A/N: I lied. I actually enjoyed writing this crap. Haha. Just don't curse me out when you realize that this story is just building itself without prior plans or something. XD Expect plotholes. Lotsa them. And OOCness. And lots of weirdness.

'Hyperion' is Scorpius' (y'know Draco's son) middle name, so I kinda just stole that since in Harry Potter people name lots of people after lots of other dead people and it's very likely that they actually have the same name. So. Haha. Well.

Stream of consciousness, this is. Confusing, it will be. Staying to read, will you be?


Hyperion Malfoy, Lord to the Noble and Most Ancient House of Malfoy, had had problems with his wife for quite some time now. Alysandra Malfoy nee Avery had never been quite taken with him even when they were at Hogwarts. Hyperion's parents though had most certainly been smitten with the woman even during the whole escapade where she had gone around flirting with every man in sight (which wasn't as uncommon as people made it out to be). Hyperion had been the only one who resisted her advances and that made him a novelty to the flighty Avery and had been the subject of her attentions for longer than he would have been able to endure. This, thus made him a suitable candidate for the woman's husband to be. However, when they had married and Hyperion still refused to do anything past what was needed for an heir, Alysandra began to rebel—in subtle, passive aggressive manners since it was still ill-befitting of a woman of her status to outright rebel. It wasn't much his problem that he wasn't interested in anyone romantically or sexually—Hyperion never understood what others liked about it—he preferred completely platonic relationships to what others thought was necessary. Asexuality was a wonderful thing, in his opinion. You didn't have the need to be with someone to feel complete and he'd much rather be alone than have some sort of romantic partner. Avery had just helped him with the whole 'needing a wife' problem and his mother had been delighted with the whole pureblood philosophy of blood purity and whatnot. Of course, there was some confusion during his teenage years that while everybody wanted to do something he didn't want to, even if he had tried it twice but never again. Getting a divorce was the least of his problems due to having received a dowry and an heir out of the whole debacle. He much loved his son, Abraxas, even if he child was spoilt beyond normal comprehension.

Hyperion had scheduled a meeting with the goblins of Gringotts to discuss the matter of his divorce with his wife when he noticed a rather well dressed pair talking amiably, in Gobbledygook nonetheless, with a goblin behind the counter. If he didn't know any better, he would have said that the goblin was pleased to have wizards paying them respect. But he did and knew that the goblin was more than just pleased. It stirred his curiosity and wanted to know what was it about the pair that made him turn his head in the first place when he realized that almost every eye in the room was trained to the older man. He'd had unruly but obviously styled black hair that fell in odd ways around his head, and turning a bit to the side, Hyperion could tell that the man's eyes were vividly green. Like the killing curse that his father so loved to use on the pests that he caught scurrying around the house. The younger one—around his son's age perhaps?—had the same aura, but more subdued and darker dark dark and Hyperion was entranced. What in heaven's name was that? Dark magic was hardly something uncommon and Hyperion could vouch for the fact that there are more Dark Wizards than Light Wizards now, if only because Light wizards were engrossed in their heroics than ambitious Dark Wizards who were more concerned with furthering their wealth than saving lives in exchange for theirs. The whole silent war was also a good contributor to that precarious balance and Hyperion Malfoy didn't even want to be a part of such a ridiculous scheme. He might hate muggles as much as the next wizard in line, but even he could see that there would be problems if the muggles ceased to exist entirely. Muggles were the lowest class in the system and they provided food for most of the Wizarding populations scattered everywhere and he couldn't really accept that if muggles were to be completely extinct, then those jobs would fall to the wizards, even if they would be Muggleborns or not. The house-elves could do that, but it that was the case, then house-elves should most probably start breeding like rabbits now. At least muggles weren't as disgusting to look at and the too-short and too grey deformed creatures that were only let into houses because wizards were too lazy for their own good.

The man tilted and Hyperion strained his ears to listen to the conversation that was happening on the other end of the counter. He cast a silent Amplificus to magnify his hearing. It wasn't really a good spell because if someone managed to sneak up on you and speak just the slightest bit louder than a normal speaking voice, you eardrums might probably burst, but due to severe practice, malpractice and modifications, Hyperion could safely say that he could only focus on certain sounds once he activated the spell. Alysandra probably won't arrive until after lunch so he had all the time on the world to observe the newly arrived—and seemingly powerful—wizards.

"Name? Vault key?" The goblin demanded slightly less threateningly as per their usual accord, finally in normal English.

"Hadrian Peverell. I'd like to request a key for the Slytherin Vault please." was the muted request.

And Hyperion's world shook.

Slytherin? Was he seriously asking to open Slytherin's vault when there had not been an heir for centuries now? Was he just one of those people who thought they might descend from the Founder? It would be very possible that this person was just trying for a chance to see if they were related but for some unfathomable reason, he knew that the man was neither just trying his luck nor unsurely claiming such a large thing. There were a dozen more thoughts running through his head but he knew that his expression was as stony at could be.

"Do you have a claim to it? A distant relation is not good enough to be qualified to open a vault if there was no will left to trace." The goblin asked with a haughty tone. Hyperion had to agree with him.

"My ward here, Tom Marvolo Riddle is a direct descendant of the Slytherin line." The older man said with a small smile, almost conspiratorial.

"I am willing to go through a blood test to prove my claims." The child said eloquently and Hyperion wondered if Abraxas could be that calm and collected when questioned and under as much scrutiny as the child—Tom, was it? It was such a common name.

"It is expensive and while I have no doubt that if it is proven true, you would be able to pay for it, there is the chance that it is not."

"Would this be a good time to say that we found the Slytherin Keep and have stayed in there for the last five years?" The older man's voice was severely amused. "The Keep has recognized my ward as its true heir and while I find this conversation quite amusing, we still have places to go and things to do."

Hyperion could feel the goblin's greed from where he was and he was at the other end of the room. That was such a surprise though. They'd found the Slytherin Keep? How did they manage that? The secret of the location had been kept and thought to be lost! It was a wonder and Hyperion could feel the desire to see the Manor for himself. He'd approach them once they've concluded his business here.

"We have something from the Keep itself to prove our residence there and we are more than able to pay for the blood test with our own money on hand. We are hardly commoners that couldn't pay for such a small amount."

The man handed the Goblin a crest, indubitably from the place that he had just mentioned and magic was rolling off of it in waves. Hyperion almost shuddered. Such magic!

As his concentration faded and the spell worn off, he felt a gaze on his back and sought the source with his own and was slightly rattled when his eyes met the other man's. There was an unidentifiable feeling in it that made him want to bow down and follow. Not even his father could make him feel that and he'd had the advantage of so many years on him that it wasn't even funny anymore yet this man, who looked even younger than him... Granted, his father had never had much of a presence from the start but this was something else. Even Dippet didn't have an inch of command compared to this man (maybe he was slightly biased as Dark magic was much more intoxicating than the light magic to other Dark wizards.) Then suddenly the pressure was off and Hyperion could feel the hairs standing on the back of his neck.

The man said something and Hyperion just realized that the spell he cast had already completely worn off as he couldn't even hear anything the man had said. Though it seemed as if he was addressing his ward (The Slytherin heir—his mind whispered) and the boy nodded with a small smile as the boy moved towards him with a measured carelessness that made him want to run and flee for his life. Yet running from a child was the last thing he wanted to do. He pretended to not have seen the interaction and continued to wait serenely on one of the benches he was waiting for Alysandra in.

"Good day, Lord Malfoy." The child greeted and held out a hand, his childish voice making him squirm. There was just something off about the child that made him uneasy and it was unnerving how utterly normal he was acting. But Hyperion was much better than that and he felt that not a single thought showed on his face. "My name is Tom Marvolo Riddle."

"Hyperion Scarabaeus Malfoy. A pleasure to meet you." Hyperion tilted his head to regard the boy and nodded, grasping the too-small hand in his and felt a jolt of magic through his system that withdrew as fast as it had come. He was proud of himself that he didn't recoil due to the magic, but it was intoxicating.

Riddle looked slightly alarmed and Hyperion didn't believe an inch of it. That was a calculated show of power and damn him because Hyperion was impressed. "I apologize." Riddle said as he quickly withdrew his hand. "Hadrian says that I still have too little control of my magic and it tends to escape my control sometimes."

"Hadrian?" Hyperion prompted.

"Yes." The boy smiled, gestured to the man he'd just left and Hyperion could almost smile back but settled for a quirked brow. "My guardian. He tends to be a bit protective."

"I believe I understand why." Hyperion replied musingly. "I have a son, myself."

"May I meet him?" The child's eyes glittered and Hyperion could only just suppress a flinch. No! Hyperion didn't want Abraxas anywhere near this child! (Yet this was a good chance to up that smug bastard Proximus Black. That man just got on his nerves.)

"Maybe." Hyperion allowed, not answering the question. "Though I doubt that you came all the way here to talk about nothing in particular."

The child's eyes darkened for a moment then returned to its childish one and nodded almost approvingly. "I see. Hadrian wishes for me to see the alley alone as he has a lot to do with the goblins and does not wish to make me wait."

"And you wish for me to be your guide." Hyperion concluded almost breathlessly. How did he get into situations like this? Why couldn't it be some of his less than likeable cousins instead? "Why? I doubt that your protective guardian would leave you in the hands of another pureblood so soon after you are first introduced to society as a whole."

"He wishes for me to tell you that if I so much as cut a finger," Tom's eyes became slightly amused. "There will be nothing left for you to claim or anything to claim it with, whichever way is more appealing to him at the time."

Hyperion shuddered. This… wasn't the best idea he's ever had.

"I'm jesting." Tom's lips curved amusedly and Hyperion gave him a weak smile. "Hadrian merely wished to convey his greetings. Ah. He's coming here now."

Hyperion's eyes flicked toward the other end of the room where Peverell was coming from and wanted this encounter to end already. Where was that nosy Alysandra when he needed her?

"I hope my ward hasn't scared you half to death now." Was the light question. Hyperion didn't even think to let his guard down.

"Not at all. In fact, he was wonderful company." Hyperion hurried to quell whatever irritation he might have roused.

"Oh, please." Peverell laughed slightly. "Tom here is a little hellion. He's just subtler at it than other children. I doubt he didn't cause you trouble."

"It's quite alright. Are you finished with your business?" Hyperion inquired.

"The goblins scheduled the blood testing in a fortnight and we wish to do some shopping before heading home. Though they said that it was more protocol than anything else."

Hyperion couldn't help his curiosity. "Ah. The Keep?"

Peverell's eyes flashed dangerously and Hyperion almost regretted asking but the man seemed to manage to calm himself.

"Indeed." Peverell hummed and pulled out an invitation from the fold of his robes and handed it to the Malfoy Lord.

"This is..?" Hyperion prompted.

"An invitation to Yule Ball at the Slytherin Keep." Tom chirped (Hyperion was struck with a sudden sense of wrongness) then continued proudly. "I may be only four but the manor has accepted me as Lord to the Keep. Hadrian left the planning to me."

Hyperion's breath caught. He must be dreaming. The Slytherin Keep was probably one of the most sought after destinations by the whole Wizarding World and he just got an invitation to it. Wow. Just. Oh dear.

"It's respondez s'il vous plait and the last day of confirmation is a month before Yule. Please return your correspondences then." Hadrian said with a wry smile.

"I'm… honored." Hyperion couldn't help himself. "I will most certainly make it."

"One invitation is for four, so please bring whomever you would like." Hadrian commented with a smile.

"Dear!" Hyperion almost winced as he heard the screeching voice of his wife, soon to be ex-wife, but couldn't really ignore the slight relief that came with it.

"Yes, Alysandra?" Hyperion replied calmly.

"Oh, you didn't tell me you had company." Alysandra giggled. Hyperion repressed a wave of disgust. "Why don't you introduce us?"

"Gentlemen, this is my wife, Alysandra Selena Malfoy nee Avery. Alysandra, these are Tom Marvolo Riddle, direct descendant of the Slytherin line and his guardian, Hadrian Peverell."

Alysandra's eyes widened. "…Slytherin?"

"Indeed." Hadrian interjected.

"That's hardly possible." Alysandra scoffed as she regained her bearings. "Please tell me you're pulling my leg. With a name like that—"

Hadrian's eyes flashed menacingly, his magic thrashing wildly against his skin. It made him wonder what it would be like when the man wasn't restraining himself and decided that he didn't want to know. It made the air feel thick and Hyperion could almost taste the sheer power that the man exuded. Even Alysandra, a very average witch, could feel the heaviness of it. Hyperion felt grateful when Tom sighed, tugging at the man's robe. If the man was just the guardian, what more the kid if he grew into his magic? Hyperion knew about the Peverells and knew that they were a legendary lot but no direct descendant still lived save the Potters and Hadrian most certainly wasn't Light. Or at least, completely Light, Hyperion amended.

"Pardon me, madam," Tom started slightly apologetic but a slight snarl twisted his lips, ", but Hadrian gets a bit touchy when people insult my name. I implore you not to mention it again in his presence." Or in mine for that matter.

Alysandra huffed, but after that show of power, who wouldn't feel cowed? Hyperion was certainly trying not to shake or let his knees collapse. Alysandra was less in tune with her magic and only felt little of it. Hyperion needed to leave. Now. Lest he make a scene of himself.

"I'm afraid we'll have to take our leave." Hyperion said mournfully. No one was fooled, but for the sake of politeness, they played along. "We have something to sort out with our accounts, right, dear?"

Alysandra smiled. "True."

"I want to go to Flourish and Blotts first." Tom told his guardian resolutely. "I've already done finished most of the ones at home."

"Of course." Hadrian said serenely. "I's been nice meeting you, Lord and Lady Malfoy."

"It was our pleasure." Alysandra smiled.

And that was the end of that particular meeting. They bid their goodbyes and the duo left with bank without glancing back once.

"Are you…" Alysandra frowned as she struggled with the words. "Their magic was…"

"It's none of business for now." Hyperion finally spoke. "I do not sense any hostility from them but I think it be most wise not to anger them."


"Was that satisfactory?" Tom asked quietly.

"More than." Hadrian smiled slightly. "Shall we head to Knockturn Alley now?"

"I think we need to go to Flourish & Blotts first, just to keep up appearances."

"I doubt you'd find anything you'd actually need there."

"I'm actually craving for some fiction, so shall we?"

"Of course, young master." Hadrian demurred.

"Hadrian!" Tom huffed, his ears slightly reddish. He'd never liked being addressed by Hadrian like that. "That was uncalled for."

"But you're so cute when you're flustered!" Hadrian teased.

