100. "We are definately doing that again!"

Hedwig flew into the dense trees of the Amazon. The trees were so grand that not even sunlight broke through the canopy. Now and again she would fly past lesser dragons and other magical creatures and plants. Breaking through the collection of trees led to a roaring river.

The river was split in two by a mighty tree that stood greater than any within the forest. Branches of the richest wood extended far into the sky hidden by ancient natural magic. Ghosts danced beautifully around the trunk of the tree.

Atop one of the lower branches sat a relaxed hooded figure. The figure raised his arm and she landed lightly. Lowering his hood, Harry smiled kindly to Hedwig, "Thank you for your good work."

He took the package she had been carrying. It was a letter from Ambrosius telling Harry that his purchase had been expedited. There was even a little postscript wishing him luck. What a busybody of an old man yet Harry couldn't keep off his smile.

When the steady sounds of dancing ceased, Hedwig took her leave and Harry peered beneath his branch. Ghosts of all kinds scattered into the winds like nymphs from hunters. Death caught his eyes and her own eyes crinkled into her familiar smile that brought joy to his heart.

Harry willed the waters to form a platform that rose to his side. With quick thanks, she took a seat beside him. He rested his hand over hers and intertwined his fingers with hers. Holding her hands always brought a comfort to him even to this day. Death scooted closer to him and rested her head on his shoulder.

"It's beautiful," she said as she gazed on the waters below and the forest ahead.

"Not as much as you," he said with a measure of finality.

Tickled by his words, she snorted, "You're getting worse with the lines."

"Hey, I worked hard on a lot of these lines when I was young," he whined at her amusement.

"It shows," she said with a crooked smile. "I haven't thought about my own youth in many ages. It makes me nostalgic."

"How so?" he asked, prepared to listen to whatever she may say.

She hummed in the back of her throat, "It's a secret. A woman needs surprise to keep a relationship fresh. I shudder to think what you shall do once I become a bore."

"You'll never be a bore," he rebutted quickly. "But if we're on the topic of surprises, I have one for you too." From the package he pulled out the green bangle that had been empowered with esoteric magic and etched with fine decorations.

It shined brilliantly in the light. Harry licked his lips as he took note of her expression. She looked curious and interested so things were going well for now.

In this moment his mind raced through all his experiences with this wonderful woman he loved for what he felt was his entire life. His first meeting with her had been in his coldest and loneliest hour and she pulled him out of with a smile and a bit of hot chocolate too.

He remembered every effort he took to grab her attention in his boyhood, many of which were decidedly dangerous. It was something of a miracle that he survived to this day. She gave him friendship that held him up through his time in Hogwarts when he felt others turn against him.

Harry recalled how his heart raced in joy during their private little Christmas celebrations. Those had been moments of such intimacy and cheer. Then there was the panic that gripped his heart when he confessed his emotions for her and began their journey of courtship.

Death had been a stalwart companion that he couldn't fathom being without.

It was now or never, so he spoke his dearest wish to her, "I would be honored if you would be willing to share your life with me far into the future by marrying me. I know that your wisdom and experience outstrips me in all regards and perhaps this is a strange and shortsighted thing that you aren't interested in, but-"

Death cut his words off with a deep and loving kiss. When they parted, she offered one of the most open and happy smiles to grace his sight. Her next words were chiding but warm all the same and made his heart both thankful and gleeful, "You had me convinced at life."

Harry's smile nearly split his lips as dabs of happy tears made their way down his cheeks. When she offered her left arm to him, he mindfully slipped the bangle on as though her arm were the most fragile thing in the world.

The bangle was marvelous on his fiancé's arm. It stretched from her wrist to her mid forearm. Expensive as it was, he thought it was worth every galleon

"Well, it looks like we have a wedding to prepare for," Death chimed.

"I can't wait," Harry replied.

They shared another deep and loving kiss as prelude to their future lives together.

Author's Note:

Man did this story get away from me. I didn't think a 100 drabbles story would get so much attention. There wasn't as much planning in this as my non-drabble stories and I think it shows by some of the prompts.

I originally didn't want as much non-fluff to get into the story but I got too indulgent with the magic, myths and new characters. The main book plot that I originally planned to be background noise took up a fair bit of the chapters. If I did it again I would definitely at least clean up the magic system and Harry's relationship with Dream.

Oh well, what's done is done.

I don't know if I will make another story to cover the wedding and/or additional stories. Only time will tell. Would anybody even be interested in that?

Anyway, I want to thank everyone for the constructive criticism and I hope some found enjoyment in the story.

Until next time.