[Ryder's Office]

Ryder rested his legs on his desk looking at his phone, flipping through the various social media platforms. It was more of trying to entertain himself in his downtime as he shooed off his advisers in the past few hours. The late afternoon sun shines in his window, giving enough natural light to keep the maroon painted room lit, showing various pictures detailing the company and it's upbringing. Ryder enjoyed looking at these old photos from time to time. Usually from the comfort of his desk as he had them facing towards it, they all seemed to tell their own story.

There were five photos in sleek wire frames with glass suspending the photos in between the thin panes of glass. There was one in the middle that was the largest, being twice the size of the other photos. It showed a young man in his twenties cutting the ribbon to celebrate the grand opening of a small facility, above him stood a sign in big, black, and bold letters saying:


For all your tech related needs"

It was a rundown facility, it wasn't the big building that Ryder's base of operations was today. The facade was made of metallic panels that was in moderate condition, some had rusted from age, but it was barely noticeable in the photo. There was a look of accomplishment on the man's face as he held the large scissors in his hands after cutting the ribbon apart. This photo seemed to be prized more than the other photos, even the one on the left of the same young man graduating in the class of 1976. The rest of the photos were with family, friends, history of the past.

Meanwhile, Ryder's swiping frenzy gets interrupted by his phone going into a ringing rage with an unknown number calling his phone, quite annoyed he answers the call.

"Yes, Ryder speaking, what do you want?" He asks quite annoyed at this inconvenience.

A deep, raspy voice speaks up. "We knocked out the tower, we need an extraction, on the 54th floor now. We'll set up extraction on the floor below."

"No, I want to have no involvement in this. We don't even have a base in Boston." Ryder replies to the voice with a long sigh. "By the time I assemble an evacuation for you, Dust would have killed you all, so you'll just have to surrender or fight your way out...Your choice, but if you do surrender… I don't know you, you never talked to me, same goes for your squad."

"Ryder, that wasn't in the job description, you said there would be extraction!" The voice raised it's tone towards his employer… But the voice would get silence in return as Ryder was in deep thought, thinking of the options. These people could tell the world about the attack and he would be pulled out of his office in cuffs, his plans ruined, his dreams of domination ruined. But, he had a bright idea spring up in his mind as his eyes widen and an evil smile comes to his face.

"Surrender yourself and blame the CIA for the failed 'terrorist' attack, the rest will fall into place afterwords… Ill get someone on the inside to watch you. If you fail, your asses will be on the slab." Ryder said simply, continuing with a monotone and straight forward tone. "You understand?"

A bit of silence soon fell on the caller, it soon dragged on for a few moments. Though Ryder didn't hang up the call, he waited for the confirmation of the person on the other end that they would follow his orders. In Ryder's mind he predicted that the voice would try to bargain with him, or straight up refuse. If they did, oh well, more manpower needed to suppress these disposable bodies. Though that'd be more hush money, gear, and time between his ultimate goal. Time would soon pass in the call and a few voices were heard talking to each-other, their voices also raspy. Though inaudible, he predicts that they were discussing what they should do next.

[B.O.T Net tower, Boston]

"He wants us to surrender?!" The Foxy says in a whispered shout, "I fucking knew it, we should had jumped off the building. The damn armor would absorb the shock right?"

"Not at this height, no..." The Freddy replies, "Maybe we would broken legs, but the fall might as well kill us..." The head shook and soon looked down towards their weapon, checking their ammo before looking to the Dust masked terrorist, then to the quiet Bonnie and Chica who were looking at each other in a sort of emotionless silence.

"But he promised a way out, this isn't a fucking way out… What the fucking fuck!?" The Foxy finally shouts loudly, soon chuckling madly in a fit of anxiety mixed in with a few sniffles of tears. Though they were blocked by the large mask on the now terrorist's face. The fox would now pace around the small landing that the group was standing on. His other comrades would be arguing about about what to do next. Yelling and pushing each-other. Fists were never thrown, but the tension was high. Everybody knew it, but nobody did anything to lower it.

The fox had something slam into his chest. It wasn't a bullet. But an emotional bat slamming into his chest as a sinking feeling came upon him as he started to walk down the stairs. The world went silent around him, he couldn't hear his own footsteps bang loudly down the stairs as it seemed to start running down.. He didn't seem to notice the rifle in his hands, the actions he took to clock it and dis-engage the safety. It seemed that his body now had control of the situation and was guiding him down his own path. It seemed that his mind and body were making the plans, not him. Not his physical being, but something deep inside of him. Had he snapped? Nobody knew, not even his comrades who were following him and quietly yelling to get him to stop.

He could hear the faint voices from his squad mates, such things like "Come on Fox, stop!" and then another, "We got to plan this shit out, we can't go in there guns-a-blazing!" But they were muffled. He couldn't pick out where these voices came or who from. But all that was on his mind was getting out of there. It seems that his mind didn't care how or when he would get out of there. But he had to, he lusted for a way out. His lips were dry and his tongue was thirsty for freedom from the imprisonment of their own mission. His steps were robotic at this point as he flew down a few flights of stairs, following a sort of routine. He could feel himself jump down a few flights of stairs, completely ignoring the stairs and springing from one set to another.

The others quickly followed suit with the Fox's lead. Though they wanted to stop, they had to catch up to their squad-mate who seemed to be acting out.

"Come on Fox!" Freddy barked, "We can't take them head on, we don't even know the fucking building!"

Bonnie and Dust stopped in their tracks, along with the Chica, Dust spoke up after they had stopped. "Wait, Ryder didn't give us a floor plan?!"

Freddy noticing that the rest had stopped, slowed down as he was following Foxy down the staircase. They were now a few floors from the ground floor. Foxy seemed to keep going to the bottom floor which was a few hops away…

"Yeh… You didn't know? We were supposed to get a helicopter out of here after the fact. But now the military is swarming the place. Ryder left us on our own." Freddy explains to them. The others were in disbelief at this, now wondering where Foxy was. If Freddy wasn't chasing after him, then where would he have gone off to? What was on the ground floor waiting for them? They didn't know if anybody survived the ordeal.

They had so many questions at that point. But a few loud bangs and shouting seemed to put their questions to rest… It seems that Foxy had indeed found some survivors.

Okay, i'd like to apologize about the huge wait. I know this chapter is short, but life stuff has amped up pretty hard. School is coming to an end soon, though, I like to spend time with my family more. I had just gotten a car as-well so now we are going to more places than ever before. I again would like to apologize for my absence. I will make it up to you guys soon.

Also, I am planning to cut the story short by doing some tweaking to the future storyline. Don't worry, it won't be cut down a lot. It would be just a few minor tweaks to the story line to keep the story shorter than planned.

Anyway, have a good Sunday and I hope to see you all soon again.