One is one and two is ten.

Count to ten.

Breath, relax.

It started as mild fussing really.

From the oldest. At two years and four months, they knew William was both stubborn and determined, and that he would probably give them a hard time every now and then, but this...

And then it became some sort of resentment towards anything Sam and Andy would say. Like eat your food, or when bedtime came, he would make it a three hour battle which in the end led to a very cranky two year old the next day because he didn't fall asleep until late last night.

We're talking late as in hours past his bedtime. Like elleven-ish, and it had Sam and Andy collapsing in bed after spending the entire evening arguing with a two year old.

Count to ten.

Breath, relax.

They have read about it. The dreaded, terrible two's. The terrible part is true alright.

Its possible, that this part of being a parent would have worked as a contraceptive for them. Like having the two boy's they already have would be more than enough.

(Two boy's in two years. William was the oldest, and let it all out on his youngest brother Jacob. Mostly he would use a toy and take a swing at him and other times it was just teasing and bickering until Jacob started crying. And truthfully,Sam secretly wishes that the next little tweedle dee is a girl. He thinks they're calmer and there will be less fighting. And he likes the thought of her being a daddy's girl. His little princess).

Its possible it would have worked if Andy wasn't pregnant with kid number three already…

In the beginning of the year, when everything was still calm and nice and harmonic and both kids was easy peasy baby cake, Andy had gotten home one night after a long and crappy shift, found Sam in bed with his reading glasses on and deep into his go to read lately.

Every since they had kids, Sam believes that although kids don't come along with instructions, there are so many well written books out there that can give you both inspiration and healthy guidelines on how to be the best parent that you can be for your kids. He loves the book that Karen Alpert has written because she does it with humor and seriousness.

Her latest one, 'I heart my little A-holes' makes him want to be the kind of parent who also values the educational part. The pedagogy and the best way to communicate with your child. That is how Andy found him in bed that night,and while his glasses somehow is a turn on for her, the sight of him reading about being a parent does it in even more and that's what made her climb on top of him all 'let's have another baby' in the first place.

Sam, uh, Sam is pretty sure they made baby number three that night).

Count to ten.

Breath, relax.

But now, now though, with Andy at work, and he's got the day off to spend with the boy's, all he wants is to literally dump them on his mothers front porch and go to sleep.

Mostly, he values his days off so he can spend some time with his kids, but ever since Will and Jacob hit the stage they're in right now, well – he 's got a load of paperwork on his desk is all Sam is saying.

Don't get Sam wrong. Having kids and being a parent is the best thing they have ever thrown them selves into, but its hard sometimes is all he is saying. With both him and Andy being career cops(Andy joined the D's right before they found out about baby number three), juggling two, soon three kids and have the time to be a family, Sam wishes there were more than 24 hours in one full day.

But somehow they make it work. Hard work plays off is what he knows.

Now, He wants his wife is all, and he plans on bribing Oliver with something to get him to give them one day off together every week.

Just as predicted, nap time does not go off without the tiniest hitch. Like naps are boring is more or less what his boy's thinks. Especially his oldest.

"No, daddy. No sleepy", is what Will says when Sam tries to put him down in his bed(Jacob, who wasn't even sleepy at all fell a sleep as soon as his tiny head hit the pillow), but the stubborn one, who is most definitely more like Andy, finds this both boring and totally unacceptable.

"You know you need it bug. Mommy will be home soon and I know she would want you to be well rested", Sam smiles.

Nice try, is what Will thinks when he pokes his tongue out. Just for daddy.

That – well, that definitely thrown Sam off a loop. Poking tongue is not something they have delt with before, and he suspects his sister for teaching him.

Sam pushes everything out of his mind about healthy parenting and pedagogy when he lifts his two and a half year old son out of the bed.

"Fine. You don't want to take a nap, I'll wear you out. I'm going to chaise you around the house until you drop from exhaustion bug", he says in the most loving way.

And that is exactly what Sam does.

He puts Jacobs baby call in his pocket and moves the parti for two downstairs.

Playing cop and burglar sure is exhausting, because when Andy comes home an hour and so later, both Sam and William is conked out on the chaise together.

Count to ten. Breath, relax. Fall a sleep.

She doesn't have the heart to wake them up. Instead she snaps a photo and sends it to Traci. "You were absolutely right... I'm still not sure who word the other one out", followed by a couple of baby emojis and a man with raised hands.

If taking care of two babies under the age of three is that exhausting, Andy wonders how Sam will deal with three.

They'll be great, is what she knows for sure.