himself in a silent and deserted house. Assuming no one else was home and wanting to lie down in the dark and quiet while he could, Daryl walked into their bedroom and began to strip, only to walk in on Beth. A glistening, wet and straight out of the shower, wrapped in a tiny towel Beth, and that was when the elephant in the room became too huge to ignore. Daryl was unable to hide his obvious arousal at seeing Beth virtually naked for the first time. He was also unable to stop himself from doing to her what he'd wanted to do to her since the moment she'd come back to him.

It was way too messy, way too awkward, and he finished inside her way too soon, but Beth's genuine happiness, her eagerness to do it again, the way she'd held him, and the loving way she spoke to him afterwards had given Daryl enough confidence to initiate sex the times they'd found themselves alone after that. Not that that had been many times, because both the house and life inside Alexandria was just too manic for someone as reserved with public displays of affection as Daryl, but they had ventured into the woods on a few occasions and they'd also found themselves alone in the armoury one time when Olivia had been called away urgently.

Daryl was still so shy in public that brushing his fingers against her cheek or stroking her hair when no one else could see was as much as he would do. Beth knew it wasn't because he didn't want to show her how he felt, just that he didn't really know how. Beth and he would lay in bed together at night trying not to listen to Rick and Michonne making love; loudly, and Daryl had never felt so uncomfortable (and if he was being honest, turned on). Beth tried her best to entice Daryl into making love to her, but Daryl said he didn't want everyone listening to them, it wasn't right or respectful and what they did should be private. That didn't stop him from wanting to hear Beth make sounds like that when they made love though, it didn't stop him from wishing he knew how to do things that would make her want to make sounds like that.

As disappointed and frustrated as she was that they couldn't be together that way more often, Beth only loved and appreciated Daryl more because of it. It was his awkward, shy and endearing old-fashioned ways that made Daryl so special, made him the caring beautiful man he was. The fact he respected her enough to want to keep their sex life private, the fact he wanted to shelter her and protect her, whether she needed him to or not, told her everything she ever needed to know. It told her Daryl Dixon loved her. Whether he felt comfortable showing her in a house full of people or not was inconsequential, because he showed her in all the ways that counted.

It was after one particularly stressful, noisy, long and tiring day at work that Daryl finally realized things needed to change. All he'd thought about all day was getting home, finding his girl, tearing her clothes off, dragging her into the shower and sliding inside her tight little body, forgetting his whole shitty day as she wrapped him in her arms and told him she loved him. In reality Daryl knew all he'd be doing was entering a house full of people and noise and chaos, unlikely to get even one minute alone with Beth.

As he got more and more frustrated and angry, he remembered something. Alexandria still had a few empty houses, smaller homes that were reserved for new families or couples planning on starting a family (which is how Maggie and Glenn had bagged one). It wasn't like he hadn't had the crazy notion of asking Beth to marry him one day… because he had. Probably more times than he should have.

So, Daryl decided right then and there that he wanted Beth and him to be one of those newly married couples that might maybe one day start a family. He knew Beth Greene would be the only woman he'd ever love, and for a reason he'd never fathom, she seemed to love him in return. She'd given him unconditional care and affection without asking for a damn thing in return, so he figured he could at least give her a nice house, marriage, some semblance of a normal life… if that was what she wanted.

The next time he'd left Alexandria on a run, Daryl searched high and low until he'd found a diamond and sapphire engagement ring he hoped would fit the blonde. He'd then somehow (after probably way too many beers) plucked up enough courage to ask Beth to marry him, fumbling through a proposal that was about as awkward and clumsy as the first time he'd made love to her. But Beth had said yes so enthusiastically and had looked so happy (exactly like she had after their first attempt at sex), he soon forgot about his nerves and the panic that had been coursing through him as he'd all but convinced himself Beth would turn him down. Beth did what she did best once more… made him feel like he was the centre of her universe. She made him feel like at last, he'd found the place he belonged. The place he could be himself.


Their late September wedding had been officiated by Father Gabriel in the little white church inside Alexandria's gates. Judy had been Beth's flower girl and Rick had been Daryl's best man. It was a simple ceremony and Beth had walked down the aisle barefoot on the arm of Glenn, the only male relative she had left in the world. She'd worn a pretty lace knee length white sundress with yellow flowers woven into her loose golden curls.

The whole of Alexandria had turned out to witness the event, which had annoyed Daryl to no end. He'd wanted it to just be their family, and Aaron. Aaron had become closer to Daryl over the past months than anyone else. He'd helped guide Daryl through his grief after 'losing' Beth, helped him come to terms with 'finding' Beth, and had helped him sort through his feelings for her. Even when the group had first arrived in Alexandria Aaron had been the one to give Daryl a purpose and a renewed sense of worth… understanding him without judgement or questions. The only person except Carol and Rick that had ever given him a chance or cared anything for him.

But once Daryl glimpsed Beth standing at the entrance to the church, everything else had faded into insignificance as his pulse raced loudly in his ears. He couldn't have cared less if the whole of the world was watching, or if no one was watching. He'd never seen anything so breathtakingly beautiful as the woman walking towards him. Daryl didn't even notice that he was being scrutinised by the whole church as he cupped his hands around his wife's face and kissed her until she couldn't breathe. After being told by Gabriel that he could now kiss his wife, Daryl had become oblivious to the catcalls and wolf whistles, and groans of 'ugh, that's gross' from the children, because he was in another world, one where only he and his wife Beth existed.

As much as Daryl had wanted to drag Beth back to their new house right then and there, he hadn't. He wanted her to have the wedding day she deserved, or as close to it as anyone could get these days. So, he'd dutifully sat through food and drink that he was unable to touch because he felt so nervous and sick, he'd posed awkwardly for Aaron who was taking photos of everyone for his records, he'd then sat through embarrassing speeches by Rick and Glenn, although he'd made it clear weeks ago he wasn't saying a thing. He'd even agreed to be the centre of attention one last time as he cut the cake with Beth (on the condition he could use his hunting knife), then held on awkwardly to his new wife as he'd attempted to slow dance with her (which was really no more than him standing there as Beth swayed in his arms). But that was where he'd drawn the line. He wasn't hanging around all night feeling like a fish out of water, making small talk with people he would never have anything in common with. Not when he could be back at his own house holding and kissing his gorgeous new wife, making good on his promise of christening every room. He wasn't exactly sure how he planned on doing that, or even if he'd be able to, despite his earlier confidence, but for once he was looking forward to at least trying.

He watched Beth from a distance for a while, skulking in the shadows and propping himself against a pillar on the porch as he finished another beer and took in the exquisite view that was his wife. Beth seemed to be glowing more than usual as she laughed and joked with everyone. The light inside her, the light that had awoken something deep inside him all that long time ago, was more beautiful and hopeful than anything he'd ever seen before. He still had moments of panic, of doubt, when he wondered if this whole surreal chapter of his life was just a dream. Moments when he wondered if she'd ever really come back to him at all, and if she'd ever really told him she loved him… and deep down he knew those moments of doubt would never truly leave him. But then Beth would look at him and smile, her eyes shining with such love and longing, such understanding and acceptance that he could feel it… and then in that moment he understood that it was real.

That's what Beth was doing now, she'd spotted her husband standing half hidden in the shadows watching her, and was smiling at him that same way, making his heart thump in his chest until he felt dizzy. He was amazed she had that effect on him after so many months, but knew the day his heart didn't miss a beat when she was near would be the day he was no longer of this world.

"Hey, Mr Dixon, are you watchin' me?" Beth asked as she slid her arms around her husband's waist and pressed her cheek against his suit covered chest, squeezing him tightly.

Daryl kissed the top of her head, looking over it and into the room full of people who all now seemed engrossed in drunken conversation about their own affairs, not bothered by the newlyweds at all. "Ya wanna go home, Mrs Dixon? I think we've stayed long enough, I want ya for myself now," he mumbled into her warm soft hair, kissing her once more.

"Mmmm… I guess I should collect on that bet. What was the stake again?" Beth giggled as she pulled her head from Daryl's chest and grinned up at him, her bright blue eyes dancing, and her stomach churning with the thrill of knowing what was about to happen.

"It don't matter, 'cause I ain't plannin' on losin'… C'mon, I want outta this damn suit, and I want you outta that dress. S'real pretty and all, but I know what's underneath is gonna be so much prettier." Daryl grabbed Beth's hand and pulled her around the back of the pillar and down the steps of the porch. He dragged her behind him as her delicate melodic laughter filled the stuffy evening air and didn't stop until they were hidden from the light and view of the house.

Daryl grabbed his wife by the waist and pushed her backwards into the nearest tree trunk, her laughter now over as Daryl looked at her seriously.

"Did I tell ya how beautiful ya look today, Princess? Sexy, and so beautiful. My beautiful, strong wife," Daryl whispered softly as he ran the back of his fingers down Beth's cheek, over the pale pink scar as he leaned forward and claimed her lips gently with his.

Daryl no longer noticed the three scars that littered his wife's face. All he saw when he looked at her was the love and goodness that shone from within her soul, and all he felt when he touched her was the warmth and softness that radiated from her every pore. To him she was, always had been, and always would be, exquisite in every way.

"Well, you don't look too bad yourself… husband! Gorgeous, actually," Beth declared, and she meant it too as she twirled her fingers around the wide silver band she'd placed on his finger hours before, realizing how strange it was to have a husband… how strange it sounded to no longer be Miss Beth Greene, but Mrs Daryl Dixon.

With a little coercion from both Aaron and Rick, Daryl had reluctantly worn a grey suit jacket and pants and white shirt, he'd drawn the line at wearing a tie or buttonhole, or at getting his hair cut. Honestly, Beth was glad of that because she liked his hair as it was, she liked her man exactly as he'd always been; dirty and scruffy and feral. Sexy in a totally unassuming organic way. Those things made him Daryl, the man she'd fallen in love with, but after today she couldn't deny he also looked drop dead gorgeous in a suit. The way his huge biceps and thigh and chest muscles bulged through the fabric was beyond a turn on. Her panties had been soaked the moment she'd seen him waiting for her at the altar. How she'd gotten through the last few hours was a mystery. Daryl had given her such a wonderful day, but she was now definitely ready to go home and start their new life as husband and wife.

"Yeah, well don't get used to it, 'cause I ain't never wearin' one ever again. It's like wearin' a goddamn straight jacket. How the hell did people wear one a' these every day?" Daryl complained, pulling at the collar as Beth rolled her eyes.

"So, take me home and I'll help you out if it," Beth told him, tightening her hold around her husband's neck before crushing her lips into his, not wanting to wait one more moment.

Daryl groaned out, not able to wait one more moment longer either as his mind raced with images of Beth undressing him, him undressing Beth, and of him sliding himself inside her. He lifted his wife off the ground and hoisted her into his arms, holding her bridal style. "Wanna be carried over the threshold, Mrs Dixon?" he drawled as his mouth captured hers once more, not giving her time to answer.

"There ya are! Can I sleep at your house tonight? Pleeeease, Uncle Rul. Carl's bein' mean." Judy's tiny voice seemed to come from nowhere as both Daryl and Beth pulled apart and swung their heads round to find the toddler stood next to Daryl's leg. She was swinging her favourite doll back and forth, her huge brown eyes looking up at him innocently through her long dark lashes. The same innocent brown eyes that Beth knew could wrap Daryl around her little finger in an instant.

"Judy, watcha doin' out here in the dark, huh, sweetheart? Where's yer daddy, or Mich? Ya know ya ain't supposed to go off on yer own don't ya? Even with the walls ya need to be with someone in case somethin' happens. Ya should be inside with the others," Daryl chided softly, carefully placing Beth back on the ground as he crouched down next to his second favourite girl in the world, giving her one of his crooked smiles. The archer traced his fingertip down the bridge of the little girl's tiny nose, making her giggle as he pretended to steal it away.

Just as Judy was about to chatter on through her laughter, Rick appeared, looking worse for wear, but just the same as everyone else inside, he'd drunk enough to sink a battleship over the last few hours, so it was hardly surprising he was three sheets to the wind.

"Hey, Judy. There y'are. Been lookin' all over for ya. C'mon, let's go." Rick grabbed for his daughter's hand and looked down at Daryl, running his hand through his own unruly curls. "Sorry, I think she wants ya to read to her. Since Carl upset her. All day… Uncle Rul this, Uncle Rul that. I t… told her ya couldn't tonight about a hundred times… but she was ad… adama… she really wants to stay at yours tonight," Rick slurred as he playfully ruffled his fingers through Daryl's hair and grinned down goofily through heavy lidded eyes at his friend.

Daryl swatted Rick's hand away as he raised his eyebrows in annoyance. "S'okay. She knows she can stay anytime she wants, she's always welcome… just, not tonight is all. She's always gonna be my niece. Movin' across the street don't change that." Daryl was addressing Rick but was now grinning at Judy and pulling her into his chest for a big hug.

"Hey, ya can come stay with me and Beth another night, okay, sweetheart? And I'll read ya as many bedtime stories as ya want. And I bet if yer real nice to Auntie Beth, she'll make ya her special cookies, too," he promised softly.

Daryl brushed Judy's messy brown ringlets out of her face and pressed a kiss into the toddler's temple. He held her out at arm's length to look at her, noticing the sad disappointed look in her eyes. "Hey, sweetheart, yer still my number one girl in the whole wide world, 'kay? You'll always be my best girl. I ain't never gonna be too busy to see ya. Ya can come over anytime yer daddy says it's okay." Judy nodded emphatically as she grinned at Daryl and grabbed around his neck for another cuddle. Daryl whispered conspiratorially at her ear so only she could hear him. "And when ya get a bit bigger, yer Uncle Rul's gonna teach ya how to shoot so ya can whoop yer big brother's butt... gotta be our secret though, 'kay?"

Judy's eyes went huge as a grin spread over her face, almost knocking Daryl off balance as she rocked around in his arms and shouted how excited she was. Then she cupped her little hands around Daryl's ear. "Promise you won't tell daddy or Auntie Beth what we just said. Our secret. Jus' you and me? Yeah?" she whispered, looking deadly serious now as she stared at Daryl with her big brown eyes and pouting lips, but stifling back a yawn. The archer had to hold back from laughing... at how adorable yet sassy and grown up she already was.

"Yeah, it's our secret, sweetheart. Promise. Now I reckon it's bed time. Go on back with yer daddy and I'll see ya tomorrow." Daryl kissed the little girls forehead and stood up.

Rick apologized again, now swaying slightly and grinning stupidly as he grabbed Beth's face between his hands and stole a full on sloppy kiss, almost suffocating the blonde before she pushed him away. Rick bent down to pick up his daughter, almost toppling over until Daryl grabbed his arm. The archer shook his head, unable to stop himself from chuckling at his best friend.

"Yer a damn lightweight, Grimes. Now go find yer own wife and leave mine alone. Go sleep it off… preferably without losin' yer daughter again."

Beth had watched with pride and a lump in her throat as Daryl interacted with Judy. It was heart-warming to know he hadn't cut himself off from their friends and that instead he'd connected so deeply with so many people since she'd been gone. Beth knew Daryl had always been close to Carol and Rick, but he'd blossomed as a person as his relationships with Aaron and Judy had grown.

Beth grabbed Daryl's hand as they watched Rick slowly stagger back indoors, Judy already sleeping soundly in the crook of her daddy's neck.

Beth turned to face her husband, curling her arms around his neck. "That little girl is completely smitten with you, Mr Dixon... and you're so good with her, you're a natural." Daryl looked to the ground in embarrassment, but Beth enjoyed watching her husband blush at her flattery. It was the truth and he needed to hear it.

"Nah, she ain't… and I ain't. Just help out if I can, Rick's had a lot a' shit to deal with and I like spendin' time with her. She's a sweet kid. She's honest, uncomplicated." Daryl started to kiss softly around Beth's face as he tried to explain; he wanted… he needed to be better at expressing himself. "I love that lil' girl like she's my own flesh and blood, I always have… everyone here does, includin' ya, so don't be tellin' me different. She's family."

"I know she is. We all adore her, I spent every day with her, I missed her so bad when I thought she was gone… but she still doesn't love anyone the way she loves you Daryl, not me, not Carl, not even Rick. I think she must know you saved her. She knows what a good man you are, and you are... such a good man." Beth closed her eyes and sighed as Daryl tightened his hold on her and kissed along her neck, nipping at her flesh until goose bumps broke out over every inch of her body.

"She's smart, she's just worked out I'm an easy touch. Ain't never said no to her. Kid just worked out I'm a sucker for a pair a' doe eyes and pouty lips is all," he mumbled, trying to play down Beth's compliments, as her moans became louder under his soft gentle touches, her breath quickening and pulse pounding.

"You know you're gonna be such a good father, Daryl. Any baby we have is gonna be the luckiest child in the world to have you as their daddy. Just like I'm the luckiest woman in the world havin' you as my husband."

Daryl's hands began to roam over Beth's body as her sweet loving words whirled in his head and thoughts of taking his new wife home crowded his mind. His mouth found hers once more, his tongue warm and smooth as it lathed against hers. Her groaning sending a cool thrill down his spine and a warmth to his cock that made him ache.

Daryl scooped his wife into his arms for the second time, Beth's nails scraping beautifully around his nape as she tugged on his hair and he kissed her like she'd disappear if he stopped. He carried her with ease back to their house across the street, climbing the steps to the front door where he finally broke away from Beth's warm soft lips to look at her.

"I love ya, Beth Dixon. I swear I'll never let nothin' hurt ya ever again," he promised, pressing his forehead into Beth's and inhaling a deep breath as he closed his eyes, a wave of pure happiness washing over him.

"And I love you. I promise you won't ever be alone again… I'm yours now, and I'm not goin' anywhere without you ever again," Beth whispered, running her fingers through her husband's long hair until he opened his eyes and looked up at her, his eyes dark but filled with adoration and love, and an innocence she'd never really seen before.

After a moment Beth smiled at him wickedly. "Didn't my husband tell me he has plans for tonight? I think he promised to show me around our new house… room by room… in detail," Beth teased as she looked at him with wide sparkling eyes. Daryl startled her by suddenly pushing open the front door, whisking her inside and kicking the door shut behind them.

Beth expected the house to be in darkness, but it wasn't. There were candles and lanterns littered around every surface, so the whole of the ground floor was lit up with a warming orange glow. It looked beautiful and so romantic.

Daryl lowered Beth's feet to the ground, his solid body shoving her backwards against the front door as he started to kiss down the column of her neck and across her shoulders, ripping off his jacket but noticing the look of surprise on Beth's face as she looked around.

"Yer sister. She wanted it to look nice for ya. Told her it'd probably burn the damn house down, but she insisted… 'cause she always knows better than everyone else," Daryl panted out as his lips burnt a trail of desire over Beth's flesh, focusing on the matter in hand.

"She likes to have her own way is all, and it's easier to let her. And it does look nice… it looks beautiful…" Beth was forced to pause, unable to stop a moan escaping her lips as Daryl aligned his body with hers, pressing his swollen cock into her belly as his hands drifted down her bare legs, working their way under the hem of her wedding dress and lifting it upwards as his mouth now eagerly moved over hers once more.

Beth playfully pushed him away as she panted breathlessly through smiling lips. Her pupils were already blown, her eyes no longer their sapphire blue but blackened with hunger and desire as the indescribably beautiful sensation of her husband's touches coursed through her body.

"Does the hallway count as a room? I'm not sure it does," Beth teased as she grinned mischievously, her chest heaving, awaiting her husband's response.

"Does in our house, Mrs Dixon. Told ya, we got six rooms to christen before mornin'. Six rooms where I'mma do everythin' I shoulda done a long time ago," Daryl drawled as his tongue licked a long, wet trail upwards from between her breasts and all the way over her throat until he was back at her mouth, gently sucking on her lower lip.

"Oh God, please, Daryl. I've wanted you since I saw you standin' in the church," the blonde gasped.

As Beth urged him on Daryl was already unzipping his pants and pulling his hardened and aching cock from its fabric restraint. His free hand moving Beth's damp panties to the side and his fingers sliding eagerly through the folds of her wet pussy.

"Jesus," he mumbled as his fingers became slicked in her arousal. Daryl grabbed the back of Beth's thighs and lifted her off the floor, Beth instinctively locking her ankles around his waist and her arms around his neck. He groaned out at the relief of feeling her wet flesh on his as he traced the tip of his weeping cock back and forth along her hot soaked folds a few times, pushing into her entrance only slightly as she threw her head back and moaned.

"Oh, God, I want you inside me so bad." Daryl hardly let Beth finish before he sunk himself as far as possible into his beautiful blonde wife, pressing her into the door as his fingers dug into her soft pale ass cheeks. Daryl didn't give Beth chance to adjust to him before he was frantically slamming in and out of her dripping centre, groaning and panting at the glorious friction. Her body bounced up and down as he desperately fucked her against the door, Beth squeezing and releasing her walls around him and clinging on, letting him take what he needed as she whimpered out his name and dug her nails into his nape.

"Argh… fuck... don't. I'm gonna come," Daryl gasped in frustration, scrunching up his face as he groaned out into the curve of Beth's neck, his breath heavy and hot as it skimmed her clammy flesh. Beth yanked his head from her shoulder and claimed his mouth with hers, sliding her tongue past his lips as she held onto her man, telling him it was okay as he continued to roughly thrust in and out of her before pounding into her one last time. With a breathless grunt he spilled himself deep inside her body once more, just as he had done every time they'd ever made love.

As Beth felt him finish, as her insides warmed and throbbed from the force of his climax and the need to reach her own, she suddenly wanted so badly to tell him her secret. She'd wanted to tell him earlier too, but she knew what they needed more was for this one special night to be theirs. For Daryl to be thinking about nothing but her, and for her to be thinking about nothing but being here with the man she loved more than life itself. So, as she felt his seed seeping from her core she put those thoughts away.

As Daryl's spent heaving body slumped around her, Beth tried to focus her mind back on the here and now. She concentrated soft kisses on her husband's jaw and neck and stroked his damp hair gently from his face as she loosened the grip her legs had around his body, allowing him room to breathe and chance to come down from his high.

Daryl hid his face in the curls covering Beth's shoulder, his breath coming in fast hard gasps as he kissed her neck over and over.

"Shit, I'm sorry," he mumbled into her skin.

"Baby, it's okay. We can do what we want now, any way we want. We've got a whole lifetime together," Beth paused a second as she lifted Daryl's chin until he was looking at her, Beth smiling that smile that took his breath away. "I love you… and I love that you wanted me so badly you couldn't wait any longer," Beth whispered against Daryl's lips before gently pressing her mouth into his for a lingering kiss.

She hadn't minded one bit that he hadn't gotten her off before he'd finished, they'd wanted each other all day so badly she knew he wouldn't last. She knew he must've been trying so badly to hold back just so she could have a day to remember. But at least now that first mad rush of desire was over, they could start again, and Beth already knew Daryl would take care of her. It was what he always did if she hadn't reached climax before him. He'd never once left her feeling frustrated. Even when she wasn't bothered about anything only giving him the release he needed, he always made sure she orgasmed, too. He might have been just as inexperienced and shy as she was, but he'd somehow always known exactly how to please her.

Daryl could feel his softening cock slipping from his wife's body, so he helped Beth to the floor and tugged down her dress, smoothing his hands over her hips and thighs as he watched his climax slowly trickle down the inside of his wife's leg.

He hated that he couldn't control himself better when it came to sex, hated that it was always over so quickly, but Beth did something to him that he was powerless to stop, as soon as he felt her body sliding around his he just couldn't hold himself back. He only hoped she understood. He always tried his best to make it up to her and she always seemed satisfied with his efforts, but truthfully, he didn't have that much experience with women. He couldn't do much about that though. Maybe now they were married and had their own space he wouldn't have to hold anything back or feel awkward and embarrassed anymore. Maybe things would get even better.

Daryl looked up, gazing at Beth's pretty, flushed face for a moment. "C'mon, I ain't finished with ya," Daryl drawled deep and low as he leaned forward over Beth's shoulder, hearing her breath hitch and watching her beautiful pale skin erupt into goose bumps as his breath brushed against her skin. He knew that was another thing he'd never understand. How someone as plain and insignificant and clueless as him could have that effect on a woman like Beth.

But he did know he was going to enjoy the fact he obviously did.