A/N: I own nothing you recognize.

Alright, so...this is it. The last chapter.

I want to also say that I have put the sequel on hold because there are things I want to add to the sequel that would only make sense if I could restart Demons. As a result, I will be posting the rewrite of Demons as soon as a few days from now. I am so sorry for everyone who was looking forward to the sequel, but there are going to be so many new scenes in the rewrite!

Okay, I'm done with my spiel...enjoy!

Mount Justice
December 31, 0716 EST

"We have reason to feel proud of yesterday's victories," Aqualad said to the Team as they made their way to the mission room. "But one thing has not changed."

"Somehow, the bad guys are still getting inside intel about us," Robin sighed at the front of the group.

"Yeah, but as least we know none of us are the mole," Kid Flash said brightly.

"That's correct," Lilith heard Batman say as they entered the room. Lilith inhaled sharply and stopped in her tracks for a beat before continuing forward with the rest of the Team; something felt off. "The mole was Red Arrow," Batman said as he pulled up an image of him.

Around her, Lilith could feel the others take in a breath of surprise.

"Roy?" Robin asked faintly in disbelief.

"No way!" Kid Flash exclaimed with a glare.

"Batman, that cannot be," Aqualad tried to reason. "He was Green Arrow's protégé. We have all known him for years."

Red Tornado spoke up. "Unfortunately, the Roy Harper we have known for the last three years is another Project Cadmus clone," he said. An image of the Cadmus building before it was destroyed back in early July appeared.

"We've learned the real Speedy was abducted and replaced immediately after becoming Green Arrow's sidekick," Batman said, and he pulled up an image of Speedy. "The clone was pre-programmed with a drive to join the Justice League."

"Which is why he was so angry over any delays to his admission," Lilith slowly pieced together. "And why he refused to join the Team; he saw it as a road block."

Batman nodded and continued. "The Roy Harper had no idea he was a clone or a traitor. And his subconscious programming drove him to become 'League worthy.' So he struck out on his own as Red Arrow. When he was finally admitted, his secondary programming kicked in, and he attempted to betray the League to Vandal Savage." Lilith sucked in a sharp breath. "Fortunately, I had already deduced Red Arrow was a clone." Lilith lowered her narrow-eyed gaze to her boots. "We were prepared," he concluded.

"Savage was subdued, but Red Arrow escaped," Red Tornado said. "He is now a fugitive, armed and dangerous." Lilith pursed her lips and focused on the floor. This all sounded so wrong.

"If you guys hadn't rescued me from Cadmus…" Superboy said faintly, and Lilith glanced up to see him staring at the ground and rubbing his neck.

"Wh-what happened to the real Roy?" Robin asked quietly.

"We don't know," Batman admitted. "He isn't at Cadmus. We have to face the possibility that the real Roy Harper is dead."

Robin, Aqualad, and Kid Flash looked defeated at the thought. Lilith reached out and placed a hand on Aqualad's arm. He gave her a sad smile and she bowed her head again.

"The clone Roy," Aqualad spoke up, the only one who seemed to have found his voice, "the Team will find him."

"Negative," Batman said. "Red Arrow's a member of the Justice League now. Leave him to us." Batman raised his hand to his ear and pressed the comm. "I'm needed at the Watchtower," he informed them.

"No!" Lilith couldn't help but exclaim. Batman gave her a hard look, and for the first time since meeting him, Lilith cowered at his glare. This glare was different than his usual glowers. This one burned with annoyance and loathing.

"Tornado," Batman said, turning to the android. "Stay with the kids." Lilith's eyes widened and her head snapped up. Batman had never referred to them with such a juvenile term. He walked to the zeta tubes and disappeared. Lilith noticed Zatanna closed her eyes in confusion and placed the tips of her fingers to her temples.

"What is it?" Lilith whispered, glancing worriedly at Red Tornado.

"I'm sensing something…" Zatanna said quietly.

Aqualad's thought passed through their minds, cutting off further explanations. Clone or no clone, Red Arrow was one of us, he said. We will go after him, he added, his eyes narrowed in determination.

A flash of red caught Lilith's eyes, and she opened her mouth to warn Aqualad of Red Tornado's presence behind him. Before she could, though, Red Tornado shut down.

The sound of a machine powering off caused Aqualad to turn in surprise and take a step bak while the Team gathered closer.

Tornado! Miss Martian exclaimed.

What happened to him? Superboy asked.

He's totally powered down? Kid Flash questioned.

All functions offline, Robin confirmed, referring to his hologram.

Guys, I'm sensing a low-level mystic force at play, Zatanna said slowly, her eyes closed again and both hands at her temples. I-I don't know if it caused his shutdown, but now that I think about it, I was getting the same buzz off Batman.

Batman, Robin gasped in realization. He…called us 'kids.' He never does that. He glanced at Lilith. And you noticed something off about his glare? he asked.

Lilith nodded. Sure, I've been on the receiving end of one of his glares before, but that was something completely different.

Look, Kid Flash thought, and he pulled everyone's attention to something in Red Tornado's hand. One of those biotech chips we confiscated off Cheshire, he identified as he held it in front of him.

You mean they meant for us to take that? Lilith asked, thinking to the previous day's encounter. I did think it was strange that Cheshire disappeared without taking the case with her.

Something is not right, Aqualad agreed. Robin, Kid, Zatanna, Rocket, Lilith, he addressed. See if you can get Tornado back online. The rest with me to find Ro—Red Arrow. Everyone nodded at their assignments and Aqualad took off for the hanger, and Superboy, Miss Martian, and Artemis followed him. The rest stepped closer to Red Tornado and Robin.

The program's hardware, not software, Robin declared, consulting the holograph again. But where do we start? he asked, sounding desperate.

Zatanna stepped forward, her eyes on the ceiling and Lilith followed Zatanna's gaze to find her staring at the hole in the ceiling where Red Tornado usually disappeared. "I have a thought…" Zatanna said slowly. She magicked the circular chamber open and then levitated herself up. When she reappeared, a robot was following behind her. "The night Miss Martian, Superboy, and I were stuck at the Cave with nothing to do, we broke into Tornado's chambers," she explained as the floor beneath them raised to form two platforms, one for Red Tornado and the other for the robot. "We found this robot, and Tornado told us that he had created him so he could walk among humans and interact with them."

"So we can download Red Tornado's consciousness into this robot," Lilith deduced.

"My thoughts exactly," Zatanna said with a nod.

Kid Flash plugged a cable into the side of Red Tornado's head before walking to the robot and doing the same.

"Download in progress," Robin said as a screen appeared at the head of the platforms to show the completion.

"So Tornado built this android to party," Rocket said slowly.

"Hm, not how he'd put it, but yeah, more or less," Zatanna shrugged.

"Recognized: Black Canary, 1-3."

Lilith stiffened and her eyes narrowed slightly as Black Canary approached them.

"Hey, guys," Black Canary said gently. "I wanted to check in," she said. "See how you're handling the…" She trailed off and her soft, mothering tone changed immediately. "What are you doing to Red?" she demanded loudly, glaring at them.

"It's not how it looks!" Kid Flash exclaimed.

"It looks like you're downloading his consciousness into a new body," Black Canary said with narrowed eyes. Behind them, the screen read DOWNLOAD COMPLETE.

"Okay, it's pretty much exactly how it looks," Kid Flash admitted weakly. "But–"

He was cut off when the android suddenly sat up and said, "Team, get out of the Cave, now!"

"Get down!" Lilith warned as Black Canary opened her mouth and let out a Canary Cry. Lilith ducked behind one of the platforms, but the others weren't so lucky. The robot's metal body began to peel away from its skeleton and his torso detached from his legs. The torso slammed into Kid Flash, and his legs collided with Zatanna and Rocket, knocking all of them off their feet.

Robin was the first react. He leapt from behind the platform and fipped over it, going into a handspring and jumping to throw a punch at Black Canary. She easily caught his fist and threw Robin over her shoulder.

After a moment of thought, Lilith decided on an ol' reliable. While Black Canary's back was exposed, Lilith leapt out and latched onto her back. She wrapped her arm around Black Canary's neck and tangled her legs with the older woman's arms to trap them at her side.

"Robin, do something!" Lilith exclaimed. She was grateful he had the next step planned out because Black Canary was certainly putting up a struggle. Robin quickly jumped to his feet and ran forward to place two small pellets loaded with sleeping gas onto Black Canary's shoulders. Lilith quickly released her iron grip on Black Canary as the pellets burst, and Rocket raised her hands and quickly sealed Black Canary inside a shield with most of the gas. From inside, Lilith could heard Black Canary coughing before finally sliding against the wall of the bubble, unconscious.

"B-Black Canary a-attacked us?" Zatanna asked, sounding shocked and hurt.

"She's not in her right mind," Lilith said, her tone hard.

"Black Canary is the least of our problems," the robot informed, raising himself on his arms. "We must abandon the Cave.

Lilith's mind immediately went into direction mode. "Then we need to get to the hanger," she said. "Kid Flash and Robin, take…" She trailed off and looked at the robot.

"John," he said. "John Smith."

Lilith nodded and started again. "Robin and Kid, take John. Rocket and Zatanna, tie up Black Canary. We can't leave her here by herself." The four nodded and set to work.

When they reached the hanger, Sphere revved and unfolded into a vehicle to fit all of them. Everyone piled in: Wolf at the very front; Robin and Lilith at the controls; Kid Flash, John, and Rocket behind them; and Zatanna, Red Tornado, and Black Canary, who was bound and gagged, at the back. They took off just as the zeta-tube announced, "Recognized: Icon, 2-0; Doctor Fate, 1-7; Captain Marvel, 1-5."

"Stay off your radios," John instructed once they were up in the air, propping his torso up using the handlebar in front of him. "Let the Super Cycle track Superboy. Instruct her to mask all signals. We cannot allow the League to track us."

"Right, of course," Kid Flash said reasonably beside him. "Just one question," he said. "Why is the Justice League after us?!" he yelled.

"The entire League is under the complete mental domination of Vandal Savage," John began. "Red Arrow seemed to have been his means."

"So Batman was telling the truth about that," Kid Flash said in defeat.

"Yes," John nodded. "Savage's method was something he referred to as Starotech: an alien bio-organism fused wit nano-technology and magic. It shuts down the mind's autonomy, allowing Savage to reprogram the individual to suit his needs," he explained. "Even my inorganic brain was not immune. But the process requires one-point-one-six nanoseconds to fully integrate with its host's nervous system. That delay allowed me to create an internal sub-program, which would disconnect my power cells if I attempted to infect another person." John looked back at Red Tornado. "Fortunately, the Starotech is body specific," he said. "As John Smith, I am now free of outside control."

"Which is why Black Canary freaked out when she saw us downloading your consciousness," Lilith hypothesized. John nodded in agreement.

"This Starotech," Robin said savagely, glancing behind him. "It worked on superpowered humans, four flavors of alien, an android, even Doctor Fate, defeating all of you without a fight?" he asked, his voice getting louder with each word.

"Indeed," John said. "A remarkable achievement. One not easily countered."

Suddenly, the Bioship appeared above them, and a hole opened in the bottom to let them in.

Great, came Robin's voice once Sphere had settled in the Bioship. 'Cause we really need to compare notes.

By chance, Lilith glanced behind her. She suddenly launched herself over the middle seat, toward Black Canary.

"Sorry!" Lilith exclaimed sheepishly with a wince as she pulled back her fist and knocked Black Canary out cold again. Black Canary went limp again and Lilith glanced around. "We should keep an eye on her until we can program something that works against the Starotech."

"Agreed," Aqualad said, standing to meet them. "Now, about these stories…"

Red Arrow explained to the second team: how he was a sleeper agent for Cadmus; how "Broken Arrow" was the trigger word that shut him down, allowing any member of Cadmus's allies to collect information or further program him; how he'd carried out those orders subconsciously; how he had planted a Starotech on each League member; how he was free from the control because he escaped before Savage could place a Starotech on him as well; how after he had completed his last task, his mind had begun to clear.

Once he was done, he sighed and glanced at Lilith. "You suspected me, didn't you?"

Everyone turned to Lilith. She pursed her lips but nodded.

"Why didn't you tell any of us?" Kid Flash demanded angrily.

"Would you have believed me?" Lilith countered evenly, raising a challenging eyebrow. "I told Batman, and he agreed with me."

"So what do we do about Starotech?" Robin asked.

"Reverse engineer," Kid Flash said immediately. "I could possibly do it, but it would take me weeks, maybe months, especially since magic is involved."

"We don't have that kind of time," Artemis said.

"But we might know some people who can help," Miss Martian said.

Aqualad nodded. "I am certain Queen Mera and Vulko would be more than willing to help us," he said.

"We should also contact Serling Roquette," Red Arrow said. "She is a nanorobotics expert.

"And Doctor Spence," Superboy spoke up. "From Cadmus. She might be able to help us with the biology aspect of Starotech."

"We will make the calls," Aqualad said, and he, Red Arrow, and Superboy each went to a corner to get the contact.

Several minutes later, everything was set. Queen Mera, Aquaman's wife and queen of Atlantis, and Vulko, their head scientist, had agreed to meet with Doctors Roquette and Spence at the STAR Lab in New York.

Just over an hour later, the Bioship was setting down in front of the STAR Lab, where their four contacts were patiently waiting.

"My Queen," Aqualad said, saluting the queen.

"Kaldur'ahm," Queen Mera said warmly.

"I trust you are feeling well?" Aqualad asked, glancing at Queen Mera's slightly rounded stomach.

"Yes," Queen Mera said with a bright smile. "We are due sometime in May."

"Congratulations again," Aqualad smiled.

"Thank you, Kaldur," she said.

The large group headed inside, Robin, Lilith, and Kid Flash watching Black Canary.

For hours, the Team waited around with no word from or of the Justice League. All of them were gathered in one of the larger labs at STAR, and while Queen Mera, Vulko, Roquette, and Spence worked hard on the cure, Lilith sat at a counter and nervously drummed her fingers on the smooth black surface.

Lilith jumped slightly when someone placed a hand on her shoulder. She turned to find Robin with a solemn expression on his face.

"We'll get him back," he said softly, and Lilith knew they were thinking about the same person. For Robin, Bruce had been like a father-figure, and for Lilith, he had been her first father.

Lilith gave him a small smile. "Thanks, Bird Brain," she said. Robin rolled his eyes but smiled back and they sat together in a comfortable silence.

Lilith hadn't realized she had dozed off until Aqualad gently jostled her shoulder.

"It is done," he said. Lilith stretched and hurried to where Black Canary lay, just stirring. Everyone was instantly to arms and Doctor Spence quickly placed the cure on the back of Black Canary's neck. The hero slumped to the floor again, unconscious.

"How do we know if it worked?" Miss Martian asked nervously.

"There's nothing to do but wait," John said.

For about half an hour, Lilith drummed her fingers to stubs. When a stool suddenly scrapped against the linoleum tiles, Lilith sprung to her feet so quickly her own stool clattered to the floor.

Black Canary was looking around wild-eyed and tugging at her bonds. Kid Flash rushed forward and cut the ties.

"What is going on?" Black Canary demanded. "And who's the robot?"

"I am Red Tornado," John said. "I had to transfer bodies to free myself of Starotech. Call me John."

Black Canary nodded slowly, looking like she was trying to remember what had happened. "I don't remember anything..." she said quietly.

"There is much to tell," John said, and he started from the beginning.

When he had finished, Black Canary was silent for a moment before yelling, "That son of a bitch!"

Aqualad said, "We were planning on how we could take back the Watchtower and the other League members while we waited for you to wake up."

"Have you gotten anywhere?" Black Canary asked, getting to her feet and wincing. Aqualad nodded as Black Canary gingerly touched her temple and said, "How did I get this?"

Lilith gave her a sheepish smile and said, "After you woke up from the sleeping gas, I had to knock you out again because I was worried you'd regain focus and attack us."

Black Canary nodded in understanding. "I would have expected nothing less," she said with a small reassuring smile.

"We should go over this plan once more," John advised, and once everyone was filled in, they set off for the belly of the beast.

The Watchtower
December 31, 2320 EST

R.T. did it, Robin confirmed as Miss Martian joined the rest of the Team, who huddled around Robin. Wirelessly bypassed security for us as soon as he arrived. Savage shouldn't know we're here.

Move out, Aqualad directed firmly, his eyes hard. Everyone broke into pairs: Artemis and Kid Flash, Robin and Superboy, Zatanna and Miss Martian, Rocket and Aqualad.

Before Aqualad left with Rocket, he glanced at Lilith and caught her eye. She spared him a small smile before turning and heading in the opposite direction.

On the way to the Watchtower, Lilith had pulled Aqualad aside and explained briefly that she believed her former "employers" were sponsors of Savage and his gang, and how she felt she should deal with that head on instead of skirting around the issue since the man who ran her organization had sent agents to talk to her on several missions. He had been hesitant at first, but she had finally persuaded him she would be okay.

Now, Lilith headed to the entrance room of the Watchtower, and figured Savage would be there.

He figuring skills proved right; as she approached the room, Klarion's voice carried to her and she ducked into a crevice.

"The brats are aboard," Klarion said. "They've taken away four of my toys!" he whined.

"Recall all Leauge away missions," Savage sommanded, and Lilith's eyes narrowed. Where were the other Leaguers? "It's time to put these children in their place once and for all."

"Finally," Klarion cheered. Teekl, who was draped across his shoulders, meowed. "Oh, yeah," Klarion said, reaching up to scratch the demon cat's head. "Hey, Vandal," he called. "Shouldn't those three be back online by now?"

"What?" Savage said sharply, turning to Black Canary, Red Tornado, and Red Arrow.

Black Canary opened her mouth and let lose a Canary Cry, which blew Hal Jordan, the League's second Green Lantern, into the wall. Red Tornado conjured a twister and sent it at Savage, while Red Arrow took the opportunity to vaccinate Hal, who was on his hands and knees, the breath knocked out of him from his encounter with the wall.

Black Canary sent another Cry at Klarion, who simply conjured a pair of ear muffs. "You'll be sorry," he said with a twisted grin.

Lilith pulled out her gun and aimed it at Teekl, but the sound of a boom-tube opening threw off her aim, causing her to misfire. It embedded itself harmlessly in the wall, but Lilith wasn't paying attention anymore: six of the original seven League members had just appeared. And Lilith deduced they would only need a boom-tube to return to the Toewr if they hadn't been on Earth to begin with.

Black Canary Cried again, but Manhunter phased through her, cutting off her voice. When Black Canary looked up again, Hawkwoman was swinging her mace.

Red Arrow shot a flame-tipped arrow at Manhunter, who density-shifted. But as the fire passed through him, he groaned and fell to his knees. Red Arrow sent an explosive arrow at Batman, who deflected it with his black cuffs, and he ran at Red Arrow. Batman slammed his palm into Red Arrow's face, kneed him in the stomach, and then brought down Red Arrow's head so Batman could bring his knee up to his chin.

John Stewart caught Red Tornado in a green claw manifested by his power ring, and Superman and Wonder Woman rushed forward and ripped off his arms and legs. John let Red Tornado fall to the floor, and he landed beside Black Canary and Red Arrow, both of them unconscious.

Savage glared down at the three. "The children have clearly reverse engineered a Starotech cure and vaccine," he growled. "So there's no point in taking them alive."

A new voice spoke up and Lilith stiffened. "Vandal, let's start with that one." A girl about Lilith's age stepped out from behind Savage with a wide smirk on her face.

"Goodie," Klarion crooned, his long black nails stroking his chin as he watched Lilith slowly approach them with her gun drawn.

"No, Witchboy," the girl snapped. "She's mine." She sighed. "Well, His. But same thing!"

"Phooey!" Klarion huffed, but he went ahead and told the Leaguers to leave Lilith alone.

Savage just brought in the big guns, Lilith informed. They're heading your way.

Acknowledged, Aqualad responded. Where are you now?

I'm alive, Lilith said vaguely. I'll check back.

"So, Agent." Lilith turned back to the girl. "Last chance to say yes."

"Sorry, Agent," Lilith said stiffly. "I'm set."

The girl laughed lightly. "No biggie," she said with a shrug. She turned to Savage and said, "We should get going."

Immediately, the agent jumped into action. Lilith was able to block the girl's first punch but she was so caught off guard the agent was able to catch Lilith in the temple. Lilith stumbled back and dodged the next hit.

As the pair continued the fight, Lilith noticed the Leaguers leave the room and the part of her that wasn't fighting for her life worried about what that meant.

Lilith's additional training with Batman and Black Canary finally paid off with this agent. Lilith brought up an arm to block the girl's wide swing. Quickly, Lilith grabbed her arm and turned so her back was to the Striker. Lilith hunched her back and was able to flip the agent over her shoulder. The girl landed with a thud on her back.

"What?" the agent exclaimed. "How the hell did that happen?!"

"Better training," Lilith smirked.

"No!" the girl shrieked. "There's no better training than the Academy!" She jumped to her feet and glared at Lilith.

Savage interrupted them. "Time to go," he said. Lilith turned as a holograph shut down. She caught a glimpse of Wonder Woman in Rocket's force bubble and Miss Martian floating down to join her.

"Come on, we can take 'em!" Klarion argued as his mind control panels disappeared.

"Yes," Savage agreed. "But in the process, you'd lose control, perhaps even destroy this station. And whether or not they're in our thrall, the Light still needs the Justice League alive for phase two."

"I wouldn't lose control," Klarion whined as he floated down to join Savage, sounding like a child who was told he couldn't go off on his own. Teekl meowed and Klarion sighed. "Okay, yeah, I bring chaos," he admitted. "What do we do about the girl?" he added, glancing behind Savage to look at Lilith and the agent.

Savage sighed. "I suppose he wouldn't be very happy if we let one of his agents fall in enemy hands," he said. The Striker hurried toward the duo as Klarion opened a red and black void behind him. It passed over the three and as it vanished, Lilith saw Kid Flash raced up with Aqualad, Artemis, and Zatanna behind him.

"Are you alright?" Aqualad asked as he reached Lilith.

"Yeah," Lilith nodded. "I didn't have to fight the League." She gave a weak chuckle and Aqualad's lips twitched upward.

"Congratulations, Team," Lilith heard Red Tornado behind her. "You have won the day."

As the remaining four members of the Team arrived, a panel bearing the date and time–January first, 0000 hours EST–appeared before them. "Happy New Year, Justice League," the computer announced.

Lilith glanced up at Aqualad and blushed when he leaned closer. "Happy New Year," he said softly before pressing his lips lightly to hers.

"Happy New Year," she whispered back once he had pulled back. She wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head on his chest.

Lilith glanced around to see Zatanna and Robin still lip-locked and Artemis still in Kid Flash's arms bridal-style. Rocket looked around, looking slightly awkward. Aqualad and Lilith exchanged looks and Lilith stepped back from Aqualad to allow him to approach Rocket and kiss her cheek. Rocket's cheeks flushed and she glanced at Lilith, who was chuckling good-naturedly and smiling. Aqualad walked back to Lilith and put an arm around her shoulder.

Once everyone had wandered off, Lilith stood next to Aqualad, her head rested against his shoulder as she stared out at Earth. After a moment, Lilith glanced up at Aqualad.

"If I'm going to start trusting people," she said softly, "I should start with you." She reached up to take off her mask when Aqualad stopped her by lightly touching her wrist.

"You don't have to," Aqualad insisted gently.

"I know," Lilith said with a small smile. "I want to." She closed her eyes and peeled off the domino mask. She slowly opened her eyes and Aqualad's pale green eyes met deep, dark brown. Lilith glanced to the side and Aqualad gasped when he saw her irises flash a cat-like yellow-gree. "I know," she repeated with a laugh. "That happened after I got into the chemical accident that gave me my ability to communicate with animals."

"I think you have beautiful eyes either way," Aqualad said with a grin before bowing his head and kissing Lilith's forehead.

"And you should also know I live with Alan Scott's son, David, and his wife and son, Lisa and James," Lilith continued. "And I live in Gotham City, I go to Gotham City Academy, and when I first got taken in by Batman, we agreed on the alias Naomi Sanders."

That got Aqualad's attention. "You said alias..." he trailed off.

Lilith bit her lip and glanced down. "I was raised in a cruel place from birth. I don't know what happened to my parents, or even if they named me before I was taken. Either way, we were never called by a name. It humanized us, I guess. Anyway, each of us was given a number. I was called Agent 94-23; ninety-four for the year I was born, and twenty-three because I was the twenty-third girl to be taken in the year I was, well, taken in."

Aqualad stared at her for a moment before pulling her close and resting his chin on the top of her head. "I am sorry," he whispered into her hair.

"Thanks," Lilith said quietly, resting her forehead against Aqualad's chest. "At least I have you, and the Team, and my adopted family," she said positively.

Aqualad tightened his arms around her. "Yes," he agreed with a smile.

For a long time, Naomi and Kaldur stood in front of the large windows, watching the world below them and for the moment, allowed themselves to be happy in their little bubble.

A/N: Alright...I'll see you soon, with an all-new Naomi Sanders!

Thank you so much for all the comments, follows, and favorites. It means so much to me, and I hope I can get that kind of love on the rewrite!

Hope you stay tuned!