A/N: This will take place after the 7 year time-skip but just before the Grand Magic Games. Fairy Tail will never be the same after Team Natsu and Shadow Gear returns from their training. I WILL MAKE NATSU A LITTLE SMARTER, not too smart but enough for him to have common sense. Hope you like it and I will update my other stories.

I don't own Fairy Tail or any of the characters within the manga/anime except for my oc's.

'Ice-Make Magic' The type of magic

"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" Announcing the magic move

"(text)" People talking

'(text)' People thinking

"(text)" Beasts/dragons/powerful beings talking

'(text)' Beasts/dragons/powerful beings thinking

The First Sky Dragon Slayer

Chapter 1

It was beautiful day at the beach. It was a clear blue sky with a small sea breeze and good waves. Everyone was either playing in the water or lying on the beach sunbathing or having some snow cones. The day was just perfect to relax and forget your worries.

"Fire Dragon Roar!"

Gray formed his ice-make shield in time to block the flames. "Nice try flame brain but you're gonna need to do a lot more than that!"

That is, if you didn't count the handful of wizards training and scaring the nearby citizens away from the beach. These wizards were Team Natsu. They were training for the next three months to prepare for the Grand Magic Games and become the number one guild again. Natsu and Gray were sparring with each other and trying different tactics to surprise each other and gain the upper hand in the fight. One would blow or hit with his flames while the other would shoot or hit with his ice. Erza was switching out her armor with her re-quip magic as fast as she can and try out different forms of combinations of her armor. Lucy was meditating with Capricorn and focusing on her celestial magic.

Off to the side was Team Shadow Gear with Wendy and Juvia. Levy was helping Wendy figure out a book that had spells that were given to her by Porlyusica, Fairy Tail's best healer, and Jet and Droy were cheering on Levy for whatever reason they had. Juvia was levitating huge amounts of water from the ocean into the air and keeping it up.

They were training to make up for the time they lost from Tenrou Island and to prepare for the games; just as everyone else in Fairy Tail. Throughout the entire time of training, they were sweating, straining or panting from the exhaustion, but they didn't stop smiling. They know that'll be ready for the games and they'll be taking back their place as the number one guild in Fiore.

Everyone trained until dusk and went into the resort they were staying at. Along the way the guys decided to get some food, much to Natsu and Droy's joy, and see the ladies in a little bit. Little did the guys know that the women had found some saki and drank kept drinking until the guys came back. Let's just say, the people around wouldn't have a good night sleep due to the destruction and screams they heard. Never give Erza alcohol. Ever.

~Time Skip to the Next Morning~

Lucy and Erza were walking to the beach again after breakfast with Gray, Juvia and Team Shadow Gear behind them. Lucy was stretching out her arms and said,

"Ahhhh~. You know Erza, I was afraid that three months wasn't enough time for us to get ready but seeing how much stronger we've gotten from just one day, I know we'll be more than ready when the Games come around."

"Yes Lucy, at this rate will be stronger than ever before. How powerful do you think we'll get?" Before Lucy could respond, a pink cloud appeared in front of them for a few seconds until one of Lucy's spirits, Virgo, showed herself.

"Virgo? What are you doing here? Is something wrong?"

"Hai, Lucy-hime. The spirit realm is in danger of being destroyed." All the mages looked at the stoic faced spirit maid in shock and disbelief.


"Yes, we need all of your help in order to save my realm."

Lucy nodded until she realized something, "Wait, what about Natsu and Wendy? We need them!" She said as she pointed towards the dragon slayers who were running towards them.

"I'm sorry Lucy-hime but we need to go now." Before anyone could protest, Virgo teleported all of them to her world. Natsu and Wendy stopped when they realized that everyone vanished. Natsu punched the ground and shouted,

"Damn it! I wanted it to go with them." Wendy simply patted his shoulder and calmly said,

"Don't worry Natsu-san. It must have been an emergency if they had to leave us behind. I'm sure they'll come back soon and besides, we still need to train."

Natsu still seemed upset but nodded, "Okay…"

At that moment Happy and Carla came behind them arguing about something,

"Why don't you like fish!?"

"Because Tom-cat, they are smelly and disgusting! How many times do I have say it?!"

"Waaaah! Natsu, Carla's being a meanie!"

"Why you-"

"Now now please don't fight you two. Why don't we continue training and hope for everyone to come back soon." Wendy reasoned the two exceeds with as much convincing as a shy thirteen year old can be. The two exceeds looked at each other before simply nodding and going back to the resort. Natsu and Wendy looked at each before for a few seconds before Natsu broke the silence,

"So, do you want to practice together?"

"I'd love to Natsu-san."

After that they sparred and practiced together for the next three hours getting covered in dirt, sweat and bit of torn clothes due to their previous spars or physical training. They still wondered of how their friends are doing in the spirit realm but they had faith in them succeeding.

Throughout the three hours they sparred and used their powerful attacks on each other or toward targets, mostly targets. The physical training was on the lines of sprinting with cinder-blocks tied to you, splitting trees in half with punches and kicks, or simply carrying boulders. Not to mention running a great distance at high speed.

After finishing running around the beach several times, they took a small break when they saw a small bird coming towards them with a letter strapped to its back. Wendy took the letter and began reading it. As she read it, her eyes showed that she was worried and a bit troubled. Natsu looked at Wendy carefully and asked,

"You OK Wendy? What does it say?"

Wendy stuttered out, "I-it said to come to an old broken bridge in the forest in an hour. It also said to bring the e-everyone. Don't be late."

"Does it say anything else?"

"Hai, it also said to be at guard and make sure no one follows us." Natsu took the letter and read it himself. He thought about it for a while before making a decision.

"I think we should go." Wendy look at Natsu shocked and in disbelief. Normally, she wouldn't usually worry, but they lost seven years being frozen in time. They are not strong enough for this time era. "But it said to bring everyone, how are supposed to do that if they've gone to the spirit world."

"I wouldn't worry about it. If they wanted to hurt us, then would've attacked us by surprise or said something about hostiles. I'd say we just go there, and if we need to leave then we can just fly out of there with Happy and Carla."

Wendy didn't look convince but she'll always have faith in Natsu. "H-hai…"

~ The Old Bridge ~

Natsu and Wendy were by the bridge with their exceeds waiting for whoever invited them. Natsu was doing single hand push ups to pass the time. Wendy just stared at Natsu doing the push ups at a pace that most people thought shouldn't be possible. She saw how concentrated he is and how he looked so determined. She always admired Natsu, so confident, brave and always pulls through to the end. She always wonders why Natsu doesn't have a girlfriend. She knows a few girls that would like to be with him, but for some reason none of them were able to be with him. Maybe she could have a chance with him in the future… Her face began to become scarlet with a bit of steam. She can't be thinking that! Having to clear her head, Wendy was starting to look around for anything interesting to watched, besides a sweaty, shirtless Natsu working out. Luckily, she didn't have to wait for very long.

The old bridge was suddenly coated in light and began to repair itself until it was as good as new. Natsu stood up and stood beside Wendy shell shocked at the sight. Soon after the bridge was fixed, three cloaked figures walked across the bridge towards them in silence until they were ten feet away from the two dragon slayers. The one in the middle spoke in a calm voice,

"It's great that you accepted our invitation." Natsu's eyes widen when he recognized the voice and the person's scent. "It can't be…Jellal?"

The said mage pulled down his hood to show a man with blue hair and his signature mark around his right eye. The other two pulled their hoods down to see two beautiful women. One was taller with an incredible body covered in tight clothing under her cloak and has smooth, dark purple hair that went down to her back. The other one seemed to around Natsu's age, maybe younger, with flowing pink hair with attire that almost looks like a schoolgirl's outfit under her cloak. She also had a pair of ear muffs on. The one with the darker hair stepped forward and introduced herself,

"I hope you two remember me, Ultear." Natsu and Wendy were surprised to see her again and smiling at them. The last time they met she was trying to kill them and their guild, but then again that was seven years ago… Natsu looked at the pink wondering who she is, but she did look familiar. "Hey Natsu-san! You might not remember me but I'm Meredy." Both dragon slayers couldn't do anything but gape at the pinkette.

"MEREDY?!" She sure had changed. Last time they saw her she about Wendy's age but nowshe looks so…

"Beautiful…" Natsu said without thinking and caused both pinkettes to blush slightly.

"Anyway," Jellal said trying to break the awkwardness for the two pinkettes. "let's talk about why you're here." Both of the dragon slayers turned towards the bluenette. "The reason why we called you is because we need your help. There's an old village on a mountain nearby. We believe that there could be a connected to Zeref there." Natsu and Wendy began to look nervous, more so for Wendy. "We would prefer to wait for the rest of your group to come back from the spirit world, but we can't wait for them to come back." Natsu stared at them for a moment before asking what they found exactly.

"What we found was someone that's encased in ice. The same type of ice that encased Deliora all those years ago." Natsu's eyes widen when he remembered the time he and Team Natsu went to Galuna Island for an S-Class mission and found the demon inside the ice. He remembered it being called 'iced shell'. "W-wait. Isn't there only one way to melt that kind of ice?"

"There is, 'moon drip', and we should have some samples to melt it."

"Why do you need our help anyway?"

"Because Natsu, whoever is in that ice has a high level of magic power and we can't tell what kind of magic it is, so we don't know if the three of us is good enough if this person decides to fight us. That's why we're asking for help." Natsu looked at Wendy and then the exceeds and all silently agreed.

"All right, we'll help you."

Jellal and Ultear smiled and told them where and what time to meet tomorrow. Both left without saying another word and Meredy went up to the Fairy Tail mages with a sweet smile and said,

"It's great to see all of you again and I hope we'll be friends." They responded with a simple nod and smiled back at her. "And Natsu…" Meredy looked at him and winked at him, "nice first impression." Natsu was confused for a second before realizing that he still didn't have his shirt on and told her she was beautiful. His face exploded into a crimson color. Meredy turned and ran towards the Jellal and Ultear and shouted out, "See you guys tomorrow!"

~ Time Skip ~

The trip to the destination was short but intense. Crime Sorciere were ahead leading the dragon slayers with their exceeds towards the ice; imagining what would happened after freeing whoever it is in there. Do we have to fight? How powerful was this person? Do we have to destroy this person? Is he/she even still alive?

Even though the trip was short, they saw a lot of the village. It wasn't really that old but it it's basically in frozen and in ruins. The building seemed to have blown to pieces. There were shards of ice and deep gashes on the streets. Natsu even saw a few old frozen corpses lying around. He knew that Wendy's scared out of her mind seeing the corpses lying in the streets. Happy and Carla weren't doing any better. The deeper they went into the village the darker the place felt.

Jellal stop and calmly said "We're here."

The Fairy Tail mages were amazed at what they saw. The ice was huge. Not as big as the one that encased Deliora but it was still a good size. The area around the shell of ice was covered in a thick layer of ice. The thing that got them the most was the powerful magic coming from the ice. It felt threatening to say the least. The magic waves coming from the ice felt like it promised pain, misery and eventually death, but for some reason it feels familiar…

"Natsu, Wendy," Said mages turned to the purple haired time mage. "We need you to stay on guard while Meredy and I melt the ice." They nodded and stood on guard.

While they watched Meredy and Ultear using the liquid 'moon drip' to melt the ice, Jellal and the exceeds walk around the area to make sure no one is coming. It took a good while for the ice to start melting which didn't really surprise anyone. 'Ice shell' is a spell that freezes the target in ice that's nearly indestructible. The price of such a spell is turning the one who casted it into the ice itself and using that caster's strength and will to freeze that target. The only way they could melt the ice is if they used 'moon drip', a type of magic that could melt anything.

When the ice was half melted, the ground started to shook. Bright blue light was coming from the ice. The ice began to crack which caused more of the light to get out. Meredy and Ultear got away from the ice and stood to Natsu and Wendy.

Natsu shouted to Ultear, "What the hell is going on?! Is that supposed to happen?"

"No it shouldn't! I don't know what's happening!" At this time Jellal and the exceeds came back.

Jellal quickly said, "We saw the light and came and quickly came here. What's happening?" Before anyone could answer the ice exploded and the light blinded everyone for a few minutes until it faded leaving a small crater and some smoke. Everyone took their battle stance once the smoke cleared out showing them the person from the ice.

The person was a young man that looked to be in his early twenties. He was tall and looked a bit pale. His attire was of a blue dress shirt and loose blue jeans with white sneakers that's torn and shredded. His hair goes down to his lower neck and has this downward spiky look and it's deep dark blue hair. He looked exhausted and really had some major cuts and bruises but still stood up, albeit with difficulty. He got into a battle stance and glared at the people in front of him with hate in his eyes and shouted,

"Come on! I took down all everyone else! Now it's time for your- huh?" The guy now looked confused as he looked at some people in cloaks and two people with some mark on their arm and shoulder. "Who are you guys? Where are the Zeref's followers? Are you guys with them?!" The guy didn't drop his guard for one second as he bombed them with questions. Crime Sorciere knew this guy was dangerous but something was off about him. They could sense his magic and it was definitely hostile, but it wasn't evil. It felt more like… self defense?

"Relax, were not here to harm you. We just want some answers." Jellal thought that negotiating and calming him down might give them something before something happens and a fight breaks out. "We would like to know if you knew what happened here." The guy looked at him for second and seemed more to a bit. "You guys aren't from around, are you?" "No, were not, but we need to know happened and we can help you." Jellal said calmly and showing no signs of hostility. "I know you have some questions, but I would like if you… could… uh..." Jellal notice that the man wasn't paying attention to him anymore and look beyond him. To be more specific, he was looking at Wendy and slowly walked towards her.

"What's your name little one?" his voice a little above a whisper and his eyes soften as he continue to walk. Wendy looked nervous but responded

"W-wendy. My name is Wendy M-marvell." The man kept coming towards her until Natsu got in front of Wendy and lit up his fists.

"Oi! What do you think you're doing! Stay away from Wendy or I'll kick your ass!" The air Natsu became dry and melted the ice around him.

"Wendy Marvell…" The man looked at Wendy for a little longer before dropping to his knees and tears fell down his cheeks. Everyone didn't know what to think at this moment. This guy just got out of the ice and looked like he was ready to take us on, then he was quiet and shock when he looked at Wendy and now he's crying right in front of them.

"Hang on, why are you crying? Was it something I said?" Natsu asked as he looked at the sobbing man in front of them.

"No. No it's not of what you said." The guy calmed down and wiped away his tears. "I'm just glad to see Wendy again."

"Again? What do you mean again?" The guy looked at Wendy again and noticed the man's eye color. They were deep brown, just like hers.

"I'm not sure how long it's been since I've been stuck in that ice for a while, but the last I saw you was when your mother was carrying you away from the this village because of an attack. You were only a little baby." He took a deep breath and continue, "Your father and his best friend along with a few others protected this village until they were overwhelmed and killed until your father was the survivor. He took on the leader after defeating most of his grunts. It ended with the leader performing 'iced shell' on him." He finished gesturing between him and the remains of the ice that he was in. Everyone didn't know how to respond until Wendy came up to him with Natsu behind her in case something happens asked,

"W-what are you saying?" She was scared to hear his answer but she had to know if she was hearing him right.

"My name is Ryu Marvell. I know it's hard to believe but I'm your father."

Wendy fainted after hearing that.

A/N: And that's the first chapter of this story! I know some of you are thinking 'What about I'm Back?' 'Are you still doing I'm Back?'. Don't' worry, that will be the next update and I'm working on 'The Crimson Dragon'. Tell me what you think about this story and I hope you'll like it.

Flaredragon out.