REGGSY [Kingsman/Eggsy x Roxy]

It started out as a conversation and I never meant to write something this long(though it is not that long after all) but here we are. WOW. The power of Reggsy, it sure is.

"I love you."

Roxy shut her mouth tightly right after she realised what she said. Eggsy was staring at her without a word.

"Wow." She tried to break the wierd, rather scary atmosphere, but Eggsy did not flinch an eyebrow. His chocolate brown eyes were firmly fixed on her eyes and she wanted to stare away. They were so sweet as always and it hurt her.

Roxy wanted to kill herself for saying such thing. Such heavy, burdensome, relationship-defining word...

She cleared her throat and spoke again, this time louder and jokingly.

"Wow. I don't know where that came from."

"You don't?"

"Wha, what?" she stummered.

Eggsy's eyes were not interpretable and she froze, not knowing what to say, what to do.

But that moment was not long, for he opened his mouth shortly.

"I mean, I think I know where that came from."

Roxy was shocked. Shocked by his immediate response, shocked by what he was saying, and shocked by what he MAY be implying through those words.

Then, she was terrified by the thought that if everything she was assuming right at the moment was wrong.

"No." Eggsy frowned, as if he was thinking deelpy and thoroughly. "I am quite sure where that came from."

Her face reddened. Roxy could not see herself but she knew it from the heat that burnt her ears and eyes.

"It ain't something from nowhere, ain't it?"

He beamed his usual, no, brighter-than-usual grin, which made him look like a teenager.

The look Roxy loved so much.

She felt like she could cry.

And the thought was not wrong since her eyeballs burned and watered.

Noticing her teary eyes and her biting her lips, Eggsy reached out his hand and wrapped her face. Roxy winced but soon rested under his warm palm. It was not soft, but it was comfortable and it smelt like him. His thumb gently wiped away a teardrop that was about to fall from her eye.

"Do you want me to tell you where it came from?"

His whisper was so quiet that no one else could have heard it even if there was anyone standing as close as they could.

But there was no one.

Eggsy asked again.

"Do you want me to?"

Roxy couldn't say a thing, with mixed feelings of fear and longing.

His thumb that was stroking her cheek slid down her face, and onto her lips.

And when she was on the burge of tears, Eggsy's lips were on hers, and he swallowed all of her moan. She closed her eyes. They were there, still, their lips in touch. His lips wrapped around her underlip and tip of his tongue met her lip. as if petting. The brush of his tongue on her lip was sensational although it was soft enough, and Roxy thought she felt electricity all over her body.

Eggsy's kiss told her the answer to where IT came from.

Love came from him. And he was sweet.