Disclaimer: I don't own anything from Kyo Kara Maoh, this is purely fan-made.

Note (8/14/2018): Yeah I know it's been ages but every time I wanted to get back into working on this I was either too wrapped up in another story or life happened so, here we are now. I couldn't sleep for some reason anyway and wanted to update something other than my Danny Phantom fanfics just because. Anyways, please enjoy!

Chapter 33: An Alternative

Ash's POV

In the end I decided to wait until we disembarked and met up with this Lady Flynn person before I brought up anything I remembered or suspected was going on. And thankfully Sara had the right idea of giving me some space while Berias of course still kept an eye on me from a distance. What happened in the bedroom really spooked me for more than one reason. And most of all, that selfish jerk stole my first kiss! Yeah that's right, because of how much I've been moved around that was yet another thing I never got to have, a stable boyfriend. Sure I've been out on a few dates but they never went anywhere because not long after the adoption usually fell through and I'd be shipped off again to a new foster.

That wasn't even the worst of it!

Where the heck did all this come from? Has Sara always felt this way about me or did he just find my power fascinating too like the guy we're trying to stop? Even if he said he likes me for me I have no way of knowing that for sure and these feelings were totally out of the blue. Sara might be helping me but we're still practically strangers! I'll admit he's good looking, they all are, and yes I've had my fantasy's of being swooned over by someone even half as good looking but this was the last thing I wanted to worry about right now. And because of what happened I couldn't sleep but I didn't really need to since I was pretty much out cold for the past two hours anyway.

Either way I did my best to play it cool since I had a lot on my mind, mostly keeping my facts straight, but I wasn't as good of an actor right now as I usually was so everyone could tell there was some tension between Sara and I. When we finally got together to talk about what we'd do first after we arrived I sat as far from Sara as possible and was busy jotting down some notes in that journal that Ex-White Crow guy spotted me writing in before. It was a good distraction and I really did want to keep my facts straight once we did sit down for this big meeting. Still, some of my previous anxiety returned because soon we'd be around other people and I still wasn't too sure how to act around them...

Yuri assured me everyone there was really nice just like the people in the Great Demon Kingdom though I should try not to be too surprised by all the macho old people there. Well that's unexpected. Guess this world had it's odd quirks too in other countries. Speaking of which it was still strange to think that Sara and Yuri both RULED their countries and as far as this one was concerned it used to be a part of Small Shimaron until recently so they were getting used to their independence again, though according to Yuri as far as he knew they were only struggling with a few bandits on the roads and smugglers at the port but Sara's soldiers along with those who had been conscripted who had now returned were dealing with the problem so it should still be safe to walk around. Yeah right, as if they were going to let me out of their sight even for a second after what happened here on Sara's ship.

Still, when the time finally came for us to leave I had already changed into one of my other outfits and a silver-haired woman waved us over from the moment we stepped foot off the ship. I glanced around at everyone to see their reactions and only relaxed when they exchanged greetings, although her reaction to Sara was stiff at best. Not that I blamed her at the moment since I wasn't exactly happy with him either and wandered over to where Yosak and Shori were. They were talking to a man that I could only assume was Lady Flynn's butler and smiled unsurely since Yuri, Conrad, Sara, and Berias were busy filling her in on what happened on the ship on our way here.

I was about to ask something when a blur of white fur streaked past me and all but tackled Yosak who stumbled a bit but laughed when the...sheep started nuzzling him. "A friend of yours I assume?" I chuckled, having met my fair share of animals who acted outside the box and according to Yuri, a lot of the animal life here acted opposite to the ones we knew on Earth.

"Who, this guy? Yeah we go way back and he's helped us out of more than one tight spot. Guess I haven't been giving him enough attention when I pass through here," Yosak laughed, patting the sheep's nose where I noticed a T-shapped pattern there.

Curious I leaned down and asked, "What's his name?"

"T-Zou," Yosak replied, standing up and brushing off some dirt before grinning at the sheep, "Where are your manners? Say hello to the little lady, T-Zou."

Tilting his head as if only just noticing me T-Zou walked up to me confidently and took a sniff like a dog and then...when I felt like it might be safe to pet him, he bent down on one leg and bowed. I blinked a few times at the odd display before busting out laughing. Clearly that's not what Yosak meant for him to do so it surprised him too and I affectionately pat T-Zou and smiled, "Nice to meet you too. Guess your friend taught you great manners."

Pleased by the compliment he lightly headbutted me and nuzzled close, insisting I pet him more. I happily obliged even though now I was sure to get myself covered in loose wool. I've always loved animals and they can sense it so hopefully this meant he already knew I was a good person and it wasn't just something else making him so friendly. After that Yuri called us over when the carriages arrived and I finally got to exchange greetings with Lady Flynn too...

She was very young despite her silver hair and human too according to Yuri, my guess is she wasn't a day over 27, maybe 31 at most but she reminded me of someone. Not sure why so I brushed it off and introduced myself properly. "Thank you for coming to meet us Lady Flynn, I'm Ashlynn Falcer but you can call me Ash if you want. That's what everyone calls me. I guess Yuri already told you my life's story but...I hope you can help us," my tone grew serious, "I don't want to do anything that puts you or your people in danger though so I-"

Shaking her head, she smiled and assured me, "Think nothing of it. They've already informed me of what happened and I've made sure to post guards everywhere to report any suspicious activity. King Saralegui has sent word of his return to Small Shimaron as well and discreetly requested a dispatch be sent here to act as his escorts when really it's as much for his sake as it is for yours. But lets talk more once we've returned to the mansion. I've had rooms prepared for everyone just in case, though from what I understand you're here to find out what my late husband knew about a certain village on the border?"

I nodded, glancing at Sara who smiled at me but I couldn't bring myself to smile back so mouthed the word thanks and then I was seated in the carriage with Lady Flynn, her butler, Shori, and Yosak acting as our guard while Yuri and Sara rode in the other carriage with Berias and Conrad riding alongside on horseback. I was sort of jealous actually, I really missed riding but I was getting used to the carriage rides since obviously there were still no cars in this world...

As expected dinner was both pleasant and a little awkward since I didn't know much about this lady or her country, Caloria, aside from what Yuri and Sara have told me. I mostly kept to myself but every so often Conrad or someone else would try to include me in the conversation, especially when it became more serious. By the end of the second course all smiles had faded and their eyes fell on me and I knew it was time for me to tell them how I really felt about recent events and what I thought we should do moving forward.

Swallowing hard I began, "There's something I've been meaning to tell you guys but I wasn't sure what to make of it at first, still, it might actually turn out to be a better clue then anything we might find in that village. I feel a little weird talking to someone I don't know about this but since we came here to ask her more about that village which has something to do with the people who are after me she has a right to know the risks. Because honestly I think that White Crow was right about one thing. The fact that I have only been here about a week and a half and I've already been targeted more than once means this whole thing wasn't an accident and I'm in way over my head which means...I'm putting everyone in danger. I never thought things would get this bad so quickly and I still can't believe that someone has been looking for me for years and the moment they found me using who knows what sort of methods, they sent those people after me that drove me here, literally!" Closing my eyes, I voiced my concerns and added, "From what I understand, in this world, the powers that only some people can use either comes from being born with it or it reacts to their soul. That or they borrow the powers found naturally in Demon or Esoteric Stones depending on where they live since these two powers oppose each other normally. Well, for one thing I think we can safely say that my power isn't exactly...normal. For unknown reasons my other self reformed some kind of bond with a spirit whose power obeys me whether I'm in human lands or not and when I've changed into my other self she keeps saying one thing. That there can only be 'one' person like me so I'm guessing that means whatever is going on has less to do with my heritage and more about my past life or lives. That's what I wanted to talk about. I...remembered something from a long time ago that might explain why I have these, instincts I guess on how to use these powers like they're second nature to me and how to fight even though I personally have never had to...kill anyone. But my other self, she has fought before. And I'm starting to remember things that I shouldn't despite what Ulrike said about me only being able to remember what I want to..."

"You...remembered?" Shori asked, sounding concerned and crossing his arms. "That would explain why this other self we keep meeting seems so reluctant to tell us anything and keeps saying it's something you need to find out for yourself. Given what we know, our enemy has been targeting you mentally using some kind of spell to try and force you to transform into her so my guess is that he wants these memories of yours to the surface, making you easier for them to locate. That's makes sense as to why he keeps putting you in all of these stressful and dangerous situations, it's to get a strong reaction out of you. He probably instructed the White Crows to do something similar to provoke you. They already pulled the same stunt when they threatened Gretta and now...there's that village. If he wasn't trying to mislead us again then we may need to take his advice and rethink our plans to investigate that place. The location itself may have nothing to do with your past anyway and was just a meeting place all along where they plan to spring their next trap on us."

I nodded, "Exactly. We can't be sure what that creep hopes to accomplish by setting a trap there when we already know as much when he's already sent people to kidnap me at least three times already," I clenched my fists, resolving myself to tell them what I saw in both flashbacks. "I...um, I think there's more to this guy then meets the eye but I'd rather not assume anything. Still it makes too much sense why this guy knows more about me then I do. Back on the ship, when that White Crow tried to grab me and I, you know, I saw something from my past from before I was born. I saw a battlefield, bodies everywhere of people I -or rather my past life- slew with her golden sword. And when it was over a man came up to her and insisted she did the right thing and to go back to the castle, the castle of what country though I have no idea, but he also said she was one of a kind and that because of it people would continue invading the country to claim her power for their own. He comforted her at first but in a later flashback, something changed, she started running from him. So either the guy we're dealing with now is someone descended from the people who were after her power or he's...the reincarnation of someone named Gabriel. That's all I remember. But since you know more then I do about this world's history then that might mean more to you then it does to me, since all I know is that in this life, even as a baby I was able to use my power to bring me and the man who saved my life to the other world before he died. I still don't know who I am either way and...whether we keep looking for the truth or not he's still going to keep coming after me. Guys I don't know what to do anymore! People have DIED because of me in this life and the last and I really don't think I'm worth it!" Angry tears falling down my cheeks, I buried my face in my hands and choked, "I don't know what I should do and you have already put your lives on the line for me, I can't ask Lady Flynn to do the same. There has to be another way to stop all this before one of you gets hurt. Shori was already tricked into having a meltdown and it's only a matter of time until someone else is threatened. Sara and Yuri have their own kingdom's to run and all I've done so far is be a distraction and a liability. If I'm screwed no matter what I do maybe it'd be better for everyone if I tried making it on my own. As long as I don't use my powers I'll be safe right? And I'm plain enough to pretty much blend in anywhere so...just, please, don't waste any more time on me. Coming here was a mistake. I never should have-"

"Enough," Berias suddenly said harshly, which coming from him stunned us all into silence and I looked up at him. Once I did he told me seriously, "You can't keep blaming yourself for what happened. Those men made their choice and we've made ours. Because we can we have already offered to help you and we shall continue to do so, otherwise we wouldn't have offered. This is what King Saralegui and King Yuri and the rest of us have all agreed upon. Helping you is as much for your own sake as it is the rest of us because we've seen but a small fragment of what you can do and know now that cannot allow that power to fall into the wrong hands. Though you may be right. Going to that village even with armed soldiers could spell disaster. That is why if you'll permit me, I would like to suggest an alternative..."

Surprised by his bold words, Sara spoke up with a knowing smile and nodded silently to himself before adding, "My my Berias, since when have you developed such a soft spot for our dear Lady Ashlynn? The last time I saw you speak so brazenly is when my mother attempted to abduct Yuri. But go on, I'm curious, what DO you suggest...?"