Hello and welcome to the final trailer of team BLVE. Ok, if you haven't seen my other story. Go check it out. I would also like you to check out my friends stories, kwolf omega's RWBY: Team KOLM ,which made me laugh a lot, and Oathkeeper0317's RWBY: The Assassin. I will do volume 3 of The Journey of Team BLVE. I will just have to wait awhile for it to go on YouTube. Now, without any more distractions, I will proudly introduce Elementor's trailer. I don't own anything except my oc's.

We find Elementor in the middle of the forest, walking home from his training. It was now starting to snow. "This is a perfect scene." He said with his grey cloak. His cloak then changed to blue and said "Yes, yes it is."

He continued to walk home until he heard some grimm noises close by. His cloak then changed to brown and asked "Should we check it out?" The cloak then changed to red and replied "Might want to clear them out before someone hurts themselves." He then ran towards the noise until he ran into a massive pack of beowulfs. The cloaked then changed from red to blue and said "Shall we? It might be fun." Then the cloak changed to grey and pulled out his bow and arrow. "Fine. It will be good training though."

A few beowulfs charged right at Elementor until he used the wind to dodge them all. He then sprinkled fire dust on one of is arrows and shot it into a beowulf. He then pressed a button on the bow to ignite the arrow to spread the fire killing more beowulfs. "There goes the dynamite." Elementor joked before jumping into the air. His cloak then changed to brown and said "Let me have a chance." Before changing the bow into a double bladed axe and slamming it into the ground causing a little quake.

A few more beowulfs lept at him until they got chopped in half. "Really? This is fun." Elementor said before bending the earth to crush more beowulfs. The cloak then changed to red. "Don't get to excited. We still have lots more." He said as he pointed towards the beowulfs that were gathering up. He cloak then changed to grey and said "Well let's kick it up a notch."

When he said that, he did four motions while chanting "Air. Water. Earth. Fire." The beowulfs started to charge, but before they landed a hit, there was a cloud of snow in the way. The beowulfs backed up to see what was there. When the snow cleared, we see Elementor in his air form ready for a fight. "Let's go." He said before running at a fast speed for the beowulfs to track.

Elementor then used the wind to slice through ten beowulfs with ease. Elementor was then nack at the place he started. "What? Too fast for you? I will slow down." He joked before turning into his water form. He then bended the snow to bury a few beowulfs. A couple of beowulfs charged at him to attack but were burned when Elementor turned into his fire form. "Don't mess with fire." He said before using his chain whip to snap the beowulf's necks.

He then changed into his earth form and said to the remaining beowulfs "This is to easy." While making earth cages around the beowulfs to crush them. He looked around and saw that the rest of the beowulfs had fled. He then changed back to normal and his cloak changed to grey and shouted "We did it!" The cloak then changed to blue and said "Looks like we did." The cloak changed from blue to red and said "I don't think it is over." While pointing towards the forest to see a bunch more grimm come out. The cloak then changed back to grey. "Well, what are we waiting for?" He asked while pulling out his bow. "Let's go!" He said while his eyes glowed white.

Sorry for the cliffhanger, I want to keep it a surprise until the end of season 2 of The Journey of Team BLVE. Tell me what you thought about it. If you have any questions, pm me. If you want me to do a trailer with Kyle and Dennis, I will be happy to do so. But for now, this is the end. All the trailers of team BLVE are done. If you would like to see team SDOW's trailers, I would do so. I would like to thank my fanfiction friends for helping me get this far. As always, this has been team BLVE going with the wind and beyond.