Loki flicked the channel again, after barely a moment, another channel, and another, and another, before throwing the remote to the side of the couch in irritation. Midgardians were obsessed about the amount of television they were watching each day but rarely was there anything worth watching. How could any being care about what some vapid women stated about the everyday going-ons in their shallow meaningless lives, or how Midgardian tools were made, it was utterly uninteresting.

He had been banished to Midgard for almost two years by this point, and his seidr remained contained within a special stone, similar to those used to case the infinity powers around Thor's neck for safe keeping, and could only be accessed in times of great need with the assistance of Mjolnir so to ensure that Loki did not attempt any harm to Thor.

Needless to say, the Avengers were less than pleased when Thor arrived back from Asgard with Loki in tow. At first they readied to fight him, but the third member of the grouping to use the Bifrost startled them into doing nothing. Odin himself had descended to Midgard to discuss the matter with the Avengers, something even Tony Stark took seriously. The Allfather explained Loki's lack of power yet still warned them all to beware his hand to hand combating skills, which apparently even outshone Thor's, which the older reluctantly grumbled inaudibly about Loki being better with short range combat.

Since then the archer was a rarity at the tower, the assassin was there more frequently, but she ensured to remain away from him when she could, and when that was not possible, she maintained a very safe distance, with him in her line of sight at all times, to annoy her, he often just walked around the room so that she could never stand in a comfortable position. The soldier continued on as what Loki could only assume was his usual, he came, he discussed, he trained, and he left, nothing spectacular. He did not address Loki, nor did he outright ignore him. The duo that seemed to have become part of the Avenger's because of him were similar. A man with a pair of mechanical wings to allow him take flight and a man with a metal arm that stood glaring at the world around him, the second one caught Loki's interest, but the good captain insured they were never able to speak with one another.

The Doctor remained as far from him as humanly possible, not wanting to cause the 'other guy' to come out, little did Dr. Banner know, that feeling was mutual. The only reason Loki was not more harmed the last time was his seidr, without it now, he would be laid up for a day or so with broken limbs. There were a set of twins now too, the boy, faster than anything Loki had ever seen, and the girl with a knack for getting in people's heads, literally. They had been warned of him and his powers, so anything they required, the male retrieved if Loki was nearby. And the Man of Iron, he was just as cocksure, egotistical and sarcastic as he had been the last time Loki had seen him. He was the only one of the Avengers to actively engage Loki, though usually for nothing more than comments and antagonising. Then there were those that were associated with him, his partner, the authoritive Ms Potts, who, to Loki's amusement, spent more of her time chastising Stark than anything else, and the Colonel that manned another one of the Iron Suits.

So in all Loki spent most of his day being ignored or glared at, which was nothing to bothersome, just led to copious amounts of doing nothing. The only saving grace is for a primitive and often idiotic race, the Midgardians had some superb literature, reading their books became his pastime. On noting it, Thor went to Stark and asked for more books. In hopes of keeping Loki occupied, and by extension not hell-bent on world domination, Stark ordered a few Shakespearean pieces to begin with. On learning that earth languages were no issue to the highly educated Odinsons, he got everything in every language that passed for fine literature from all eras; from the Aeneid, to the Iliad, to Wilde, to Tolstoy, to Twain, and for some personal amusement, he added the Twilight Series and The Fifty Shades trilogy. Loki pondered the ability of the human race to continue were that to be defined as literature by modern standards. He feared that at their still primitive stage, the Midgardian's had already reached their intellectual peek.

Loki glared at the elevator on the far side of the room, hearing the whir of it ascending toward the top of the tower. It pinged as it reached the desired floor, which caused Loki to grimace, as he soon realised that was the one he was currently residing in, the general common area. He readied himself to verbally assault whichever Avenger exited the metal contraption, remaining silent until he could be sure it was not Dr. Banner.

The door opened a small figure walked out. He recognised her. She was Ms. Potts assistant, apparently the only one to last more than a month dealing with Stark's antics with the Avengers and his beloved company, juggling Media, PR and Ms Potts schedule, she was commended for her skills, though she lacked a finesse when it came to dressing like a female, in fact, she was peculiarly similar to Stark in her attire, torn jeans, a t-shirt and a flannel shirt open over it, it was highly unprofessional, but seeing as she was able to assist the ever pristine Pepper, no one took much note.

Loki was about to make some reference to her being a form of skivvy when he realised she was muttering to herself. He silenced and listened, curious to hear what it was saying.

"Just stay calm, it only gets worse when you think about it." She muttered. Loki frowned, she had no contraption in her ear, so she was not speaking to anyone, and she clearly did not see him when she arrived in as she never once even looked his direction, meaning she could only be talking to herself. Midgardians were truly insane creatures. "Lexi, you need to calm, just calm."

Loki was about to saying something when the lights began to flicker. "No. No. No. Please, please." The girl pleaded. He stared at her intently. "Just calm down." Her voice told him the last thing she could ever be accused of being at that time was calm. She sounded as though she was on the verge of tears. Then the lights began to become very bright, brighter than they should get Loki thought. Looking to the assistant, he noted she seemed to be hugging herself, her hands grasping at the elbow of the other arm, her mutterings now inaudible as she stepped back towards the refrigerator.

The room was silent, but Loki felt as though it was as loud as the rowdiest of parties held after battle on Asgard. He could only watch as the lights not only got brighter and brighter, but they heated to almost boiling point. A high pitch cry filled the room as the girl's phone went off. It took her a few moments to hear the contraption but the lights immediately dimmed and cooled as she reached for the device, her attention off her previous episode.

"Yes, Ms Potts. Right away Miss Potts." She replied to whatever employer was asking of her. She forced herself to take a few deep breaths before she turned to leave the room. As she turned she froze, as though finally sensing the presence of another being. She looked around slowly, wincing slightly, as though terrified as to whom she would see. When finally her line of sight made its way to Loki, he had his face in a neutral manner and just looked at her blankly. She swallowed, the sound resonating off the hollow space before she darted for the elevator, which was still at the current floor, allowing her a quick escape without uttering a word.

Loki watched as the doors pinged shut, and the whir of the machine told him that she was now heading down the building towards whatever it was she was to do.

He looked at the light switch on the wall, indicating that the lights were not even supposed to be switched on, and then up at the light bulbs above him, which still had a slight glow about them after their previous surge. "Well now. How interesting." He commented, unsure of what to make of what he had just witnessed.