A very good evening to you all!

After my previous discontinuation note, I received a lot of disappointed reviews and messages, and I was worried.

I have to be honest; I had a major writer's block regarding this story, having thought about the plot too little to be able to write something I was content with. But since this is a story with so much potential, I left it into the hands of a fresh writer who I know personally.

You can find her under the name MissMatriarch on this site. The plot is getting a complete reboot, so you won't read the same thing twice. (except the first chapter but that's because we found it suitable for the plot to head any way.) She's an incredibly talented artist, and I entrust her fully with this story. I hope she makes it just as great, or even greater, than I aspired The Rose Thief to be.

I'm sorry if I have disappointed you somehow or let you down, but I feel like in the long term, this will be better for the story, with a new author and a thrilling story that does its name justice.

So please, go check her out immediately, follow the story, support her in her writing. (she's a tad insecure about it.) I'm sure you won't be disappointed.

I'll come back on some of my other stories in the future, I just need to sort some stuff out first.

I hope you all have a blessed evening.