Author's Note: And now, it's time for EXPOSITION! Not too long ago, I was re-watching the Justice League cartoons on Netflix and I originally wanted to have an OC be thrown into the mix. Maybe a cyborg like…Cyborg, or a vampire/werewolf creature that's trying to contain his feral urges, but I kept coming up blank because I couldn't figure it out. Then I thought: what if Sora was in the series, and then the roots began to take hold. The result is this story.

Before I actually begin the story, I think it's fair to let you know of a few things I'm going to be changing about both universes.

The biggest change that I'm making is Sora and his past. I actually have plans to write a Kingdom Hearts novelization featuring all this, but that's another thing entirely. Sora is a 15 (almost 16) year old teenager, for starters. Instead of Destiny Islands, he grew up on Earth. Sora's complete past will be revealed in a later chapter. I want to at least keep a few secrets.

(Please don't kill me!) The names of his friends are not Riku and Kairi. Their names are Richard and Karen, and the two happen to be siblings. Karen is Sora's girlfriend and Richard is his best friend.

Donald and Goofy? I'm trying to figure out a way to incorporate them in my story, but this may end up being a Sora's alone fic.

How far will I go? Probably up to the Season 2 Finale, but, as I've learned over the years, things can change.

Updates for this one will be slow because my attention will still be focused on the Jedi from Earth story.

There will be language and brutal violence from time to time. You won't hear any f-bombs in my story, though. Not a fan of that word.

With the disclaimers out of the way, I hope you enjoy this story of mine. BTW, I'll give you one guess what name Sora will have in this universe.

Justice League: The Keybearer

Chapter 1: A New and Familiar World

The first thing Sora noticed when he woke was the feeling of grass and something wet beneath his back. The grass hadn't been cut and was poking him uncomfortably, prompting him to sit up quickly, opening his eyes and gasping. He groaned, trying to process his recent memories. He remembered Kingdom Hearts destroying Ansem, being forced to lock the Door to Darkness, sealing Richard and King Mickey inside, and…

"I'll come back to you! I promise!"

Karen. He couldn't reach her in time when the worlds broke about. After everything he did, he was unable to get what he wanted, what he needed. True, he did help save the universe, but in the end, Richard and Karen were still separated from him. It was like Fate had the finish line in view and just before he could cross it, the line vanished into thin air.

Shaking himself out of those depressing thoughts (experience proved that it wouldn't do him good in the long run), he finally gazed at his surroundings, taking it all in. There were trees and mountains surrounding him and judging by the snow all over the place, he was most likely in the middle of winter.

"Fire magic probably kept me alive," Sora reasoned, getting to his feet and brushing the snow off his body.

He grimaced in pain, noticing that he still bore some wounds from his last battle, wounds from dark magic. He was actually worse before Ansem was destroyed, and it was thanks to Donald's healing that he was able to survive the ordeal. The scars that remained would fade, fortunately.

Suddenly, the sounds of explosions and lasers shocked him out of his thoughts.

Please tell me I didn't end up on a planet at war. He inwardly begged.

Sora weighed his options carefully. He could go the other way and try to find shelter and hopefully someone who could help him with this ordeal. Or, he could go see what the problem is, help the good guys, and get involved in a conflict that did not concern him.

Heaving a sigh, Sora started off in the direction of the explosions. Might as well make his first impression a good one after all.

"I really hope these guys don't believe giant keys and magic are gifts of the Devil, or I'm in trouble," Sora mumbled to himself.

The explosions were getting louder and he could begin to feel the impacts they were having on the ground. He could also make out the sounds of aircraft zooming in the air. His pace quickened, summoning his Keyblade in the event that someone would attack him at any moment.

He wasn't wrong.

Red lasers streaked the ground behind him as he ran for his life. Sora risked a look behind him and spotted the source. It was a ship, all right, but a grotesque one at that. It was half white and half pink with two "eyes," and lasers was firing from its "mouth." Sora was wondering for a moment if the thing was an organism as opposed to a ship. Nevertheless, it had to go down.

The blasts were too big for Sora to knock aside with his Keyblade, at least in this stage of his abilities, so he settled for blasting it out of the sky with an electric attack. Said attack destroyed the right wing of the ship, making it spiral and crash into a different part of the forest.

Sora took a second to catch his breath, knowing that in these situations, there was never just one.

As predicted, several more ships soared overhead, shooting at him. The blasts instead impacted the trees, causing them to erupt into flames and to fall towards him. Sora moved out of the way of the falling trees, firing fireballs back at the assailants. Ready this time, three out of the four ships dodged the barrage, but the fourth wasn't so lucky. The fireball hit the cockpit, resulting in a fiery explosion.

Time to take the fight to them! Sora thought to himself.

Using his Wind abilities, he propelled himself up to the top of a tree, and jumped again, landing on top of the ship with a lower altitude. It tried to shake him off, but Sora dug his Keyblade into the ship, hanging on for dear life. Deciding that its comrade was worth the sacrifice, the remaining two opened fire at the ship. Sora decided to make a hasty jump towards another ship as the one he was on got destroyed. However, the other ship quickly blasted the one his was on, the force of the explosion sending him flying.

Sora tried not to panic as he fell towards the ground, but it was hard not to. He wasn't worried that the fall would kill him (he survived worse), but he was concerned about being shot out of the sky. He knew a Reflect spell would protect him, but he was quickly running out of energy. He still needed to recover from his last battle and this one was only making things worse.

Miraculously, a green shield wrapped around him, stopping his fall.

"I got you, kid," a deep voice assured.

Sora looked up to see an African-American male in a green and black suit. He had a weird symbol on his chest, making Sora believe he was some part of an organization on this planet. What stood out more than all of that was the green ring on his finger. It was the cause of the green shield around him. Whether the ring was magic or advanced technology, it could wait for another time.

"Thanks for the save," Sora replied.

"Can you still fight?" the man questioned.

Sora wondered where he heard the way the man talked before, but he brushed it off for later and answered his question. "Put me on top of a ledge. I can't fly, but I can launch range attacks."

That satisfied the man, bringing him up to the ledge and removing the shield. "Be careful."

If my track record is anything to go by… "I will."

As the mysterious, green man flew away, Sora took a moment to examine his surroundings again and his jaw dropped as a result.

Those fighters he took on weren't part of a small squadron; they were part of an invading army. He counted over 20 ships zooming around and opening fire on four people in the sky. Sora gulped, glad that he wasn't alone in this fight.

Speaking of help, he was astounded by their appearances. He already saw Green Man, so he ignored him for the time being.

The first one that caught his eye was man that had on a red cape and a blue suit with a red "S" on his chest. He thought the red speedo he had on was weird, but his powers more than made up for it. This man could throw the fighters out of the sky and could speed into and through some more without getting injured, not even a little. The man was a living tank.

Next on the list was a bald, green-skinned man that donned a blue cape. He was also wearing a speedo, this one being blue (seriously, what the heck was up with that), but like Red Man, his powers made up for his weird appearance. He could turn himself translucent, allowing the fighters to accidentally shoot each other. That was a really useful ability that Sora wished he had. Note to self, this is the new Green Man. Ring Man will fit the other guy.

The last one was different from the others. For starters, she was a woman. Another thing was that she had bird-like like wings. That was awesome. She also wielded a mace that had an electric aura around the weapon and was constantly using it to bring down her enemies in quick succession. Sora hoped that he would never be on the receiving end of that thing.

After taking it all in, Sora opened fire on the nearest fighter, destroying it with another lightning attack. As expected, the fighters took notice of the teenager and came after him firing at will. While dodging the lasers, he managed to freeze one of the fighters, causing it to crash into another one. Unfortunately, the ground he stood on was starting to crumble under the attack.

"This oughta be fun," Sora stated, propelling himself into the air again and landing on the underside of a ship.

With a quick slash, he destroyed the turret and set the whole ship on fire. As it began to lose altitude, Sora heard a cry of pain nearby. It came from Bird Lady, who took a laser to the shoulder and crashed onto a ledge not too far from him. Throwing caution to the wind, he charged up his wind powers and kicked off from the ship, making it crash into another ship. He landed on yet another ship, zapped it with lightning while running, and jumped far enough to slam his Keyblade into the side of the rocky wall about 25 feet away from Bird Girl.

Instantly, he regretted this course of action. All those insane, constant, magical abilities just about drained him and here he was hanging on the side of a slope, an easy target for the fighters.

"Probably should have thought this through better," he mumbled to himself.

Before the fighters could get too close to Bird Lady, a new person entered the fray, landing right in front of Bird Lady. This one, a woman, took the cake for the strangest outfit Sora had seen tonight. She had on red top with golden armor on her chest, a golden belt, metallic bracelets on her arms, and apparently a blue swimsuit with white stars on it. In any other situation, Sora would have believed the woman to be some sort of patriotic mascot of some sort, or Miss America, given the tiara on her head.

"Allow me," the woman stated in a firm tone.

Sora wondered what her set of powers were as the ship opened fire on her. To his surprise, she used the metallic bracelets to deflect the lasers right back at the ship, causing it to erupt into flames. The speed in which she moved her arms was faster than any regular human could move.

Sora was so impressed that he almost failed to notice the destroyed ship careening down towards the two women. Quickly, he swung off the Keyblade, using his wind powers to make it to the ledge they stood on. Reaching out, he summoned his blade just in time to cast a shield around the three of them. The ship exploded on impact, but the shield held.

Sora, however, was on the verge of passing out. He exerted himself just as much as he did in the last fight, if not more, and it was catching up to him fast. But he needed to stay strong. He needed to get answers. Going unconscious was not an option.

"Thanks," Bird Lady said as Miss America knelt down to check on her. "You too, kid."

"Any time," Sora assured, panting heavily.

Miss America noticed his exhaustion and gave him a concerned look. "Are you all right, young warrior?"

"I'll live," he replied.

Once Red Man destroyed the last fighter, all the people that fought the ships decided to regroup. Miss America grabbed Sora's arm and began to fly him over to where they would be having a long chat about what transpired. Sora didn't mind that a woman was saving him (quite a few have saved him in the past), but it looked completely awkward being dragged by someone who should be auditioning as a super model. She definitely had the looks for it.

Realizing where this train of thought was beginning to head, Sora conjured up the perfect, mental image for these situations. Karen, in these moments, would be right next to him, sharpening an axe while giving him the evil eye. Worked every time.

Below him, Sora noticed a red blur speeding towards the same place they were heading towards: an area where a black ship and a black-cloaked man were waiting. Getting closer, Sora could make out pointed ears, a Bat Symbol on his chest, a muscular build, and…Are speedos the new rage on this planet!?

The red blur stopped, finally revealing itself to be a man in a complete red suit. He had lightning bolts on the sides of his head, a symbol of a lightning bolt on his chest, and was currently carrying a piece of the ship Batman apparently owned.

"Hey, Bats!" Fast Guy exclaimed. "I think you dropped this!"

Red Man, Miss America, and Sora landed behind him, causing Fast Guy to turn around. His eyes landed on the woman, and the teenager thought he saw hearts in his white eyes.

"Whoa!" he breathed, shoving the broken wing to Batman, who just gave him a glare he didn't see. "Where have you been all my life?"

"Themyscira," Miss America answered simply.

"Huh?" Fast Guy asked, confused.

"The home of the Amazons," Bird Lady explained as she, Green Man, and Ring Man joined them all. "I always thought it was merely legend."

"I assure you, it's as real as the ground on which we stand," she replied. "I am Diana, princess of the Amazons."

Explains the crown, but not the costume. Sora thought to himself, crossing his arms.

"Pinch me, I must be dreaming," Fast Guy said.

Red Man elbowed him, shutting him up.

"Themyscira is protected by the Gods," Diana continued, "but I could not stand idly by while the rest of the world was in danger."

"It was lucky you showed up when you did," Red Man responded with a warm smile.

"No, not luck," Green Man corrected. "I telepathically summoned them…or should I say most of them?"

At last, all eyes fell upon the elephant in the room, who gulped nervously. "I guess you guys want some answers."

"A name would be a good start," Ring Man stated.

Now, Sora remembered where he heard that tone before: military.

"My name is Sora," he introduced.

"Part Japanese?" Batman deduced.

"On my mother's side." Sora paused for a moment as he took hold of the words that were just said. "Wait, how did you know that?"

"I know a lot of things," was the gruff response.

The teenager shook his head quickly. "No, I mean, how do you know about Japan period? Unless…" Horror began to fill his face as he stared off the ledge, taking a long look at his surroundings. "No, it can't be."

"Is it just me, or is the kid kind of whacked?" Fast Guy asked, not helping things.

"What planet am I on!?" Sora exclaimed on the verge of desperation.

"You're on the planet Earth," Red Man answered.

Sora just stood there, shock etched all over him. It couldn't be! This place couldn't be Earth.

He didn't even realize that he was falling to the ground until Red Man grabbed him.

"Whoa, easy!" he urged.

"Can't think," Sora replied, panting at an unhealthy rate. "Can't breathe."

"He's having a panic attack," Batman stated, starting to snap orders. "Superman, lay him against the Batwing. Flash, get some water. Now!"

"Will do, Bats," Flash, Fast Guy, responded, speeding off in a hurry.

Carefully, Superman, Red Man, put Sora in a sitting position against the Batwing.

"I could try to calm him telepathically," Green Man offered.

"He may see that as an attack, J'onn," Superman countered. "We're gonna have to do this the old-fashioned way." He turned to the hyperventilating teenager and tried to calm him down. "Easy, son. Try to take controlled breaths. In…and out."

Sora followed his directions, his breathing beginning to slow down.

Flash returned, carrying several cups of water fresh from the lake. "Had to pay for some cups. Took me a little longer than I thought."

"It's fine, Flash," Superman assured, handing a cup to the teenager. "Don't drink too fast, okay?"

Sora nodded, slowing putting water in his mouth. He honestly felt like he had been dehydrated for years, but he refused to give in to the temptation of going too fast with this one.

"I'm okay," he said once his breathing went back to normal. "It's just…what you said can't be true."

Ring Man was not liking where this was going. "And why not?"

"Because Earth was destroyed eight months ago!"

There was a collective silence that fell over the group. Flash and J'onn were shocked, Ring Man, Bird Lady, Diana, and Superman looked confused, and Batman just stared at him suspiciously.

Before any of them could fire off questions, Batman intervened. "We need to stay focused on the more pressing matter at hand. Questions on the boy can wait except for this one: how did you find us?"

"I didn't," Sora admitted, shrinking a bit under his piercing glare and holding his head from an incoming headache. "I woke in that forest not too long ago. I heard shots being fired, and I came to help out."

"His heartbeat is normal," Superman announced. "In fact, it's slowing down back to normal speeds, not speeding up."

"And I felt no ill-intent towards us," J'onn added. "Just confusion and fear."

Sora widened his eyes, realizing that J'onn was a telepath, explaining the sudden headache, and became slightly irritated. "How much did you see?"

"I only glimpsed at your emotions and your more recent memories," J'onn explained. "I apologize for the intrusion, but these are difficult times. I had to be sure you weren't a threat."

Sora sighed. "I understand. I'd probably do the same thing if I was in your place."

Flash finally interrupted. "Look, as much as I'm interested in this kid's backstory, can someone explain to me what the heck is going on here?"

All eyes faced J'onn, who was not looking forward to explaining this.

Sora wasn't surprised that J'onn was an alien, but he was surprised that he came from Mars. During the conversation, he finally figured out the others' names: Ring Man was Green Lantern, or John Stewart, Bird Lady was Hawkgirl, and Batman was…Batman. At least he got one of the names right. He had a feeling that once this was over, black and brooding would be grilling him for information.

From what he gathered, it seemed that a race of white aliens who could take the form of other people infiltrated Earth. With Superman disarming every nuclear weapon on the planet, they had the perfect opportunity to launch a global invasion force. Apparently, J'onn was the key to all of this.

"So, J'onn J'onzz, you came from Mars to warn us?" Diana reiterated.

"This is just too weird," Flash said.

"I've seen stranger things," John stated.

"So have I," Sora added.

The Martian nodded, beginning his tale. "We first encountered a thousand of your Earth years ago. It was a golden age. Our Martian civilization was at the height of its peace and prosperity. And then…they arrived." While J'onn mostly spoke with a deep monotone, he seemed to darken slightly at that last part. "Where they came from, no one knew, but they were determined to make our planet their own."

Sora clenched his fists, feeling like he was listening to his own story being told back to him. He imagined the Martians being terrified and being struck down without mercy. He didn't realize that Batman was paying attention to his darkened posture.

"We Martians were peaceful people," he continued, "and the taking of any life was abhorrent to us. But we quickly learned the ways of war. For centuries, the battle raged on. Every trace of our once-great civilization was obliterated. We fought valiantly, but the invaders were parasites who fed on our psychic energy. As we grew weaker, they grew stronger. They even absorbed our shape-changing abilities.

"Finally, a small group of Martian survivors planned one, final, desperate attack. Inside their underground stronghold, we unleashed a powerful nerve gas which paralyzed them. The attack was successful, but the cost was dear. I was the only survivor, the last of my kind. I sealed up their citadel to keep them in a constant state of suspended animation. For over 500 years, I stood guard over them, but then, while I was in a hibernation cycle, astronauts from Earth unsealed the stronghold and accidentally revived the invaders."

"Wait!" Flash interrupted for a second time. "Those astronauts never said anything about finding life on Mars."

John scoffed in disgust. "Some pencil-pusher in Washington probably decided it should be classified information."

"No, that's not right!" Sora countered, getting to his feet. "From what J'onn has just said and what we all witnessed tonight, these aliens are extremely hostile. How is it that when the door opened, the astronauts survived the encounter?"

"He's got a good point," Hawkgirl admitted.

Superman's eyes widened in realization as the pieces began to fall into place. "Senator Carter. He never returned from Mars! He spoke to me about nuclear disarmament, and I played right into his hands. By disarming them, I left Earth defenseless." He sunk to his knees in shame. "I'm such a fool."

"Then do something about it," Batman stated firmly. "These aliens haven't won. Not yet."

"Speaking of which, why did they come to Earth?" Sora asked.

"With the Martians gone, the invaders had nothing left to feed upon," J'onn explained, "so they turned their sights to Earth. I narrowly escaped and came here to warn of the coming danger. While I was being held against my will, the invaders sent advance agents to disable Earth's defenses."

"That's why they disabled the Deep-Space Monitoring Network," Batman figured out, "so we couldn't detect their activities."

"We've gotta stop them before it's too late," John stated.

"It may already be too late," J'onn replied somberly.

Before anyone could respond to that, a flash lit up the sky. In the distance, dark clouds began to fill the night with lightning.

"What is that!?" Diana exclaimed.

"It's begun," J'onn answered in a foreboding tone.

Behind them, Sora was starting to shake with pent-up rage.

"What are they doing?" Hawkgirl questioned.

"The invaders are nocturnal," the Martian explained. "They want to blot out the sun so they can live in perpetual darkness."

"Friends of yours?" Flash joked.

Batman's glare would have turned the speedster to ash. "It's no joke."

Flash walked up to J'onn, confused about one thing. "What's the big problem? Can't you just whip up another batch of that nerve gas?"

He shook his head unsurprisingly. "Unfortunately, no. The gas can only be made by a rare, Martian plant. I brought a sample with me, but it was destroyed when I was captured."

That brought his enthusiasm down. "Uh, what's Plan B?"

"We'll have to take out those factories," Diana suggested.

John wasn't convinced of her credentials. "Lady, this is no job for amateurs and certainly not for key-wielding juveniles."

Sora just gave him a withering glare in response, too angry to respond.

Diana, however, wasn't so restrained, as she confronted the Green Lantern. "We Amazons are warriors-born. Want to test me?"

John looked like he was about to take her up on it when Superman intervened.

"Let's not fight among ourselves," he advised, putting a hand on his shoulder. "John, we're going to need all the help we can get."

"Fine," John relented, albeit reluctantly. "Sorry…your Highness!"

"You arrogant, filthy freaks!"

The group faced Sora, whose rage-filled expression changed his entire look, as he walked to the ledge, facing the incoming black clouds.

"You parasites think that you can come to this planet, kill thousands of innocents, and claim it as your own!?"

Diana could sense something dark inside the boy that was beginning to grow, worrying her. His rage was justifiable, but there was something off about him. Not to mention that she saw flickers of purple coming off of him. Batman was even readying a batarang in case things got out of control.

Calm down, Sora.

Sora's eyes widened, recognizing the voice, and took several deep breaths. True, he was still angry, but he couldn't let it control his actions. Not with the fate of the world at stake. He turned to face the others, who were all looking pretty worried (whether for his safety or their own, he couldn't tell), and summoned his Keyblade with a determined look. "I'm in!"

There you have it! The first chapter to my new story. Let's hope I don't write myself into a corner. I know how it will end, I know how most of it will go, but they will some murky parts to this story.

If you're worried that Sora will become dark and brooding like a certain Kingdom Hearts protagonist *cough Riku cough* don't be. I won't let that happen.

Anyways, reviews are always welcome, positive and constructive.

Next chapter: the team splits up as they each think about the new kid on the block.