AN: In case you are wondering, this is back to Nico's POV… Also it's the final chapter probably.

I don't sleep once Will takes me back to my cabin, instead I watch said boy. I swear I don't mean it in a creepy way, but he's just so entrancing, especially recently, I have no clue why I think that though. Well maybe I do, but I don't like admitting it. Mostly because I'm afraid he doesn't like me the same way. It's stupid, I know, but I can't help it.

As he sleeps, I curl up next to him so I can feel his heartbeat. Soon my mind is empty of everything except his steady pulse. I still can't sleep, but before I realize how much time has passed, I hear activity outside and figure it must be morning. Sure enough, Will's eyes blink open, confirming my suspicions. I've always found it strange, the way Apollo kids rise with the sun regardless of if they can see it or not.

I start purring when he rolls over, bringing me with him so I am not laying on his chest. "Good morning, Death Boy. Did you get any sleep."

So as not to make him worry, I reply, A little. I just woke up. He narrows his eyes, examining me. I do my best to look innocent, but apparently it doesn't work.

"Liar." He grumbles, looking displeased.

I rub my head against him and try to change the subject, We should probably go to breakfast soon.

"Breakfast isn't for another two hours, as you know." He frowns, "Nico, did you at least try to sleep? It isn't healthy to stay up all night."

I did try. I just… After my nightmare, I couldn't. I sigh and bury my head against his shoulder. His hand strokes down my back, making me want to purr.

"I'm sorry Death Boy. But, will you try to sleep now? For a little bit? I'll wake you if I think you're having a nightmare." He requests and keeps stroking my fur.

I'd rather not. I just. I'll probably be fine tonight. The nightmares don't happen often anymore. I snuggle closer and hope he'll let it go.

Thankfully he does. "Fine." I begin purring again and we just lie there peacefully until a knock sounds on the door. I'm worried for a second that it is Chiron, but when a blond head pops in, I meow in greeting.

"Oi, Ni—Oh, hey Will. Why're you… Never mind, that doesn't matter. Percy and Annabeth just showed up for a surprise visit. Get your buts out here. Oh, and Nico, Percy is dying to see you as a cat." He says then leaves. I hiss slightly.

Will sits up, still holding me in place. "No wonder everyone is being noisy so early in the morning." Chuckles a little then puts me down. "I'm gonna brush my teeth, I'll be right out." I take my time stretching one leg at a time and grooming down my fur, partially not wanting to go outside; but when Will returns, we both trek out into the ever-brightening outdoors.

Seconds after we step out, I hear Percy start to laugh and glare at him. "T-that's Nico?" He asks Jason. Even Annabeth looks amused. I'd love to be able to flip them off right now. "You're so… cute." The spawn of Poseidon says to me. I hiss loudly.

"He is threatening you… vulgarly." Will semi-translates. Percy only laughs harder and I hiss again. "Nico! How can you be so explicit?! Weren't you from the thirties? How do you even know this stuff?" I ignore him in favour of biting Percy's ankle.

"You kind of sound like a mom, Will." Jason laughs and ignores Percy's pleas for help.

"I'm bleeding! Oh dear, I… I can see the light." Percy begins, but Annabeth cuts him off.

"Let's get something to eat." She suggest and starts towards the pavilion.

"What?!" Percy shouts, "I'm dying and all you can think about is food? What kind of girlfrie-" Spinning around, Annabeth kisses Percy, making him fall silent.

"Better?" She smirks.

"I think I'll survive now." He grins stupidly then follows after her. Will, Jason, and I all laugh softly. I'm secretly jealous. Not of Percy, not anymore, but that they have such a strong love for each other. I've wanted that for a long time. I don't need it. I am not half a person or whatever Plato was getting at, but I think it'd be nice to have someone you'd do anything for and who'd do the same for you.

It isn't until Will calls my name that I realize I've zoned out. Sorry, just thinking.

"About anything specific?" He asks and we follow our friends.

Not really.

"You know I can tell when you're lying now, right?" He rolls his eyes. I bump into him. "Fine, but I'll get it out of you sometime."

We'll see. I scoff, but his face lights up with a grin.

At the pavilion, the five of us all sit at the Hades table. I realize how much calmer mealtimes have gotten since Percy left when he starts a food fight. As much as I like peace and quiet, it is really fun seeing everyone go at it. I hide, though, not particularly wanting to get food in my fur. Unfortunately, Percy sees me and dumps his blue coke all over me. He promptly dissolves into unrestrained laughter. Indignant, I jump onto him, getting him wet as well. Will sees us and chortles, getting Jason and Annabeth's attention as well.

By the end of it, I'm covered in more than just coke and everyone is sticky with various foodstuffs so they either go to their cabin to shower or jump into the water. I don't get a choice though because Jason throws me in. I yowl in surprise then paddle back to shore. Will, Jason, Percy, and Annabeth are around me, laughing at my utter humiliation. It isn't long before I join them, though.

Suddenly, everything seems to slow down and it feels liked a switch has flicked. Have you ever had one of those moments where you've been trying to figure something out and suddenly it seems so simple and you're just like: oh. Well this is my oh moment. This is what Artemis meant by saying Bianca didn't leave me alone. If I'd just opened my eyes sooner, I would have known that I still had a family, one that only seems to grow. Percy. Annabeth. Jason. Piper. Hazel. Will. They are like family to me. They are my family. And I couldn't possibly be alone because I have them.

Within a second of this realization, I'm back on two legs. A little disoriented at the sudden shift, I start to fall. Before I hit the ground though, a pair of arms catch me. "Nico! You're you!" Will shouts then pulls me up. I could literally feel his excitement that I'd returned to normal.

"You still look like a drowned cat though." Jason snickers then gives me a half hug. Percy does the same and Annabeth just smiles, probably not wanting to get wet. Jason proceeds to ask for an explanation and I give them all vague answers, embarrassed to admit the truth. Will looks entirely pleased the whole time though, knowing exactly what must have happened.

After a while, everyone's excitement dies down and Percy and Annabeth go to visit some other friends while Jason goes to IM Piper. "Still think Artemis' request was idiotic."

I blush furiously, "Shut up, Will." I mutter and look away.

He laughs softly, "I'm happy for you, Nico."

I frown, still embarrassed, but lean into his side nonetheless. He seems partially surprised and I remember my plan to brush off how affectionate I've been as a side effect of the curse. Eventually, however, I dismiss the idea. He'd know I was lying anyways, thanks to our bond.

"Hey, Will?" I say after a few moments of silence. He hums in response. "I'm really grateful for everything you've done for me over the past few days. Thanks."

"It—I didn't really do much, Death Boy."

"Of course you did. I really didn't think anyone deserved to be forced to mind-bond, or whatever, with me. And you volunteered. That meant a lot. And... You didn't brush me off or give up on me." I meet his eyes and notice that he has been staring at me.

"Oh, well… You're welcome, I guess. It really wasn't anything though. I wanted to do that stuff, because—" He abruptly stops talking and looks away. I just wait for him to continue, really hoping he's about to say what I think he is. "Because I like you, Death Boy. I have for a while." He looks kind of sad and resigned, no doubt thinking I don't reciprocate his feelings. I put a hand on his cheek and turn him to where he is looking at me.

We look into each other's eyes for a while. I try my hardest not to cheesily compare his eyes to the ocean and make some stupid metaphor about drowning in them. It doesn't work though. Not that it matters because a second later, I lean in and my lips are covering his. He doesn't respond at first out of shock, but then he does and I'd be smiling like a maniac if my mouth weren't otherwise occupied.

AN: Please Review :3