Alexia was right, that was the last time she physically saw her father, but they spoke for a time before he stated he had to go into hiding. When it came, he left a message for her. He was proud of her and he was sorry for his slights again her as a father. For all her comments regarding being indifferent years before on the Bifrost bridge, there was a slight thawing in relations between them, so much so, he even asked if she and Loki were still happy in their correspondence after a time. She was suspicious that he was hoping for a declaration that she had "come to her senses" but as she read it, if he felt that, he hid it well. Loki held her silently as she processed his final words to her. She did not weep, she merely processed.

The Avengers aged, as all beings on Midgard did, and in doing so, through battle, disease and age, they began to pass away. Natasha died first. She sacrificed herself for the team. Alexia returned to Earth for that, even those that were against Romanov were forced to stand in her honour,such was the heroic nature of her deed, she saved an entire city, millions of lives, all saved with her sacrifice, the world watched as the Black Widow, the world's most feared assassin, a woman, died willingly for others. Rogers and Bucky were next, a similar tale, they truly stayed with one another until the end of the line.

What made that hard was Tony reached his breaking point at that point, at the ripe old age of fifty-five, he started to fall apart. His previous PTSD was nothing on the suffering that occurred as his mind replayed each horrifying thought over and over in his head. Alexia cried when she visited him, he was on so many meds, she was surprised he didn't dissolve in water when he showered. His love of tinkering with gadgets had been obliterated, the sight of computers and electronics caused him to hyperventilate. He had destroyed his suits at the beginning of it all, sent Pepper away, but she refused to leave, she stayed with him. Tony knew who Alexia was, it helped that she stayed looking the same, unfortunately, he revealed to her that Phil had died a particularly horrible death, wasting away, that shocked her so much that S.H.I.E.L.D. were alerted to the realm by her reaction. She had to stay away for months after that, when she returned, it was because Tony had passed away also. Wanda and Pietro were still around, as was Wilson, but they aged and died of it.

The day came when none were still alive, she drank herself into a stupor that night on Asgard, Thor beside her, in an equal state. Both talking about their favourite memories of the friends they had once shared. Love, happiness, friendship, that was how she swore to remember them. Alexia had known the day would come that he would be in this position, it did not make it any easier.

War broke out on Vanaheim. It was a brutal one, but with the arrival of the Aesir, Thor, Loki and Alexia, it was quickly quelled. Alexia's reputation preceded her, and with one well-placed use of fire, she caused a swift surrender.

Her training continued. In truth, training was the only way she really got to do anything in recent times with her gifts. One uttering that she arrived on a realm to quell an issue and things generally settled quickly.

Odin went into an Odinsleep from which he did not wake, leaving the realm to mourn their king before celebrating a new one. Thor's first order of business was to make Alexia and Loki his top council on all things diplomacy and war. It was a popular decision all around by Asgard and her allies, though her adversaries were somewhat angered. The high position of the Element Goddess with the Aesir royal family made many comment that they could abuse her power. Alexia, they soon realised, was no pawn. Thor and Loki watched on more than one occasion as she tore arguments asunder and left more than a few men quivering in her wake.

'You need to get up.' Loki kissed Alexia's shoulder as she curled in on herself more, pulling more of the blanket around her.

'No, I don't.'

Loki chuckled. 'You do, you have to help me marry my idiot brother to that poor woman today.'

'No, sorry, sleeping. The weather's about to take a change, you can't get married if it's pouring rain, new rule.' Alexia's voice was muffled by the blanket.

Loki's brow raised. 'You have been tired for a few days, are you alright?'

'Yes, just tired.' She dismissed.

'Then you will have to battle through it.' Loki magicked the blanket away.

'I hate you so much when you do that.' She groaned, curling in against him.

'Can I ask you something?' Alexia looked at him to tell him he had her attention. 'Do you ever want to get….?'

'Married? No.'


'I never saw the point of it, it is a social construct that never really interested me. I am happy as we are, I don't need that stupid ceremony to feel how I do.'

'Wait….your issue is the ceremony, not the act of being married?'

'Suppose.' she considered. 'Does it matter to you?'

'Not overly…'

'Is it so you could stake claim on me?' She smiled playfully.

'I do not need to stake claim on you, you are not a possession, you are a living being and a very opinionated and strong one, you cannot be claimed. I am not foolish enough to consider doing anything like that to you.'

'Smart man.' She grinned before giggling as he moved her to her back and lay over her.

'I am no mere man.' He growled as he leant down and kissed her.

'You have not eaten or drunk much today.' Loki noted as Alexia stared at the plate in front of her. 'Are you sure you are alright?'

'I'm fine, I just…..none of them are here.'

Loki frowned. Seldom, but on occasion, Alexia's difference in lifespan to those she knew caused her to become upset. She missed them, after two hundred years, she had returned to Midgard to deal with different things only to realise the sheer alterations to the world was so vast she could not recognise anything that had been her home realm. The days she thought too much about it, she became somewhat gloomy. 'I know but you know they would be upset by you refusing to live on happily.'

'I am happy.'

'You're staring sadly at a plate.' He informed her.

'I am just feeling a little under the weather.'

Loki's frown grew into all-out worry. 'You are never ill.'

'Well, I am today. I just feel like I have a bit of a stomach bug or something.'

'I have not seen you ill….'

'Loki, before the whole learning how to control me situation, I was rarely ill, so really, this is fine, I am fine.' Alexia stated firmly. 'I just need to rest.'

Loki said nothing for a moment. 'I will strike you a deal.' Alexia looked at him sceptically. 'I will say no more on it tonight, but if you still feel like this tomorrow, you go to the healer.'

'Fine, yes, I agree.' She rolled her eyes. 'You are a terrible worrier.'

'Excuse me for loving you enough to care.' He scoffed back, pulling her to him.

The following morning, Alexia was worse, not better, leading to Loki calling on Eir while she was sleeping, having thrown up twice during the night. Though acting slightly betrayed, Alexia let the healer check her over. 'Well, what is the verdict?' The unenthused and tired Goddess asked.

'It will pass, with time.' Eir stated plainly. 'As for the cause, it is going to be interesting.' she smiled.

'What is?' Loki asked worriedly.

'What is the product of a seidr wielder of the highest order impregnating the element wielder.'

For a moment both stared at her plainly before Alexia glared at Loki. 'I hate you.' She declared before lying down and pulling the covers over her. 'If anyone needs me, I am hibernating for the next few months and apparently getting fat.'

'What is with Midgardian women and correlating pregnancy with fat?' Eir threw her eyes.

'How many pregnant Midgardians have been here for you to make that statement?' Alexia asked curiously.

'You are the first, that I have dealt with, but in preparation for such an event as this, I have researched the Midgardian females, you have an enviable pregnancy duration, ten months, it is fascinating how much a Midgardian grows in that time.'

'Wait, what is it usually here?'

'Close to three years.'

Alexia looked in horror. 'And for…...Loki's….?'

'About five years, they need to be stronger to deal with the harsh climate of Jotunheim. But considering Prince Loki's smaller physique and appearance being vastly different to any Jotnar I have ever witnessed, I can only assume he is not fully Jotnar and as a result cannot assume the ageing process of a child formed of you both.'

Loki looked apologetically at Alexia, who scowled at him. 'I should probably say sorry, but I didn't do it by myself.'

'If I ever feel well enough to get out of this bed again, I will bury you.'