Stephen was still asleep and resting since he got out of surgery and the doctor says he has to stay here for a week before he can be released into our custody. Edd was in the room by his bedside just watching him sleep with a worried look. Are you kidding me?! I think I quit, trying to be in his life-well trying to even talk normally, is a challenge. Thanks to Sarah we found out who the other was and that we were supposed to me at some point in time.

I watched him stand and smile genuinely at Stephen and then turn to me.

Edd: Uh...I'm going to get some food and I was wondering if you wanted anything.

Just staring at him and listening to his offer made my heart race.

Kevin: Ummm...just a coffee please, thank you.

He smiled and nodded at me before leaving out the door and down the hall. I smirked inwardly at his offering me food and then looked at the cock blocker lying in his bed. He had the oxygen mask on his face I could visibly see his hot breath showing us that he's still living. His black mask was taken off and his tanned face was visible as well. I've never seen his actual face before but I guess Edd has on the count that he has special access to anything Stephen related.

His hair was matted with sweat, presumably from surgery, and his body had the same build as mine. So, if Stephen ever disappoints him he won't have to complain about the comparison between us. I walked over to him and looked at his pulse monitor, he has a steady breath and his seems fine.

Edd: I got you some food!

I jumped at his voice and turned to see him with three bags of food.

Kevin: Did you get all this for you?

Edd: No silly, us.

He smiled as he walked over to the little couch and coffee table towards the window on the other side if the room. He got it for "us", that was just too sweet of him to do.

Edd: I got you coffee but never even bothered to ask how you take it.

Hopefully, like you, in bed.

Edd: So I asked Sara and she told me that you have a major sweet tooth.

Kevin: Surprised to hear that a cop has a thing for sweets?

Edd: It's not often that you hear a cop wanting cookies, doughnuts maybe, but not cookies.

Kevin: Remind me to thank Sarah for helping, she helped you pick out my favorite things-

Looking in the bag I noticed that there were double of some of my favorite things; double the sour candy, double the sugary soft drinks, even double-well it wad quadruple the instant ramen because I guess he didn't know which one I liked, and neither did Sara.

Edd: I was surprised when Sarah said that these were the things you liked.

Kevin: I didn't know that you liked that same things.

Edd: Well for a doctor and and off and on dentist I have an unexplainable sweet tooth.

Kevin: That's cute.

I smiled and started fishing stuff out of the bag. I was hungry after leaving the bank and I wanted to talk to Nazz. She helped me before we left and when I had to go in the bank, she had a father in this profession so she knows what to do and what to say.


He thought my sweet tooth was cute, why do I feel so giddy and happy about this. I watched as he rummaged through the bag and grabbed things out and went over to the door to call a passing nurse. I went over to Stephen and sat a little electronic flower that dances when you talk next to his bed. I want him to get better, he needs to.

Edd: Well I guess I should call Eddy and mom to let them know I'm ok...

Wait, that's right, Stephen threw my cell phone earlier today. Great, the second bad thing he does today and that was a good phone too. Walking back in the room, Kevin smiled deviously as he sat everything on the table and went over to a door opposite of Stephen's bed.

Edd: You seem happy.

Kevin turned to me with a wide toothy grin.

Kevin: Yup! I asked the nurse if there was a microwave that she could bring in and she told me that the room my Sargent requested had a small kitchen in here.

Edd: Really?!

Wow, since when did we add those features? He turned the knob and opened the door. I walked behind him hearing a gasp of excitement leave his body. I retaliated in the same fashion seeing the large spacious kitchen complete with island, large refrigerator, fully functional stove with a convection oven above it and cabinets with fully stocked cleaning and cooking supplies?!

Edd: This is a utopia...

Kevin: I've always wanted a kitchen like this, bad part about that would be that it wouldn't be there for long because I can't cook.

Edd: Then what have you been eating?

Kevin: Mostly take out, yogurt and leftover from Sunday dinner with my parents.

Edd: You poor thing...

Looking back over at the the instant noodles I bought for the both of us, now I think that was a bad idea for Kevin to keep eating that stuff. I walk up to him and grab his wrist. He jolted at my touch and looked down at me.

Edd: See if you can radio one someone to get some to buy some things, I can make you a home cooked meal if you'd like?

He instantly froze making this a very awkward pause in this conversation. Looking back and forth from my face to my hand he warmly stepped closer to me.

Kevin: Uh sure, I'll do that is there anything you hands in mind that you wanted to make?

Edd: Well I was thinking that making spaghetti would suit your taste-

Kevin: Then do it. I love spaghetti and hopefully this could be our practice date?

He sounded unsure of himself when asking but it was cute to seeing him try.

Edd: Well, call up Rolf or somebody and ask them to get everything I'll set up in here, the date starts when dinner is ready.

Hospital food never tasted good to me, but this hospital is really fancy and everybody knows Double Dee is the best cook in town! Kevin, eat your heart out. Hope you guys like this chapter.