Chapter 5


I know it's been a really long time since i posted a chapter, and i'm truly sorry. I moved to the States in April from South Africa and it took some adjusting. Hopefully now I can get back to one of my passions again. I Hope this chapter is Worth it.. Thank you for understanding and all the support. So here it is Chapter 5..

Much Love

"Yes I know. I'm sorry but…" Regina rolled her eyes and sighed, already she started to pinch the bridge of her nose feeling a migraine come. Regina listened as Sidney tried to explain why he was interrupting her break.

"Well we require you to come back urgently!" Regina couldn't believe it, the project was in it's editing stages, she wasn't needed. She worked her long hours and done her stunts. Sidney went on not giving Regina a chance to interrupt.

The truth is that it's now in editing and it's during the editing they noticed a huge fatal mistake!" Sidney took a breath, and Regina took it as an invitation to speak.

"A mistake? I don't make Mistakes on set Sidney! What the hell kind of mistake is there that I need to return? Did they forget to actually film it. God man I know we're in the 21st century but what is the mistake. Tell me!" Regina knew she wasn't prefect no one is and yes she makes bloopers on set but at the end of the day she always gave her best performance and made sure they had a shot if not more than one to use for editing. Regina sat on her bed shaking her head waiting for Sidney.

"Well spill it man" Regina was impatient now he was ruining her time off.

"Oh Regina no, it wasn't you. You acting is faultless! There was a crew member in the background in one of the major scenes and they can't edit him out. We have to have you come back and reshoot the last scene it's the most important." Sidney was explaining to Regina and she wanted to exploded tell them they were idiots. But she knew it wasn't Sidney's fault she had to return though even if it wasn't her fault it would affect the movie and her career. So she took a deep breath.

"Fine, fine when?" She's didn't want to take it out on him but she knew if she spoke to him longer she would do it, coz who the hell doesn't see a crew member on set, she can't be expected to do that, she trying to focus on her lines, her movement and timing. Regina was trying her best to keep calm.

"Well tomorrow if possible if not Thursday at the latest." Sidney told it straight he knew more than anything it was this that would add fuel to the fire.

"Tomorrow, really Sidney? You want me there in less than 10 hours? This is their mistake I'm fixing. I'll be there in 2 days! And Sidney they are paying for my flight there and back! Do you understand it is their mistake not mine and they are paying me for these hours Sidney I want that in writing before I board the damn flight. Don't argue, just do it. That is all Sidney. Anything else can wait till I'm there in 2 days. " Regina didn't give him time to explain. Sidney knew, he'd make whatever needed arrangements and email the details to Regina. If I liked his job which he did he knew not to say another about the arrangement or try to argue.

"Yes of course. Good bye" Sidney hang up the call. Regina was frustrated, but she had to do one thing before she left. If anything Regina was a woman of her word and she would keep her promise tomorrow, she will. More so now for having gotten to know Emma Swan, the Pie Maker and friend. So she picked up her phone from where she dropped it after her call with Sidney and dialled the number, a number she had never called before. She knew Emma was busy and it was the first time she was calling.

"I fell into a burnin' ring of fire

I went down, down, down
And the flames went higher,
And it burns, burns, burns,
The ring of fire, the ring of fire

Emma's phone was ringing but her hands were covered in cookie dough.

"Mom, can you help me with that." It wasn't until she heard the ring tone again

"I fell into a burnin' ring of fire

I went down, down, down
And the flames went higher,
And it burns, burns, burns,
The ring of fire, the ring of fire

Johnny Cash – Ring of Fire that Emma finally clicked who was on the phone trying to reach her. She couldn't believe her ears. Emma had gone into her music file and located this one song for one person and one person only. Emma had set the tone for Regina when they started texting a while back. It was Regina's theme song on the ERF Gladiators, the Evil Queen was known for the Ring of fire, she had one punch to the chest that had people gripping it as though their hearts were stolen. This was one call she had to take herself, she didn't care what her phone would like after but there was no way she was missing this call.

"Never mind! Don't touch it, I'll get it! Just watch the oven for me, okay?" and she ran out to the back garden before MM could even answer her about the oven. Emma took a deep breath and answered the call without even realizing she had a smile on her face as she did.

"Hello Miss Mills, Shoot I mean Regina, Hi!" Emma's voice was all cracked. She'd kick herself for that later, she was on the verge of freak out this was in fact their very first call and already Emma was messing it up. She waited a while thinking that she had in fact done something wrong due to the silence. Maybe it was a butt dial and now like the idiot she was she went and answered it. Why would Regina call her anyway? Oh hell but then then Regina started to speak.

"Oh hey Emma, sorry I thought I'd get your voice mail…." Regina hadn't expected Emma to answer, she knew she would be busy. She planned to call and leave a message, which thinking about it why didn't she just text Emma like they usually did. Emma cut her off with a hint of sadness in her voice, making Regina only imagine the girl with a puppy pout which made telling her what she had to even harder.

"Oh well I can hang up if you want" Emma replied saddened slightly, she knew it Regina didn't want to talk to her but once Regina started to reply Emma's smile returned.

"Don't be silly... Miss Swan" Regina used her Evil Queen voice, which Emma would not admit to anyone but that definitely had her tingling every time she heard it and this time it was directed to her and only her.

"Yea, yea I was waiting for that. Sorry you kind of caught me off guard here, I wasn't expecting a call not that it's a bad thing that you called. It's actually a very lovely surprise. I was thinking about you, Uhm I mean you have a lovely voice, sounds better than on TV. " Emma face palmed herself, was so nervous she was just blurting out things, 'Breath Swan' she reminded herself. Regina heard a soft

"Shit Emma, breath Keep cool Swan" Which among the words made Regina blush. She never blushed, but there was something so unique and sincere about Emma that her blunders seemed true to Regina.

"So Uhm yea anyway what's up?" Trying ever so hard to sound cool and calm and collected. All the things she was not at all in that moment.

"You know the rules, Dear…" Again Emma felt as though she'd melt into a pool, why was her voice so magical. Emma heard Regina take a deep breath, this wasn't going to be good was all Emma could think as she braced herself.

"The thing is I got a call and well I'm leaving in 2 days." Regina didn't want to sugar coat it she wasn't happy about it and she knew that Emma wouldn't be either.

"But you still have like 2 weeks, you haven't even come to the shop yet, this stinks. What about the Apple Pie?" to say that Emma was disappointed would have been an understatement of a lifetime and so she was rumbling. She had absent minded sat on the steps outside and looked like someone whose puppy had died. She knew Regina had to spend some time okay most of it with her family, after all they were one of the reasons she was in Storybrooke in the first place. That and to relax of course. After all the hours of talking Emma had gotten to know more about Regina's crazy schedule with movies and TV shows and events and interviews, guest appearances and photo shoots. Emma knew they had time left and so she hadn't nagged Regina to meet, even though deep down that's all she wanted to do, but man she wanted to at least meet her idol and long-time crush who had now turned into a friend, at the very least once, Was that too much to ask the universe. Emma just sat there listening to what it was Regina was saying. God Emma loved her voice, there was something about it that had Emma almost under a spell.

"I know, Dear" Regina heard the disappointment and she didn't want to be another person to let Emma down, she learnt so much about the blonde over the weeks, of her being adopted, about her time in the foster care system, of how people had let her down. It was during their late night texts when things had gotten deep and they broke down walls with each other, which was rare for either of them to do with anyone and yet only after a few short weeks had they gotten past the material texts and got down to the real juicy bits. Of course there was still more to tell it was merely the tip of the ice berg for either of them, but it was a start. Which was why after her call with Sidney, Regina had come up with her master plan. She wasn't going to be added to the list of let downs.

"That's why I'm calling…." Regina waited to hear if Emma is still there, Emma had grown silent, but after a few moments she heard Emma sigh and reply 'whew she still there.' Regina thought.

"Okay…" Emma replied questioning she knew there had to be more

"I was wondering I know you're closed on Wednesday, and I know it's rather short notice because it's tomorrow but I thought that maybe I could come in and get an Apple Pie for my last Day, before I fly out Thursday mid-morning. That is if your available, I understand if you can't I just thought I'd keep my promise and we could like meet in person. "Regina didn't realize she was so nervous until she started talking and her confident self was filled with maybes and hope, so she waited to hear what Emma would reply and then she finally did.

Emma had sat listening and heard all that Regina was saying and she took it all in, waited for Regina to finish before she excitedly answered. There was silence. 'Regina's done.' Emma was beaming.

"YES!" Emma blurted.

Regina almost laughed at the immediate and almost shouted reply. At least she knows she's not the only one that was excited to meet.

"Uhm I mean like yes of course, I could arrange to come in so we can meet, I'll bake you a nice one." Emma was nervous as hell. And jumping around. Doing her freaking out dance. She was finally going to like actually meet Regina. But then the thought crossed her mind, 'Why not' Emma thought before she replied

"Uhm Regina?" Emma started all nervous, she can't believe she was going to do this.

"Yes Emma" She smiled, there was something about the way Emma said her name.

"I know like your busy and you'll have to pack, and I know where you stay. God I'm not a stalker! Shit I just mean that I know the house because I've been there a lot. Fuck that's not sounding better." Emma took a deep breath

'Your Fucking it up Swan, could you sound anymore stalker like.' Emma tried again

"Okay sorry, what I was trying to say was, I know your extra time limited, would you like for me to bring the Apple Pie to you and save you some time perhaps? If I'm crossing a line it's okay." She waited for an answer.

"Breath Emma. It's actually a very thoughtful thought, I'd love it. I'll see you tomorrow say 10am then?" Regina knew it was the girls only day off she wasn't about to wake her early. Just so she could get Apple Pie, she might be known as the Evil Queen but she does know the value of sleep, even if she got little of it during shoot hours.

"Perfect, 10 it is" Emma smiled still freaking out but now excited as well. 10am was just right, Emma would get her daily run in and go in early to bake, and she promised Regina a nice one. She'd make sure it was nice hot and fresh.

"See you tomorrow Miss Swan," Regina teased, and laughed at Emma's response.

"Hey, I only said it once. No fair!" Emma would never admit it to a living soul but she kind of liked the way that sounded coming from Regina's lips so she smile nonetheless.

"Well I know you thought it, Bye Dear" and they hung up. Regina was having butterflies in her stomach. Why she was just getting Apple Pie and meeting a fan and friend. Not like she hadn't meet fans before or hang out with friends. Why was she suddenly freaking out. What was she going to wear.

"Bye" Emma was on the floor again.. Oh hell this woman was killing her and they hadn't even met yet...

With that Emma smelt something burning, her oven!

"Ohh hell!" Emma ran in...

"Mom I told you to check the oven" MM looked at her daughter

"I did, I'm sorry I was distracted. You know that thing doesn't like me" Truth was as soon as she went to check on the ovens at Emma urgent request, MM saw out the window to where Emma had stood talking. It was a show Emma was sad, then smiling, then blushing. Jumping around all nervous and kicking at the pebbles. Finally sitting catching her breath on the floor. She knew who Emma was on the phone with, after all she knew Emma's Freak Out faces and dance by now. With MM watching Emma outside she completely forgot about it all and didn't check the oven. She was seeing her daughter happy. The type of happy Emma only had after a good run, or when she started baking classes or when she was deep in baking and experimenting or after a long ride on her motorcycle. That's when Emma was happy and now it was truly when she was talking to Regina mills.

MM immediately decide she had to speak to her friend Zelena to find out about how Regina was and what she was up to, the last thing MM wanted was for Emma to get hurt. Cause this could be very serious business. MM recalled the last time Emma had a girlfriend was almost 11 years ago and when then once seemingly sweet girl Natalie, turned and broke Emma's heart in a most horrible way. The beautiful girl was sweet and caring and perfect for Emma except Emma was still finding herself and was a dedicated student in High school. A real nerdy girl, she loved to read and enjoyed math and then Natalie came around and caught Emma's attention and while Emma had been with the Nolans for 5 years already she had a tough time making friends so when Natalie starting paying Emma attention she feel into the trap. Having been in the system and feeling unwanted for so long Emma grew blind to the changes what was happening, They were together for a few months, Emma had only recently came out to her new found parents, so she was excited about being able to be herself. At first Emma was too much a student and couldn't dedicate all her time to Natalie, but as time went by Emma started to lose focus on her studies and more on Natalie but it still wasn't enough, for Natalie wanted Emma's full attention. It ended when Natalie had gotten Emma into serious trouble with the Sheriff's office, thankfully David, Emma's father was able to get her community service but that was only the beginning of Emma's downward spiral. Emma felt so loss when it ended and she turned to the wrong crowd to heal her broken heart one. This was during Emma's rebel stage and Emma wanted danger just to fill her broken heart, and Emma even got reckless with herself and got in wrong crowd. With a Killian Jones and his gang known as the 'Lost Boys' were Emma's crew at one stage. She was dating girls left, right and centre, MM was so worried about her that when one of her best friends fathers came by the then crèche for his grandchildren they spoke. After a few 'Chance' meetings it wasn't long after Emma's passion for baking began and her bad habits and hanging with the wrong crowd drifted away. It was time for Emma to have love in her life again. She saw that Emma was happy and she wanted that to last for as long as possible, after all wasn't that what every mother wanted?

Emma just stared at her mother who was in a daze.

"Don't worry mom, it's the end of the day anyways lets go home." Emma smiled at her mother.

"You go ahead dear, I'll lock up there's somewhere I need to be. You're okay taking your bike?" MM asked. She knew Emma preferred to go past beach on her way home, had ever since she saw it for the first time when she joined the Nolan family. MM knew it was a calming thing for Emma or perhaps the waves reminded her of her life, all she had been and all she could be, either way the ocean was special to Emma. It also gave MM some time to herself to get home, but first her need more privacy was to see Zelena! Something had to be done... MM didn't want Emma to know not just yet anyway, for if she knew Emma would truly Freak Out again and this time not in a good way.