Hey guys! Boy has it been a long ass time since I have been on this site! *laughs shyly*

No I'm not dead I just...lost all motivation to write any of my stories all tho I kept thinking of new ideas for The Son ESPECIALLY with the release of A New Frontier (all tho I dislike 90% of that game but thats a subject for another day...) So I am 100% back now, well I will be. Monday 31 July will be my return with 2 chapters for the Son Redone, I will be starting from the beginning one final time, I understand it's probaly not the smartest choice but my writing skills have improved ALOT in the last year or so...no wait. ITS ALMOST BEEN TWO YEARS OMFG I'M SO SORRY FOR MAKING YOU PEOPLE WAIT IF THERE ARE PEOPLE WAITING FOR THE RETURN FORGIVE ME! For any new readers I hope you will enjoy my story of The Son.

As a little "gift" from me to you here is a small preview of the story. Within it I will be covering The Walking Dead Season 2 (just after Luke and Pete found Clem in the woods) and The Walking Dead A New Frontier (ending it at after Clem leaves new Richmond and most likely continue when the final season arrives :3) Without furhter ado here is a lil sneak peak at the general story of the Son. I won't make my full story like this but I thought it be nice for trailers and sneak peaks (imagine it as a real trailer with jumps in between I hope it makes sense hahahahaha...*nervous laughter*)

Next time on: "The Walking Dead, The Son."

Sitting in his room, Thomas looked out his window staring deep into the woods that surrounded the cabin he and his group lived in. All be it a pretty nice place he still preferred the thicker walls and safety of Carver's old place all be it he hated most people there, the young teen spun an empty bullet shell between his fingers as he saw a walker wonder aimlessly in the woods. He pointed his index finger at the walker and pointed his thumb in the air before 'shooting' his finger gun and making a bang noise.

Standing over a dying man, Thomas stared down at him looking deep into the dyings mans eyes. Rain fell down on them both nearly washing the blood off of both of their bodies, the young man took out his gun from his holster and aimed it at the dying man as his lips faintly curled into a grin. He placed his index finger on the trigger of the gun.

"See you in hell..." the young man said before pulling the trigger shooting the man straight in the head...