Authors ~ Halo Son and Bill the Pony

Disclaimer ~ Bill and I do NOT own LOTR (which is a major bummer really…I think most of the world wishes they owned them…) and we do NOT own Dragon Heart or the principle for it either.

Rating ~ PG

Authors' Notes ~ Halo: This is the first time I've written a story with another author before, but I am very happy to be doing so *hugs Bill*. This story is a collective effort between me (Halo Son) and Bill the Pony, so PLEASE give credit to both of us and not just one person. And Bill is a god, I demand you all worship Bill!

Bill: I am NOT a god

Halo: Are too!

Bill: Am not! There's only one of those. Now Cassia and Sio may be the little angelic beings under him...

Halo: Fine then! They are the baby Valar of the Mellon Chronicles series and of evil cliffhangers!

*Halo and Bill nod their heads*

Summary ~ A LOTR story with a twist from the film Dragon Heart. When Aragorn is wounded saving Legolas his only chance to live is to accept an offer from a dragon, but what are the consequences of his decision? When the King starts acting unlike himself, will anyone defy or go against him for the good of Gondor and its people?

The Lord Of The Rings

Dragon Heart

Chapter 1-Many Reunions

"Well we are called to council and told to come with haste and when we arrive no one is here to meet us." Gimli grumbled.

"Patience Gimli, we will be met in a moment." Legolas replied to his dwarf companion, attempting to hide a wayward smile. "Though patience is one of the qualities dwarves tend to lack."

Gimli grunted indignantly in response and Legolas did his best to hold in his mirth, but secretly the dwarf didn't mind the elf's jests as he had grown used to them, being in the fair creature's company for many a time and all.

Like the elf, Gimli was happy to be once again in the dwelling of Minas Tirith, if only to see their dear friend, King Elessar, once more.

It had been just under a few years since the dwarf had last been in the company of the King of Gondor and Anor, but he knew for Legolas that it had been much longer. Being a prince was not easy matter and as a consequence Legolas had many royal duties to attend to.

However, thanks to a most welcome visit from Gimli, Legolas had been allowed some free time to go with the dwarf to see the Glittering Caves once more. Though whether Legolas called that a desirable break or not was another matter.

Then a few days ago, Gimli and Legolas received a message from Minas Tirith asking for their presence at a council with King Elessar, but Gimli suspected that was an excuse just to get them there merely for a reunion.

It was no secret to Legolas and Gimli that King Elessar had tried the same tactic on King Eomer of Rohan and it had worked too. Even as a king, Aragorn was still as young at heart as the elf remembered him to be and for that Legolas was grateful.

"Legolas Greenleaf and Gimli son of Gloin, a wondrous sight it is to see you both again."

Legolas and Gimli turned to the sound of the voice and smiled as towards them walked Queen Arwen and a tall young man who looked almost like Aragorn except for a few features.

"My lady, it is a wonder to see you again." Legolas replied with a small bow. He then glanced at the man beside her. "Do tell me Lady Arwen, King Elessar has not started to grow younger has he? I am sure I remember him being of older face and a few lines of silver in his hair the last time I saw him."

"Prince Legolas, you jest with me." The young man said with a spirited smile. "I am Prince Eldarion, son of King Elessar and Queen Arwen."

"My eyes must be deceiving me!" Legolas cried with a mocking alarm. "For the last time I saw Prince Eldarion he was no more than the age of twelve years!"

"Shows how much you've made an effort to come here." Gimli mumbled teasingly under his breath.

"And what is that supposed to mean *dwarf*?"

"Exactly as it sounds *elf*!"

The whole escapade caused Arwen to laugh joyously. Oh how long she had longed to hear the jesting words of Legolas and Gimli again. Even Eldarion was not doing very well controlling his mirth.

"I hear the sounds of laughter within my halls." A voice boomed. "That can only mean one thing."

"Aragorn!" Legolas greeted happily, walking hastily to his long time human friend and embracing him. "It has been too long old friend."

"Old?" Aragorn raised an eyebrow and stole a glance at his snickering son. "You have not changed a bit from how I have remembered you Legolas."

"Nor have you Aragorn. You are still as head strong and unyielding as you used to be." Legolas replied.

"Insufferable elf!"

"Stubborn human!"

The laughter of the human and elf drifted graciously through the hallways, though it was soon interrupted by new voices.

"Elrohir do you hear what I do?"

"Are you suggesting my hearing is weaker than yours Elladan?"

"Why dear brother, I would never suggest such a thing."

"You jest your own brother on purpose, do you not?"

"How would you know if I was?"

"I used to do the same to my own brother when we were young ones."

"Ah, it appears that my elven brother and Faramir have arrived." Aragorn grinned at Legolas, who merely raised a questionable eyebrow.

"Then this whole journey was for reunion reasons was it not Aragorn?" Gimli spoke up.

"Is that not what you were told in the message?" Arwen asked, already guessing what was going to come next.

"I'm afraid it was not dear Lady." Gimli replied, resting his hands on his axe. "We were told to come with haste, for our council was required."

"Estel! For shame!" Arwen glared at her husband. "You set bad examples for Eldarion!"

"Mother!" Eldarion groaned awkwardly.

"He is my son!" Aragorn retorted.

"Yes and that is what worries us." Legolas muttered, earning himself a cuff round the head.

"You should know better." Arwen said. "I hope you do know better Eldarion."

"Yes mother, I do." Replied the Prince.

Gimli was now shaking with repressed laughter at the expense of his human and elven friends. He found exchanges like this highly amusing and part of the reason he enjoyed their company as much as he did.

"What has Estel done now dear sister?" Elladan asked as he, Elrohir and Faramir stepped inside and stood next to Gimli.

"It's a shame father is no longer here to straighten our young brother out is it not Elladan?" Elrohir joined in the teasing. "Now we have to do it."

"You two are no better," Aragorn mumbled under his breath.

"They haven't changed a bit either," Legolas added.

"It's good to see you too dear Prince of Mirkwood," Elladan greeted sarcastically.

"Aragorn, I know not how you cope," Faramir whispered when he reached the King's side.

"Nor I Faramir," The man agreed.

"What was that little brother?" Elladan spoke in his typical narrowed voice he used whenever Aragorn made a comment intent on annoying the twins.

"He has a death wish brother," Elrohir said.

"I do believe it is you two who have death wishes." Eldarion spoke up with a grin, enjoying teasing his elven uncles. "Do you want me to remind you of the archery incident?"

"Do not start!" Elladan said, pointing an accusing finger at Eldarion who merely snorted in laughter.

"Oh this tale I wish to hear!" Legolas grinned, rubbing his hands together.

"And so you shall dear friend!" Aragorn declared. "Come all of you. Dinner will be ready soon and I wish for you all to join us."

"Very well, noble King." Legolas grinned as Aragorn shot him another glare.

"Noble…right…" Elladan mumbled, electing a playful cuff round his head from Arwen.


Legolas smiled to himself as he reattached his elven clasp to the outfit he had finished putting on for dinner. Arwen had suggested they all change into different clothing for a change and it felt good to wear something different for once.

There was a small knock on the door to Legolas' allocated chambers and the elf called for whomever it was to come inside.

"Eldarion! Please do come inside."

The young prince smiled and closed the door behind him as he walked to Legolas and gave him a warm embrace.

"I have been wondering when you would return." Eldarion said. "I have missed you my friend."

"As have I Eldarion, but alas royal duties have kept me away for far too long. As I said before the last time I saw you, you were only of twelve years."

"And how I have grown. I am a man now of twenty one years."

"Look at you now my friend! You most certainly have grown and I see more of your parents within you than I ever did! You portray your father in looks, though you have your mother's eyes and ears and the complexion of them both."

"Indeed, though I am told I have my father's foul sense of humour."

"Oh the Valar help us!"

The two princes laughed together until there was another knock on the door and Gimli entered…or rather…

"What in all of the Valar…"

"Who is this cloth monster?"

"Do not start!" The dwarf threatened. "I could not find any of these garments that would fit me!""

Eldarion was trying his best to contain his laughter while Legolas grinned as he was reminded of the incident at Helm's Deep.

"Perhaps Gimli, it would best if you wore your usual clothes." Legolas said with mirth in his voice.


The dinner was eaten heartily and now the gathered group of friends were swapping tales and amusing stories while drinking the finest wine Gondor had to offer.

"So not only did uncle Elladan manage to shoot himself in the shoulder, but the bird which had distracted him would not leave him alone. The little thing kept sitting on his head!" Eldarion said, finishing the archery tale.

"It is most fortunate brother that it did not decide to make a nest on your head." Aragorn teased.

Elladan scowled as the halls filled with glorious laughter one more. But as it started to die down, he got a twinkle of merriment in his eyes.

"Well then dear nephew, perhaps everyone would like to hear of the tale of how you managed to end up like a mud monster."

The young prince of Gondor stopped laughing and first stared at Elladan in disbelief before giving him a death glare.

"I fear I have not heard this story." Aragorn said, grinning at Elladan. "And I wish to hear it."

"Very well."


"Dear nephew I cannot refuse an order of the King."

Eldarion scowled deeply as Legolas and Elrohir fell into another round of mass laughter.

However, before Elladan could begin the tale, one of the royal guards entered the dining hall.

"King Elessar, I have a message for you my king."

Aragorn excused himself and went with the guard just outside of the dining hall.

"I wonder what the message is," Eldarion wondered allowed.

"Most likely Estel has gotten himself into trouble again." Elladan baited, resting his head on Elrohir's shoulder as both twins laughed again.

Legolas rolled his eyes and Gimli had an expression on his face that clearly said 'cracked those elves are!' and the elf prince was inclined to agree with him.

"Perhaps those two should leave off the wine for tonight." Legolas mumbled under his breath.

When Aragorn returned Arwen rose from her seat and went to him, wrapping her arms around one of his.

"What is it my love?"

"Just a minor disagreement between two villages. They cannot come to an agreement over a small dispute. I have decided to ride out and settle it with them myself."

"But 'ere the sun will set soon." Arwen said worriedly.

"I will not be too long." Aragorn replied with a comforting smile.

"I will ride with him Arwen" Legolas said, rising from his seat.

"As will I." Gimli added.

"I would also like to join you father." Eldarion agreed.

Aragorn raised his hand, "There is no need for you to join me Eldarion. It is a simple matter and will not take long. Besides, no need for us both to worry your mother is there?"

Eldarion, though a little disappointed, nodded and sat back down.

"I shall join you in his stead then." Faramir said.

Aragorn nodded his thanks and the assembled group left the dining hall. Elladan and Elrohir finished their incessant snickering and looked up with confused faces.

"Where did everyone go?"