Hey guys. So this story's pretty short, and pretty typical of what I usually write. I've been working hard on Hollowing Souls (check it out if you haven't read it because it's pretty awesome), but this is where I go when I get writer's block.

Chapters are pretty short, and it'll only be 10-12 chapters. But we'll see.


The air was cold and damp. Riley curled up on the concrete floor, her back resting uncomfortably against the metal bars. Her cage was small, too small to even stand. All around her, she felt other omegas in their cages. No one made a sound. Riley shifted. She had grown up like this, in a cage. She had never met her father, and she was only with her mother until she was weened off her milk. But that was a very long ago.

Someone moved, and Riley's eyes flickered in that direction. She had grown accustomed to the darkness, having never really seen the light of day. She curled her lip at the stench, but thought nothing special about it; the place had smelled for as long as she could remember; no alpha really bothered to clean.

Suddenly, the door was thrown open, and blinding light burst forth. Riley flinched, screwing up her eyes. She curled her wings around her to hide.

"Down here," a voice called. Several footsteps pounded, and all around her, omegas pressed themselves back farther into their cages, shrinking away from the newcomers.

"How many do you think?" a new voice asked.

"Couple dozen, at least. God, this place smells." A man walked among the cages, a bright light in his hands, shining across the room. "How long do you think they've been down here?"

"Dunno. Decades, I guess." The second man was joined by a third, who wrinkled his nose.

He knelt down beside Riley's cage, and she shrunk away. "I won't hurt you," he promised. He looked up at the first man. "Look how thin she is. I bet she hasn't had a decent meal in years." He let out a sigh. "She's what? No more than eighteen?"

The man murmured in pitiful agreement. "Let's get the trucks over here. We're taking them all. Now."

The second man nodded and left, and the first continued through the cages. The third continued to study Riley. "What's your name, sweetheart?"

"R-Riley." The omega's voice cracked from disuse.

"Ah. Riley. Good to meet you." A call from the first man got the third to stand up. "I'll be right back. Everything's going to be okay." Then he left.

Riley watched him go.


It wasn't long before the second man returned. One by one, the cages were emptied, and the omegas were led out. Finally, the third man wrenched her cage door opened and reached inside. Riley shied away. "It's okay," he soothed. "I'm going to help you. Riley, I want to help you."

Something was snapped around Riley's neck from behind, and she startled, jumping away with a cry. She flared her wings in alarm, feathers brushing against the bars.

"It's okay, it's okay." The third man reached out and hooked his fingers under the leather collar around the omega's neck. "We're here to help." A long tendril hooked to the collar, and Riley felt a tug on her neck. She followed it, stepping out of her cage for the first time in months. She crouched submissively, wary of the alphas. They led her through the empty cages and, finally, outside. The bright sunlight burned her eyes, and Riley screwed them shut. Her feet stumbled over the ground, not use to walking. She was steadied, and soon found herself in a large enclosed box. Several other omegas were sitting on the floor, and Riley slowly joined them. "Where do you think they'll end up?" one of the alphas asked.

"Probably one of the local rescues," the other responded. "Hard to tell at this point."

"We're bringing them to the Harvelle Shelter in town," the first man informed them, walking up. He reached up and pulled down the wall, locking them in semi-darkness. Riley settled down, unnerved by the day's sudden change. This was the first time she had ever been outside, and she started to miss her small yet familiar cage. Suddenly, the whole box lurched forward, and several omegas yelped in surprise. Riley froze, eyes wide with fear.

One of the young females fell towards her, and Riley reached out to steady her. She nudged her to her feet, watching the young girl scurry farther into the box.


It took Riley a while to get use to the movement. The box randomly stopped and started again, sometimes changing directions. Finally, as Riley decided she couldn't take it anymore, it stopped. This time, for good. The far wall opened, and the two alphas stepped in. One led her out and down the ramp, and in to a large building. She was placed in a pen larger than her cage, with soft floors and plenty of room to stand. A second female omega was placed with her, and, as Riley watched, the other pens around her began to fill up. Then, the activity died down, and Riley, exhausted, curled up in the corner, falling asleep.


She was awakened a while later as her pen-mate was led away. She explored the pen, sniffing everything. It smelled fresh, something Riley had never really experienced. She was snuffling around the water dish when the door opened. Riley spun around.

"It's Riley, right?" An older man looked down at her, extending a hand.

Riley nodded, stretching her wings out submissively.

"I'm Dr. Milligan. Come with me." The man led her out of the pen and down the hall, and then, into a different hallway, and finally into a room. "Please. Take a seat."

Riley slowly did. She curled her wings slightly around her feet.

"No. On a chair." The doctor pointed to a plastic 'chair' next to Riley.

She stood up off the floor and awkwardly sat on the uncomfortable chair.

"I'm sorry," the doctor apologized. "I forgot that you've spent your life in a cage. If you don't understand something I say, just ask, and I will explain."

"Thank you." Riley studied her hands, not making direct eye contact with the alpha.

"Now. I'm just going to check your vitals, and do a simple blood test. Nothing should hurt to bad."

Riley nodded.


It was a few days later. Riley was starting to feel better, and her stomach had never felt so full. She was getting plenty of food everyday, and was able to walk much easier than before. She had begun to know the staff; one woman, Ellen, was kind, and Riley felt safe around her.

One day, she was sitting on the ground, sharing sparse words with her pen-mate, when a smartly dressed man walked past. Riley immediately quieted, curiosity growing. The man stopped, looking in. "That one," was all he said, pointing at Riley.

She stood up, tilting her head to one side. It was obviously an alpha. She approached on all fours, body lax in a submissive gesture. The alpha held up a hand, and Riley slowed, head tipping. Suddenly the door opened, and two other alphas entered, roughly reaching for Riley. She let out a yelp of surprise, scrambling backwards. One grabbed her arms, and the other hooked his fingers under her collar. Riley struggled, but she was dragged out.

"Relax," the alpha suggested, straightening his tie casually. "Bring her out to the truck."

A rope was tied onto her collar, and a rough tug pulled her away. Riley struggled, wings flared, fear pulsing through her. A cry of terror leapt from her throat, but a harsh word from the alpha silenced it.

"What the hell you doing?" Ellen hurried out of one of the other pens, eyes blazing. "Crowley! Be gentle."

The one alpha, who Riley now assumed to be Crowley, let out a huff. The other two alphas slackened their grip on the omega.

"I was told there were several omegas recently brought in from Alistair's breeding mill," Crowley said calmly. "I was given permission to come in and pick the ones I want."

"Well, be gentle about it!" Ellen shooed the two alphas away. "There's no need to be harsh. They've been through a lot."

"They're omegas, darling. They'll live."

"Don't give me that crap." Ellen took Riley's hand. "Come on. I'll take you out." With one last loaded glance at Crowley, she led Riley outside. There was a large truck there. Ellen helped Riley up the ramp and inside. "Not all alphas are like that," she promised. "Some of us are quite nice."

"Thank you." Riley looked around, keeping her eyes low. Several omegas were already there, their leashes tied to hooks on the wall.

"Yeah, well, it's not over yet." Ellen tied Riley's leash to a hook. "I was hoping most of you would simply be adopted. But it looks like you're off with Crowley." She knelt down beside her. "He'll take care of you well enough. And it won't be permanent. He'll just sell you off to other alphas. Hopefully kind ones." She sighed, running a light hand over Riley's forehead. "I wish you luck. And, for God's sake, don't piss off any alphas."

Riley managed a smile. "I'll do my best," she promised. Then Ellen left, and Riley felt alone. Her pen-mate didn't join her, and while she recognized some of the omegas, she didn't know any of them well. She just sat there, hands in her lap, as the truck started and lurched away. She closed her eyes, knowing in her heart 4she would never go back there ever again.


The sun had set by the time they arrived. The omegas were unloaded into cages. They were much more spacious than Alistair's, but Riley still found them confining after the large pens at the rescue. She sighed, sitting down. Crowley stopped by her cage, glancing in. "It's Riley, right?"


"Hm." Crowley studied a clipboard in his hands. "Very good. I expect you to sell quickly." He hung the clipboard over her cage. "Omegas from breeding mills either sell quickly due to pity or not at all due to apprehension of their behavior," he explained. "I expect pity will be your best feature here."

Riley watched him walk away.


She caught a few hours of sleep. Mostly she curled up in the back of the cage, waiting for day. When it did come, the place was filled with more alphas than Riley had ever seen. Then again, she'd hardly seen an alpha until a week ago.

A few alphas stopped at her cage, looking in. Some read the clipboard and immediately walked away, while some talked among themselves. One alpha knelt beside her, looking in. "Riley?"

Riley glanced warily at him.

"Come here."

Riley obeyed the alpha's command, crawling over. He put a hand through the bars, and Riley slowly leaned up against it, instinctively submitting to him.

"You were at a breeding mill." The alpha spoke quietly, his voice deep and soft. "Were you bred?"

Riley shook her head. "No sir. But I was born there."

"So you've never been around alphas."

"No." Riley pulled back, suddenly unsure if she was doing the right thing. "This, this is all new to me. I, uh, I didn't even know there was a difference between day and night until a few weeks ago. I, uh, I was kept underground."

"Hm." The alpha murmured sympathetically, standing up. "Well, Riley. I might consider adopting you. Would you like that?"

Riley lowered her gaze. "I don't know," she admitted. "I . . . I don't understand."

The alphas knelt back down. "It means you would come live with me, and that I would be your owner, which means you have to obey everything I say. But don't worry -"

"Castiel." Crowley walked up. "Well, I'm afraid you're a little too late. One of the other alphas just offered a very good price for her."

Castiel frowned, standing up. "Who?"


Castiel's face fell. "Then I bet his offer is one I can't afford," he murmured.

"Yes, most likely. Tough luck." Crowley opened the cage, pulling Riley out. Riley let out a cry of surprise, looking over at Castiel. He stood back, his face one of disappointment. "Don't worry, Cassie," Crowley said. "There are other omegas around here."

"Perhaps another day."

Riley was pulled away, her eyes locking briefly with Castiel's. Then he disappeared behind the wave of alphas.

"Michael." Crowley stopped beside a tall alpha. "Here she is."

The alpha looked Riley up and down. "She's scrawnier standing up," he sniffed.

Riley cast a quick glance at Michael. He had brown hair and cold eyes, and was wearing a brown jacket and faded jeans. Crowley hooked a leash onto Riley's collar and handed it over to Michael, who took it. Without another word, he led her away.

Riley followed submissively, unsure. Part of her wished it was the other alpha, Castiel, who was taking her; he seemed much nicer.

"You were in Alistair's breeding mill, correct?"


"Yes what?"

Riley lowered her gaze. "Yes, sir."

"Good." Michael stopped beside a large car. He opened the back door. "Get in."

Riley did, curling up on the leather seats. She heard Michael get into the front seat, and the car started, moving forward. Nothing was said.