Jam and Marmalade
by Kei

AN: My first Inuyasha fanfic! w00t! Anyway, this is definetely gonna be a Sesshoumaru/Kagome fic. I mean Inuyasha/Kagome is way boring, and Fluffy is much sexier anyway... u_u
Anyway, I got the idea from the manga Good Morning Call. It's really cute, so if you can read Japanese, go get the tankoubon! =3

Genre: Romance, Humor, Drama

Please review! I'll be eternally grateful!

Disclaimer: Sadly I do not own any Inuyasha characters. At all. Although I am Fluffy's mistress. *evil laughter* Uhhhh, that never happened. I'm just a fantasizing lowly (poor at that) fangirl.

Chapter One: Oh God, no.

Kagome walked up the stairs of the apartment building, humming happily under her breath. Glancing at the paper in her hand, she walked a little way down the hall and stopped at door number 287. She took in a deep breath and exhaled happily, fumbling for the keys in her pocket and opening the door.

"Finally, my own place!" Kagome giggled to herself, peeking around doorways. "And it's a lot bigger than I thought it would be too."

Walking into the kitchen, she dropped her purse on the counter and got out her cell phone to call her mother.

"Hi 'kaa-san! … Yeah, I found the room and everything alright… I'll be FINE, I don't want to be a burden to you, and you know it. …" Kagome chattered happily, "It's really nice, and BIG too! … Well, I'm gonna get the rest of my stuff from the lower level, and the mover guys should be here in a half an hour or so. … Love you too, 'kaa-san, tell Souta I love him too. … Bai bai!"

Hanging up the phone, Kagome grabbed her keys and went down to pick up the small boxes she had brought with her, skipping happily.This is gonna be GREAT!

+ + +

When Kagome walked into the apartment 10 minutes later, she found that the movers had already come, the boxes neatly stacked in the front room. That was sure quick, she pondered, but soon stopped worrying about it and strolled back into the kitchen. She stopped short, speechless. There was a guy standing there staring blankly a her student ID card. She wondered, Why the heck is he in my apartment?

He chose just that moment to look up at her, flashing her ID card, "What are you doing in my apartment?"

"Ehhhhh?" Kagome shrieked. "This is miiine! Those are my boxes out there, aren't they? And what are you doing, digging through my purse!" She grabbed the stuff out of the guy's hands and glared. "And who are you anyway?"

"Makino Sesshoumaru. And I assume you're Higurashi Kagome, na?" he walked slowly towards her. "And those boxes are mine, so I think you should leave now."

"Eh? Nani? I don't think so! I've got the paper that says this my apartment!"

"Then it's obviously a fake. Get out, this is my residence."

"I think we should go settle this with the landlord," Kagome decided stalking out the room.

"Well, if we have to, although I already know the answer," Sesshoumaru followed her boredly.

+ + +

"Eh?! Nani!? You mean I have to live with this guy over here!?" Kagome yelled at the poor wincing landlady.

Sesshoumaru was quieter in his attack, but much more lethal. "If I have to live with this wench you will regret it for the rest of your life," he hissed dangerously.

The old woman cleared her throat and swallowed nervously. "Well, you see dears, you both applied for an apertment at the same time, but I only had this one left. So I thought, 'Why not have them both use it? It's big enough!'" The old woman chuckled softly at her "economic" idea while both Kagome and Sesshoumaru stared blankly at her.

"Well, if you don't like that idea, one of you could just move out," the landlady suggested.

"I can't do that," the two teenagers exclaimed at once, turning to glare at each other.

"I've got issues at home and I can't be a burden to my mother," Kagome explained quietly.

"Well, I've got issues too, and there's no way I'm going back home," Sesshoumaru's eyes stayed emotionless, but Kagome could tell there was an emotion behind it, something she couldn't decipher.

"So then, it's settled," the old woman exclaimed, clapping. "Good day!"

And she ran out of there, full speed.

This is gonna suck, Kagome mentally sighed.

AN: So how'd you like it? Sorry it was a bit short. My muse was out on a "coffee break" he said. A coffee break does not take 2 days. -__-

See you next time! ^-^ ~Kei