Act I, Chapter I

(Shooting range, 4:30 Pm, 5/6/2028)

Dust held his rifle and looked at his target, it was 50 yards away. He looked at his gun, a bolt action rifle that is an antique KAR98k holding a full mag of 7 rounds. He clocked a bullet into a chamber and aimed down the iron sights having them match up to the target's head.

"Dad, Why are you using a weapon from the 40's?" Somebody behind Dust asked.

Dust breathed in and squeezed the trigger and a bullet ejected from the gun, a small bang was heard as Dust released the air from his lungs and the target went down instantly. "Because son, we will work up from the guns. From the past to the present we have em' all." Dust replied turning to Jr. who was now a 14 year old, he was around 6'1" and his muscle build was up to par with the kids his age who are mostly active.

"This is going to be easy, just watch." Jr. said as he grabbed the rifle from Dust and went to the range. He took his father's earmuffs and glasses and aimed the rifle down range at a target that was 600 yards away. "How much are you willing to give me if I hit this target?" He asked looking behind him at Dust.

"How about 100 bucks?" Dust replied.

"Deal!" Jr. replied as he took aim, clocking another bullet into the barrel and ejecting an empty shell out of the gun. He looked at the target and covered its head with the barrel, aiming a bit above it. He pulled the trigger and the shell flew towards the target, the bullet hit the tip of the target's head taking it down.

"Hmm, color me impressed. You accounted for bullet drop." Dust sighed as he reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. He pulled out a crisp $100 bill and gave it to Jr. but before Jr. took the bill Dust jerked away the bill. "But you just skimmed the target… I'll break it in half and give you 50."

Jr. sighed in annoyance, "How would you know dad?"

"You will learn, when you are older. Or now perhaps." Dust said as he got up and went to the cashier, he came back with $50 dollars and gave it to Jr.

Jr. stuffed the bill in his pocket, "Whatever." He said as he rolled his eyes.

Dust looked at his watch, "Do you want to continue or head home? Its four thirty one and I'm starving." He asked rubbing his stomach slightly.

"Can we get takeout?" Jr. asked with a large smile.

"Maybe, if your willing to pitch in." Dust replied as he unloaded the rife and took it back to the cashier to pay him for using the range. A vibration was felt in his pocket and he pulled out his phone. He had gotten a text message from Shawk.

Shawk: Holy shit dude...

Dust looked at the phone and replied.

Dust: ?

A few seconds later after Dust returned to Jr. "Lets go Jr." He said and Jr. immediately followed him. They went outside and went in Dust's black and red mustang, the body was black with the stripe on the roof going to the hood being red. He started it up and got another text from Shawk.

Shawk: This tech con thing….. Is fucking awesome. :D

Dust: Cool, anything interesting? I can't reply quickly due to I am about to be on the way home with my Jr.

Dust started up the car and taxied it out of the parking lot, he drove down the interstate. Their house was a short and scenic drive but Dust and Jr. loved to have conversations and listen to the music played on the radio, at this time it was beginning to become obsolete. There were barely any commercials now so music played 24/7.

"So Jr. how was school today?" Dust asked, as he was focused on the road and the music filled his ears.

"Normal dad." Jr. sighed.

"Seriously, son what's up?" Dust said hearing Jr.'s sigh.

"A number of things..." Jr. Replied looking out the passenger side window sighing again. "First off I wanted to get this off my chest. Every day in Kindergarten, Elementary school and even in Middle school I would see kids being picked up by their mothers, the mothers would kiss their kids on the cheek and give them a hug. I feel like I'm the only one in this neighborhood that doesn't have a mother… Where is mom anyway?"

Dust fell silent and his eyes became stuck on what was ahead of the car, he would get like this when reminded of her… That day… The funeral… "Son, your mother..." He said then cut himself off.

"What?" Jr. asked eagerly wanting to know about his mother, he did not know what was coming to him.

"She…." Dust said fighting back tears. "Remember that assistant that I used to go out with before she was shot?"

"Yes, her name was Ash right? You spoke of her like you loved her a lot." Jr. replied.

"She was your mother… She had you one year before she was killed..." Dust replied taking a quick look at Jr. who looked fine, but inside Jr. was crushed and fought back any sadness that arose in him. Dust could see it as Jr. gulped silently and scratched his neck, Dust could see him fight back tears.

"W-why have you not told me this?" Jr. stuttered and sobbed... "You said she was on a long mission… Like the ones you do dad."

"I'm sorry son… I really am… We can discuss this on a later day. But lets change the subject please." Dust replied, "Anything else happen today at school?"

"Well… For a few days these chicks were stalking me, and I think they are still doing it." Jr. said with sadness in his tone. The news still lingered in his mind, depressing him. "I don't want to talk about that now… I'm still hit by the news of my mother."

They sat in long silence as Jr. silently sobbed to himself. It was loud enough for Dust to hear it slightly. They soon parked in the driveway and the car came to a stop as Dust put the gear into park and took the keys out of ignition. Jr. wiped tears away from his eyes secretly so Dust would not notice, but when Dust looked over to him and said softly, "I was like this when she died."

Jr. turned to Dust as a tear went down his cheek, "R-Really?" He asked looking at Dust.

"Yes..." Dust replied, "Even the strongest of men cry sometimes, if you never cried in your life then your soulless." Dust got out of the car and soon Jr. came out following Dust, "You will deal with many events in your life son, but the hardest one to overcome is loss." Dust said as he went up to the door and took out his house keys, he opened the door and let Jr. in.

"But I thought crying was a sign of weakness." Jr. asked looking at Dust.

"Bullshit, the only sign of weakness is cheating, when you pull a knife out in a fist fight it makes you look weak because your afraid of the outcome." Dust replied going into the kitchen. He went into the fridge, "What do you want? Ramen or leftovers from takeout?"

Jr. stayed silent as he thought about what Dust said but then replied, "I can't really pick.."

"Alright, leftovers it is." Dust said as he prepared two dishes and he looked at his Phone to see three texts from Shawk.

Shawk: Motherfucking…. Ryder Tech

Shawk: When you get home Dust, tune to the convention…

Shawk: …. That Bastard…..

"Jr., Tune to the science convention on the Sience channel please." Dust asked.

"Why?" Jr. replied.

"Just do it." Dust sighed.

Jr. turned on the T.V. and tuned it to the Science channel. A voice said from the T.V "What a really good lineup from Ryder Tech today." Another voice, a deep male one replied. "Yes but from what sources tell us, Ryder owner of Ryder Tech will reveal something today that could change the way our very lives work. But after these messages."

"Its going to commercials dad." Jr. said as he looked over to Dust.

"Well, we are just going to have to wait… What was the other thing you wanted to tell me?" Dust asked as he took a plate out of the microwave and placed the second one in. "Come and get dinner."

Jr. got up and went over to grab his plate. "For the past week, there has been these girls who keep watching me… I think they have a crush on me."

Dust chuckled. "How do you know? They could just hate you."

"No, dad… They hate everybody else. One time they jumped a nerd for looking at them funny." Said as he looked at Dust. "Like seriously."

"Like seriously what?" Dust asked.

"Landed the kid two days in the hospital." Jr. replied as he walked over to the couch and sat down. He put his plate on the table and took a Rangoon. He began to eat it.

"Shit… I hope he is okay." Dust said a bit worried for the kid.

"Yeh. The girls were almost arrested for assault but they won somehow… From what I heard the case dropped or something on those lines." Jr. said as he finished the Rangoon and went in for some rice.

The microwave finished cooking Dust's dinner as a satisfying ding went off. He opened the microwave door and his dinner steamed and a wonderful smell filled Dust's nose. He took his plate out and walked over to Jr., he sat next to him as the commercials played. "Why not ask them to come over one day?" Dust asked.

"Yeh… But what if they really hate me and i'm their next victim?" Jr. said a bit quietly.

"Then fight back, do you remember what to do with a woman if they attack." Dust asked nudging his son.

"Well… Hold their hands and feet down till' they stop?" Jr. asked not sure that it was the correct answer.

"Y-yeh.. There's that..." Dust replied a bit embarrassed.

The convention came back and the camera zoomed on a stage where a man stood. Next to him stood a box. He smiled and looked onto a crowd, some press members stood there taking pictures and the man cleared his throat as the hands free microphone on his shirt picked it up. The crowd subsides and gets a bit quiet.

"I have shown you all these brilliant pieces of military hardware invented and tested in the past year." He said as a light glowed on a few showcases. One looked like the RBW but it was improved on, now just being a smaller box and a few switches were added. Next to it was the tri-shot revolver that Shawk owned. But it was a bit sleeker in design and instead of bullets, Dust noticed a lazier device inside of it. Next to the that were the Flip Batons, just a carbon copy but it looked lightweight and new. Next to that was the Exo-Suit that BOTnet invented 13 years ago but that was altered too, It looked like a small pack that you could fit on your back and nothing else.

"Holy shit..." Dust said to himself.

"This one… I have been working on for a few years now." The man said, "After the war the Animatronics were deactivated and placed in scrap yards… But after years of searching we found an intact model. We worked on it for sometime now and it works. If this becomes a hit then we can make them livable again and they can become a part of our race."

"What the hell dad?" Jr. asked looking at Dust.

The man opened the box and everybody could only see a faint golden glow. "Here it is, we called her Alpha model… But you all know her as..."

The figure stepped out of the box wearing a white robe, a hood covered her face but the faint glow of her eyes shocked the crowd. Her hands lifted up as he pulled down the hood.

"Holy shit..." Dust said as his jaw dropped.

"W-what the hell?" Jr. asked slowly.

Well here it is, Five Fights At Freddy's: Manhunt. What will happen next?

I really enjoy writing these stories and how anything can happen at anytime. Some parts good some parts bad. But this would not be possible without you guys, the viewers/ readers. You keep me going, so thank you and I hope you enjoy the story.