Chapter 12

As soon as the plane touched the floor Moira and Robert burst into their compartment wearing huge smiles with a bag in hand. They reached into the bag and pulled out three smaller velvet tied bags and immediately Felicity knew whatever it was it was extremely expensive.

Moira looked at them quickly before handing Thea one earning a raised eyebrow and confused look then she passed me and Oliver the other two. sewn into the black back was the letter F and on Olivers an O. Looking up at Robert and Moira she found them both smiling and nodding in earnest. So on a silent count of three Felicity opened the bag and gave a gasp.

Inside lay a nestled thin gold chain with a T&O hanging off It as two separate charms. Each Letter held a diamonte somewhere on it and Felicity felt herself tear up. Looking over at Oliver she noticed he hand something similar but a lot more male. Thea's was on a bracelet and she was fingering the charms softly with a smile. "Now, you'll always be together no matter where you are in the world you have each other at all times" Robert explained.

Felicity grinned and passed her necklace to Oliver who immediately reached to pull her hair out the way to clip it in place. Thea held her hand out to Felicity who clasped her bracelet and Oliver had already done his.

When they got home Raisa made a huge fuss and passed her Oliver and Thea a plate of pancakes oozing with maple syrup and loaded with berries. They tucked in eagerly then sat in a comfortable silence, Oliver's phone rang out around the room breaking their silence. He looked at the name, sighed, shot them an apologetic look then fled from the room.

"C'mon you, we need to get your outfits ready because I can't travel and hour every day to come and pick what you're wearing that day" Thea cried when the quiet became a burden. Felicity smiled sadly but followed the younger girl out the room. "When are you leaving again?" She asked when they were sat on Felicity's bed folding clothes.

Felicity shrugged "I don't know, there isn't a set date as long as I'm in the class by the 7th... " Thea nodded looking away quickly.

"Well… then, you don't have to leave till the sixth then" Thea mumbled swallowing loudly. Felicity sighed and wrapped her arms around the younger queen pulled her towards her quickly. Thea hiccupped and Felicity felt the warm tears on her neck as Thea cried quietly into her neck "I don't want you to go, I really don't" she cried and Felicity found herself nodding silently because hse understood what Thea meant.

Clutching her tighter Felicity began to talk, well babble, but it filled the emptiness "What about if we do it where for half an hour or an hour I speak to you and then I speak to oliver after when we skype? I mean, it's going to be difficult because I'll have loads of work and you'll be out with your friends and Oliver… he'll be out with Laurel and Tommy so it's going to be hard. I swear though I'll never loose contact with you hell, I'll be coming back at term times. You'll see me so much you'll get sick of me. I promise. Plus,it's not likeI can go talking to Oliver about my latest boyfriend he'll probably kill the poor kid." Thea sniffled and then giggled nodding against her shoulder.

"Alright, so you going to continue being my fashionista?" Felicity asked and Thea looked up at her through red eyes. They stared, and stared before she nodded and jumped up taking a bunch of tops with her.

Felicity allowed her to speed round the room showing her inheritance to the nickname "speedy" packing her clothes while Felicity packed the boring stuff such as Bedsheets, stationary, and homey stuff. Thea already had a few suitcases full when Felicity stopped her with a hand "I'll be back in a few weeks, how many outfits have you packed?"

Thea blushed bright red and mumbled something under her breath but at Felicity questionable gaze she said louder "Erm, more than enough?" Felicity chuckled and ruffled Thea's hair much to her distaste.

"C'mon you, help me with this stuff and then we can do whatever you want" Thea grinned and flew through packing leaving Felicity watching in shock. Then she proceeded to sand their blinking up at felicity innocently making her laugh and grab her hand. "What do ya want to do?"

Thea rose a hand to her chin questioningly "Hmmm, watch a disnye film? As a sign of tradition and for something to remember you by?" Thea said it like it was the last time she's seen Felicity but she rolled with it and nodded her head heading to the kitchen to as Rasia about making some snacks. The elderly women nodded in earnest and sent her back to eh living room with a stern look.

Minutes later they had picked up and were snuggled tightly in the duvet. They each had a milkshake and there was a tub of ben and jerries between them. Oliver walked in then looking slightly stressed but as soon as he spotted them he seemed to relax entirely.

"My girls…" he muttered before lifting Thea up and placing her on his knee and pulling Felicity's head on his chest so they were pressed together. They watched up, shared tears and laughter and then it was time to go to sleep. Of course, Oliver and Thea crashed in Felicity's room in a similar position to what they were downstairs only led down.

Thea woke up in the middle of the night to an empty bed. So silently her eyes scanned the room finding nothing and she tiptoed out the room. Heading to Oliver's room she thanked her memory as she gingerly missed the creaky steps.

"-you're going to be okay. I swear it will be like you're not even gone. I'll come and pick you up every weekend if you'd like?"

"No, you need to keep your life Oliver and stop worrying about me"

He sighed audibly "How can I not worry when you wake up in the middle of the night clutching me and sobbing because you're scared something is going to happen"

"Oliver, it's not something I can control. I have PTSD it's not something that can go away with a click of a finger. You need to continue living your life because if you stay this adamant on being around me you're going to drive your future away" There was a huff and rustling of sheets. Two feet hit the floor and started pacing making Thea stop breathing in panic.

The feet never stopped "What if… what if my future isn't complete without you so I'm not driving it away just waiting for it?" Olivers voice was quiet and she had to strain her ears to here but when she did her gasp would've given away her position if Felicity didn't have same reaction. "I know what we said when we were on holiday and I know that you're not ready and I'm with Laurel. I know you want to concentrate on getting a job in IT and I know you know how long I will wait. Just Felicity, don't drive me away."

An umph later there was nothing but hushed whispers and Thea gave up heading back to Felicity's room where the sheets were still warm. She fell asleep with one thought in mind: WHAT HAPPENED ON HOLIDAY!

That next morning Thea checked the date: 5th. How didn't she know Felicity was leaving tomorrow! As she wandered round the empty house she realised Oliver and Felicity did know and seemed to be spending it together so with that in mind she rang Roy and planned a shopping day much to his displeasure.

Felicity woke up in the car. She looked around wildly but sighed when she noticed Oliver's familiar body walking back towards her. He motioned for her to come out the car and she did gripping his hand when they were close enough.

She noticed the picnic behind him and gave a tearful laugh hugging him tightly. " I know it's your last day and I wanted to make it special. Love you" he whispered into her hair.

"Love you too, thankyou so much" he nodded and they sat down biting into the sandwhiches and other snacks and drinks Oliver, or Raisa, packed for them

When they returned that night Felicity was allowed to pick the food, tv, and game. She chose Chinese much to everyone's delight and The 100 WITH Monoply as the game "You only chose this 'cos you're good at it!" Oliver whined. She shrugged and picked up the tiny boot.

Oliver slept with her last night, spending the night talking to her in hushed whispers and stroking her hair until she finally fell asleep. It was then, and only then, he let the tears fall. They pricked his eyes, tumbled down his cheeks and fell off his cheeks into her soft hair. "I love you so much" he whispered wincing when his voice broke in the empty and silent night.

He promptly fell asleep with wet tears drying on his cheeks and a sleeping Felicity on his chest. when she woke up she stroked his cheek softly noticing the tear stains but not saying anything about the matter for which he was thankful.

Before she left she met up with all her friends from school. Caitlin, Barry, Cisco, Eddie and Iris (as well as Ronnie if she counted him) we're all moving to Central city which was about an hour away via train. They all exchanged teary hugs and kisses on the cheek and when it was Barry's turn she whispered "Tell her how you feel, you may just be surprised" He sighed, chuckled but finally nodded.

Then Sara came up to her and linked there fingers tightly "We're only going to be a few minutes away from each other so if you need anything, at all, don't feel shy" Then she giggled "who am I kidding why would you be shy, just don't come parading in naked" Felicity nodded grinning and hugging her best friend tighter still.

"Oh Sara, I really love you" Felicity whispered while they watched their friends drive away.

"Oh Felicity, my darling princess, I love you more" Sara replied dramatically.

Then they looked at each other and squealed "I love you most" quoted Tangled with a sense of familiarity and ease. Then Laurel and Oliver rounded the corner their joint hands swinging between them.

Felicity grinned and pulled Laurel away from Oliver to squeeze her tightly. "I'm gonna miss you so much. Thank you so much for everything, and you have to keep an eye on his for me god knows what he'll do." Laurel nodded and blinked rapidly chuckling softly.

"Look what you've done now. Made me cry!" Laurel admonished with a warm smile pulling her in for yet another hug "I'm going to miss you too, I'll try I make no promises because you know what he's like"

Oliver coughed slightly "Mom, says we have to go"

Felicity felt the tears prick behind her eyes again and turned to Sara who opened her arms. Felicity dived into them both girls falling to the floor and crying "God, it's like they're five hours away from each other not five minutes" Oliver joked but his tone softened when he noticed just how distraught Felicity was. "Okay, come on you. I'll carry you if you want?" He offered when Felicity finally looked up.

She grinned and hopped on his back squeezed slightly in an awkward hug.

They got to the house fairly quickly yet Felicity couldn't for the life of stop crying! She coughed and grabbed Thea's hand as soon as she got close enough and didn't let go all the way there.

"Felicity" Moira started tears falling down her cheeks "we're only a phone call away. Anything you need just call. We'll be there. When you've finished and come top of your class you can come back to us and stay until you want to leave. You'll always have a home with us Felicity never forget that" Felicity nodded tearily and launched herself at her adoptive parents "Look at you, you've grown so much since we first got you. I'm so proud, so, so proud of you Felicity" She whispered into their embrace.

When she turned back to the huge school that would now become her home away from home she gulped swallowing the bile raising in her chest. Thea called her quietly and she noticed that now only Oliver and Thea stood behind her.

"Hey, don't cry. Please, don't cry Thea. Remember what you need to do about absolutely anything, call me. You have my number and you know where I am. I swear you won't even realise I'm gone. Come here" Thea flew into her arms pressing her nose into the crook of Felicity's neck the tears falling down her top.

With a hiccup, Thea whispered "You don't even realise how much I'm going to miss you. How much- how much I love you!" Felicity nodded pulled her closer still.

"I'm going to miss you more. Just stay strong Thea, stay brave. Talk to Oliver, probably won't have a clue what you're on about but he'll still listen, he's good at that" She nodded and pulled away. Felicity watched in wonder as Thea straightened her features into one you wouldn't recognise. She was amazing.

When she had slipped into the car Oliver waved goodbye and it pulled away leaving a confused Felicity and smug looking Oliver. "I made Tommy bring my bike, he's in the car driving home now"

He grabbed one of her cases and headed to her dorm key in hand "How did you get that!" Felicity asked incredulously Oliver just chuckled and pulled her with him. "You're unbelievable" she muttered but walked along side him gripping his hand with shaking fingers. Oliver walked slightly ahead and pushed through crowds of people until he reached a plain building with small balconies emitting from each window.

As she stood at the front door she looked around and smiled. It was beautiful really. The grounds itself was centred around a huge lake and the side closest tp her was hidden behind a small hill with a lonely tree at the top. "It's a great reading spot" Oliver described looking at her with a certain fondness. "Probably has great signal too!" he smirked and squeezed her hand.

They stayed silent as they climbed the stairs to the third floor where the number 12 glared almost harshly from the pristine white patent door. He squeezed her hand shortly and twisted the key into the lock nudging the door open softly.

The walls were white, with a bright feature wall of red, and the book case was black with randomly shaped shelves surrounding the room. The couch was white with a red throw and red and green cushions "It's like you" Oliver muttered shocked. Felicity laughed and shook her head "No seriously, bright, bubbly and wild while also being homey comforting and calm" With raised eyebrows, Felicity dragged him to the first door on the right.

As she entered she gave a gasp of surprise. It was beautiful. The walls were a light, almost white, grey with a pale blue feature wall. On the wall by the dresser was a black tree wall sticker that framed the wall perfectly coming to a stop at the centre of the desk. There was a white bookshelf filled with a few books and the double bed was bare. There was a door to the right and a small wardrobe against the opposing wall. She moved to the oor and found quickly it was small bathroom filled only with the necessities.

When she walked out again she found Oliver making her bed almost rhythmically humming a familiar tune under his breath. She reached for a pillow and pulled on the case before helping him with the bed sheet. At that moment a young boy, well not much younger than Felicity, walked with a smirk on his face.

He had shaggy dark hair that came to a halt in the middle of his forehead and hazel eyes that shone with… happiness. He strolled in looked at the two, raised an eyebrow and walked out again. "Guess that's your roommate" Oliver mused a particular look on his face that Felicity couldn't explain. "Keep doing this I'll go and see if we need to get some food in"

Felicity nodded withholding a smile because that was not at all he was going to do. She followed him out seconds later paying attention to stay in the shadows. Then she heard voices, well one familiar voice and a few grunts of discomfort "-You hurt her or lay a single unwanted finger on her body I will tare you apart piece by fucking piece, understand?" He must have agreed because there was a small thump and Oliver wandered out of the room looking like nothing had happened.

Quickly, Felicity scampered back to the room and threw a bunch of books on the shelf and began to sort them neatly trying to look regionally distracted.

"Hey, 'lisity, you don't have any so we can go for tea later and grab some on the way home?" Felicity withheld a giggle but nodded. "C'mon lets finish this"

They did rather quickly and on the way out Felicity saw her roommate wince when he noticed Oliver's protective arm around Felicity's shoulder. When they were on the ground Felicity turned to him "What did you say to him!" Oliver blushed deep red and stammered around for an answer.

"Just made sure that you were safe" He finally concluded making Felicity lessen her glare and her lips lift up in a smile.

They had dinner, grabbed some food and headed back to Felicity's place before the sun went down and before long they were lead on her bed watching Netflix. When they had finished what seemed like a thousandth episode of The 100 Oliver received an alarming text. "Shit!" he drawled "I have to head back it's really late!"

Elicity looked up at him in fear and then straightened hr face much like Thea earlier that day. He smiled sadly and pushed her face into his neck so he could hug her tighter still as she squeezed his waist tighter. "It's going to be okay as long as you call me every day" he whispered making her smile slightly "If you need anything, at all, text me and I can come as quick as possible" then after a beat "don't do drugs stay away from alcohol and no tattoos"

She giggled and stood up to wave him to the door. After a tearful and extremely hard goodbye, Felicity was left standing alone at the door with unstoppable tears running down her face while her roommate watched sadly on.

He called her name softly "Felicity" She turned sharply a glare washing on her face "That is your name right?"

She nodded coldly "What's yours?"

"Cooper Seldon" She nodded quietly and he patted the couch hesitantly "You'll see him again in a few weeks and until then you can focus on your studies or I could take him off your mind if you'd really like?" She shuddered as her mind washed with all too familiar memories. "Okay, I was joking wouldn't want your boyfriend to get all protective of you would we?" He sneered.

"A) he's not my boyfriend. B) I wouldn't call it protective if he was stopping you from raping me. C) I swear, to god if you ever say that again I will get Oliver to kill you" She growled and his eyes widened in shock for a second until he cleared it off with a smirk.

"Whatever lets brush that off. We'll play a game instead-20 questions" Felicity nodded but held up a hand in a stopping motion.

"We can but I have one rule: don't ask about my past nor can you press me for answers"

He nodded "Why are you at MIT, like, what are you studying?" Felicity shrugged remembering the countless admission forms she sent off and the same amount of acceptance letters that returned.

"I like computers, like to program and create them." He nodded and grinned with a smug kind of smirk that she recognised as one similar to Olivers.

With a smile he said "maybe we'll get along better than we presumed" she nodded in question "I can hack anything and everything in under ten seconds" Felicity looked at him shocked "That's not why I'm here, though, 'cos that's illegal, I'm here because just like you I love to program and build computers"

"Favourite film?"

"That's easy miss…-?"


"That's easy miss Smoak, Harry Potter" Felicity burst out laughing despite the wounded look on his face "what?" he whined with a smile.

Shaking her head Felicity answered through giggles "I'm just shocked." He nodded and silence fell upon them easily. The TV was playing softly in the background as Felicity thought over the last hour or so "What do you have first tomorrow?"

"I have a three-hour lecture" he groaned burrowing his face in his hands. Felicity's eyes widened and he nodded at her in question to which she nodded "Really, that's good because there are some people I'd love for you to meet. You'll get on great!" She grinned happily to have made some friends at last even if their relationship had a bumpy start.

After a few more minutes "I'm going to bed, text Oliver, set an alarm, the usual. Bye, Cooper" He nodded not taking his eyes from the glaring screen.

She headed to her room and immediately her phone started beeping "Yes, Oliver?" she asked exasperated waiting for him to stop breathing so heavily.

"See Felicity, I was on my way home, on my bike when there was a massive traffic jam. Well, it got me thinking, seen as I'm starting training to take over my father's company he said I have to go on a business trip to china with him by yacht and I was wondering- you should come too!" Then he stopped took a huge gulp of air and started again. "You don't have to but it would give you a break from all the work. It will be like in a year or two or so?"

Felicity giggled quietly but nodded her head, then, realising he wasn't sat next to her said: "I'd love too!" She could hear his sigh of relief and they began to talk about everything and anything irrelevant.

"How long are you going to be there?" Oliver groans from the other end of the phone "I miss you already" She nods couching back emotion.

As she tries and fails, to leave the emotion from her voice "About three years, maybe two and a half depending on how quickly I do my dissertation"

"You disa-what?!"

Felicity giggled then stops "hey will you do me a favour?" She can her him hum on the other end "don't put "t the phone down until I fall asleep?"

She hears him sigh "of course" Guilt weighs down in her chest making in a little hard to breath but she deosn't push and focuses on his even and steady breaths trying, and failing, to imagine him next to her. "Felicity" she hears him mumble softly. A hum later he adds "Love you"

"Love you too Oliver"

The next few months pass quickly. They're tiring, frightening and eye opening but they've definitely flown by quickly. As promised Felicity rings Oliver, Thea or one of her friends every night but now it's literally one person. She see's everyone at least once and week but hardly any more than that. Oliver is out partying or with Laurel, they're thinking about moving in together which Felicity is trying to be thrilled about. Thea is with her friends all the time, Roy and her have broken up because they think they should focus on grades "maybe in the future" so she's hardly around. Felicity meets with Sara twice a week and they go to the local fast food restaurant and order their usual milkshake and shaired fries.

One thing that has changed is Felicity and Cooper. When Felicity learnt that Laurel and Oliver were moving in together she went on a jealousy rampage and he was there to calm her down-talk her out of everything she'd regret. Since then they've become close… extremely close.

The first time they kissed they were both watching a doctor who marathon due to Felicity's never ending begging and Ten was regenerating. Irritatingly it always brought tears to Felicity's eyes and this time was no exception so she excused herself to go to the bathroom, or was it drinks? Whichever she got up and left Cooper staring after her confused so, obviously, he followed her. Not realising she was going to stop in the middle of the hallway making him fall into her. He caught them both just in time but they were so close together, their breaths mingling and heat EVERYWHERE. Their lips smashed together and one thing lead to another.

The next day they walked to class hand in hand, much to the joy of their friends.

When Felicity called Oliver one night after not talking to him for a while she received voicemail. Which was new… She text Thea who answered with a short phone call "Hey, 'lis you okay?"

"Yeah, I was just wondering why Oliver's phone goes straight to voicemail?" There was a prolonged silence and she could hear Thea grind her teeth nervously. "What Thea?!"

She stumbled for a few seconds and then answered hesitantly "He took Laurel to… France? With one of his and dads, business trips." Felicity froze, her whole posture stilling. "I know what he promised you, I do, and I know how you must be feeling but they're dating Felicity, seriously, and it wouldn't make sense especially with you being away so much"

Erm, ouch.

So in pure Felicity style she turned on auto pilot. "It's fine. I didn't care that much anyway. It was bound to happen right, why wait for his friend when his beautiful girlfriend is dancing in front of him. Partially my fault anyway. What ever. Thanks Thea-"

"Don't do this Felicity. Don't you dare hide you're self away because something hasn't gone your way!" Thea growled down the phone but Felicity had already cut the connection and was now sitting in ear-ringing silence, the last few words circling in her head.

She's being stupid, childish even but Felicity can't contain the anger that built in her chest. Fat tears rolled down her cheeks falling from her quivering chin and into her cotton shirt looking much heavier than they were.

Felicity punched a wall.

Then she screamed. Clutched her wrist, cried some more and collapsed to the floor. That's how Cooper found her, cradling her arm and sobbing.

It didn't take him long to connect her swollen forearm and the small hole in her hollow walls. Gracefully, she swooped her from the floor and carried her to his car where he called Sara and headed for the hospital. Sara was waiting at the door to the hospital anxiously pacing until she saw the familiar car.

She gathered Felicity in a huge hug being mindful of her wrist "Thea called me. She's angry 'lis, very angry" With that she pulled Felicity from the car and dragged her to the waiting area where not five minutes later a tearful Felicity, worried Sara and confused Cooper found themselves in the Radiography room waiting for her results.

The doctor came in not five minutes later all blinding blond hair and bright eyes "I'm afraid, miss Smoak, you've managed to not only break your hand and knuckles but your entire forearm. My first advice would be if your adamant in punching something take up punching lessons or punch something a little more flexible like a pillow" He smiled slightly "Come with me and we'll get your cast" About half an hour later Felicity was in the back seat with Sara crying on her shoulder high off drugs.

"Sara" she cried.

Said girl shushed her friend and shared a look with her boyfriend in the rare mirror who rolled his eyes yet at the stop lights bent back to kiss the drugged girl on the cheek.

It was a struggle to get Felicity up the stairs. Especially because she was so adamant that the back seat was much comfier than her bed. Then when they did manage to get her in bed she clung to Sara like a child their comforter.

"You're so warm" Felicity mumbled against Sara's neck who chuckled and hugged her friend tighter. "I kind of miss you. I mean, it's rather difficult being around boys 24/7 you have no one to complain about periods too or how good your sex life is. It's rather depressing." She babbled and then giggled. "Guess what?" Sara hummed stroking her hair softly "I think I'm in love"

Sara looked at her with raised eyebrows "with who?"

"Well, I like cooper. He's nice and my closest friend at the moment. And have I mentioned-great in bed! But that's not why I like him. He's nice and drove me to the hospital and called you! But that's not who I think I'm in love with."

Sara smiled.

"Who do you think you're in love with Felicity" Sara inquired sitting up dreading the words that were about to come from her friend's lips.

"Oliver. I'm in love with Oliver."