
Celeste and Aurora ran past me in their periwinkle dresses.

"Girls where are you going?" I called. Aurora's hair was charmed to be bone straight like mine, while Celeste left her locks to run amuck. Today they were tied back with a white ribbon.

"We're going to help mum in the kitchen." Aurora lied. I shook my head.

"Now the truth Celeste." Celeste was my golden girl and just like her mother she couldn't lie for anything.

"We stole Gemini's wand." She admitted, waving the stick. I extended my hand for it and she gave it up easily. Moment later Gemini came stomping over, brown eyes boiling with barely suppressed rage.

"Father!" He started, but I stopped him.

"Here you are Gemini, why don't you go and finesse a few sugar quills from Blaise?" He perked up at the idea and completely forgot about his anger with the girls, "just make sure you're in your seat in five minutes."

"Could you two please cooperate? I don't want to mess up this day for April, your mother will kill me if I do." Celeste, ever the Hufflepuff, looked ashamed of herself for making trouble before dragging her scheming Gryffindor sister after her. Gemini was my Slytherin. He was my heir and my little seeker. He learned it all from April and Ginny.

The little muggleborn had fallen victim to destiny and fell head over heels for Hunter Thomas. Blaise wanted his head when he found out. He'd gone full parent upon hearing her confiding in Hermione. I -however- took the practical approach. I hired student around the school to make sure she didn't do anything I wouldn't approve of. It was like I was there. Now twelve years after April started Hogwarts she decided to settle down. I wished she's wait, twenty three was so young to be married. She had her life in front of her, but Hermione said I was being 'overprotective'.

Except that wasn't true. I let her travel to muggle and wizarding parts of various countries. In fact she'd just gotten back from America. I didn't ever try to stop her from doing things so long as she called me three times a day...just to make sure she was okay. Now she wanted to live and work in the muggle world as a voice actor and the understanding people we were we supported her wholeheartedly. We promised her that we loved her no matter what she chose to do or who she chose to be.

Blaise on the other hand has been blubbering about losing his noodle to a bunch of slimy Americans all week. I was sad she was leaving, we all were, but I didn't tell her that. It wasn't in my nature.

As for the bet I made with Blaise... I lost. When Ginny was exactly twenty five she was printed onto a chocolate frog card for making a breakthrough in women's rights. Her, Hermione, and Pansy had taken the world by storm and the restrictions I set always seemed to fall away to nothing. I long since gave up trying to stop her.

Women in the wizarding world were evolving. Pansy owned a very successful construction business, making more money than her husband, and for once it was okay.

"Draco are you ready?" Blaise hissed. We were sharing the honor of taking April down the aisle. She saw us both as her parents and couldn't bear to pick between us.

"Yeah, I'm ready." I gulped. I was also given the thumbs up three years ago to gradually ease myself off of my potions. I'd stopped completely a year ago and I was fine now. When I stepped inside I caught my first glimpse of her. She's grown and was now taller than Hermione and Ginny, in heels she was nearly Blaise's height. She was fit from years of Quidditch and her brown hair brightened so that it was sun kissed. The eyes that were always brown were now hazel. Hunter was a lucky man.

We started down the aisle, me holding one arm and Blaise holding the other. She was nibbling her glossed lips as she approached her groom. He'd grown to look less like me (thank goodness) his features weren't as pointed and he had a softer jaw line. But his hair was just as blonde as before and his eyes were just as blue. He was taller than her by an inch or two while she was in heels, but he looked on her with all of the love I felt for Hermione. We handed her over and I found myself not wanted to let go, but I did. I did and I bowed to her.

"Bye pigeon." I said softly.

"Bye noodle." Blaise said just as sweetly. She was trying hard not to cry.

"Bye Pretty boy, bye beans." She turned to Hunter and we disappeared to our seats.

********this is the official end! This is three chapter in one day even if this chapter is like a midget. Anyways. Review let me know what you thought. I don't know when I'll start something new. When I figure it out it'll be up. Until next time!*******