"I wish I could go with you," I told Ky as he packed up the gear he'd need to fight.

"I'm glad you aren't," he admitted.

Hound was the only one that stayed behind. Bee was the last one to leave. I sighed. "They're gonna have all the fun."

"I don't think we'll be missin' much. Just the same ol' shootin' and ridin'."

"Yeah. I miss that."

We continued to stand outside of the Hall in silent observation for a little while longer. "You should come back then," Hound finally broke the silence. "Alisha's great company but she's nothin' like you."

"I can't, Hound. Everything in here needs to be forgotten by everyone outside. Including you and the other autobots." I walked in the Hall of Records.

"Well that ain't gonna happen." He walked inside with me.

"I know. Trust me, I know." He helped me push the door closed.

"So when did you find out? About your baby, I mean."

I think he was trying to make conversation. "About two months ago." I was by no means a "tiny" woman before. The belly that was supposed to be showing didn't show as much as the weight gain.

I threw some logs onto the fire to keep it going. Hound sat in one of the huge chairs kicking up a huge cloud of dust. I sat near the fire and poked at it mainly for entertainment.

"Seems kind of…"


"I was going to say boring."

I shrugged. "It can be nice. Moscow isn't that far either so we're able to either walk or drive depending on the whether." My back straightened at hearing the door. We looked at each other and both of us took our guns and walked to the door. It stood ajar and letting in the cold air.

Hound peeked out, shrugged and shut the door.

I turned on my heels and walked back. "Keep your guard up," I told him in a half whisper. "That door doesn't come open on it's-" Hound grunted and I had to roll out of the way. My robotic hand got pinned under his arm but it easily detached so I could roll to my feet. He was here, Scourge or Unicron or whoever he may be.

"You aren't really in a position to attack me." The transformer knocked me out of the way. The gun slid from my hand and my back hit the bookcase. I could feel a stirring in my belly. He was right, I didn't have a position to help out.

"I'm sorry, Hound." My hand went to my belly as if it were some armor.

He stood over Hound.

"I don't hold it against ya'. If I'm goin' down I'm-" He never finished his sentence. I jumped and looked away. I couldn't watch another one die. I couldn't think of it.

There was nothing for me to do except grab a Covenant and the Quill. I opened up to an empty spot in the book and wrote in the margins.

…and Primus arrived just before-

He grabbed me quickly before I could write any more. I could see the words on the page were smudged. I frowned and tried in vain to be released from the grip. "You! You're Unicron!" I finally yelled when we were face to face.

"I will take great pride in watching your world collapse. Can you see it yet?" He threw me against the wall. I curled around my stomach to protect it. He threw me straight at one of the brick walls that separated a hallway. "And I will take great pride in watching you die." My ears rung with my screaming and my begging for him to spare the baby. One more throw and both of us would for sure lose our lives.

High pitch shots riddled his body and shortly after a sword came through his chest. Unicron bowed forward so that the sword nearly hit my nose. Primus and Hound were behind the now dead body of Unicron.

Hound came forward and gently picked me up. I couldn't hear them speak. I concentrated on anything in my belly. Any movement. Any sign that it was still in there. I started to panic. There was nothing. And then it moved and I felt relief rush through me so quickly that it made me dizzy.

"I thought he killed you!" I yelled at him.

"I thought so too but I moved just enough to make him think he pierced my spark."

As soon as Hound spread the word the others came back. Ky checked every inch of my body before he hugged me. Thankfully Hound was smart enough to tell them to pick up a new hand on the way here so I was able to reattach a new hand that same day.

Primus checked three, four, five times to make sure we really had Unicron. While Hound told stories of what happened I approached Primus. "He's gone," I assured him.

"He'll never truly be gone. I will always feel his presence living. However, if you can't feel it then that means he's really gone." He didn't smile, though.

"What is it?" I asked.

He knelt down. "I have seen your future. Your next choice will determine your fate as well as the little boy."

My eyes widened. "A…a boy? I'm having a boy?" We stared at each other for a long while.

"I know you were thinking about getting rid of him."

I didn't like the word he used. "I haven't talked to Ky about it yet. He'll probably try to convince me otherwise but the Quill…and the covenants…they all need to be forgotten. They need to disappear. But they won't disappear easily so the Hall of Records will need someone to make sure nobody ever discovers it. It needs guardians and my baby needs a normal life." I don't know why I felt the need to explain it all to him but once I had started I never stopped. "Primus, a long time ago you said you created us, all of us. The Thirteen humans for the Thirteen Transformers. What did you mean?"

Primus gave a very quiet chuckle. "I did not think you remembered." His face became dark. "If you know the truth you may hate me."

"Take the chance anyway," it wasn't a request but he took it like one.

"I knew Unicron would come back and try to destroy your solar system. I needed to make warriors. I looked into the future and I saw thirteen humans that could change the world but each of you needed a push. I sent a few small drones to your house. They set fire to your house and trapped your parents inside. That was the push I knew you needed."

A spark lit in my heart. The hate and bitterness was back but it all disappeared all too quickly. I wanted to hate him but I couldn't. I didn't have the energy because I needed to put my energy into another place.

"And after you your child will have to take over. I have seen a new enemy emerging in the distant future. Letting him go will be the push he needs to become the next thirteen."

Primus left as soon as the commotion died down. While the autobots slept I explained to Ky my idea. He didn't fight as hard as I expected him to and finally he said, "What if we have other kids?"

"Then we'll keep them to continue to be a guardian."

"Why just get rid of this one?"

"He's been through too much, Ky. I nearly lost him today and I realized he needs a normal life. All of our babies will need normal lives but I just…I just have this feeling that we need to let him go. I can't explain why, Ky."

He put a hand on my cold, metal one. "Then…we will but only if you can tell me what this feeling you have is."

I nodded and rubbed my tummy.

It took months for the vision to come. It was a vision of the earth. In one vision I kept the baby boy but he used the Quill to resurrect Unicron years and years later. In another vision he had a happy life, daydreaming about what could have been and leading a very happy life. However, there was still a hint that new decepticon-like transformers would still appear in his life.

Every vision afterward was always hazy and always came in pairs or sets of three but one theme held that Prime would no longer be around and Bee would be forced to take over as leader. If Drift could see that he would kill himself or someone else.

Shortly after the baby was born I gave him to Prime. Prime didn't understand-couldn't understand-why I had to do this. "His name is Alexander Fisher. Please, give him to an orphanage, a good one. I don't care where just anywhere will do but please, make sure it's a good one." But I knew, despite me asking him, that he would give him to my sister.

Bee looked saddened at leaving us. "You can never come back, guys. Just forget we exist except when the world is in so much danger that you will need help. The day will come. I have seen it but it will depend on certain choices you make, Bee." Nobody would understand except for Prime when the time comes. Primus would need help in the future and ask for Prime's help because only a Prime will be able to help him.

The last thing I saw as they walked away were the big, red doors closing and the bolt slid home.

Life is an unpredictable demon. We cannot choose the life we are born into but we can direct our lives. Life is beautiful, even in hardships. These hardships are what make us unique and our own. We make our own luck. Luck is only something the humans have made up to make themselves feel better but luck doesn't exist. It is purely you in hard work.

I am Optimus Prime and I send this message to the future Alexander who may one day follow in his mother's footsteps. Take great care of your life and take nothing for granted, Alexander, for your life is even more precious than you think…