FallenBird: Dun dun dun! I bring you the next chapter of Family, here things will start to uncover, you will be reading some of Tsuna's past life and I'm sure some of you will get what is going to happen next.

Another thing in this fic I am going to have to use an OC, sadly enough I know some hate having an OC but this story needs one so I apologize for it as I just dropped the bomb to you guys.

Warnings: AU, OC involved, some OOC(considering the fact that I am new to this).

Disclaimer: I do not own Katekyo Hitman Reborn.

Verde: 21

Tsuna: 14

Luce: 21

Answer to my reviewers:

SoCalNEH: This will answer part of your question, as the other half will be revealed soon, cause if I tell you now it will ruin the story. Thanks for reviewing!

PhoenixDash: Thank you for pointing out my error, I really appreciate it. Thanks for reviewing!

D8: Thank you I love toying with people, lol jk, thank you for reviewing I hope this pleases you.

Please enjoy~

"I also love you Verde!" Tsuna said as he smiled a big smile that made Verde return as soon as he saw it.

"Goodbye." Whispered Verde as he turned and walked away. "My dear Tsuna."

It has been seven years since Verde has seen Tsuna, but he saw Luce again last year, and that was were he felt a sense of relief as he got the chance to see her all over again. Imagine his surprise to see her on that meeting table were she came out from the kitchen door with cookies, going around offering the six of them if they wanted some. Seeing as no one took some he grabbed one.

"I didn't expect to see you again Luce." Verde said as he knew he had everyone's attention.

"I know you didn't but I know I will." Luce said as she smiled at him.

"I would have to wonder why but I can take a guess as to how." Verde said as he took a bite out of his cookie. He then paused a minute, considering if he should ask the question on his mind. Luce saw the conflict and smiled.

"He doesn't hate you, in fact he loves you." Luce said as she patted his shoulder. "He blames himself for everything that has happened. He says it was his fault that you left."

Verde turned his gaze away and didn't look back up. Luce continued what she was doing, it wasn't until the day she dreaded came, she knew it was bound to happen and she never wanted to bring this upon him. She wished he will not carry on this burden but he had accepted this fate.

The Fated Day

Luce and the others were all there, all seven of them. Reborn the Sun Arcobaleno, he wears a black fedora with a band of yellow around it, a black suit with a black tie and a yellow button up shirt. He has black spiky hair with two curly side burns. The next is Viper, Viper is wearing a black cloak with the hood on hiding its gender all that is visible is the two upside down triangles on both his cheeks and purple hair. Following is Lal who has blue hair past her shoulders and is dressed in a light brown military outfit.

Next is Fon, he is wearing a red chinese outfit with white baggy pants. He has long black hair tied into a braid. The one following is a man named Skull, he had his helmet off revealing his purple spiky hair along with makeup and a teardrop under his right eye with a chain that connects his lip ring to his ear ring. And lastly of course was Verde, the seven of them were in a circle surrounding an object they were told to find by the one who contracted them. Then a light came from the object blinding all seven of them, just when the light was brighter someone jumped in and pushed Lal away taking her place.

Verde quickly turned to see Luce with sad eyes a if accepting her fate from the very beginning. He then remembered the meeting from where Sepira called Tsuna into her room he stared at Luce with horror until the very last moment of the light fading. Everyone looked at themselves and saw nothing but chubby hands, arms and a small baby body.

"Luce you knew this was going to happened didn't you." Verde said as he walked up to her and wearing nothing but a brown cloak that was their only shield to protect their bodies from the eyes of the others.

"I'm sorry Verde, yes I knew this all along." Luce said as she and Verde talked together.

"What about Tsuna." Verde said as he began to panic.

"Do not worry he is safe." Luce said.

"Good, now what happens from here." Verde said as he questioned her, all the others turned to look at her waiting for an answer.

"Everyone goes their own way, the trail is done you have passed." Luce said as she looked at him and everyone began to nod their heads. "Good bye everyone. Verde would you like to see him, before you leave."

"No, I promised I would never see him again, but it was ice seeing you Luce. Please tell him to forget about me." Verde said as he took out a remote and pressed the big buttons on them. "Good bye."

With that a trap door opened and in fell Verde disappearing from everyone's sight. Next was Viper who used the power of the mist to disappear, following Viper was Lal and Colonello who was the reason Lal was half-cursed. Next was Fon who bowed to Luce and disappeared into the trees Skull was long gone leaving Luce alone with Reborn.

"Well looks like this will be the last time we see each other huh Reborn." Luce said as she turned to face the other chibi.

"Looks like it." Reborn said as he stared at her.

"Why don't you come out and greet my friend, Tsu-kun." Luce said as she turned to a specific bush not to far away from them. Reborn also turned to see what she was talking about only to see a teenager with brown gravity defying hair and warm chocolate eyes. He was wearing a white dress shirt with black pants. "Reborn this is Tsunayoshi, Tsu-kun this is Reborn the Sun Arcobaleno."

Giving the Sun a bright and pleasant smile he greeted him. "Good evening Reborn, pleased to meet you."

Reborn nodded in reply. Tsuna then turned his boss and let a small sad smile show on his face before picking her up.

"Shall we go?" Tsuna said as he hugged her small body and watched as Cosmo ran up his arm and onto his shoulder. "See you later Reborn."

"I don't think so brat." Reborn said as he turned to the brunet. "We will never see each other ever again."

Tsuna gave the hitbaby a small mysterious smile before he jumped unto the trees like Fon and disappeared.

In all truth Tsuna was there since the very beginning seeing Verde from afar and never having the strength to go up and talk to him. He was content with watching him from afar and he was fine with that. He would wait until the time came to finally speak with him, face to face.

"Luce." Tsuna said as he looked down at her.

"I know, Tsu-kun." Luce said as she reached up and patted the brunet giving him a tearful look and smile. "I can feel it."

Tsuna refused to show her his weak side. His grip on her tighten as he heard her words enter his ears.

'Why, why her.' Tsuna thought as he headed to their house.

Three Months Later

"Good bye Tsu-kun." A weak voice said as said person reached up and petted the brunet boy. "Remember that I and Verde love you with all of our hearts."

With that the brunet watched as his second only person he considered as family member slip from his grip and went to an eternal sleep with a smile on her sweet features.

"I also love you Luce, Cosmo. Good Bye, please rest well." Tsuna said as he accepted the item she gave him. He then turned and began walking out the house with a lighter in his hand, an object hanging on a chain on his chest and he then pressed the button remembering the conversation he and Luce had as he watched the house go up in flames.

"Tsu-kun, when it is my time I want you to burn both my body and Cosmo's in this house. It is my long dream to die in this house and I want all of it." Luce said as she turned her chibi face to Tsuna.

"As you wish Luce." Tsuna said as he took her and hugged her small but soft and warm form.

He took his only bag that he had prepared earlier that day and walked to the airport with one destination in mind. "Its time to head back to that hell hole."

He walked and got in line for his flight thinking of nothing but wanting to cry but knowing that he can't or he will never forgive himself. 'I need to concentrate on my new mission. For the calm before the storm is almost here.'

He watched as he passed all the clouds in the sky, wanting to do nothing but fall asleep.


Reborn sighed as he turned his gaze at the clock and watched as the minutes passed by, knowing that his student will wake up late.


He then heard the sound of his student falling off his bed and then running was heard throughout the entire kitchen.

"Ara, Ie-kun is barley getting up." A woman with short brown hair said as she was wearing a white apron with a pink long sleeve shirt and blue pants. "Mou, he's going to be late today again."

"Don't worry Maman, I will make sure he gets to school early." Reborn said as he put his small cup of Espresso back on the table.

"Thank you Reborn." Maman, or Nana, said as she smiled at the small baby.

"G-Good m-morning, m-mom," A teen with blonde gravity defying hair entered the kitchen. He has on the white button up shirt tucked into his black pants with his tie surprisingly tied neat and his black vest over his white shirt. "Reborn! I thought you were going to wake me up like usual."

"Not my fault Dame-Ie." Reborn said as he didn't bother to look up at him. 'Something doesn't feel right. Something is coming, and it is going to tear this family apart.'

That was when he received the phone call from HQ. Reborn stared at the phone in dread. He decided to take this outside away from the family.


"Reborn, we have some bad news."

Reborn narrowed his eyes and frowned. "Talk."

"This happened about a month ago..."

As the person on the other side of the phone began telling the events of the past month Reborn began making scary faces. "This is bad."


Tsuna walked to the entrance of the school he will be entering for the next couple of years. He kept walking to the entrance and inside the building he began to look for the office.

"Herbivore." A cold voice came from behind him. The next thing had Tsuna leaning to the right, seeing as he heard the sound of the wind whistling to his head, dodging the metal weapon of whoever dared attack him.

"Yes?" Tsuna said as he turned around to see the person already knowing who he was. 'Hibari Kyouya, Cloud Guardian for Vongola Decimo, age 15.'

"What are you doing outside of class." Hibari said as he narrowed his grey eyes at the younger teen.

"I'm sorry," Tsuna said as he let a small smile come across his face. "I'm new here and was looking for the Principle's office."

Hibari looked into the warm brown eyes before deciding the younger teen was not lying to him. He grunted at him before making his way to the Principle's office hoping the teen will get the idea. And surprisingly he did follow after him. Hibari only had one thought in his mind, 'He was able to dodge my weapon with ease, who's this omnivore.'

Once in front of the office the teen thanked him.

"Thank you." Tsuna said before knocking on the door and hearing the voice of the grown man telling him to enter. "Hello Sir, I'm the new student Abandonato Tsunayoshi."

"Ah yes, Abandonato-kun I've heard about you. Here is your class with the schedule and everything. Welcome to Namimoi Middle School." The Principle said as he gave Tsuna a warm smile. While Tsuna nodded to him and excused himself to look for his class.

"Thank you."

Walking down the hallways he followed the secretary's directions to get to his class, as soon as he came to stand in front of it he felt he will hate this teacher with all his might. He took a deep breath before knocking, after that he waited for the teacher to come to the door and open it.


Wow, what a nice teacher. He is as sweet as a marshmallow, not.

"Excuse me for being late I got lost on the way, I am the new student-" In his introduction speech he was cut off seeing as the teacher could care less.

"What a why to start the day kid. Get in and introduce yourself, next time don't bother to show yourself to my class." The teacher said as he made room for Tsuna to enter. "Class we have a new student, introduce yourself."

"Hello, my name is Abandonato Tsunayoshi, it's a pleasure to meet you." Tsuna said as he bowed to show his respect. "Please treat me well."

Tsuna will have to say that his favorite expression on the students will have to be the blond's who looked like he had seen a ghost. Tsuna let a small smirk show on his face before composing himself. He saw the two other guardians on the blond's list.

'Gokudera Hayato, Storm Guardian for Vongola Decimo age 14. Yamamoto Takeshi, Rain Guardian for Vongola Decimo, age 14. And finally Vongola Decimo, Sawada Ieyasu Sky Boss age 14.' Tsuna thought as he took his seat in the middle of the three of them. 'This will be interesting.'

Lunch Time

When the bell rang for lunch Tsuna did not expect to have Sawada Ieyasu come up to him with the two guardians behind him.

"May I talk to you, T-Abandonato-san." Sawada said as he looked nervous. Tsuna narrowed his eyes as he heard the slight slip of the name.

"Sure, Sawada-san. Any place in mind?"

"Follow me."

Tsuna did as he was told, carrying his orange lunch box with him, and walked out the classroom ignoring the disappointed looks from the girls.

"Tsu-" Sawada was stopped as Tsuna all but smiled at him.

"Ara? I don't think we should be on first name basis, Sawada-san. I don't even know you that well." Tsuna said as he sat down and began eating, of course after saying his prayer. "Is there anything you would like to ask?"

"Haha, were are you from." Yamamoto said as he sat down and also began eating.

"Me, I'm from Italy." Tsuna said. "I was originally born here but my brother took me to Italy with him and their we met up with my sister and mom."

Tsuna saw Ieyasu freeze when the brunet talked about his life.

"But things happened and so I had to move back here even if I wanted to stay in Italy." Tsuna said as he paused in his eating remembering the last couple of days with Luce.

Just then a small body landed in front of the group, all four of them looked up to see the small baby hitman.

"Dame-Ie I have to head back to Italy for some urgent business. Yamamoto Gokudera take care of him and make sure he does not skip out on his homework and his training." Reborn said as he then noticed an empty lunch box. "Who does that belong to."

"Huh, oh that belongs to Abandonato-san." Ieyasu said as he turned to look at the brunet only to see that the place was empty and a note saying he went to go get something to drink. "Anyways, I promise I won't forget."

"Hm." Reborn thought for a minute, staring at the exit of the school's roof before leaving and going back to Italy.

Tsuna was behind the doors to the roof, hoping that the baby will not notice him. Once he felt his presence gone from Namimori he went back out with his drink and sat back down on his spot.

'Why am I sitting here eating with them.' Tsuna thought as he drank his strawberry juice. The bell rang and they all went back down the stairs to head to the bathroom, on the way there Tsuna heard Ieyasu speak to him.

"I'm sorry."

The brunet paused before turning to face the teen.

"Sorry won't cut it, I'm only here because my sister wanted me to make amends with you. I know it's their fault , but I am not ready to forgive you until you prove yourself." Tsuna said as he then walked away from the teen. Leaving him in shock.


Verde stared at the screen were it had a scene of nothing but storming flames doing nothing but damage to the forest in it's wake. He could see from the cameras he had installed there that the italian fire department were having difficulty to put the fire down. He saw as the beautiful mansion that was standing there just yesterday was now nothing but ash having been burn to the ground completely.

Two people came into his mind as he stared at the screen in shock, letting a couple of tears fall down his chubby cheeks.

"Tsuna, Luce..." Verde said as he felt himself grow cold. "N-No, please no..."

Then all hell broke lose, the neat and clean room was turned into a disaster in less than a minute.

"WHY! WHY THEM!" Verde shouted as he cried and took out his anger on his furniture and everything else. "TSUNA!"


Tsuna jumped in the middle of his math class as he felt something inside of him twist in a painful way. He put his hand on his chest, just under a certain object that was left in his care by Luce his sister. He grew pale as he felt a tear drop fall down his cheek.

Whispering one name, "Verde..."

The brunet wanted nothing more than to go and look for the lightning Arcobaleno but knowing that nothing will be useful to him seeing as the green haired scientist never left any traces behind.

Well, that's all for this chapter thanks for reading. I'm guessing you guys can guess what is going to be happening next seeing as I left a lot of clues for you guys to pick up.

I had so much fun writing this chapter, this one has my attention more than the others.

Please review.