A/N: Niklaus M./OC/Kol M.
A/N: All outfits, cars, and such are on my profile page
A/N: Italic is implied sarcasm. Italic is also thoughts and flashbacks.
A/N: Bold Italics are Emmeline's dairy entries.

In the Beginning

Dear Diary,

I was human...once upon a time. In the beginning we all were. Every single one of us. Well...Esther was a witch but witches are as human as any other person. She was one of the most powerful witches in history. I was happy and carefree before I was turned. I'm a lot less carefree and happy now-a-days. I can't bring myself to regret being turned though. I love every single member of the Mikaelson family but no more than Niklaus himself...until I was Changed by Kol.

2 words - Sire Bond.

What's a girl to do when she is torn between two brothers...two VAMPIRE brothers?

Maybe I should back up. My name is Emmeline Genevieve Von Allen and I'm as close to an original vampire as you can get. In fact...I'm a second generation original vampire. The first and last. Maybe a week after the Mikealson family (excluding Esther) became vampires...the immortal asshole Kol, fed from me...forced me to drink blood...snapped my neck...and then tricked me into swallowing human blood. From that day on I was cursed to drink human blood to survive.

My family and the Mikealson's have been friends forever. They both decided to leave their homeland to come to the New World. Esther had a child, a son named Finn. He was the oldest. My parent had no children at the time. Soon after arriving in the New World, Esther gave birth to her second child. A son named Elijah. Soon, she fell pregnant again. My mom got pregnant two months after Esther. Later, Esther gave birth to a son that Mikael named Niklaus. Soon after the birth of Niklaus, I was born. I was two months younger that Klaus. Esther would go on to have three other children: Kol,the troublemaker, Rebekah, the only girl and Henrik. Me, on the other hand...I was an only child. In the New World, Esther began to practice magic once more and became the best friend of the powerful witch Ayana, who was also her mentor.

Esther was a tall, slim and beautiful woman in her mid to late 40's. She has long blond hair and brown eyes. She had a fine facial features. She liked to wear long, flowing dresses. Mikael was a tall and middle-aged man with short dark blond hair, blue eyes and muscular build.

Unlike Mikael who was hard on Klaus, Esther treated him like the rest of his half-siblings, and occasionally defended him against Mikael, telling the latter that Klaus only means well. She would not lift a finger to protect them from Mikael though.

Then one night the unthinkable happened. Curious about the werewolves transformations, Klaus and Henrik went to spy on them one night during a full moon. Unfortunately, their presence was ultimately discovered by the werewolves, who were unable to control themselves and ended up mauling Henrik to death. Henrik was mauled by a werewolf from Ansel's (The local Alpha) pack. Klaus took his brother to Esther but it was too late and Henrik tragically died.

Later, Mikael asked Ayana for help so that they could make all of their children immortals but Ayana refused. As a result, Esther ended up performing The Immortality Spell herself by using the blood of Klaus and Elijah's lover, Tatia that would transform her family into the first known vampires. However, the spell had complications and prices that came along with it. She had to make Daylight jewelry for them and she had watched them feed and kill innocent humans all for the consumption of human blood.

When Klaus finally killed his first human, he triggered his werewolf gene and later transformed, killing and slaughtering many people. Knowing from then that Klaus was not his biological son, Mikael forced Esther to suppress Klaus' werewolf side, which she had done by using the blood of Tatia, whom Elijah accidentally killed. Esther was a devoted and loving mother to her children prior to them becoming vampires. She wanted the best for her children, and fearing they would die because of the werewolves, she used a spell which turned them into vampires.

I close the cover of my diary and sigh. I was feeling nostalgic. I haven't written in a diary for about a hundred years. I lost touch with my humanity there for awhile and stopped writing. When I regained my humanity I just never started back up. I loved the Mikealson family, except maybe Finn and Mikeal...definitely Mikeal.

Mikael...Mikael was a bastard.

You think Klaus is bad...well Mikael was even worse. He hunted Niklaus, his siblings and I for centuries, going so far as to burn half of Europe in his attempts to kill his family. He would stop at nothing to kill his children. He was the Original Vampire Hunter.

The Vampire Who Hunts Vampires

The Hunter

The Destroyer

The Worst of All Monsters

The Monster Who Monsters are Afraid of

Ever since I could remember, Mikeal and Klaus hated each other. Mikeal was an abusive asshole and a piss poor excuse for a father. Elijah...my dear sweet Lijah, Klaus...my handsome devil in disguise, Rebekah...my sweet innocent little sister, and Kol...the hot asshole troublemaker...they all deserved better. Hell...even Finn the uptight rude asshole deserved a better father than Mikeal. I remember a time when Klaus and Elijah were play sword fighting and Klaus was being a bit of a show off and Mikeal humiliates him in front of the whole village.


"Evie! Evie! Help!" A very familiar voice calls out. I pick up the bottom of my dress and spin around. Henrik is running at me full stream like there is a pack of Vikings coming after him.

"Henrik...What's wrong?" I ask, pushing him behind me. I put my hand over my sword and pull it out a little bit. My shoulders are tense as I scan the center of the village. Niklaus strides through the crowd bustling about the square and heads in my direction. I relax and a huge smile breaks across my face. I weave my way through the crowd to him.

"Klaus!" I call out and he pauses. He scans the crowd looking for me. His light blue eyes meet mine and I blush. A grin appears on his face. Klaus is an attractive man. He has curled dirty-blond hair and light blue eyes that contrasts with his pearl-white skin.

"Did you see someone chasing Henrik?" I ask worriedly. Klaus grins. His face and eyes light up. Mischief is written all over his face. Almost to late, I realize my mistake. Henrik was running from Klaus. I pick up my dress which is quite hard with a sword at your side, whirl around and take off running. I hear the pounding of footsteps that indicates Klaus is chasing after me.

"Run!" I shout. Henrik doesn't hesitate, seeing that Niklaus is right on my heels. I look behind me and yelp. Niklaus is right behind me. My father looks up at the sound of my yelp from where he is trading a slab of deer meat for some eggs. He tenses then smiles and relaxes upon seeing Niklaus behind me. My father trusts Mikael and Esther with his life and I trust the Mikaelson kids with my life...well maybe not Finn. Klaus, Rebekah, Henrik and I have been the best of friends since we first meet and father knows I'm perfectly safe with them.

Klaus comes up behind me, reaches out, wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me backward. I stumble back into his chest laughing. He throws his head up, laughing. A deep rich sound that is music to my ears.

"Where's Henrik?" I ask, when I finally manage to stop laughing, catch my breath and look around. Henrik is no where to be seen.

"Having Elijah protect him no doubt." Klaus says his arms still around my waist. He rests his chin on my shoulder, my body relaxes and I practically melt into his embrace. Pull him into the woods and we explore meadows sparkling with wildflowers...admire the majesty of old-growth trees...feel the caress of emerald-green moss. I stand facing the sun soaking up the warmth when Klaus walks in front of me blocking the sun. I pout.

"I love you." He whispers, pulling to him. I freeze in shock and my mouth falls open. Nik has never been one to talk or tell his feelings, so to say he loves me is a big deal. Disappointment flashes across Klaus's face and I snap out of my shock.

"I love you too." I whisper and a wide smile stretches across his handsome face. He looks at me lovingly before leaning down and kissing me soft and tenderly. Klaus and I have secretly been courting for six weeks now. He slips his hand into mine and pulls me back to the village.

"Brother!" Elijah calls out to Klaus upon seeing us. Elijah is also a very handsome man. He has a thin but muscular body. He has long brown hair, with hazel brown eyes. His facial features are angular - high cheekbones, a strong jawline, and a straight nose. He strides over to us.

"How about a fight, Brother?" He asks with a smile. Klaus smiles, lets go of my hand and pulls out his sword. The sound of metal hitting metal soon fills the village. Soon, Rebekah and Henrik run up and stand beside me. Rebekah, Henrik and I watch the sword fighting happily. We are enjoying themselves.

"Oh, look. Sister's arrived to watch my fast-approaching victory" Elijah boasting teasingly, upon seeing us standing and watching. They circle each other.

"On the contrary, Elijah" Klaus says. They keep fighting and Klaus does a fancy move and slices Lijah's belt breaking it. Elijah's mouth falls open, shocked. He looks down at his belt. He quickly recovers and smiles good naturedly. Everyone laughs.

"She's come to laugh at you." Klaus says, sending me a wink and smile. I blush and Bekah raise her eyebrow at me. Until their father, Mikael, arrives, and upsets everything due to Klaus' antics. The cheerful mood grows tense. We are no longer smiling and laughing. Mikael takes Elijah's sword from him and Lijah moves off to the side.

"So... Why don't you teach me that trick, young warrior?" Mikael says with a sneer.

"Father, we were just having fun" Klaus says.

"We fight for our survival. And you find time for fun?! I want to have fun! Teach me. Come on!" Mikael says with a roar, swing his sword at Klaus. Klaus quickly moves his blade to block. Henrik and Rebekah flinches at each ring of the swords.

"Father, it was nothing" Klaus says desperately.

They fight. Mikael removes Klaus' sword with him and then pushes him on the ground and raises the sword above him. Everyone is watching. Elijah, Rebekah, Henrik and I watch helplessly as Mikael screams at Klaus.

"You are foolish and impulsive, my boy. What? No more laughter?" Mikeal says mockingly.

"You've made your point, Mikael" Esther says and Mikeal puts his sword down next to Klaus' face. Rebekah flinches and Klaus's eyes are wide.

"Some days, it's a miracle you're still alive... Boy" Mikael says. He gets up and leaves. I quickly run over and help Klaus to his feet.

End of Flashback

I shake my head trying to get rid of the lingering memories. Klaus is trying to decide whether or not to take Katherine's information seriously. She said that there is a witch my the name of Jane-Anne Deveraux conspiring against him in New Orleans. Ah..New Orleans.

The last time all of us and by us I mean Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah, Myself and a handsome young man that Klaus named Marcellus were in New Orleans it had been the happiest time of our immortal lives. We lived in New Orleans for centuries. We had so many fun times in New Orleans and we didn't want to ever leave. We were in control of the city. However, in the year 1919, after Mikael arrived, leaving countless bodies in his wake, we had no choice but to flee and hope we could evade him.

"Well, Love? Have you made up your mind?" Klaus is suddenly leaning against my doorway. Shoving my diary under my bed and turn to face him.

"Yes...yes I have. I'm coming." I say firmly. I've made up my mind and there's no changing it.

"We're traveling my vamp speed so dress comfortable and we will be leaving in an hour." He says before (dramatically in my opinion) sweeping out of the room. Rolling my eyes, I race into my closet to change. Throwing on a pair of ripped and frayed skinny jeans, a dark red crop top, my black leather jacket I quickly slip them on along with a pair of black ankle socks and my red and black lace wedge sneakers. Throwing my keys, journal, pen, flask, lighter, headphones and my phone in my messenger bag and sling it over my shoulder.

My hair with it's loose curls flows down my back. It is black and almost past the middle of my back with my sharp cross earrings peaking out form under. I have my lapis luzuli heart necklace on a black braided cord and necklace that Klaus gave me. It has two wolves entwined around each other, I used magic to protect it from aging. Slipping on my sleek black watch and lapis luzuli bracelet over my spiked black leather finger-less gloves.

"C'mon!" He shouts up the stairs and I hurriedly slip on my silver wolf head mask ring and my lapis luzuli daylight ring over my gloves. Speeding down the stairs I appear at his side.

"So impatient." I tease and he allows a faint smile to grace his lips. With a smirk I take off running allowing my laugh to trail back to him.