Disclaimer: Characters are the property of Akira Toriyama. I do not own anything.

Note: I apologize if there are some grammar/spelling mistakes in my story, English is not my first language.


I am a leader...

They are told that they should listen to me, because if they don't, he will show no mercy.

I am a goddess…

They are told that they should worship me, because if they don't, he again, will show no mercy, for he is not merciful.

I am everything. I have everything, but still, I am nothing. I am nothing more than another slave who slowly awaits the day that death will set her free.

I sleep…alone.

I awake…alone.

Days pass by without a word being said to me. Listening to the mocking sound of the clock: tick…tick…tick…It drives me crazy.

It's actually quite ironic. You see, I'm a married woman and not just any married woman. I married a king a very powerful king. He's not the ruler of a country, nor is he the ruler of a world. He's the ruler of this whole entire universe. There have been killed millions in his name. Battles have been fought and planets have been conquered, he slowly but surely took it all. And all it takes is just the sound of his name to make people tremble of pure fear. But still, I'm married to him, surely he won't hurt me, why would he have taken me as his wife, his queen if he wants to hurt me? I should be happy right? He gave me power, so much power. There are a lot of persons out here who would love to possess the power that I have and if I could I would gladly give it to them because I do not wish to be his wife! I don't want to be the wife of a dictator who destroyed my world and its people, I hate him!...I hate him! I hate him! I hate him!

It seems that in all of my self-pity, I have forgotten to introduce myself. How impolite of me. Although, politeness is something you rarely see around these places and I have become a bit bitter. I hope you can forgive me for that, I just haven't been my normal cheerful self for quite some time. My name is Bulma, Bulma Briefs. I come from the planet Earth. A beautiful planet, with its blue skies and crystal clear waters. How I miss it. I can go on for hours describing how beautiful and breathtakingly amazing my planet was, but even thinking about it makes me feel so extremely sad. So I won't.

I used to be a scientist and a pretty good one to if I may say so myself. I was the proud daughter of the founder of Capsule Corporation. With our fine inventions we have made a lot of lives easier and it was our mission to proceed on doing so until they came. And by ''they'' I mean the Saiyans. I have never seen a day as dark as that day and if I close my eyes I can still hear the horrified screams of women being raped and men being murdered. I can still see my mother…her eyes wide open, just lying there in a pool of deep red blood. I'm sorry but, I can't tell you anything more about this. The memories are extremely painful and I do wish to keep my sanity, it's the only thing I have left. Fact is that I, Bulma Briefs, catched king Vegeta's eye which resulted in me becoming his wife. How bitter is that? To be married to a mass murderer who killed your people and destroyed your planet?

So now I am the queen of the Saiyans and the rest of this damned universe and one of the few things that keep me going is the knowledge of the fact that those barbaric Saiyans hate me. They just can't understand that their king married an alien. How they would love to see my head on a plate and shove their king in the bed of pureblooded Saiyan woman. The idea of a hybrid prince makes them sick. But how can you defy the most powerful man of the universe? So I feed on their hate. They will never tell me they despise me because that would be treason and treason means death. So they act polite around me, but I can see the icy glares and I hear the hateful whispers through the hallways. I don't mind. Why should I? It makes me feel alive. Besides, they don't know that their king still hasn't touched me. No, their king hasn't consumed his marriage yet. He hasn't even set foot in these quarters which are actually his own quarters. Thank God for that.

Still, I'm better off than those poor souls in the slave quarters, they don't have anything anymore and I don't see anything but emptiness in their eyes. I feel so sorry for them, but I can't do anything.

So here I am, queen of the Saiyans. They don't want me and I don't want them. How ironic can life be…