Chapter Thirteen: Speculation

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Author's Note: I'm back. I am planning to continue with Shikon Knight. I know it's been forever since I updated. The chapters may relatively be shorter, but it's better than nothing. Please check out my new crossover drabbles. The main crossover will be Inuyasha with something else. Also, there's a new poll up so if you do read my drabble series please vote for the next drabble. Thanks, Saya.

Kagome wanders back to the others. Kagome leans on a wall, waiting for them to get ready. Eyes sliding shut, Kagome concentrate on a familiar presence, one oh so familiar. Her eyes snap open at the approach of the others.

Kagome strides over to the gate. Miroku sighs, already knowing what his twin was going to do. Kagome bounds over the wall, waiting on the other side of the gate.

"I thought we weren't allowed to show any of our abilities," Maria comments.

"Kagome has an issue with authority and being given orders," Miroku mentions, following the others through the gate.

Kagome appears by Miroku's side. Kagome locks on to Zero's aura, the red of vampire has taken over more of his lilac and silver swirled aura. Concentrating, she knows why the other aura is so familiar. Kagome turns and glares at Maria. Maria flinches in response.

"Kagome, what has gotten into you?" Takuma asks.

"It's not me you should be worried about," Kagome responds.

"Kiryu! Come here," Kagome calls.

Zero approaches Kagome, a glare on his face, eyes only softening when they meet Kagome's. He stands next to Miroku, who shrugs. Kaname looks on in interest.

Kagome reaches out and pulls Zero to her, "Do me a favor, stay away from Maria. Warn Yuuki as well, Kurenai is not to be trusted."

Zero nods, pulls back and walks away. Kagome walks ahead, trying to distance herself from the others. Hanabusa walks up to her and puts his arm around her shoulder, causing the Day class girls to scream.

"Remove yourself from this one's presence or else," Kagome warns.

"Aw, don't be like that. How do you expect me to take you to the dance if I'm not allowed to touch you?" Hanabusa responds.

"Kuran? If you don't make this baka (idiot) stop, I will kill him," Kagome turns locking eyes with Kaname.

"My cousin doesn't have much of a brain, my apologies, Kagome. He won't bother you again," Akatsuki says.

Kagome nods, letting Kaname to take the lead. They enter the classroom. All through the lessons Kagome drifted, half paying attention half wondering about Maria. It wasn't long before the others took notice.

"You're distracted, why?" Kaname questions, standing in front of Kagome's desk.

"Because I can be. I can get the notes later," Kagome replies.

"What's wrong? You've been in a mood since earlier today," Miroku wonders.

"I'm fine," Kagome mutters, twirling a pencil in her hands.

"You can trust us," Senri murmurs.

"Perhaps," dismisses Kagome.

Miroku stiffens, head turning to gaze out the window. Kagome sighs, depositing her books into her bag. Miroku snaps out of his daze. His questioning eyes meet Kagome's. Kagome barely tilts her head, indicating a nod.

"Kuran, Miroku and I need to leave," Kagome articulates.

"If you must," Kaname replies.

Kagome leads Miroku out of the classroom. Miroku and Kagome continue on their path until they reach a small grouping of trees. Kagome tosses up a barrier as Miroku sinks to his knees in agony. Kagome narrows her eyes at her twin. She kneels beside him. His aura is in a state of constant fluctuation. The red is steadily growing and overtaking the blue of Miroku's aura. Miroku shudders, bringing a half formed clawed hand to his face. Kagome reaches up and grabs his wrist, preventing him from scratching himself. His left eye is completely red, the right is still violet, but it won't be for long.

"Come on, 'Roku you can fight this. Please, don't stop fighting. It's okay, I'm here. I know it hurts, just hold on a longer," Kagome pleads, embracing her twin.

"Ngh, hurts. It burns, so much," Miroku half growls.

Quickly Kagome bares her shoulder for Miroku. His semi-formed fangs pierce into Kagome's shoulder. He drinks steadily, stopping when he hears Kagome's heart stutter. Miroku's left eye slowly turns back to violet. His eyes are filled with self-hate and disgust. Kagome's reiki takes care of the wound. Her sapphire orbs open slowly. A yawn and tremor escape from her. Miroku checks her temperature. Her skin is cold, freezing. He drapes his jacket over her.

Kagome lifts a hand to Miroku's face. Her fingertips glow pink. She pushes her reiki into her twin's body. Miroku sighs, feeling his own reiki activate to fight off the vampire blood within him. His head snaps to the right, hearing the crunch of leaves.

"I'm sorry 'Roku. I'm sorry, I haven't found a cure yet. I'm sorry you're in a constant state of pain, always fighting against his blood," Kagome murmurs.

Miroku brushes her hair away from her face as she falls asleep. He recognizes the aura of the approaching person. Miroku looks up, gazing into a face very similar to the wielder of Bloody Rose. Miroku takes in the lilac eyes and long silver hair tied back.

"I heard you died, Kiryu Ichiru. I guess they were wrong," Miroku mutters.

"I was told the same about the pair of you," Ichiru responds.

"Is that so?"

"What happened? To make you like this, to make her like this," Ichiru questions.

"Some Pureblood attacked us, he forced us to take his blood and turn. Kagome blames herself as I happen to blame myself for the incident. Kagome isn't affected in the same manner that I am. She seemed to… never mind, it's not important. What are you doing here? Does Zero know?" Miroku states.

"I was brought here. Zero is not aware of my presence, not yet. Who was the Pureblood? The one that attacked you?" Ichiru replies, expression softening as Kagome starts to stir.

"Ichiru? Ah, you're the one I've been sensing, well other than Kurenai," Kagome half mutters.

"It has been far too long. Kagome, Miroku, I wish you a pleasurable evening," Ichiru turns to walk away.

Kagome stands shakily, and grasps Ichiru's arm, "I can't let you leave. Are you with that Maria Kurenai? There's something off about her, promise you'll be careful, please Ichiru. Also whatever may come to happen, don't hate Zero for it. If he gets dragged into it, then he's not at fault."

"I work with Maria, yes. I won't hate Zero either. You should rest Kagome, it's dangerous to let another take so much blood from you," Ichiru utters softly.

Kagome watches Ichiru walk away as she dispels the barrier. Miroku wraps his arms around her. Kagome turns and nuzzles into Miroku's warmth. He chuckles, and easily picks her up in response. Miroku heads to the Moon Dorms. Kagome falls asleep in his arms.

"You're both alright," Takuma sighs in relief.

"She's needs to rest," Miroku responds.

"I can take her to her room. You look like you could use some sleep as well," Akatsuki offers.

"No, it's fine," declines Miroku.

"Kagome will be safe with us. She will worry if you do not rest," Senri cuts in.

"I'm sure Senri or Akatsuki will wake you if Kagome wishes to see you," Takuma interjects.

Miroku rolls his eyes, but allows Senri to lift Kagome out of his arms and carry her to her room. Miroku follows them and enters his own room. Senri and Akatsuki lie next to Kagome in the bed, as they had done the previous night. Kagome curls into the pair of them, letting their warmth soothe the cold her body clings to.

Author's Note: Sorry about the length of the chapter. Please check out my drabble series and vote on the poll for it as well. The poll is displayed on my profile. Please Review as well. Thanks. Love Saya.