I don't know where I'm going with this but let's just go with the flow.

They met when she was 10 and their bond gradually became stronger after that, a lot stronger than they anticipated. It started off innocently, after their encounter when Karin 10, Toushirou would sneak out and see her here and there. Sometimes twice a year, sometimes a few days a month or maybe even stay the night in the World of the Living. Either way he consistently visited her over the years without fail. It was innocent back then, them being the best of friends bonding over a game of soccer. They never anticipated falling in love with one another.

He just picked up the ball by coincident; he didn't think much of it back then. After all it's not like he can see the future but that day when he picked the ball up, he didn't think he'd end up making friends with the girl. He didn't believe in fate but when he bump into her every time he was on a mission to the World of the Living, a tiny part of him may have believed in it. They eventually became somewhat friends and he would visit her every time he was in the World of the Living, her orders. In reality, he just doesn't feel satisfied going back to Soul Society without seeing her.

And here he was right now playing a game of soccer with the said 13 year old girl called Karin. He's been friends with her for 2 years now and he notices the small changes in her body. She's grown taller, her hair is now just past her shoulder and her body is in the early stages of maturing. With all the time he visits the Living World it's inevitable that he has grown too, mainly in height and reiryoku. His voice has gotten huskier and deeper as well. He resembles more of a 15 year old than a 10 year old now and this didn't go unnoticed by the Gotei 13 and the other shinigami/s. They believed it was just his late growth spurt but Matsumoto knew better. It's obvious in the way she teases him.

"Toushirou!" The raven-haired girl called out as she passed the black and white ball to him.

Toushirou received the ball, weaved through his opponents before kicking the ball, aiming at his teammates chest. The ball rebounded off the boy's chest and into the goal leaving everyone speechless and wondering what just happened. "That was so cool, Toushirou" exclaimed the player who Toushirou used as a rebounder, Kazuya he believed the name was.

As if on cue the rest of Karin's friend came and bombarded him with compliments. Despite the many games he played with them he's never used to their enthusiasm.

After their soccer games and being the gentleman his grandma taught him to be, he would walk Karin home but not before stopping at the guardrail to watch the sunset.

"That was a cool move back then Toushirou. When's the next time you're free?" Karin asked once they settled down on the grass.

"Who knows?" Was his cryptic answer, even after 2 years some things still haven't changed.

"Hey! Don't answer my question with a question." She retorted but her voice didn't have any hostility as she was used to his answers now.

They would carry on until the sunsets. Although their conversations were mainly one sided on Karin's part but both of them didn't mind. Karin enjoyed narrating her stories and Toushirou doesn't mind listening to them.

And when it was time to leave, both of them felt a pull on their pinkies when Toushirou crossed the Senkaimon.

That's how their relationship went on for the next 2 years until one day both of them noticed the change in their feelings.

Karin was now in her second year of Middle school and has seen many things. One of the few things she noticed is the change in her classmates. She has always known she was different from the girls around her. While they prefer dressing up and playing with dolls she opted to play soccer and doesn't mind getting dirty. Hence why she was never unpopular with the girls. The other reason was that she had "boy cooties" from hanging around too much with boys. The only girl who dares to be around her is her older twin, Yuzu.

So when she overhears her female classmates gossiping about boys she raises a brow. 'What happened to "boy cooties"' She was confused further when they used terms such as "hot" and "cute". And then the word "love" came up. Sure she's experienced family love but she doesn't think the girls were referring to that. 'Are they talking about Mum and Dad's type of love?' She thought and then it hit her. 'What is love?' She mused. She knew that this type of love is shared between two people who are really close to each other but she never thought of any of her friends as such.

'Maybe I can ask Yuzu' she wonders as she walked through the park heading home.

Toushirou on the other hand was finishing off the paperwork that Matsumoto left behind, as always. The photo of him and Karin sitting on his desk momentarily distracted him. It was a photo that Matsumoto had taken of them sitting side-by-side and watching the sunset. For once he was grateful for Matsumoto's antiques.

Speaking of the devil, the woman walked in wearing a motherly mask over her usual cheery one. Taking a look at his lieutenant, he frowned when he saw the anxiety in her eyes.

"Is something wrong?" He asked.

"Taichou," she started, her voice adopting a motherly tone, "do you like Karin-chan? And I don't mean just as a friend."

Toushirou was taken back by her question and would've automatically denied it if it wasn't for her seriousness. 'Do I like Karin?' He's been asking himself that question for a while but he never experienced what love was to confirm it. "I-I don't know." He answered truthfully, hiding his eyes behind the curtains of his bangs.

"I see. Then whatever your decision is, I will always support you." Matsumoto smiled softly at his reaction, she already knew where this was going. She may have teased him about Karin a lot but she never actually thought he would fall for the soccer lover. Switching to her usual outgoing personality she stretched her small smile into a grin. "By the way Taichou, we have to go to Karakura town for the monthly check up."

Ever since Aizen and the discovery of the Kurosaki family, the Soutaichou has assigned a schedule for each squad to check up on Karakura every month. This month was the Tenth division's turn.

"Alright, let's go."

Karin sat on the bench of the park she was cutting through, pondering about "love". She was pulled out of her thoughts when a familiar eerie pressure came onto her. Following the feeling towards the sky she froze on the spot when a crack appeared. Two pale hands came out of the crack and stretched the crack bigger. Once big enough a muscular hulk like figure stepped out, wearing a white mask and a hole in its chest.

'A hollow!' She panicked 'there's too many people here.'

Karin gulped forming a plan in her mind. 'If Ichi-nii doesn't kill me first then Toushirou would definitely'

Over the years Toushirou has been visiting her, her reiryoku has been gradually growing. Seeing this he taught her to control her reiryoku for future purposes, like this one but she's not going to use it in the way he wants her to.

Raising her reiatsu she automatically gained the attention of the hollow standing in the sky. Once its eyes set themselves on her she made a run for it. Her legs carried her towards the guardrail knowing no one would be there at this time. She took a chance to look back and sees the hollow still on her tail. 'So far so good'

But it went down the drain when the hollow suddenly lost interest in her and instead went for the small transparent girl who happened to be watching the scene from her spot behind a tree. Karin's innate sense of justice flared and she instinctively skid to a stop before charging towards the hollow, feeling the familiar burn in her muscles. Taking her soccer ball out of its net, she dropped the ball in front of her and kicked it infusing some of her reiatsu to give it momentum. The ball made contact with the back of the hollow's head causing it to snap its head downwards.

"Get away from here, now!" Karin shouted feeling relieved when the small soul escaped without harm.

The moment of weakness was enough for the hollow to wrap its large hand around her body rendering her immobile. 'Shit! I was too close.' She swore. She felt the ground slip beneath her feet as the hollow raised her into the air. Her insides churned as the hollow tightened its hold on her. She was slipping in and out of consciousness, her sight has gone hazy and she has trouble taking in air. She screamed in agony as the hollow squeezed her petite body. Karin was in so much pain that she didn't notice the small pull on her pinky.

The grip on her body suddenly disappeared and she felt her body relaxed. One minute she felt the wind's breeze as she fell, the next she was cradled in a pair of warm arms. Karin opened her eyes and squinted to focus on the person who saved her. Blobs of whites and green came to focus revealing white spiky hair and sharp teal eyes. "Tou... Shi... Ro?" She mumbled softly her voice hoarse.

"Karin? Karin? Karin! Don't fall asleep on me, don't you dare." He ordered. You can hear the panic and anxiety in his voice.

He remembered stepping outside the Senkaimon and detecting Karin's reiatsu blinking like a beacon. After hastily dispatching his men around Karakura Toushirou shunpo'd not even a second later to Karin's location. He arrived just in time to hear her scream and he hated how he can interpret the agony she was in. Seeing her in pain caused his sight to go red and all he remembers is cradling Karin in his arms.

"I'll take you to Urahara's so stay awa-" He was interrupted when Karin idly slapped a hand over his mouth.

"Toushirou. Shut up for a minute, I'm not going to die any soon." Her voice sounded a lot clearer than before, so did her sight. Before she could even open her mouth to thank him, Toushirou pulled her in to a hug; happy to see that she's alright.

Toushirou nuzzle the crook of her neck, "don't do that again." He mumbled into her skin. He was so close to losing her and it scared him. If he was a minute late, she would've been long gone by now. He tightened his arms around her needing to feel her warmth. Her scent so entrancing and her warmth hot enough to melt his heart. Toushirou breathed in her pear scent again feeling all his trouble fading in to obscurity. 'Love, huh?'

Karin's eyes widened when her mind registered Toushirou's action. "Toushirou?" She whispered. Based on the time that she knew him, she's never seen this side of him before. She shivered, feeling his lips against her skin it felt sort of nice. Karin dug her hand into his hair and started stroking it. She shivered again as Toushirou let out a sigh. 'Love, huh?' She blushed, mentally bashing herself for thinking of that. 'But if it's him I wouldn't mind...'

One thing is for sure they didn't care for the meaning of love right then and there. All they cared about was being in each other's arms.

Ever since that day, they became closer and both of them would've been stupid to not notice their love for one another.

He blames Karin for dragging him to this stupid and noisy party. She blames Yuzu and her stubborn pride for persuading her into attending this party.


Karin was now in her first year of Highschool. It has only been a week and she has already made an enemy with the number one girl in her year, Kurowara Mimi, the typical popular girl who has a new boyfriend every week. With a flick of her wavy brown hair and a blink of her innocent green eyes she was able to blind everyone, students and teachers alike, into believing her sickeningly sweet, innocent and not to mention fake act.

So one could imagine Karin's face when Yuzu came up and asked her to attend Mimi's birthday party. It took all of her control to not make a face at the girl's name. 'Since when did those two became friends?'

Karin was originally going to reject Yuzu's offer. Keyword "was". Mimi who happened to be passing by came up and gave her a sickeningly sweet smile, "it's alright Yuzu-chan. I wouldn't want Karin-chan to feel lonely because she couldn't find a date." The brunette smile and Karin swore she saw flowers and rainbows in the background. Being as vigilant as she is, Karin saw through her provocation but that didn't stop her from accepting the invitation.

"Actually Yuzu, I think I can make time to attend Mimi-chan's party." Karin smile but the evil aura surrounding her whole being has a completely different meaning.

The brunette, Mimi despite being shorter than Karin was not intimidated. She clapped her hands together attempting to feign innocence, "how wonderful! I'm so happy you could attend my party this weekend" she exclaimed her actions matching Karin's from the width of her smile to the intensity of her ill aura.

Yuzu however didn't see through their facade and also exclaimed happily, "oh goody, maybe Karin-chan can make some girl friends now."

"Well then I hope to see you this Saturday with your date, Karin-chan." Mimi said making sure to emphasise the word "date". Before Mimi left she glanced at Karin and to her delight she was frozen stiff.

'Date? We have to bring a date?' Karin questioned. "Y-Yuzu, who's your date?"

"Ah! Jinta-kun asked me already." Was her cheerful answer.

'What have I gotten myself into?' Karin grieved and she cursed her damn pride.

That's where Toushirou comes in. He just happens to be visiting her that day and Karin's brain clicked at the sight of him.

"Neh Toushirou are you busy Saturday night?"

Toushirou raised a brow at her question. "No" he answered apprehensively. They were in the middle of playing soccer and Karin would never interrupt their game with a question unrelated to soccer.

Karin's face brightened at his answer and she grinned, "Will you be my date for a party?"

Toushirou's eyes narrowed in suspicion, he knows she has an ulterior motive, as Karin is not one for parties. "Ok, cough it up." He demanded.

Karin's grin grew nervous as she explained her predicament.

"So you want me," Karin nodded "to escort you to a party," another nod "to show me off to your opponent?" Another nod. "So in conclusion you're using me to get the better of your opponent."

Karin let out a nervous chuckle, "you didn't have to make it sound so cruel."

"You're using me for your own benefit and I on the other hand have to suffer through a human's juvenile party. What part of that isn't cruel?"

"Well you could have at least put it in nicer terms but yes, can you?" She pleaded; hands clasped together, eyes wide and teary and lips smacked together with the bottom jutting out. Yes, in order to beat her enemy she is willing to throw away her pride, in front of Toushirou anyways.

Her wide puppy eyes and quivering pout took Toushirou back. He nervously took a step back but Karin followed. It wasn't even a second later did he give in, "Ok! Ok! Just stop looking at me like that!" He blushed. Toushirou has never felt so mortified in his life, 'I was beaten by sparkly eyes and kis- a pout' he corrected himself, no he was not thinking about how soft and kissable her lips looked. Turning away Toushirou attempted to calm his cheeks and set his mind straight. He was relieved that Karin was busy punching the air while screaming, "Yes" to notice his flustered state.

"Why couldn't you ask someone else?" He asked finally composing himself.

Karin looked back at him, "why, you ask? Well it's because you're..." Her voice trailed off and this time it was her turn to blush. Unfortunately for her this small detail didn't escape Toushirou's notice and he grew amused.


Still flustered she hastily made an excuse to avoid answering, "I-I -j-just rem-memb-bered I have to g-go home e-early." Were her last words before she took off leaving behind a smirking Toushirou.

'So she can blush.' He muses, 'cute'

On the day day of the party, Toushirou stood inconspicuously outside the Kurosaki household in a sophisticated yet casual out fit that Matsumoto had forced him into. A simple white button up, sandy jeans and a red jacket wrapped around his waist. Around his neck was the trusty green scarf he refused to part with.

He wasn't the only one suffering as Karin stepped out of the Kurosaki household with an uncomfortable frown, beside her was Yuzu who wore her usual soft expression.

Toushirou's voice was caught in his throat at the sight of her. Karin was dressed in a simple sleeveless white blouse and a red-chequered skirt reaching her mid thighs. Covering her legs were black thigh high socks to emphasise its length and tonality, in which she gained from years of soccer. Around her waist were multiple black belts adding a chick look to her style. Her tresses were in loose curls gathered in her usual ponytail but it had a more messier and textured look. Her hands were fidgeting with the hem of the skirt trying to pull it down, as it was too short for her taste. Karin's chick appearance completely contradicts Yuzu's innocent and cute style.

"Toushirou?" Karin whispered harshly whilst clicking her fingers in front of his face. Both of them had agreed beforehand to keep their "date" a secret from the rest of her family hence why he was waiting just around the corner.

"You look different," he commented after being pulled back to reality.

Karin stared at him and assumed the worst, "see Yuzu! Even Toushirou thinks I look weird."

Yuzu smiled patronisingly at Toushirou as if reprimanding him. 'Hitsugaya-kun, you were not suppose to say that'

Toushirou sweated, 'well she is a Kurosaki.'

"I didn't mean it in a negative way," he started, waiting for Karin to turn her attention to him. "I've never seen you dressed like this before so I thought it was weird." He finished but the weight of Yuzu's stare urged him to continue. "A good kind of weird."

Karin blinked owlishly, surprised at his consolidation before laughing it off. Yuzu on the other hand mentally face palmed. You'd think he would know when to compliment a girl seeing as he grew up surrounded by girls.

"Let's go!" Karin said, starting towards Mimi's house but Yuzu grabbed her elbow and stationed her.

"Mou, Karin-chan if Hitsugaya-kun's your date then you should act like he is." She demanded.

"Act like it? How?" Was Karin's simpleminded answer. Both Yuzu and Toushirou sighed at her cluelessness. 'She is really clueless when it comes to matters of the heart' Yuzu thought feeling sorry for Toushirou. 'But then again, Hitsugaya-kun is just as clueless.' At this rate they're never going to get together

Speaking of Toushirou, he went up and hooked his arms with Karin who stared incredulously at the joined arms. A light blush stained her cheeks at the contact. "W-wait, w-w-what are y-you d-do-doing?"

"What else? Act like a date, if I'm going through with this then might as well give it my all."

Yuzu giggled from the back of the group. 'Well he's not completely clueless' she would have to thank Matsumoto for it.

On the arrival of Mimi's household Yuzu separated from the group to look for Jinta leaving Toushirou and Karin standing at the entrance. Like any other household, Mimi's had the same structure albeit a little larger and more stuff installed such as the swimming pool in her backyard.

Seeing familiar faces she's seen at school, Karin fidgeted. "Actually this is a bad idea after all. Let's go play soccer instead." But an arm wrapped around her waist kept her in place. Tilting her head up she stared at the familiar teal eyes.

"I did not just endure being Matsumoto's doll and took my time off work just for you to back out. I don't think Yuzu-san would appreciate all her efforts going to waste either." At the mention of Yuzu, Karin's resolve firmed. She did not want to see Yuzu's disappointed expression.

"A-alright let's go and knock them dead." Were her famous last words before she entered the household with Toushirou's arm still wrapped firmly around her waist.

Flashback end

Blast of sounds vibrated against their ears and the smell of food and teenage deodorant invaded their noses. Toushirou frowned at the loud noise, he was never fond of it. His frown deepened at the prying stares he got from girls. He tightened his grasp on Karin's waist to suppress the urge to shunpo away and if he ever did, he's bringing Karin with him.

He wasn't the only one uncomfortable as Karin fidgeted with the hem of her skirt and leaned closer towards Toushirou. She was used to getting stared at in disgust by girls in her school so what made these states so different?

"What's this about back out again?" Toushirou changed his mind, who cares if he had to sit through Matsumoto's long lectures, he'd rather that than standing here for another minute.

"Oh hell no, I would look like a coward." Now that she's in the party and everyone has already seen her, running away is not an option. "Let's just go and sit down"

Karin dragged Toushirou down the hallway and into the living room that was turned into a dance floor. Finding a seat far away from the group of teenagers Karin lead him to a seat in the corner of the room and sat down. She picked a good spot as it overviews every inch of the living room. See that Toushirou hasn't sat down yet she gave him a questioning look.

"I'll go get us a drink." He answered suddenly remembering Matsumoto's "advice". In response to Karin's nod of approval, he manoeuvred through the crowd of sweaty bodies.

Karin glanced around the room attempting to find Yuzu or anyone she recognises but her sight was suddenly blinded by the colour of pink. Fluorescent pink.

Mimi stood in front of Karin in her outrageous, painfully blinding fluorescent pink mini dress.

I don't know when I'm updating this again but let's just say it's going to take a while.