(This is my first fanfiction, so if it sucks please don't bother to even tell me! lol yeah everyone puts,"I don't own Salior moon"so i guess i should! Yeah i don't own Salior moon, this is just a fanfiction)

It was a dark night, darker than most nights in California and pretty hot. There weren't many people out at 1:30 AM in a small town like this. It was past curfew there were a few under age kids running around, one girl that was out's name was Serena, she was 16, and had snuck out of her house.

She was going to meet her friends Mina,Ami,Rei,and Lita. They were going to sneeak into a dance club for 18-21 year olds. They all had fake idee's, Serena's read she was 21, Lita's read 21 also, aswell as Rei's,Ami's read 20, and Mina's read 19. They were all meeting at a playground near all of there homes. Serena wanted to look older so she took out her pigtails and combed out her hair.Then she put her hair in about thirty thin long braids down to her butt, she had on a short, tight Fushia colored spaghetti strapped tanktop. To go with it she had on a short black mini skirt with small slits up the sides. She had on black knee-high platform boots to match it. and to top it off she had on a black chocker necklace, that looked like a barb wire. She put on long dark her dark long gray coat over it that tied in the middle and flared out enough to see her black boots and part of her skirt. The sleeves flared out a bit and covered half of her hands. She walked down four streets, shen she was half way down the fifth she freaked out and pulled out her pepper spray, soon she was running as fast as she could till she finally ended up at the playground. "Hey Serena your late!"Ami called to her from the other side of the playground.
"Sorry"!Serena called back. Serena ran across to the other side of the playground. "ready to go"? she asked them as she walked past them happily.
"Wow you look alot different with out your pig tails, Serena", Lita said smiling.
"different how...different older or younger"?Serena asked as they walked away from the playground.
"Different older, definatley",Ray exclaimed. She was wearing a short, dark blue tang top with a long black skirt, with a slit up to her thigh. It took them about twenty minute, to get to the club since they were all in heels. When they got there, there was a big crowd of people around the door waiting to get in. Serena and the rest of them pushed their way to th e fromt of the line.
"Idee", the guy at the door asked. Serena handed hers to him smiling foolishly.
"Go in",he then said. Serena smiled and did as she was told, she went in.
"Idee", the guy asked Rei and Lita. THey handed them to him, he studied them then gave them back. He motioned them in without hesitation.
"Idee", the guy then asked Amie and Mina. They handed them to him nervously. He studied them then handed them back.
"You go in", the guy said to Mina, "you stay here", he said to Ami.
"what's the problem", Ami asked.
"Forget you fake idee little girly, this says your only sixteen, you not getting in", the guy said coldy.
"Go in Mina, I can just chill out here, it doesn't bug me", Ami whispered to Mina.l
"Are you sure", Mina whispered back.
"yeah, I'm sure I don't mind, go ahead, i'm that not that much of a partier anyway",Ami replied.
"Okay see ya later",Mina said as she walked into the dance club smiling. Mina, Serena,Rei and Lita got a table and sat down.
"Where''s Ami",Serena said slightly dancing to the music.
"She brang her real idee on accident, so she's going to chill outside", Mina shouted over the music that was blasting.
"Oh... okay"Serena, yelled back.
"So should we order something to drink" Lita said with a sly grin on her face.
"Yeah i was thinking about something like margarita's", Serena replied giddy.
"Let's get a waiter over here, ooh lookk at that one, he is totally fine",Lita said as she snapped her fingers at the waiter. He glanced over at them then quickly walked over to there table.
"And what would you fine lady's want to drink" the cute waiter said grinning like a dumb ass.
"Margarita for me",Lita said smiling.
"I want a magarita too",Serena said ditsy.
"Give me a margarita too",Rei said laughing.
"And what would you like to drink",the waiter said giving Mina a sly smile.
"Um just a coke",Mina said smiling.
"Are you sure",the waiter said.
"Yeah i'm only 19",Mina smiled.
"Really you look older",the cute waiter said grinning.
"Thanks",Mina said smiling.
The waiter wrote down what they ordered, then gave Mina a grin and walked away, and behind the bar.
"He was totally in to you, you should got for it",Lita blurted out loudly.
"Shhhhhhhhhh",Mina said, indicating that the waiter was coming back with there drinks.
"You, had 3 margarita's right",the waiter said.
"Yeah"Serena laughed. The waiter set the drinks down in front of them and put Mina's drink in front of her.
"Yours was easy to remember",he said to Mina."My names A.J, I'll be your waiter for the night, just call me if you need anything".Then he walked back to the bar. Serena sipped her drink as she looked around the club.There were people everywhere, dancing all over the place. The club had black lights everywhere, and glowing things. The music was blasting rap/alternative; there were three floors to the place to the place. The dance floor was on the first floor. You could probably see the whole first level from the third floor. The club was dark too with colored lights flashing all over the place.
"So what do should we do first",Lita asked.
"Dance",Rei said as a cute guy walked up to the table, she jumped out of her chair and grabbed the guy's hand. Then she pulled him on to the dance floor smiling.
"Okay",Lita said giggling,"Hey why don't we all go out there and dance together",Lita giggled some more.
"Okay that way the waiter can see me dance", Mina said, smiling weirdly.
"Kay",Lita busted out laughing.
"What about you Serena",Mina asked.
"Actually I think I'm just going to sit here and pick out the cute guy's for a while",Serena lied with a smile.
"Um okay",Lita said as her and Mina got up and danced there way to the dance floor.Serena was still a little bit bumbed out over her boyfriend breaking up with her. Serena watched while her friends danced, for a while, she was having fun sord of, but she was kinda bored. Till a guy about 21 approached her.
"Having fun",the tall blond guy said to her as he stood in front of the table.
"Not really, why",Serena blurted out accidently.
"Just thought you might want some company, that's all",he said grinning.
"I'm not here alone...my friends are out on the dance floor",Serena said as she motioned to the dance floor.
"Oh okay I'll just go then",he said as he was about to walk away.
"Wait...I didn't mean it that way, sit down"Serena said, wistfully.
"Hey, my names Eric, I noticed you from across the room sitting alone,which you apparently aren't",he said as he sat down across the table from Serena.
"I'm Serena, so you here with some friends"Serena asked.
"Yeah a couple of jackass's if you aske me", he replied.
Serena giggled and gulped a third of her margarita.
"So whats wrong, why aren't you out dancing like you're friends"
"Um...sord of just broke up with my boyfriend",Serena said as she stirred her drink.
"The why are you wasten you're time on that small drink, you should be partying, let's slam a shot or two",he said.
"Um okay, I guess",Serena said nervous and unsure.
Eric motioned the waiter over and ordered 5 shots of whisky and coke. Eric told the waiter to place three shots of Whisky and coke infront of Serena and two in front of him.
"Slam a shot then take a gulp of your coked to wash the nasty tasted down, when I say slam, gulp the first shot when I do",he said as he raised his first shot, Serena followed and did the same as him and raised her first shot.
"Slamm",he said quickly.
Eric was done with his shot and had slammed it on the table within 2 secounds.
Serena took a little longer. She slammed it on the table while making a sour face, then reached for her coke as fast as she could, she gulped down half of it as fast as she could.
"I think I'm gonna puke"Serena said as she made a weird face.
"wait, slamm another one, just one more", he said with a sly grinn.
"Fine",Serena sighed and grabbed another shot, and slammed it without waiting for Eric to slamm his. He didn't slamm his secound one, he watched her grab for her coke that time. She was a little buzzee after that. She sighed as she layed back on her chair.
"Are you goin to drink you'r last one",Eric asked.
"Yeah, why",Serena said slurring her words together. She raised the shot glass and poored it down her throut, then drank what was left of her coke. Serena reached across the across the table and grabbed Erics secound shot and dragged it over to her side.
"You...are...trying to get me ... d..drunk arent you",Serena said as she raised the shot.
"Trying",Eric said as Serena slammed the last shot down,"You'r already drunk".
"Really...I don't feel anything",Serena giggled.
At the opening of the club, Darien and Andrew walked in.
"Look",Andrew Shouted to Darien,"Isn't that..."
"Meatball head",Darien cut him off.
"Yeah...but without the meatballs",Andrew grinned shocked.
"What the hell is she doing",Darien freaked.
Serena was on top of her table dancing around to a loud hard rock song. She had already kicked her boots off and was swinging her arms up as she danced around in circles barefoot on her table.
"What's she even doing here. She's not old enough to be here",Andrew pointed out.
"No clue",Darien siad as he and The rest of the dance club watched her dance around on the table like a crazy women.
"Do you think we should get her down from there",Andrew asked as they walked a little bit toward her.

(sorry to end the first chapter like that, the next chapter will be up soon, very soon, and for those Darien fans, he's in the rest of the fanfiction ALOT!!!!!!!!!!! (please read and review!) :)