Hey guys I am SO incredibly sorry about how long it took for me to update again. There were some MAJOR issues going on in my life at the time but that's no excuse. Thank you for all that have stuck with me and those just joining I hope you enjoy!

I own nothing but the story line, the original characters and of course the mistakes.

Beca was openly crying something she NEVER did because it was embarrassing and totally not bad ass. "Anyway the note said 'I told you bitches that you could never escape me, I will always find you and destroy your life like you destroyed mine'. I knew that Spencer had found us, against all odds he did; and there was one place that he would be headed next. So I ran as fast as I could the 3 miles that it was to our house. I had either beaten him there or he was just toying with me letting me lead him straight to where Emily was too. That's when I did the last thing that I ever wanted to do but it was my only option, I called the police. I knew that because Emily and I were both minors we would become wards of the state, but that HAD to be better than anything Spencer had planned for us."

Chloe sat next to Beca rubbing circles on her back letting the DJ know that she was there for her.

"Over the next few months we were bounced around from group home to group home; we almost had a foster family take us in but they wanted younger siblings. That's when I knew that we had to split up, so I talked to our social worker and told her that she needed to get Emily adopted to a family first and worry about me later" Emily snapped her head up at this new information, she had just assumed that it was the state that split them up not Beca.

"Becs I can't believe you did that for me. You gave up your chance at having a family so I could?"

Beca looked up at Emily, a soft caring smile playing at her lips "Of course Em you were just 11 and needed to experience what a normal childhood was like, why wouldn't I do it for you?"

Emily just stared at Beca incredulously, her older sister literally sacrificed everything just so she could grow up with people that loved and protected her, something Beca never had.

"Anyway there was this family, the Junks, that came by looking to adopt and Emily immediately found her way into their hearts. There was literally no way that they were leaving without her coming with them."

The younger brunettes eyes grew cold and focused on nothing in particular memories of the day that she was torn apart from Beca came flooding in.


"Emily" the girls social worker, Rylie, was walking toward the sisters a smile plastered on her face "great news the Junks just signed the papers and are now officially your caregivers!"

Of course the youngest sister was ecstatic that she had someone that wanted her because of her and not because they had to. She turned and looked at Beca who was smiling at her. "What about Beca?"

Beca looked over at Rylie her smile faltering. "Look kid, this is just for you" Seeing Emily's smile start to fade she quickly took her sisters face in her hands "Hey, hey I'll be fine you know me, I don't take any shit from anyone and I'll kick someone's ass without hesitation. Resident bad ass over here"

Emily could see the truth in her sister's eyes "But you're the only family that I have ever known, what am I going to do without you?"

"You are supposed to live a normal life, go to school, and find someone that will treat you right; and maybe one day we'll accidently run into each other at Chipotle because you have a weird obsession with that place." The girls giggled because Emily wanted to and probably could eat there at least once a day and would never get tired of it.

Rylie cleared her throat "alright girls its time"

Beca stood up and wrapped Emily in a tight last hug conveying all the emotions that they both knew she would never say out loud. "See ya kid"

Emily gave Beca one final squeeze and let her go "I love you Becs, and thank you for everything that you have done for me."

Beca smirked "Anytime now go meet your family before I steal them from you"

Emily and Rylie turned to walk to the awaiting car when Beca reached out and grabbed her arm "will I ever see her again?'

Rylie looked at Becas eyes full of sadness "For this to work, for you two to completely disappear, both your names will be changed and no you can never see her again." And with that the social worker turned on her heel and headed to her car.

Beca watched as her only remaining family member was taken out of her life forever; and she broke down crying. Once her sobs turned more in to the occasional sniffle Beca got up off the ground, wiped her face, and made a promise to herself to never let anyone get close to her again because they will just end up hurting or disappointing her like everyone else in her life has.


"So that's why I was so shocked to see Emily at one of the Trebles parties" Beca said to Chloe "it had been seven years since the last time that I had laid eyes on her, and I just couldn't believe that the only family that I had left was there, standing in front of me when I was told that there was never going to be any possibility of that ever happening"

Emily finally spoke up breaking Chloe from the heartbreaking stare she had fixed on Beca "That is the reason that we became so close so quick, and spent every moment we could together because there was so much to catch up on and we had to make sure that we were still safe from any lingering past demons."

Cloe looked down in a mixture of shame and understanding, tears streaming down her face. She finally was able to see why this young girl was able to capture Beca's attention so easily and break her walls down without having to try.

Thick tense silence hung heavy between the three. Chloe stood and walked a few feet away to stare out over the ocean trying to process everything that she had just heard and figure out the possible ramifications of the two sisters finally being reunited. Beca was frozen on the bench, eyes training Chloe as she paced; DJ's mind going crazy trying to figure out what Chloe was thinking and how the red head is going to react when she finally says something. Emily sat silent on her log, eyes dancing between Chloe pacing and Beca looking desperately after her trying to come up with some way to help, but coming up with nothing of use she reached over and put her hand on Beca's knee offering as much comfort as she could in such a small gesture. Without breaking her eyes off of Chloe the older brunette grabbed Emily's hand and gave it a small squeeze.

Chloe noticed the movement, stopped pacing and turned to the two sisters with an unreadable look on her face. Beca froze, her breathe caught in her throat her entire future would be based on what her girlfriend had to say about this massive secret that the DJ had been hiding for so long. Emily took her hand back and folded it in her lap stealing herself for whatever outcome they were about to get.

The redhead looked over at Emily and offered a small, kind smile; and then she turned her attention to Beca. When she noticed how nervous the tiny brunette was she let out a small chuckle and got down on her knees. She took Becas hands to get the girl to look at her, once those deep brown eyes met her ocean blue ones Chloe said "I have just one question".

"Anything" Beca barely breathed out.

"What are your real names?"

Beca looked at her for a tortured moment, and finally said "Anna Kendrick, Emily is Shelby Kendrick", that's why I have been so evasive and not letting you in lately is because I didn't want to ever put you in danger with telling you who I really was; and I was afraid that you would reject me for having such a screwed up passed"

In that moment Chloe broke, her head fell, fiery curls covering her face, silent tears gathering in her eyes threating to fall; but she refused gathered herself and looked back to Beca. "Baby that would never happen I would never let anyone take you from me I worked too hard to get you to open up to me" she smirked. "But why didn't you tell me sooner?"

The tiny brunette opened her mouth but quickly closed it not having any real reason to have kept this from Chloe.

"That is my fault" Emily piped up. The two older girls' heads whipped up to look at her having forgotten that she was there. ""I asked Anna not to say anything until we had the whole situation figured out, for so long it was just me and her against the world & I was afraid that if we let you in I would lose her."

Chloe looked up at her with a soft smile "I would never take her from you!"

For the first time Beca smiled "Alright nerds I think that I have reached my maximum yearly capacity for mushy feelings in one afternoon, what do y'all say about heading back to the house and take the girls out for a drink and maybe some burgers?"

"Sounds good to me I'm starving" Chloe said "oh one more thing the guy that you two keep seeing around town why does he make you so nervous?"

"That's because of how much he looks like Spencer" Emily said walking ahead of the couple.

"But that's impossible seeing as how Spencer is dead and everything" Beca chimed in.

As Chloe took Beca's had the DJ's phone started to ring but she ignored it. The third time that The Neighborhoods "Sweater Weather" started to play Chloe sighed "You might as well answer it, Fat Amy will just keep calling until you do". Beca laughed and fished the iPhone out of her pocket but was thrown off by the name she saw flashing across the screen.

"Shit" She mumbled. And with a strained voice she answered.

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