Okay guys and girls I am back, Yeah I have not had access to the internet for a while so I did not upload for like the last 5 six days my bad I lost internet and got screwed over by the company about close to 6 days ago. But enough about that here is the next Chapter.

Please Review and let me know what you think no flaming.

Opening Song (Daybreaks Bell)

The Music starts and a Vermilion Light is now spiralling down to the earth, the shape of a man is within it, the Logo Fate Stay Agito appears on the screen. Then before the lyrics start all is engulfed by crimson flames.

"Nee konna katchi no deai shika nakattano?" The scene shows a man with silver hair walking unto a hill riddled with swords, the wins sweeps past and his cloak blows in the wind as he plunges a sword into the ground.

"Kanashiine." The area zooms out to see that blood is indeed flowing from the hill.

"Anata ni shindemo ayamete hoshikumonai" A young lady with black hair and twin tails is with her back to the screen, looking at a school, she then turns around and the view shows her back again with a fire no in front of her.

"Onegai" You young boy with orange hair is walking through an area that has been burnt up and is still being burnt by the fire. Bodies are all around him, but he does not look back.

"Unmei sae nomikomare" The scene now flashed between a woman wearing a blue dress and armour to a giant of a man and a little girl to a lady with purple hair covering her eyes and lastly to a man with Blue hair.

"Shizumisouna Umi e to." A small hand from the ground is reaching up to the sky as two larger hands grasp it and the flames around them fade away. The pace of the music then picks up

"Negai yo kaze ni notte." A woman in a hood with white hair is seen flying around buildings avoiding red projectiles. The view the flips and zooms into the face of the tanned man with white hair as he fires yet another round from his bow.

"Yoake no kane wo naraseyo" The man with Blue hair is seen to clash with the a brown giant, his spear shinning red while the giant's eyes do the same as the two of them both smash the ground they are on and jump away.

"Tori no you ni" The young man with organce hair is trying to grasp a blue light that is in his hands, yet cannot hold onto

"My wishes over their airspace." Show a flash of the lady in the blue dress looking up at the blue sky above her.

"Musu no nami wo koe." Now shows the lady in the blue dress and armour now clashing swords with a Samurai, both move back then charge in and clash swords once more. The man is smile the woman is not.

"Asu e tachimuka anata." The man in a black top, white pants and crimson cape is shown avoiding blasts from an unseen enemy.

"Wo mamoritamae, my life I trade in for you pain." The orange haired boy is still holding the light when a pair of feminine hands gently held his and allowed the light to shine forth from his hands.

"Furimukazu habatake." A man with red hair and eyes that reflect the stars is looking up at the sky then closes his eyes.

"Kono omoi wo hakonde." The scene now shows a young girl with white hair and crimson eyes flanked by to young ladies with the same hair and eyes. Their hair is blowing in the wind, there is a giant man behind them.

"Ano sora wo tondeku" The scene shows an oranges haired young man, a red haired young man and a blonde haired young lady now all looking up at a mountain, there is a determined look in their eyes.

"Negai wa darnimo." The scene flashed to the young lady with blonde hair and green eyes, to the young man with red hair and reflective eyes, to the silver haired tanned man.

"Uchiotosenai" The young man with orange hair has two lights that shine in his hands before the entire screen in enveloped in Blue light.

Chapter Seven

"When your having the most fun that's when time always flies. " Bartz (Final Fantasy Dissidia)

What appeared to be a wrinkly old with a cane was hunched over in a chair, he was not pleased with what he had seen nor with what he had learned.

The old man did drew some amusement from the fact that a Servant was unaware that he was a Servant.

He also drew a small amount of amusement that this Servant had no magic capabilities what so ever.

But if he had to make a tactical observation, it would be the fact that the Servant had no talent or even affinity with any form of magic that made him so deadly.

But any amusement that he drew from it was unable to counter the concern he had.

It was clear to this old man, that this 8th Servant was partially if not completely aware that he was being watched.

It did cause one to wonder how he knew so and how he was capable of entering this war.

It did make some sense as the Servant of the poor little sacrifice was summoned prior to the war itself.

The old man was unsure about this, A Servant that did not follow the regular class system was a problem.

He knew no doubt that German Family would have to clue to what class this Servant maybe.

His mind flashed back to that time, the time in which that same family had brought ruin upon their house again.

But that time that family's crime had brought even the Grail itself through the dirt, it was needless to say, he was not fond of them or their miss adventures.

But this, this time he was sure it was not their fault, well at least not entirely, even they would not create a Class with 2 Command Seals and the ability to take Command Seals from Masters.

He also knew that at this point in time, he was the only one who knew just how wrong this entire Grail War was.

An 8th Servant, no Master, no mana, no wish, no history, it was new, it was not natural in any way at all.

It could not be allowed to go unchecked, such a thing was a threat to the Holy Grail War and to the wish of this old man.

With Hitoro

Hitoro now stood in front of Shirou and Rin, the police and the ambulances were taking students to hospital.

Rin had managed to calm her nerves, enough so that she could ask Hitoro a question.

Keeping up the act that he was meant to be a teacher aid she posed to him a question.

"Mr Hitoro, for what reason did Matou get taken away by the police, I was unaware that he was a criminal."

That was a blatant lie, Rin had wanted to see Matou get pulled up by those guys for so long now, it was not funny.

Hitoro did not even need to be a Newtype to know this, but he did not say it, at this point in time there were ears that did not need to know about the Holy Grail War all around them.

Also if they did hear him, it would be in a tone that was too casual to be a teacher or a soldier.

"I am aware that he has done a deed that is not smiled upon in any nation, he is being dealt with accordingly."

Shirou took a step back, the smile that was in his eyes as he said this was rather large.

To the point where Shirou just had to imagine the most creepy slasher smile on Hitoro's face.

What he had just seen or rather made up could not be erased from his mind, Hitoro could pull it off a little too well if he tried to.

Rin had noticed this too, but she did not go the extra step like Shirou had "Oh that is a shame, he did not seem like that type of young man to me."

The way Rin said this was way to sweet, in fact she said this all to happily.

Hitoro at this point gave a nod and said "It can be taken that you should beware the ones who act to nice."

He made a bit of an emphasis on the word act, meaning that it was not genuine.

As if to say to Rin, that Shirou did not act nice, he is nice.

He also in his head did add a few more words to that, but they should not be said at a school or in public at all for that matter.

Shirou now asked "Mr Hitoro, was there any news on any of the students, are they all going to be fine?" In reply to this Hitoro shook his head "No, no they all need to have a medical check up, but that is about it, once that is done, one will be able to tell if the students are all alright."

Rin was unsure of what she thought of this mask that Hitoro wore.

He did come off as impartial when he was around them, but now, it sounded as if he did not care at all, if she had to take a guess, it was because he was playing a soldier.

"In any case, if you see fit not to see a Doctor, I will tell you to go straight home."

He then went on to add "But if you can travel in a group, that way you can look out for the others in case they are unwell and do not know it."

Hitoro then closed his eyes and said "Rin drop by the Emiya residence I have a few things that I wish to discuss with the both of you."

Both Rin and Shirou were taken aback by this but said "Yes sir."

As Hitoro turned away and walked away from them, he noticed that none of the police seemed to notice him, this was good for now he did not need to make to an active effort to hide from them.

"This will be hard, but I guess I will have to tell them about Rider as well as why I did not speak to them right away."

He was sure that Rin would be able to agree with his logic, Shirou on the other hand, may or may not.

"In any case, I can see that they are alright and I can tell it as well, Saber must have left or is in hiding, I will need to go check on her."

Now Hitoro whispered "Rider if you can hear me, stay close behind me, I am sure that Saber will be able to sense you."

"If you wish it to be so, I will do so, Master."

In reply to this Hitoro said "Don't call me Master, it puts me off as in really puts me off, if you can't say a name, then Sir is fine."

In reply she said "I will do so Sir."

Hitoro gave a sigh as he now began to search for Saber, it was not hard to find her, she gave off a very regal, majestic and strong feeling.

"I may have to remind her that Pride in itself is a sin if this keeps up."

But Hitoro let that thought slide as he now entered the woods next to the school, Saber was their, she was no longer in her armour but seemed to be alert.

She did not relax when Hitoro arrived, but she did seem to be a little less hostile.

"You are here, Sedecim, I did face an illusion of Rider, just as you said."

Hitoro gave her a nod and replied "I see, so she did not alter her plan, I was sure that should would be listening in on us?"

Saber had to agree with that, though in general she did appear to be a little reluctant to do so.

Hitoro now said "I told the two of them to go Shirou's place to meet up with me later, can you make it their on your own?"

Hitoro now paused and said "Actually, I think it is for the best if you come with me, that way Caster will not try to take you."

Saber at this point said "But is it not Shirou who is in danger, should I not go to him?"

Hitoro gave her a nod and said "Do you really think that I would just let them leave if I did not have a plan to keep them safe?"

Saber shook her head "I forgive me, I did not mean to offend you so."

In reply to her Hitoro said "None taken, come with me, we can't let the regular students or others see you now, lets be off."

Emiya Residence

Saber, Rin and Shirou now all sat down in the Emiya Residence, they needed to go over what they had been through this day and what they could have done better.

"I admit, when I saw all of our classes in such a state I was unable to keep a calm head."

Rin said this or rather admitted it, she had been afraid, Hitoro knew it and she was right to be so, Shirou on the other hand, he was able just to shrug it off as if he saw this on a day to day basis.

Hitoro picked up on this he also picked up on the fact that Shirou had felt empty of all things during the event with Shinji.

"Shirou, I have to ask, why is it that you were not afraid or at least taken aback by the bodies of your friends."

Shirou at this point closed his eyes as he said "I am use to seeing dead bodies."

Rin was in shock at this, she had moved a little back and her mouth was open as she now stared at Shirou after what he had just said.

Saber was a little shocked as well, but she was able to hide it well so that none other than Hitoro knew.

"If that is what you say, on another topic, Rin, I have a question for you about the Command Seals that Masters are given?"

Rin blinked for a second and then said "I can tell you all that I myself know?"

Hitoro gave a nod of his head as he crossed his arms and said "Shinji, he had his Seals, in a book, do you know of it?"

Rin now pondered for a second and said "I do not know that such a thing was possible, if I had to make any real in depth judgement on it, I may need to see it?"

In return Hitoro gave a sigh and said "If I had it on me, I would have given it to you, it seemed to vanish after I put it down.

Rin blinked then asked "If that is so, then what happened to them, such thing do not up and vanish into thin air?"

Rin seemed a little concerned when she said this, she did not who or what was capable of doing this.

One thing she did know for sure was that it was not Shinji, another thing was the fact that Command Seals don't just vanish into thin air if they are not used.

"That leads on to what I was going to say, you see when I picked up the book, it had three petal like shaped runes in it, they glowed as I touched them and my hand in turn glowed as well."

Rin almost fell back from where she sat, luckily for her she was not at her house for the chair that she would be sitting on would have fallen out from under her.

"You, you're a Master, But Emiya said he saw you come out of the summon just like Saber had!"

Now Hitoro said "Yes, I got three petals on my hand, but before that I have one other symbol, they appeared as the petals did."

Hitoro said this with a mild amount o disgust, he was not one to get a tattoo yet alone a rune on his skin.

All of this did annoy him a little to say the least, he had to wear gloves now.

Hitoro now rolled up his sleeve and held out his arm so that Rin could look at it.

One did not need to be a Newtype to know what she was feeling, it was written all over her face.

The three petals were not what interested Rin, no it was the single one that caught her attention the most.

It was that of a humanoid figure with wings coming out from its sides, arm and legs raised to make an x shape within a sphere.

It was a Command Seal, no doubt about it, but to Rin, it was more, she had not seen one such as this nor heard of it.

At this point Rin asked "So did you kill the Servant or did this happen before you could kill her."

At this point Hitoro just said "The only ones in that room who deserved to die was that snivelling coward and myself."

Rin, Shirou and Saber visibly blinked at this but decided to ignore it at move on with the subject at hand.

"So if you have the Command Seals, does that mean that you have his Servant?"

As Rin asked this she saw him give her a nod and then said "That I do, you can come out Rider, I do believe that you are called."

As he said this Rider, the purple haired tall young lady with an eye mask come out of her spirit form.

Hitoro could feel the tension in her, he could also feel the true reason why she had such tension.

"Rider you are afraid, for your actual Master right?"

Rider at this point tried to counter him by saying "You are my Master?" Hitoro gave a sigh and said "So it is going to be like that then is it?"

Hitoro now turned to Rin and said "I have a theory, it is that Shinji was not the real Master of Rider as we know, I would have to say that he was fraud."

Rin gave a nod and this and said "Shinji was either a very weak Magus or had no magic in him at all, I can see what you mean."

In reply to this Hitoro said "There are two options, one is that another relative summoned Rider here."

Rider did not flinch when Hitoro said that, but Saber did as she was now slowly getting up.

Hitoto saw this and said "Stay your blade, I don't like killing in general, but Rider, could it be that the one who are worried for is Sakura?"

Rider did not flinch at this, she kept a straight face as she said "No, the one who speak of is not the one I worry for."

In reply to her Hitoro said "You act may fool them, but I can feel what it is that you truly feel in your heart and in your mind, I'll take it that you had a very good reason to lie to us just now and leave it there."

Rin now stood up from where she was and said "Sakura, Sakura was a Master, no this can't be!"

Shirou at this point said "Tohsaka, calm down, she was a Master and no longer is, we have Hitoro here to thank for all of that."

Hitoro gave another sigh and said "What I really want to know is how do I have a Command Seal, I know that I do not have any magic or mana, Rider told me how she is able to be sustained by me, but so far that is it."

It was at this point that Rider said "If I may speak, I have learnt how you are able to do so?"

At this Hitoro gave a glance to Rin and Shirou to see I they wished to her Rider speak.

Both of them did so Hitoro said "Speak freely I will not hold it against, I can tell what you mean and how you feel."

That last bit was a little creepy, but Rider was able to tell that he did not mean it as such.

"You are Servant Ruler, you have been summoned her to oversee this war."

Hitoro did not blink, he gave a sigh as Shirou blinked, Rin fell flat on her back and Saber almost spilled the tea she had in her hands.

Rin now got back on her feet and said "There is, there is a 9th class of Servant!"

Saber in reply to this asked "What I have only ever met 6 and with myself that makes 7, what is the 8th class that Ruler is not."

As she said this Hitoro said "Can you not call me that, it makes me feel a little weird, not to mention it implies that I ruled per say when I have never done so in life or death."

Rin now said "There was a class called Avenger it was very weak, summoned in the 3rd Holy Grail War, but Ruler, I have never heard of that."

Hitoro gave her a shrug "I am not sure that I can say I had heard of Magic where I came from, if I have to say it, you learn something new every day."

Rin did not know how to reply to that, if there had been a level of lame that no one should cross, Hitoro almost crossed it.

Hitoro now said "That does explain a few things, but why was I summoned, I mean things I did the era in which I lived, heck I'm not even from the same world as you."

Saber was the one who answered him by saying "You were drawn here, I do not know why you came, but it must be for a wish that you desire?"

Hitoro now raised his eyebrow at her and said "I hate to break it to you, but I do not have thing like that, if a wish like that could be granted it would not be real nor genuine, why would I want a thing like that?"

He did pose a very good question, why would you want a thing like that?

Saber felt a little hurt, he had just dismissed the chance to gain what he desired.

Rin now pondered for a few moment before she began to monologue "All Servants that are meant to have a wish of their own, be it is a wish for the Grail or which they can achieve or reach during the Grail War."

She was about to continue when Hitoro said "Say no more, this is no longer private, we are being watched."

It was now that Hitoro removed the shades from his face, showing the eyes that reflected all that was before him.

Rin did not know if he was being serious or not, but the look in his eyes told her that he was not jesting with them.

His face no turned to Rider and said "You can tell me what it is or rather who it is that is watching us, do speak, I know the answer but I wish to hear it from your mouth."

Rider was taken aback, a fellow Servant was able to figure out who it was who was the one who was watching them from the shadows.

She now tried her best to deflect the question as she said "I am Rider Class, I was summoned by the Matou family."

Hitoro now gave a sigh and said "So that is the way it is going to be, I will give you on chance, one last chance to tell us what you know."

Rin now asked "Wait are you going to use a one of your Seals on her?"

Hitoro shook his head "I am a Newtype, I can let a person relive their worst memory over and over and over, I do not need to use such things unless I have to, but do believe me I will the one whom you protect is not the girl, Rider."

Rider's POV

Never in my life have I felt such hatred as I did now, this man, I can see it in his eyes, what he can do to me.

They flash with all that is going to happen, I must not give in, but I can tell that he already knows the answer to his own query, he merely wishes for me to state it to the others.

If he does what I can see he is capable of, he may just harm her to spite me, one can never tell with a man like him.

But the hatred he feels, I can feel that it is for that family and for what they have done to her.

If so, can he protect her from them, can he keep her safe from them, no can he heal what they her?

I see that that he is holding up his hand counting down, is that the time that I have left until he does things to my mind?

Is he toying with me, he knows the answer, he has seen it as well as heard it, his eyes they flash with all that is around us, all that can and will be around us.

Is there a limit to what he can see or is their no limit to it at all. Just what no, just who is he, there are no tales or legends of a man like him.

He said he was from another world, is he a hero there, if I do recall he said he never lead anything in his entire life.

I see that his count is now getting to one, a single finger is held up, I know that I must protect her.

But I can see, I can see that this man, it will pain him to do all those things to me if I force him to.

I can see that he will not enjoy it or at least I want to believe that, I can feel, I can feel despite all this anger all this hatred, he is capable of helping her.

So Sakura, please forgive your former Servant, but I have to let them know this.

Normal POV

As Hitoro's count was about to go from one to a fist, Rider answered him.

"The one who watches you now is the old Magus of the Matou family.

My former Master called him Grandfather, his name is Zouken Matou, he is many years old far too many by human years.

Hitoro now gave her a nod "So he is the reason why Sakura feels so empty no, he is one of the reasons, the main one."

He said these words in calm manner, but all around him could feel the anger within them.

"I see so it all makes sense now, it all makes sense, I should have put that blue haired brat into a coma of eternal torment."

Rin and Shirou both blinked, Rin moved a little back while Shirou asked "Wait, what do you mean by that, did you figure out more about Shinji?"

Hitoro gave him a nod and said "That superior attitude, the way he looked down on all of you, like he was better or had done more than you, the way Sakura was empty but also afraid of him, it is truly and I mean truly is revolting."

He had not said the words, but Rin was able to get what it was he was saying and to say that she was furious was putting it mildly.

She now clenched her own fists in anger and said "That pig, he did it, he went on and did it, I will, I will burn them off for this, no I will burn them off slowly for this and make him eat them, he will pay!"

Saber too looked rather repulsed at this, "That I did not notice, she hid it well, to think that she could keep smiling at you Shirou."

At thus point Hitoro said "Saber, Shirou is yet to figure it out yet, but I do agree with you, she did hid it very well, there are only a few people I can say that have such conviction none of them can be compared to the other."

It was clear to all four of them that Shirou did not get it, in fact Hitoro decided to go out and say what it was that he had not been able to figure out.

"Shirou, take this how you wish it but, Sakura has gone through."

Hitoro paused, he was loathe to use the words so close to one another, but at this point he knew that he had to.

The tone that he said the his next 2 words made it sound like it was a curse, a curse that he wished never to speak of those words were "Consistent Rape."

A silence followed these words as all who heard them knew what it was that they meant. It was a big thing to say it was a wicked thing to do.

Hitoro now stood up and said "But if I am right, this Zouken is also to blame, if one sits by and lets it happen when they have power to stop it, well then, you might as well be do the deed yourself."

Rin was angry, but it was not only directed at the Matou family, no it was directed also at herself, her own sister raped and she knew nothing.

"Don't go beating yourself up about it, the blame lies not with you for this, but for the one who did this and the one who in turn set these events in motion."

Rin at this point could only say "If I knew, if I knew-."

She was about to say more when Hitoro cut her off by saying "If only, if only, the wood pecker crowed, this is life, the world is in a state of constant motion, it is our duty to keep it that way."

Rin was unsure if he was comforting her or telling her to get over it. He must do it on purpose, there is no way a normal guy would just be unclear when he spoke.

But Hitoro or was it Ruler was far from normal he had already proved that in more ways than one.

Rin now tried to say "But my sister, I can't just leave my sister?"

Hitoro shook his head "It is never that simple, but at this point in time, Caster is our foe, if do not act now, she will be able to sync to the city and all within it."

Rin and Shirou both gave a blink as Hitoro said this, they did not expect that Caster would do such a thing.

But Hitoro now added "But we can't leave our back exposed to the Matou family, I have a feeling that one of them is listening in on us as we speak.

It was a solid strategy none could deny that.

But at this point in time, Rin was not in a logical mood, safe to say, she was more angry then when Shirou had refused to take this whole seriously.

"Hitoro, I can see why you would say that, but there is no way that I can just sit back and let this happen."

At this point Hitoro said "If you do so, you will fail, your Servant as such has proved that he is capable of betrayal and may or may not decided to go against you at some point, I am just saying it is better for us to deal with our foes such as Caster and the other Masters before you go after Zouken."

It did make sense, so much so that even Rin had to agree with it. At this point in time, Archer was not to be trusted, he had made his desire clear so it was only right that Rin should go with what Hitoro was saying.

"Revenge or Justice, you will have either one or both, I give you my word."

Shirou was unsure of hoe he felt about the word 'revenge', he would much rather justice be served.

Hitoro was able to see this and said "Justice is a flawed concept that can change from where one stands, I do not presume to do such a thing nor would I say that I am on it's side, for I can be against it if I see that it is wrong."

Shirou was unable to see what it was that Hitoro was saying so Rin said "In short he means he does what he sees as right not what is right to the law or any order."

Hitoro gave her a nod "I do what I see as right and live by my own rules, that is why I let Shinji live, I am not a machine or an assassin, I have never been conditioned to kill, I just do what I can and what I feel is right."

It was true he was not a trained killer of any sort, he may feel sickened by what Zouken has done, but that does not mean that he can kill him, unless the man shows that he is totally lost humanity.

But Hitoro did not need to kill him, he actually an enemy to Rin more than Shirou.

At this point they had to find a way to deal with the foes that had committed to kill them than a foe who was yet to do so.

Rider now spoke to Hitoro and said "I can see now why you are neutral good Ruler."

With a sigh Hitoro said "Can you cut out the Ruler stuff, I never ruled and I am not a leader of that kind, I'd rather let others do the leading, allows me to focus on the battles and stuff that Leaders at times are held back from."

Rin and Shirou gave a small laugh as they now looked at Hitoro who turned to them and asked "What, oh god, do grow up you two."

He could feel why they found this funny, he also was able to feel it was funny even to himself, with a sigh once more Hitoro said "This is why I'd rather now work with kids, no idea when and when not to laugh."

As he said this he saw that Saber to had an echo of a smile on her face, he could also feel that she too found his reaction a funny.

To try and point the laughter in her direction Hitoro said "If you want to laugh Saber just do so, it is better to, if you try to hold all of your feelings inside you, you will look like you need to go and take a shit and doing so will not give you any relief."

Saber was a little shocked and Rin and Shirou turned to look at her and saw what Hitoro had said was true, it was clearly visible on Saber's face that she had been trying not to laugh.

Rider who had not said a word during this time did notice one thing more about Ruler.

It was that even though he did not have high Charisma, he was able to make friends, it was almost natural to him.

She now thought "To be sure, he is not a man or rather a Servant to be taken likely, he can and is able to act the fool, but he is also aware of what those around him feel."

It now dawned on her as the others laughed "I see, he does not need Charisma, he can tell what all those around him are feeling and act on that, a rare skill to be sure."

A few hours Later

Hitoro now sat on top of the Emiya residence, he was alone, well not alone, Rider was with him, but she had not said a word to him the entire time.

She did not need to, he could feel her intent as well as what she was doing.

To the naked eye she was only staring at him, though she did have a blindfold on so that made no sense.

But to Hitoro she had been and still was taking note of all that he had done so far.

He also knew why but he did not speak of it, if she was able to figure that he he already knew why she was doing this, he would have to give her some credit.

Well he knew that she knew that he knew, but she didn't know that he knew that she knew that he knew."

It was only after that Rin had left and both Saber and Shirou had gone to sleep did he speak to Rider.

"So Rider, do tell what is it that you think of me, I know I can tell what you are feeling, but do say so."

In reply to this Rider said "I know that you can tell the feelings as well as the intent of those around you, I know that you know what I would say so why do you wish me to say it?"

To reply to her Hitoro said "I know what you are feeling and what your intent is to a degree I know if you are insecure, I do not know the exact words or images that are running through your mind as we speak, such a power is best left alone."

Taking in a deep breath she said "I can see that you are a kind person, you let my former Master live due to a code that you follow even when you yourself said he deserved to die."

She now went on to say "You are beside two people who you barely know and are helping them because you feel that it is the right thing to do."

That was true to an extent, it was not the whole truth but it may as well have been.

"You are able to get along with those around you as well as make friends with them in a short amount of time due to the power that you have."

Hitoro now raised his hand to her to stop her as he said "Thanks that is enough, I can tell that you do not wish to say what you were about to say next, I am not in the habit of being cruel so you can stop."

Rider gave him a nod and said "As you wish Ruler."

With a sigh Hitoro said to her "Okay, don't call me that, just call me Hitoro, it sounds better."

In reply to this Rider asked "Do you not wish to be associated with rulers in general?"

Making a gun with his hand and firing it Hitoro said "Bullseye, you got that one."

What or rather why Hitoro did not say any more, but Rider was sure that it had to do with him not being a leader or rather not taking on such a role.

Rider now asked a more personal question "You said that you did not lead and left that to others, yet you said you were not a trained killer to speak, why were you fighting if you were not meant to?"

In reply to her this time Hitoro stood up gave a stretch and said "At the time I had the power to act and do what I saw as right, I did so, that is all that their was to it."

Hitoro now said "All that I did at one point regret was that I did not do enough or if I had been able to do more, things may have been different."

Rider picked up on the past tense and asked "If I may ask, what do you mean, you no longer regret your actions?"

Hitoro gave her a nod and said "I do not regret the path I chose to walk, I chose it of my own free will, the rules that I set and the steps that I took were all my own."

When he next spoke his entire face seemed to soften as if he was recalling a very fond and dear memory.

"If I did regret what I did, it would be an insult to those who I met those friends that I made and those who did not make it."

He then added "In life I would never do that to them, that is why I can move on, I am not tied down by regrets, I was set free from all of them, I am not bound by them, but that does not mean that I do not recall them so that I do not make them ever again."

Rider felt as if the two of them were not alone at this point, as if there was a person, no many people with the two of them and she was just unable to see it.

Hitoro now gave her a smile and said "Your eyes may be close, but can you feel it can you feel them?"

Rider gave a slow nod of her head "I can feel a woman, she is kind, she is gentle, I can feel a boy or is it a young man, gentle in nature but strong in spirit."

Hitoro now said to her "Not a boy a young man, a hero for all to aspire to be like, I can say that he was a much bigger man that I am."

Rider now asked "Did you know him well?"

In reply to her Hitoro shook his head "No I never got to meet him face to face, we would meet in battle more often than not."

Rider could tell that though Hitoro did not regret what he had done, he stilled mourned for the dead, she did not blame him, it was where all went sooner or later.

"I met and was later friends with those who were close to him, I do believe that he liked the piano, friend of mine said he could hold quite the tune."

Letting a single tear now slip down from his right eye Hitoro said "He died for what he thought was right, he went against orders and did what others were unable to, he died saving lives of those he wanted to save and inspiring his friends to follow his path."

With a slight turn of his head Hitoro asked "Can any of us say the same, once I had died, I would like to think I was able to do the same."

Hitoro had said a lot, but all that he had said did not lead her any close to finding out just what he had done in life.

All that he had said so far while she was around pointed to the fact that he did not view himself as a hero.

But if the way he spoke or what his ideals seemed to be he was.

"You do not strike me as a bad man Ru, I mean Hitoro nor do you seem to be trying to atone for a sin."

Hitoro in turn said "I have no sins that I can atone for here, in any case I do not believe in random good deeds equal redemption."

Rider had to admit, that was harsh, but if it was what he believed that it not her place to say it was not so.

In the moon light she now was able to see that Hitoro was not a man who was beyond all men, not the fact that was lit up by the moon showed a young man who felt as if he was no longer human.

And he was doing his best to prove as well as try to be human once more. Rider knew how that felt, her better than most so now she chose to say "Being more than just human is not a bad thing all the time."

Hitoro closed his eyes as he sat back down and gave her a nod "That may be so, but what if I do not wish to be more than human, but that aside, I can tell that you know more about that than I do, I appreciate what you said."

Rider gave a blink it had been a long time since she had been thanked for such a small thing and for so few words, she did not really know how to respond to him.

From where he sat Hitoro said "Just relax, I meant that in the nicest possible way, I also wish to say that I am sorry for all the harm I did to you while we were enemies."

A brief flash of her being flung into a wall as well as knocked over and a few more came to Rider's mind as she said "Think not of it, I was bound to my Master and you only sought to do what you saw as right."

Now Rider asked "Why is it that you thank me for my words, it is just that I am not use to it."

In reply to this Hitoro gave a sigh and said "Well, I can tell that you do not get thanked very often, not to sound like a know it all, but all people liked to be thanked in a certain shape or form."

To a degree it was true and Rider asked "Is that the only reason you did so?"

Hitoro was able to tell that she clearly wished to get to the bottom of why he said it so he just said "I do not take people for granted, be the human or not, I do not judge others for the circumstances of their birth, I do so because that is what I feel is right, I thanked you because you spoke to me when you could have been silent."

To say the least, this was not what Rider had expected, she had expected him to be less direct with here and allude to an answer that may or may not be what she thinks it is.

Hitoro now closed his eyes and said "If you need sleep you should get it, I do not sleep so do not worry about me, take some time rest, we have a long day ahead of us so we will need to be at our best."

Rider gave him a nod all that she had learned so far pointed to Hitoro being the man who could best Zouken.

Okay, Anthony or rather Hitoro will have a show down with Zouken though he will not kill him, this is not due to his code but because he will learn of the Crest Worms and what Zouken can do with them. As I said I have not had internet so I have been playing through the VN to get to the first battle with Caster and her Master. (I forgot how fucking long it takes to play VNs). I am not sure when my Internet problem will be fixed for now I am using the public one, but due to a certain family member of mine dumping a baby on me to look after I can't do this often.

Please Review and let me know what you think no flaming please.