This is another Bonus Chapter, an Alternative of what could have happened instead! Or… {read the rest of the note after the end!}

He was leisurely walking back to the institute after a hunt. His younger siblings had gone to Taki's to get something to eat, but he wasn't either hungry, or in the mood to join them and dismissed their offer. All he wanted to do was take a walk on the winter night, to think and clear his head. Absentmindedly he entered a dark alley on Brooklyn, and suddenly was hit by a great force and found himself pushed against a brick wall.

He gasped surprised and raised his head to see what hit him, cursing himself for being so careless. His sapphire eyes met a pair of emerald ones, with flecks of gold scattered around the iris which was slit like a cat's. 'Warlock.' he thought, realizing instantly, that in the position they were in, if the man decided to kill him he was done for.

The Nephilim gulped, his heartbeat speeding up, as the man spoke, more like, purred, his breath coming out in white puffs between them because of the cold, making Alec suddenly conscious of the too small distance between them. "Well, well… What have we here? What is a young, pretty Shadowhunter doing alone in this kind of dangerous place, in the middle of the night?"

His voice was silky and honey-coated, but Alec barely registered most of his words, being stuck on one. "Pretty?" He asked incredulously, forgetting momentarily that he was supposed to be in mortal danger. The man stared, taken aback for a moment, his cat-eyes going wide, and then he fell back a step and started laughing.

"We talked about this!" A flushed Alec told his fiancé, who was still chuckling hysterically.

Once Magnus regained his composure, he said. "Yeah, yeah… Here I come, dashing mysterious Warlock, pushing you against a wall, probably threatening your life, and all you have to say is that…"

He started laughing again, and Alec huffed, blushing deeper. "I knew this was a bad idea!"

Magnus stopped laughing again and looked at him, his green eyes shining, then pushed him on the wall again, and looming over him, spoke so close, that his lips brushed the Nephilim's. "I don't know darling, I kinda like this setting." Alec gulped again, staring up at him wide-eyed, and then they were kissing, hard and messy, Magnus trapping him against the wall, and Alec gripping his glittery hair and pulling him even closer. When they had to breathe, they separated reluctantly, resting their foreheads against each other's. "Did you change your mind?" Magnus whispered.

"Mmm… Who knows…" Alec simply answered pulling him back to him for another kiss.

Magnus obliged eagerly, muttering, between kisses "Let's… go… home…"

Alec pulled back from him and nodded breathlessly, then they kissed one last time before joining hands and heading back.

Note: …Or something that could happen in the future of the previous chapters maybe… ;)

I'm sorry it's so short and drafty!