Hi guys, its my first fan fiction, and English it's not my mother language so I would appreciate if the comments about grammar or whatever wouldn't be too rude and I apologise in advance for the bad grammar and bad spelling of the words. Hope you enjoy it and don't forget to comment. Enjoy your reading! just a little warning, this story will be written through the Young Justice series but with a little more details ( like more conversations between Dick and Bruce and more detail in between the episodes) and it will start with a bunch of flashbacks. I'll let you start reading now enjoy!


It's a pretty dark night today in Gotham. Hopefully the bat wouldn't come today. But of course I'm wrong and he came. I don't even know why I thought he wouldn't. I just spotted him in the Wayne tower roof top, it's pretty obvious so he shouldn't be there, is just one more hint to the bad guys. But, since the bad guys are pretty stupid I don't see any problem of doing it. You're probably wondering who I am, well let me tell you, I'm pretty much like him. There is just one difference, I'm female and he's male. And that's it. I'm a master of pretty much all martial arts, I am a pretty good detective, an excellent hacker, and I have a secret identity which I know he knows. But anyway, I'm Batwoman, but you can call me Sofia.


Like I said I was in a pretty near rooftop so I could watch him very well. You also must be wondering if I know his secret identity, oh come on of course I know his secret identity, and he knows mine so we're kinda even. He's being trying to catch me for years. You ask why? I'm going to tell you! He heard about me, searched who I was, and now he's been chasing me and trying to figure out where I live for 2 years. And let me tell you it's pretty difficult to escape each time. He's pretty persistent when he wants to find someone. But he's not the only one who is an expert in hiding in the shadows. But,... he's so dreamy. I have to admit he's pretty hot, and the thing that he has this mysterious and badass aura around him it's pretty actractive. I have this huge crush on him since I first heard of him. And today I finally decided to let him catch me. You ask why? Well I ask why not? Like seriously, I think he deserves to know or like to meet me personally, because I am pretty sure that he already knows my name, my address, etc. And he didn't find me in that address because I kinda changed it. Not changed it in moved somewhere else, No, I changed it by hacking in the United States citizens database and changed it to my uncle's address. Sorry, I'm babbling, well I'm just really nervous because he spotted me, like right now, he's looking at me, right now, and I don't know what to do. I'm stressing! Oh My God! he's coming, he's coming! I can't move, it's the first time that I'm this nervous. I turned around and did like I didn't notice him having finally a little control over my body.

" I know you noticed me." I heard behind me a dark, raspy voice that sent chills all over my body.

"And?" I asked like I was the smoothest person ever. Or at least tried.

" Why did you made me chase you for two years in a row" he asked with the voice that made me melt each time I heard it. Its not like I heard it before, it's that it's really like really attractive and I'm babbling again sorry.

" It's not like I made you chase me one year and then stop and then chase me another one. Would you prefer that!" I asked like it was the stupidest thing ever. Well, it kind of was. Who would chase someone one year and then stop and then chase for another one that someone. Its just stupid, what the hell!

" Why did you let me find you right now?" He asked like it was the real meaning of the question but yet not showing any emotion. How does he do that?

" Well that's more like a question." I answered turning around just to be surprised by how close he was actually. Like really he was less... let's just say that you could barely fit in your hand between us. Surprised by it, I tried to take a step back but ended up almost falling off the building. Unfortunately or more like thankfully, my dear bat was there to catch me. And again more like wrap his arms around me so I didn't fell, and with that dragging me closer to him making us be squeezed against each other. And it was delightful. I could feel his abs through is armor.

He bent down bringing is face closer to me, our foreheads touching through our masks or hoods in this case, and whispered to me making me shiver " So answer it." His voice was so demanding that I couldn't help myself but stare from where they came from. Moments later, I finally snapped out of it, looking again at his eyes just to seeing looking at my lips too. He sensed my stare at his eyes and looked up at mine. We stared at each other for a moment just for then me slam my mouth against his.


" Bruce, do you really think it's a wise choice?" I said putting my heels on. " I don't really think these earrings should be in my ears." I said turning around putting the earrings near my ears. I saw Bruce sigh and coming near me grabbing my waist pulling me closer to him.

" There isn't a jewel that shouldn't be on you." He said pulling me even closer.

" You spoil me too much I'm not use to this Bruce!" I said, earning a sigh for answer.

" Okay, let's get this straight. You're my wife, and I'll spoil you because you deserve it, ok? Now, put the damn earrings on and let's go because we're already late" he said kissing my temple and turning around to go to the bathroom. Well, you see? Me and Bruce started dating some months after we first met. Then three months later he asked me to marry him. I know its was a bit too early but we're not normal so that just makes us even more not normal. It was a bit of shock for Gotham when we married. Even more of a shock once they discovered that I wasn't one of the healthiest persons alive. There were rumors about me just wanting his money. But I couldn't care less, I mean, we both know that we love each other so why care about what others think. And we've been married for 2 years now and we couldn't be happier. Me, Bruce and Alfred were one little family who couldn't be much more happy.


We've been sitting in this place for almost one hour and I've been with a smile all the time. But it all went wrong. I'm still shocked by seeing their bodies on the ground. And I just can't move. I couldn't move. I couldn't help. And I just can't stop thinking about it.


" No Bruce, you don't understand! I watched them die, and so did you. We could have helped, I could have helped. And we did nothing. I did nothing. After all this years trying to protect everybody in this city, and in that one moment not being able to, made me feel, makes me feel awful Bruce! And I can't help but feel guilty for their death. And now I am able to repair a little bit my mistake." I said crying and screaming at him at the same time. " Bruce, you watched your parents die. I watched my parents die. And now look at us." I said stopping screaming for a moment. I slowly turn to face him and with determination I finally said what I wanted. " I am NOT letting this boy become like us."

Hoped you enjoyed it !
Comment please!