I am super sorry for the long absence. It is my last year at uni and it is very hard and busy. It seemed like i have no social life right now with all the work piling up but i needed a break and here was what came out of me. Well i hope you will enjoy it

Chapter 6: The Present and the Past

Bella POV

I woke up with Jacobs arms around me feeling his heat and breath on my neck and smiled. This week was free of any vampires or witches. It was like our lives went back t normal but we knew it did not. There was still this threat of the unknown. We did not not anything about witches and Billy who knew most of us knew only the basics. Apparently he called his friend and she will help us with the witchy problem.

I turned around and looked at the face of the man i loved more than life itself and sighed. He looked tired. Even now when he was asleep. Ever since that vampire came to our house and looked through it he was working overtime to try and keep me safe, he tried to keep everyone safe. He was sleeping three hours a at a time and it was not working for him. I could not look at how tired he was all the time so i put my foot down last night and told him to take time of and sleep or he will regret it.

I chuckled and hid my face in the pillow as i remember last night when at 9 in the evening i told him to go to sleep. He looked at me like i was crazy but he went to bed but not before dragging him with me and making love to me repeatedly. I still get wet just thinking at what he made my body do last night. I kissed his nose lightly to which he just gave me a large snore and left the bedroom to go to the kitchen. Knowing my man he will be hungry like the wolf he is. I made a tone of eggs and waffles and bacon when i felt strong arms around my waist and wet lips on my neck.

"I missed you in bed this morning babe." he said moving his hands to cup my breast making me moan into his touch.

"I made you food Jake, i thought you would be hungry." I said my breath hitching as he moved one hand down my PJ's and circling my clit while the other was playing with my nipple. His mouth was on my neck devouring it. I shuddered at all those feeling moaning lightly.

"I am hungry but not for food Bella. I am hungry for you." Jacob said in my ear before biting it. I could not take it anymore. I turned around and shoved my hand in his hair and brought my lips to his in a hungry kiss. He took me in his arms and put me to sit on the counter and i circled my legs around his waist. I kissed him so hard that our teeth were crashing together. Our tongues were fighting for dominance in this dance, neither wanting to submit. Soon before i even knew it happening Jacob lifted mu but from the counter and plunged himself into me forcefully and i screamed in pleasure breaking the kiss and throwing my head back. I arched my back into him and he took one of my breast and out it in his mouth his hips thrusting fervently.

There was nothing romantic about this act. No proclamations of love no sweet words, nothing. This was pure and animalistic raw lust. This was need and desire at its core. Jacob who was normally very talkative during our love making always making sure i was all tight and telling me how much he loved me, now was grunting and growling like an animal making me dripping wet for him. He was just saw sexy right now, he acted liek a caveman just taking me hard and fast. He lifted me up like i weight nothing with his hand on my hips he lifted and than impaled me on his dick. I loved it when he took me like this. Being rough with me, making me his. I could feel the tightness and warms in my belly just reaching it peaked before i screamed out like a crazy woman and saw pure white light when the sheer strength of my orgasm hit me.

I did not even know when Jacob put me back down on the floor, bended me in my waist and took me from behind as i was laying on the counter. Jacob started hi thrusting into me, holding onto my hair and slapping my ass. I was a blubbering mess unable to form a coherent thought as pleasure just took over me. I was holding onto the cpunter as Jacob mercilessly thursted into me grunting and growling in my ear. I was so close, but i did not want to come without Jacob.

"Jake come with me." I breathed out to him. Jacob did not say anything but grunted and bit into my shoulder. That was my undoing and i came so hard i actually went blind for a moment. Just seconds later Jacob came with a loud howl.

I laid there on the counter with Jacob lying behind my trying to catch my breath. It seems that i lost control of my legs. I could not move them. I her Jacob chuckle behind me and i tried to moved my head.

"Did i paralyse you?" Jake said and hollered with laughed kissing my shoulder blade.

"Shut up asshole. What else did you think would happen when you fucked my like that? I swear you gave me whiplash." i said and chuckled.

"Well i think i need to take care of my lady." Jake said standing up and taking me in his arms.

"I think you just did." i said with a lazy smile on my face. He put me on one of the chairs to sit down and began putting breakfast on the table. He gave m a up of coffee and sat down in front of me and dug into his food. I looked at that man lovingly and began to eat. Soon after breakfast i was lying on top of Jacob who was lying on the sofa watching some bad TV. It was the first time in a couple of weeks that we were able to do that. I was really enjoying myself when the phone rang. Both Jake and i groaned at the sound. It was my cellphone and when i picked it up i saw on the caller ID that it was Alice. I picked up the phone with a smile on my face.

"Bella! How are you!" Alice did not even give me a chance to say hello before she began talking. I just laughed.

"Hey Alice it is good to hear from you. When about are you getting here." I asked. I could not wait to see them all. I missed them all very much.

"Actually we are already here unpacking the house and i was wondering of you want to come and visit us. I really want to see you." Alice said and i got up from the couch excitedly.

"Alice that is great. I would love to see you as soon as possible." I said getting very happy.

"Yay! I will see you soon. Can't wait!" Alice said and finished the call. i could not get wait to see them all once again.

"So i guess our time is over." Jacob said sitting up on the couch and wiping his face. My good mood suddenly evaporated as i remembered my day with Jake. I was about to ditch him.

"Jacob i am sorry. I will call them and reschedule. I know we haven't spend time together recently." I said and looked at Jake who was shaking his head.

"No its fine Bella go an see them. You haven't seen them in a long time." Jake said and i shrieked in joy and kissed him on the mouth.

"I love you Jacob." I said nibbling on his chin making him chuckle.

"And don't you forget that. Now if you don't stop you want leave here for some time." Jake said and i laughed pushing him back on the couch and straddling his hips.

"Who says we don't have time for a quickie." I said kissing him on the mouth.

I drove my car to the Cullen's house. A house where i had not stepped foot in so long. It seemed that once i chose Jake i had to let go of something. The house looked magnificent like it always did. Just as i was pulling up the driveway Alice ran to me and dragged me out of my car and hugged me nearly crushing me to death.

"Oh my god Bella, i am so glad that you are here." Alice shrieked in my ear.

"Alice, Cant, Breath" i gasped out and Alice let me go and looked at me sheepishly.

"I'm sorry you i haven't seen you in such a long time and i missed you so much. We are going to go shopping soon. Even though your sense of style is better you still need more clothes." Alice said and i rolled my eyes. I knew that this was going to happen when she's here and i made peace with it.

"Okay Pixie its my time to hug the human." A big burly guy came over to them and picke Bella up and twirled her around before setting her down on the floor.

"I see that you had a great time before coming here. I really great time." Emmett said before wining at me making me blush. Off course they know what i did before i came here. It was not a secret that they can smell Jake on me. I was not the same bashful girl that i was. Not after spending so much time with a pack of wolfs pun intended.

"Well i am not going to lie. It was very pleasurable." I said winking at Emmett who boomed in laughed.

"Well he did not do a good job if you still can walk." Emmett said and Rosalie came over and waked hi on the head.

"Stop you big oaf. It is not your business. Bella it see you. You look well. Human suits you." Rose said and i laughed.

"So you said before." I said hugging her close. She really became one of my closest friends.

We walked back to the house were Carlisle and Esme joined us. Esme opened her arms for me with a warm and inviting smile an i hugged her.

"Look at you my sweet. You are glowing." Esme said and looked t my face with a smile.

"Well i am very happy." I said and hugged Carlisle

"So how is the business. I hear its blooming." He asked and i smiled proudly. It was true the business was booming. We just made the front page of the Forks Gazette and we are one of the hot spots to come and eat a home cooked meal. I was very proud.

"Yes it is and i could not be happier with the way that it is going." I said and sat down at the island.

"So how is everyone here." i asked.

"Same old same old. Travelling shopping you know the drill." Alice said with a mysterious glint in her eyes. I decided its better not to ask. Now now anyway.

"How's the wolfboy. I hope he treats you well?" Rose asked an Esme looked at her disapprovingly. I just chuckled.

"Jake is fine. He makes me very happy and he is a gentle man when he needs to be." i said and Rose laughed beautifly throwing her head back. Esme looked upstairs and then sadly at Carlisle. I knew that Edward just came into the house through his window. I looked at Esme and showed upstairs and she nodded. I hoped of the stool and made my way to his room. A i approached it i could her the soft notes of my lullaby being plyed on the piano and my heart tightened in my chest. That melody brought back a lot of melody. All of the feeling i had for Edward and all of my love had just came out of me. By the time i came to his room i was shaking. I opened the door and i saw him, a haunted figure sitting down by the piano completely lost in the music. He made such a breathtaking picture that y heart stopped in my chest. I gasped and his eyes looked straight into mine. His beautiful topaz eyes were staring right into my soul leaving me breathless.

"Bella." he said in a whisper making my heart skip a beat. He glided to me and touched my cheek with his cold hand making me jump away. I was not used to cold hands. The hands that touched me were hot leaving a scorching trail as they went. Those hands touching me now left me feeling cold and dead inside. All of the feeling i felt when he left me also came rushing back. They made me feel small and insignificant and i swore i would never feel like this again. Never again. I closed my eyes and subdued the anger inside of me. I cannot make a scene here. Not with people at the house. I still needed closure and i will get it one way or the other just not now. It was not the time and the place.

I looked around the room and it was bare with just the black piano in it. It looked hopeless and depressing. It looked empty just like his eyes were. He does not deserve to look like that. He was the one that left me, not me. He is the reason he feels like this. He should leave with the consequences of his actions.

"I love what you've done with the place." i said walking around the room. There were boxes with his CD's and i picked one up.

"I never thought you was a fan of Enya." I continued.

"It is a guilty pleasure of mine." He said softly. Edward eyes were fallowing my every moved. I did not know how to talk with this man in front of me or should i say boy.

"Are you really happy Bella?" his question left me speechless. I was not expecting this from him. I closed my mouth and crossed my on my chest and raised my eyebrow.

"Yes i am Edward, happier then i have ever been in my life." i said and i watched as he winced in pain and i felt a surge of sick satisfaction. There are no word what i've been through because of him so the fact that it caused him pain made me feel like the bigger person. He got a dose of his own medicine making me feel like shit before.

"I am glad. You deserve all the happiness." He said sadly and left through the window. I felt anger in me. How dare he play the victim. He was the only one that was responsible for the way he feels now. I was not the one that decided to leave. I was not the one that acted like a brat. It was all of him. I made my way downstairs. I needed to leave. Had to get out of this house and get back to Jake where i felt like i was home. Where i felt safe and loved. I wanted my Jake.

"I am sorry to cut this meeting short. I need to leave." I said and Esme nodded and before anyone else could say anything she spoke.

"Well don't be a stranger Bella. I am glad to see you" She said and i said goodbye to everyone before making my way to the door but before that could happen i suddenly felt like my legs were made of cotton and i felt very wobbly. This nausea hit me and i saw dark spots before my eyes before the darkness took me completely.

Well well well what do you think of this chapter? Was is good? Well i think that there will be a confrontation between Edward and Bella and she will make him see that he is not the apple of everyone's eye. He will be put in his place. Now please review and let me know what you think.