Chapter Three

Jack fidgeted under the stern gaze of the mayor. He certainly was not pleased to see the white-haired youth but could do nothing about it, not in front of his esteemed guest.

The mayor cleared his throat. "I trust you settled in well, Sir Pitch?"

Jack perked up some and snuck a peek at the dark rider. So this man's name was Pitch? It was an interesting name to be sure.

Pitch gave the mayor a slight nod. "I have."

The mayor looked pleased. "I hope it is spacious enough for you. I know you are accustomed to much larger accommodations."

Pitch quickly waved the mayor off. "It is perfect. You need not worry about it."

The mayor was puzzled but still very pleased that his guest was happy. It wasn't every day the small village of Burgess had the opportunity to house such an important person as Sir Pitch.

"If you need anything, be sure to let me know at once," the mayor added before sending a glare at Jack. He was getting irritated with the lad. Shouldn't he have been staying outside? He would definitely be punished later for forgetting his place… as soon as the guest left that is.

Pitch noticed the mayor's glare and who it was directed at. He wasn't sure why the mayor seemed to dislike the lad. Pitch thought the boy seemed like a well-mannered and respectful child.

"Ah, I almost forgot." Pitch turned and gave Jack a smile. "This young lad Jackson was kind enough to show me to your house. I was wondering if he could act as my guide around the village?"

The mayor was rather stunned at this request which caused him to become quite the blubbering fool.

"You… ah… that is to say, Sir Pitch. Um…"

He was desperately floundering now. As much as he hated the idea, he couldn't say no to this man. He was their guest and in a much higher position than himself. He could not deny this man his request. If the government discovered he had disobeyed… he shuddered at the thought. But there had to be some excuse! There was no way he could allow Jack such freedom.

"Jackson works for the smithy," the mayor mumbled lamely.

Pitch raised an eyebrow after glancing at Jack. The young man certainly did not look like the type to working alongside the smithy, but he wouldn't accuse the mayor of lying to him just yet. He needed proof, and he wasn't ready to make such sudden moves quite yet.

"Surely the smithy could spare him for a few days."

Jack could barely believe his ears. Hope fluttered wildly in his heart. He desperately hoped the mayor would let him guide the strange man. It would be a chance to get out of the shed for awhile, and well, this man seemed rather friendly. Jack was quite tired of being alone. He did have Bonnie, but that just wasn't the same as having a human friend… Could he even call Pitch his friend? He certainly hoped he could.

The mayor's shoulders sagged in defeat. "I am sure the smithy could spare Jackson for a few days," he admitted a bit sulkily but then quickly added, "But only for a few days."

Pitch seemed satisfied with his answer. "Very well. Thank you very much."

Jack was stroking Bonnie's neck as he waited for Pitch come out of the mayor's house. He had been dismissed after finally giving the mayor the delivery from the smithy and told to check on the horses while the mayor had another word with Pitch, not that Jack had really minded. He knew he was unwelcomed there and wanted to get out as soon as possible. Besides, he couldn't wait to Bonnie about his great luck!

"Sir Pitch is the man's name," he told Bonnie quietly as he scratched behind her ears. "He wants me to show him around Burgess." He chuckled softly and grinned broadly. "An' can you believe it? The mayor is goin' to let me do it!"

Bonnie twitched her ears in surprise.

Jack chuckled again. "No, you did na hear me wrong." He gave the mare another pat. "I won't be stuck in the shed for a couple of days at least."

Bonnie nuzzled him gently. She was glad to hear this news. She had been awfully worried that the mayor was going to punish him for racing the strange rider, but it seemed like things were going to be just fine. She was worrying too much.

Jack glanced over at Pitch's horse. He was definitely a magnificent beast. He carefully made his way over to the stallion wondering what its name was.

"Hello there," he greeted softly.

The stallion let out a snort, paying little notice to the lad.

"You're quite big," Jack said rather bluntly.

The stallion gave him another snort and stamped his foot impatiently. He wished his master would hurry up.

Jack could tell the horse was ignoring him, but he wasn't about to give up yet. He moved over until he was almost nose to nose with the stallion.

"Okay… I can do this," he muttered to himself.

He didn't want to admit this out loud, but the stallion's size intimidated him. He took in a deep breath and blew hard into the stallion's rather large nostrils.

Vision took a step back and twitched his ears slightly in confusion. No one had ever greeted him like that before. Well, that was to say, no human had ever greeted him in this manner. He would have to study this young lad at a closer angle, but first he should return the greeting. It would be the proper thing to do.

He let out a strong puff of air out of his nostrils, puffing Jack's bangs up a bit and causing a wide grin to spread across the lad's face.

"Hullo to you too!" he said cheerfully and gave the stallion a pat.

Vision supposed he would let himself be degraded just this once. The lad seemed to have a special quality about him, especially since he was familiar with that horse-like greeting. Needless to say, Vision was rather impressed with Jack, though he was much too proud to admit it.

He was quite relieved when his master finally came out and joined the young lad beside him. He gave his master a gentle nudge of appreciation, glad to finally have him back at his side. He wanted to get going again. He was yearning for another race through the woods. He shifted impatiently.

Pitch chuckled softly as he noticed his horse's actions. They would be on their way momentarily. He glanced over at the young lad beside him as he untied his stallion's reins from the post. He couldn't help but frown when the boy quickly ducked his head as if he had done something wrong. Pitch did not mind him being near his horse. Vision seemed perfectly fine with the lad as well. He pursed his lips slightly as he mounted Vision. This boy had certainly caught his interest. Jack… might prove very useful in his mission here.

And well… maybe Pitch was developing fatherly feelings for the lad, though he would not dare admit that out loud. The past was in the past after all. Besides, this would end much, much differently. Nothing, absolutely nothing bad would happen to this young lad.

Author's Note: Hullo! It's been awhile. College keeps me busy as always. Haha. And unfortunately, I've been suffering a bit of writer's block aaand well I've been distracted with my little fan comic blog so yeah. Eh heh heh... I hope you enjoy this chapter! I had a big brainstorm and was able to finish this chapter over two days! Sadly... it's a bit short. I had an exam today so I kinda burned out a little. Buuut I have Spring Break the week after next! So fingers crossed that I can update this story and a few others while I'm on break. :D

Special thanks once again to CopperInk for giving me the inspiration for this story! I hope you'll enjoy reading it!

I'm happy to finally get into the fatherly Pitch and Jack relationship. There is so much in store for these two. Alot of action and fun as well as some angst happening in the future. :O I hope you guys will stick around to find out.

(PS. Yes... I am hinting at Pitch having had a child before. That is all I am going to say at this time. X3 Oh also wanted to note that I made the cover photo for this story on Photoshop. :) Credits to whoever screencapped the photo and made it available on the internet. XD)

Author's Response to Reviews:

Moira: Love it! Keep going!

Aw! Glad you love it! I hope you'll enjoy this chapter, and I'll do my best to keep it going!

Guest: I like it! Keep it up, this is turning into quite a nice story, and I am looking forward towards your next chapter. :D

Why thank you! I am glad you are liking this story so far! I hope you will still be looking forward the upcoming chapters. :)

lilyblaney: This story is so cool so far! I can tell I will love it :)

Oh wow really? XD I'm flattered that you think it's cool! I hope you will love this chapter and the rest of this story. =3