Title: Sparkling Jutsu

Disclaimer: Naruto and Twilight is not mine. They belong to Kishimoto and Meyer.

AN: Re-upload. The first upload came out jumbled up with html coding. Dunno where that came from.

'Teme, did you see that? Something is sparkling over there just behind that big tree. I think someone is using a jutsu, a sparkling jutsu!'

'Be quiet dobe. We don't want them to know we're here. What's the point of hiding in the trees if you're too noisy! And there's no such thing as a sparkling jutsu' Just as he finished talking, the man and his companion turned towards them and started to speak.

'We know you're there. Come out and show yourselves!'

Sasuke glared at Naruto, sure that it was the blonde's fault they were discovered. Said blonde just threw him a sheepish grin.

Sasuke is annoyed. They're lost and it's all Naruto's fault and the blonde had the gall to stupidly grin at him. It's a good thing for Naruto that Sasuke is very fond of him; else he would be a charred jinchuuriki by now. He…

'Hey! Hey! Who are you? Why are you glittering? Is that some sort of sparkling jutsu?' Direct to the point with no tact at all, that's Naruto for you.

'My name is Edward and this is my wife Bella. As for the glitter thing.. we are vampires and I'm afraid we have to kill you in order to keep our secret'


'Yes dobe?'



'let's do a combo move'

*sigh* 'Usuratonkachi.. very well..' Sasuke sighed again and turned to the self proclaimed vampires.

'Katon: Goukyaku no jutsu' A massive ball of fire was expelled from his mouth and engulf the stoic vampires.. err.. make that the screaming vampires.

Naruto was bouncing excitedly and with a quick series of handseals created a strong gust of wind ' Fuuton: Daitoppa'

Nothing was left of the vampires. Their ashes were scattered to the winds. Thus ends the un-lives of Edward and Bella Cullen.