Kagami sat apprehensively in the back of the ambulance, listening to the familiar sound of the sirens and itching to make it to the scene. This was a more urgent call than most, a shooting victim in one of the sketchier parts of town. Upon arrival, he and aomine, the other EMT there, ran the gurney out and hurriedly strapped the patient in, and ran him to the vehicle where Kise waited with medical supplies and oxygen. They barely stopped long enough to register the flashing police lights or the men in uniform trying to contain the situation. He was still alive, though unconscious. As they finished shoving him into the back and administering aid, a powerful spike of pain drove into Kagamis shoulder, knocking him forward. The shooter had fired again! He yanked the ambulance doors closed and shouted "drive!" As Kise focused on the victim, Aomine turned to him briefly.

"Kagami! We need to treat that, get over here!" Kagami shook his head and gestured to the passed out gunshot victim as best he could while clutching at the bleeding wound. He stuffed a wad of gauze over it and waited with baited breath for the drive to the hospital to be over. His thoughts were beginning to dull as the blood continued to flow steadily from his wound, drenching his shirt and the gauze with warm liquid.

Upon arrival, the ambulance lurched to a stop and Aomine ran the patient on the gurney in, while Kise looped one of Kagamis arms over his shoulder and supported him as he stumbled in, calling for help. The nurse on duties eyes widened as she saw the immense quantity of blood covering Kagami. He was immediately put on a bed, and a doctor approached him. At this point, Kagami was seriously having trouble focusing. He heard the question, "I need you to rate your pain on a scale of one to ten," said in a voice far too calm for the chaotic atmosphere of the emergency room, as small hands cut off his shirt and applied pressure. He had the presence of mind to answer "nine," but any more speech eluded him, and he vaguely remembered a face, with huge blue eyes, staring at him and saying... Something, before his body gave out and he collapsed.

He woke up some time later, in slightly less excruciating pain, to find himself in a hospital room, with an arm in a sling and an iv in his wrist. He glanced around, wondering where that doctor with the blue eyes had gone, when a nurse with dark hair walked in.

"Hi there! It's good to see you're awake, you were out for a while," he said, smiling widely. "I need you to rate your pain-"

"I know I know, one to ten. It's a six." Kagami responded, having heard that question approximately six million times. He was slightly out of it from the pain killers that they had him on, and was looking around slowly.

"Oh hey, this one knows what he's doing. Can I get you anything to eat then?"

At this Kagami realized that he actually was starving, and nodded. The nurse promptly rushed out of the room, and Kagami was left to his own devices again. By the time the nurse, Takao, his name badge read, returned with a tray of food, Kagami had worked up the presence of mind to ask about the blue eyed doctor.

"Um, Takao," the nurse perked up at the use of his name," if you don't mind me asking, who was the doctor who treated me in the ER? I wanted to thank him."

Takao tilted his head, his ever prescient grin shrinking slightly in contemplation. "I'm having trouble remembering who was on duty... Strange... Do you remember anything about them?"

At this, Kagami pinked slightly. "All I can remember are really big blue eyes."

"Oh! It was Kuroko! That explains why I couldn't remember." Said the nurse.


"Yep, doctor Kuroko Tetsuya. He's one of the newer ones here, but he's also probably one of the best. After Midorima, though Midorima isn't an ER doctor. You got lucky," he said, grinning.

"Do you know what time he'll be available? I know that the ER can be crazy."

Takao marked down what time Kuroko was set to have a break that day, just before a hysterical Kise crashed through the door.

"KAGAMICCHI! I was so worried! So was Aominecchi!" Aomine mumbled something, entering the room at a much more relaxed pace. "I was so happy when they said you woke up! Apparently the damage is all to the soft tissues, so the recovery time won't be that long!" He said. At this point, Aomine decided it was time to calm down his excitable friend.

"You're still on leave for a month, Bakagami. Don you dare think of overworking yourself, and fucking up that shoulder even more." He grumbled.

After hanging around and presenting him with a get well gift (food) the two men left Kagami to his own devices. Slightly later, Hyuuga and Kiyoshi, two other EMTs that ha worked with also came to visit, but otherwise the day was boring, with nothing to do but watch television.

In the middle of a mildly interesting basketball program, Kagami remembered that it was nearly time for that blue eyed doctor to be off. With this in mind, he headed down to the ER section of the building, hospital pajamas and all.

He stuck his head into a break room (that he probably wasn't supposed to be anywhere near) and glanced around, not seeing any one.

"Excuse me," a soft voice came from directly in front of him, and Kagami sprung back, almost toppling over without his left arm for balance. The short figure hurried forward to steady him, and Kagami finally got a good look at him. He was small, shorter the than average and very skinny, and he wore an overlarge lab coat. He also had blue hair, and those familiar, haunting blue eyes.

"Uh, would you be doctor Kuroko?" Questioned Kagami, already knowing the answer.

"Yes, I am doctor Kuroko Tetsuya. Can I help you?" He asked in his soft, calm voice. It was odd, in that it had no inflection whatsoever.

"I don't know if you remember, but well... You kinda saved me from a gunshot wound, and I wanted to thank you. Oh, I'm Kagami Taiga, by the way." He answered, blushing a little at his awkward introduction.

"Yes, I remember. I'm glad to see you healing well. Kagami-kun seems to possess quite a lot of vitality." Kuroko spoke in the same soft bland voice. The small doctor was actually slightly unsettling.

"So as thanks, when I get out of here in a week, on Saturday, would you want to go get a drink with me? If not that's fine!" Why on earth was he blushing like a middle schooler with a crush just at asking a guy out for a drink?

A slight smile warmed Kurokos face, making Kagamis mind go blank. " I would enjoy that Kagami-kun. Unfortunately, my schedule tends to change on a day to day basis. Could I have your number, so that I could alert you of what time I will be freed?" He asked, that small, warm smile still fixed in place.

"Y-yeah of course," mumbled Kagami, scribbling it down on a scrap of paper. "How about we say nine for now, and go from there?"

"That's perfect. You should return to your room now, though, Kagami-Kun. You'll strain yourself if you stand too much. You were shot only yesterday."

"Yeah okay. Bye," Kagami trailed off, because the shorter man had already disappeared. "How does he do that?" Kagami wondered, walking back to his room.

He tried to refocus on the basketball program, but his mind was still full of large blue eyes and gentle smiles and 'Kagami-kun', and he wished that Saturday would come quicker.

A/N: this is the first thing I've written in a while so it's not super great. I'm bad at writing long chapters, so it'll all be around 1500 words at most. Anyways, I'm shipper trash so I wrote kagakuro. Please leave comments, it would make me happy.
