June 21

Smoker, Ronse and Tashigi headed to the middle of the dock. In between the three of them, was a handcuffed Pirate King. On the other side of the dock was Coby and the other Admiral, Helmeppo.

Lightning stroke a mile away from their location; rain drizzled out the sounds of their footsteps. The only light on this darken day was the lighthouse that stood against the cliff. The waves washed against the dock's pillars brutally, making the path shakily with each and every step.

Coby tried calling out to the marines, but his voice was unheard from the thunder. To the others, it was only a muffle; while to Luka, it was only drip...drip...drip...

They meet in the center of the dock. Coby raised his hand out to gesture towards Luka. From his line of vision, she was hidden behind the three guards.

This was the moment that the creators spoke up.

A lightning bolt flashed before them, breaking the dock into shattered pieces. And they went down.

The waves swipe them under. It was the devil fruit users who were the first to go down, leaving the others in search of land as well as Smoker and Luka. Their names were shouted out into the sea, and the guards on watch saw the disaster, and started calling orders to retrieve the fallen.

Everything just changed to her. One moment she was sailing away on Smoker's ship, and now she was under waters with handcuffs weighing her down. Even if the handcuffs were gone, she still didn't know if she would try to get away.

No matter what road she chose, they all ended with her in the grave.

That's when she felt a hand, pushing against her shoulder to the surface. Water lodged itself in her throat, and when she saw the sky again, she blanked out. A rope was hosted down by the guards and Coby brought her up. Tashigi and the others were still searching for Smoker.

"Sorry…" He whispered to Luka before playing her body in their hands. "Take her to the tower! And bring in the nurse!"

The guard shouted through the ranks, "Remove all metals and weapons! Place ID's out on display!"

There were hundreds, no, thousands of citizens trying to push their way into the guarded field. Reporters, noblemen, kings, and even some sympathizers filled the cramped space in await of the Head Admiral.

And there was their group. A party of ten, all with shrouds, grouped in the midst of this madness. This was the Strawhats and their two allies. The group was pushed forward, but once they heard about the ID's, none of them wanted to dare move once more.

And only one person actually knew what she was doing here. Queen Vivi, next in line, took out her card and shown the guard. "My council was never told this was needed."

"Can't come in."

"They are with me, Princess Vivi."


"I will do whatever it takes to get inside."

"That's what they all say."

She pulled out a purse of coin, "Here."

The purse was pushed in his hands, and before he had time to look inside, the group of hood already disappeared inside with the others. "Wait! You bastards!" He quickly shut his mouth, remembering that every guard here would notice something was out of line, especially when he had a purse of coin. "And they could be carrying weapons for all I know…Shit…"

Nami smiled at Vivi, "Looks like you finally found something useful."

"It was necessary, nothing more."

Sanji took out one of his cigarettes and glanced around. Everyone was crowding around the stage before them, with wooden cuffs and two guards who looked like executers. "I don't like the feeling of this at all."

Nami shook her head, "It's too… similar to Ace's…" She wasn't for sure if the others saw the broadcast, but she did once she found the newspaper. "I don't think I can stand to watch this… It's sickling."

"Wouldn't it be disrespectful to not?"

"I just…" She swallowed, "I don't think I can manage to see Luka like that…"

"We're all here for you."

Above the small stage was a screen that read down the time. Seven minutes and thirty-two seconds.

The crew could only stand there, all together, and watch as each second click down. It was silent between them, because words couldn't form in their mouths. Not in a time like this. Every time they blinked, the time seemed to jump thirty seconds ahead. Until finally, there was only five seconds left.

The screen lite up, the seconds appeared in the corner, while the main screen shown a cement room. The only light in this room was the single dim bulb overhead, that seemed to swing with each movement. There was a blank window on the opposite wall, only showing the outlines of what seemed to be a door.


She sat in a hay-filled bed, and watched the light above her. Her fingers clicked against the small table, tick-tocking to the time of her death. Across from the table was a small stool.

It was a prisoner's room.

When the timer flashed to one, the door opened up and Coby walked inside. There was no other guards or anyone, only him and a tray of two teacups and a teapot.

Inside the room, Coby said, "Hello Luka-san."

"Coby?" She wuestioned, lifting herself out of the bed.

He laid the drinks out on the table, filling hers half-full, as well as his. "Who would have thought we would have met again like this?"

"You're not the same Coby."

"Hu- I'm not?"

"No," she shook her head, adjusting herself in front of the table.

He took the stool and crossed his hands in front of his chest. "Many people has waited for this moment. The marines believe this will change everything."

She denied it, saying, "The only thing that will change is me."

"Just for your warning, we are being watched by thousands." He nodded his head to the snail in the corner. "They can only see us, but if you have anything to say to them, I will allow it."

"Actually, I do."

Coby placed a dial out, and pressed the further-right button. "You may now speak."

"Dreams… are meant to be accomplished no matter what."

Coby waited a few seconds before asking, "Is that all?"

"And…" She looked towards the snail, "I'm sorry." She turned back to him, setting her cup back onto the table, "Turn it off now."

"Whatever you wish." He pressed it once more, and all noise for the audience was gone. Their conversation was now theirs. "I was surprise when I gotten your letter."

"I don't send letters that much." She completely missed the point that he was talking about.

"Why now? You could have grown old and be labeled as not a threat."

"It's better this way, isn't it?"

"In all seriousness… it isn't." He took something out of his pocket and placed it on the table. "I should've know I couldn't do this… but it felt like my responsibility. This is a pill, once you swallow it, your heart will crease to beat. You may take this at any time."

"I thought I was getting executed."

"This is the least cruel of ways." He sighed to himself and shook his head, "The only reason why I've gotten this far with you was by persuading the council that this would appease the citizens. Otherwise, we would have been out there… right where Ac-"


"I'm sorry." Even now he felt like a complete goon. "I just don't know what to say, that is all."

She took the pill in her hands and looked at the small numbers. All she had to do was swallow it. Nothing more, nothing less, and everything would be gone. "Thank you, Coby."

"There's no need to thank ME, out of all people! What about them? Your crew members? And Garp-san?"

"I… I have nothing else to say to them. They all know how I feel."

"… Any regrets?"


"Goodbye Luka…"

"Turn it on." She gestured to his small device, and he did so.

She looked right into the camera, right at the people who were now watching this event unfold. And then she swallowed the pill.

"Goodbye Coby, and Zoro, Franky, Sanji…Brook, Chopper, Robin…Law, nami…usopp…"

"Goodnight Pirate King."

The pain in her shoulder vanished. Her sense of touch was gone. She couldn't feel anything, just the warmth of darkness. Her eyes closed, and her lips formed into a smile.

The Strawhats could only stand there. When they heard their names, it sent a chill down their spines. Some of them busted into cries and tried contain it by hugging themselves, while others could only watch as the moment went on.

Robin finally turned her eyes away, holding her arms against her chest. Her teeth bite her bottom lip, and she wasn't the only one. Nami, unable to contain it any longer, dropped to her knees. Chopper stood there with tears running down his cheeks, dripping against the pavement. Franky tried covering it up behind his sunglasses, but the waterfall kept going. Brook, unable to express his emotions, dropped his head down, firmly grasping his cane.

Sanji clawed himself, trying not to break down in this moment. Blood almost opened on the palm of his hands. Law swiftly turned around, positioning his hat lower than before. Zoro crossed his arms and kept watching, as a way of respect to the dead. Usopp hide his face behind his hands, wishing that he was seeing something else, anything other than this. Vivi broke down, and cried on Sanji's shoulders, gripping onto his sleeve for dear life.

Everyone had their own reaction to the Pirate King's death, but it hit the hardest those who were the closest.

Luka was their Pirate King, the one and only.

And soon everyone knew of the consequences of her death, but that only made it worst for the Strawhats. And their newfound freedom came at a price. They all still question about her shoulder, but those who truly know about it, will not say a word.

They all told themselves that Luka was forever living; forever surrounded by friends and brothers alike; forever theirs… People only die when they are forgotten, but no one could forget their King.

And so ends the tale of the Pirate King Monkey D. Luka.

Yes, I know, this is completely different, but at the same time similar, to my last ending of Wanted Woman. I don't have much to say about it, but since I started rewriting this, I wanted a more closed ending. In Roger's execution, everyone was rallied by what he said, so when Coby learned about this deal, he had to use these tactics in order to get the council on his side, unless if they wanted another generation of pirates. This was mostly connected to the theory of what One Piece is actually, so that means there is no big reward for the next generation to turn into pirates, other than treasures, of course.

Well, thanks everyone who has read this far! I know this story was updated slowly…but I just want a cheery story at the moment. I mean, this is the second one I've been writing with planned death… and it kinda starts to bring you down, you know.