Why did this happen to him?! All he did was go the bank to pull out money to buy his son a present for his seventh birthday! Was it bad enough that he got a flat on the way, two people cut him off and that the teller was a new guy who knew nothing about the bank other than it having cameras everywhere?! No, it had to get worse when the tall man behind him grabbed him in a head lock and screamed...

Robber: Everybody down this is a robbery!

Everybody screamed as he fired his gun towards the ceiling watching as debris fell on Edd and the robber. Everybody in the vicinity hit the floor as he fired more rounds into the ceiling cracking it. "Why couldn't he be a nice man with a good heart?" Thought the surgeon as he winced in pain from the head lock.

Robber: Get from behind the counter...ALL OF YOU!

He screamed into Edd's ear as he waved the gun towards the tellers behind the counter. The did as he said with out hesitance and gathered where everybody else was near the bathrooms, away from the doors and windows.

Robber: You...

Edd turned his head slightly, well as far as he could turn it to face his masked villain.

Edd: Yes...?

Robber: Grab this bag and go get the money from behind the bank.

The robber fumbled in his pockets for the bag. Once he retrieved it he gave it to Edd and shoved him off in the direction of the money behind the desk. Edd nearly fell to the floor, as he stood straight he was met with the barrel of the robbers gun. He's never been in such a situation like this, his body was looking for the right thing to do but his mind was trapped in fear of foreshadowed death.

The robber stared at him through the eye holes in his black ski mask; one blazing red eye and a vibrant hazel.

Robber: Don't think about even trying to call anybody or I'll shoot you.

Edd just nodded and went behind the desk as he took money out of the small unlocked boxes under the counter. " Just do as he says and he night not kill you...oh who am I kidding, there's a probability that he might just kill me after all this is done, what am I to do?!" The poor doctor, only out for what should've been 10-15 minutes turned into a full blown bank robbery. Where was a cop when you need one.