Summary: Harry manages to successfully escape from the Dursley's when he's just six years old. He's found by Regulus Black who decides to take him in and nurture his talent. He attends Durmstrang as the Black Heir making allies and enemies. His loyalty is first and foremost to his house The Ancient and Noble House of Black. Dark!Harry

Warnings: Slash. Harry will be bisexual so I might have him in a homosexual relationship. I have no idea who I want him to end up with. Right now I'm leaning towards Calypso Rosier (my OC) or perhaps Daphne Greengrass but I'm unsure. I'll probably do a poll later on. If there's a particular pairing you want to see just write it in a review and I'll see if I can include it, without messing up the storyline. Some similarities might occur to The Black Heir by FirePhoenix8... I'm warning you now. That is one of my favourite fanfics of all time so I obviously like a lot of the ideas (like Harry going to Durmstrang, Necromancy, Black Magic, the Vampires and so on...) so I will incorporate them into my own fanfic. Another fic that you might see similarities to is Dark as Night by LavenderStorm that too is a favourite of mine. One thing I can say with utter certainty is that I will not copy them. Ideas will be similar but not exactly alike. And if you haven't read those fics mentioned above, I highly recommend you do.




Disclaimer: Story is based on characters created and owned by JK Rowling. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

The Ancient and Noble House of Black

5. Lessons at Durmstrang and holidays

The next day Hadrian and the rest of the first years attended their second lesson of the Dark Arts, Transfiguration and Potions as well as their first lessons of Magical Creatures, Defence and Weaponry, Ancient Runes and Arithmancy. In Dark Arts, Master Rosier had them write down all the spells they knew and then perform them on dummies. Hadrian, Calypso and Raul knew the most amount of spells. Evan wasn't surprised. After all he had taught them most of the spells. Ancient Runes was the study of runic scriptures while Arithmancy involved studying the magical properties of numbers, including predicting the future with numbers and would grow even more complex during their second and third year as they would prepare to take their OWLs, similar to Ancient Runes according to their teachers. Both subjects would be mostly theoretical however Hydras had to take both subjects as NEWTs and that was where it would get interesting.

In the practical aspect of the Ancient Runes NEWT they would have to create a offensive ward using runic scriptures and in Arithmancy they would have to create a series of spells, commonly known as a spell chain. Most spell chains involved at least five spells and they would be given six months to create those spells and perform the chain in front of the examiners. Unsurprisingly after hearing all this Hadrian and his friends had been astonished and worried. It sounded highly impossible to do as well as juggling all their other classes. They had come to the shocking realisation that being a Hydra was indeed extremely difficult. Hadrian had been entertaining the thought of joining Hydra's Quidditch team as he had heard that they were terrible and the Seeker was the worst player but now Hadrian knew that was an extremely foolish thought. He could not add Quidditch to the long list of subjects he already had and any free time would have to be dedicated to his studies.

Magical Creatures was taught by Master Dmitry Orlov who was the Master of the Cerberus Order. Orlov was a red headed burly man with a gruff demeanour. Hadrian took an instant liking to him. He knew Regulus would refer to the man as a Gryffindor but Orlov occasionally displayed a cunning gleam in his eyes. It was in this regard that Durmstrang differed to Hogwarts. Slytherins didn't display Gryfindorish behaviour and vice versa however every student of Durmstrang had all traits that the founders of Hogwarts treasured. Yes, Hydras did tend to be the most ambitious and intelligent with a healthy dose of cunning and the Orthrus students displayed bravery and recklessness which the Cerberus students countered with their hard work, wit and cunning but overall it was extremely difficult to guess what house a Durmstrang alumni belonged to.

The lesson had been on hippogriffs and they had taken notes while Orlov had lectured. They had been informed that the next lesson would be a practical one and five volunteers would be allowed to pet the hippogriff. Hadrian had felt slightly terrified when he had seen the gleam in Alex's eyes. Clearly the vampire liked his beasts.

However while Hadrian had been excited during all his lessons, Defence and Weaponry had bought out his fanatical side. After he had thrown Raul onto the mat for the fifth time, the boy had refused to partner with him and Hadrian had no choice but to partner with Alex leaving his partner, Corey to partner with Raul. Since Alex was a vampire his reflexes and senses were far superior to Hadrian's so Hadrian had fought like he had never fought before. Their teacher, Master Jaeger, who had given them no first name had been pleased. Calypso hadn't stopped teasing him. The older students had been quick to tell them that Jaeger never liked anyone and he never had a favourite student but Hadrian had apparently become his favourite. Rhea had smirked at him and said haughtily that after they had a lesson on daggers and she proved her prowess Jaeger would forget all about Hadrian Black but Alex had been quick to come to his defence, "Trust me Rhea, Jaeger isn't going to forget how Hadrian knocked out a vampire." Rhea had pouted.

Before Hadrian knew what was happening the week had flew by and it was Saturday which meant only Hydras would have lessons. Hadrian and the other Hydras entered their first class of the day, Elemental Magic. Hadrian was slightly confused he knew that the Mistress of the Hydra Order, Adelaide Wolff taught Elemental Magic but she had specifically said she only taught it to fourth and fifth years. He couldn't help but wonder why, as far as he knew teachers who taught a single subject taught it to at least three years.

Mistress Kristina Voronova greeted them with a smile. She was a short woman with dark green eyes and curly black hair that was tied in a rough bun.

"Welcome to your first lesson of Elemental Magic. I will be your teacher for the next three years. You will then be taught by Mistress Wolff, who you should all know by now, for your fourth and fifth year at Durmstrang. Then if you wish to do Elemental Magic as a NEWT, I will once again be your teacher. It is rather confusing, I know. But the reason for this is that, with me for the first three years you will learn the basics of the four main elements; fire, water, earth and air. Then with Mistress Wolff you will pick the two elements you feel most connected to and will only focus on them. These two elements will be the ones you use in your OWL examination. Then if you wish to continue to achieve a NEWT in Elemental Magic, you will learn how to use other elements like shadow, ice, metal, lightning, darkness, light and energy. You will then at the end of the year pick the element you feel the strongest connection with, and incorporate that with your two previously chosen elements for the practical part of the NEWT exam. However, you will need to learn about all the elements especially the four main ones as the written part of both your OWL and NEWT will ask questions on all elements."

As she looked around and noticed all the astonished faces, she smiled soothingly, "Don't worry if you are feeling out of your depth that is to be expected and you do not need to worry about OWLs or NEWTs for at least a couple of years."

"Now let us begin," she said waving her wand at the board, causing writing to appear. "The element of water has magnetic properties; it nurtures and sustains. The element of fire has electrical and creative properties. Air is a detaching element and enables co-existence of the two main elements, fire and water. The element of earth binds fire, water and air in various proportions, which makes possible the formation of materials with different properties. Fire elementals, like their name suggests are confident and unstoppable people. They tend to be great motivational speakers and excellent leaders. Fire is one of the most destructive elements and its users tend to be rather arrogant and self centered. That is not to say that they are negative people its just simply part of their personality. I myself am a primary fire elemental. In contrast Earth elementals tend to be stable, consistent people, they are practical, patient, reasonable, and persistent. Incidentally Mistress Wolff is a primary earth elemental."

As the lesson continued Hadrian soon realised that Voronova was not just an excellent teacher but a great speaker. She added her own little interpretations after giving them a bunch of new information and would then add in little anecdotes of herself or Mistress Wolff. Clearly the two women were good friends despite their contrasting personalities.

As they exited the classroom Anastasia let out a muttered, "Wow."

Hadrian just nodded in agreement.

"She's simply amazing and Elemental Magic... I didn't even know all that was possible," Calypso gushed her eyes shining brightly.

Raul grinned, "Hey want to guess what each of our primary element is?"

Rhea smirked at her twin, "Well you're rather easy."

Raul glared and raised his head proudly, "I'm not easy, I'm complex and a controversy."

Rhea rolled her eyes, "Fire, you arrogant sod. Your element is fire!"

Calypso smiled mischievously, "Well if Raul is a fire elemental then so is Hadrian."

"What? I'm nothing like Lestrange," Hadrian exclaimed in shock.

Ana gave him an analysing look, "No you are."

Raul and Hadrian gave the girls identical sneers.

Alex laughed.

Raul smirked cunningly, "Ignore them, Black. They're too weak to control the element of fire."

They high fived.

Alex just laughed louder.

"You do realise, you inadvertently complemented them right?" Alex asked with a smirk.

At the girls confused looks his smirk widened, "You're basically calling them natural leaders."

Raul and Hadrian burst into laughter and Hadrian could have sworn he even heard Corey snort in amusement.

"Come along my beloved followers. We must attend our next lesson," Hadrian called out jokingly.

The girls tossed him unamused looks before walking past them giving Raul, who was still bent over laughing, identical glares.

"We have a free period next Black," Anastasia called out flippantly.

It was the girls turn to laugh as Hadrian blushed lightly.

"Don't worry Black, we still won," Raul said patting his shoulder soothingly.

The other two subjects exclusive to Hydra's were Blood Magic and Spell Creation.

Mistress Alekto Verga was a very strict teacher and Hadrian couldn't help but wonder why she wasn't the Deputy instead of the softer Irina Vetrova. Verga was the twin sister of their Astronomy teacher, Alexis Verga and the two were polar opposites not just in temperament but looks as well. Alekto Verga was every bit as sharp, decisive, cold and cynical to Alexis' soft and sweet personality. The class behaved in Alekto Verga's lesson because they were utterly terrified of her but with Alexis Verga they behaved because frankly nobody wanted to disappoint the sweet woman. It was clear that Alekto Verga was the dominant twin with her short black hair and dark brown eyes that contrasted sharply with her twin's red hair and green eyes.

Mistress Verga had started the lesson with a short lecture.

"I am Mistress Alekto Verga and if you don't already know that you are in your first lesson of Blood Magic, you really don't belong here. This is an extremely advanced magical class and I can already tell you now that most of you will barely succeed. It is also highly unlikely that any of you will become proficient Blood Magic users. That however doesn't mean that you can slack away. Even I have been occasionally surprised. Blood Magic is regarded as one of the most dangerous branches of magic. If a proficient blood magic user has even one drop of your blood they are capable of doing unspeakable things. However Blood Magic is not just offensive. Many rituals can be used that would guard you against the most common of blood rituals. After the October half term we will be using a Ritual that will do exactly that. I am warning you now not to take Blood Magic lightly. There is a reason only Hydras are allowed to take this class. Now turn to page three of your textbooks and..."

Hadrian had left the class in a daze. He had been extremely excited for this lesson but Mistress Verga hadn't been what he had expected. He wasn't sure if he liked her but he did know that she was the best in her field. Verga had cautioned them strongly against messing around with Blood Magic and Hadrian considered that maybe her teaching style helped emphasise the danger.

Spell Creation, which was taught by Mistress Rayna Petrova, used a mixture of Arithmancy and Ancient Runes and sounded extremely complicated. Mistress Petrova was a tall olive skinned woman with startling blue eyes. She had a calm demeanour and her relaxed manner helped when she explained her subject. The first year Hydras had come out of the lesson, strongly believing that creating spells was entirely possible. Raul had already started boasting on what he would create for the end of year project. His sister had managed to get so annoyed with him that she had begun slapping him every time he opened his mouth. Hadrian had finally taken pity on the elder Lestrange and diverted the conversation to other subjects that Raul was less likely to boast about.

It was now Sunday afternoon and Hadrian was sitting in the Hydra common room surrounded by his friends. He had just replied to a letter from his father and was currently reading one from Draco.

Anastasia looked up curiously, "So, what does the Malfoy brat say about Hogwarts."

Yeah, Ana wasn't all that fond of Draco. The only reason the two even talked to each other was because they shared so many friends.

"Here read it for yourself," he said handing her the letter and getting out a fresh piece of parchment from his bag, to write a reply.

Ana eagerly grabbed the letter and began to read with Calypso and Rhea peering over her shoulder. Raul would have done the same if he wasn't engaged in a fierce chess match with Alex.

Dear Hadrian,

It feels like we haven't talked in years. I really wish mother had given in to father and let me attend Durmstrang with you. However I do have Blaise, Theo and Daphne and Hogwarts isn't so bad. Well it wouldn't be if we didn't have an incompetent moron for a DADA teacher and filthy mudbloods weren't wandering the halls constantly. Thank Merlin there aren't any in Slytherin House. Well, Tracey Davis, you know Daphne's half blood cousin is in Slytherin but she's not so bad and she's renounced her filthy mudblood of a mother. There's this mudblood called Granger. You would absolutely hate her Hadrian. She's constantly shoving her book smarts at everyone. And the foolish girl actually believes she's the first in our year. She gets the highest scores in Gryffindor but I know for a fact that Susan Bones from Hufflepuff is the best in our year at Transfiguration. And Terry Boot from Ravenclaw is the best in Charms. I am of course the best in Potions and Astronomy. Daphne, who miraculously manages to stay awake in History (before you start lecturing me, we are taught by a GHOST and learn only about GOBLINS) is the best in History. Daphne and Theo are always complaining that we don't have enough lessons, apparently seven subjects aren't enough for them... but me and Blaise use the free time to play Quidditch. Officially we aren't allowed to have brooms but I managed to persuade father to shrink mine and place it at the bottom of my trunk. Blaise just uses the school ones (which are terrible by the way). But Hadrian next time we meet I will catch the snitch before you. Daphne says I'm wasting my time and Pansy actually agrees with her but I just ignore them. Not everyone likes to do extra work. Daph got all huffy when I told her if she didn't watch out she'd turn into Granger. Theo says that Daphne is worried you guys are learning more at Durmstrang and she'll be far too behind. That's just silly, even if you are learning more you can always teach us and Durmstrang can't be that different... can it? How are you and Raul and Rhea. I assume Calypso is acting like Daph and learning as much as she can? And what of Anastasia?


p.s Theo, Pansy and Blaise say hello and Daphne really wants to know what you're learning. I told her to write her own letter but she just glared at me and stormed off. It's scary Hadrian she's started to act a lot like my mother.

"Aww, he mentions me," Ana said sarcastically. Caly rolled her eyes, Ana really didn't like Draco.

"Poor Dray," Rhea murmured sympathetically. "Hogwarts sounds absolutely dreadful."

Caly nodded in agreement, "How can they only have seven subjects. Draco mentions Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, DADA, Astronomy and History. I wonder what the seventh is."

Hadrian answered without looking up, "Probably Herbology."

"Maybe I should transfer to Hogwarts," Raul said with a grin having just won the chess match against Alex.

Rhea shuddered, "Don't even joke about that, Raul."

Hadrian finished his letter before sealing it up and placing it to a side.

"Draco will be outraged when he receives your letter Ri," Ana said with a bloodthirsty grin. "You did mention all the subjects we're learning didn't you?"

"I'm more interested in Daphne's reaction," Caly said with a smirk.

Rhea rolled her eyes, "Of course you are."

"Do try to remember that they are our friends," Hadrian said in exasperation.

"Who's Draco?" Alex asked curiously.

"Draco Malfoy, he's the heir to the Ancient and Noble House of Malfoy, and an old friend of ours," Hadrian said. "Our families run in the same circles."

"And he's our cousin," Rhea said pointing at her brother and Hadrian.

Alex looked surprised, "Wait, you're related?"

"Well technically we all are," Raul said with a grin. "But our mother, Bellatrix Lestrange, and Draco's mother, Narcissa Malfoy, are sisters. We're first cousins. And Hadrian's dad is Aunt Cissa's cousin."

"How are Calypso and Ana related to you?" Alex queried.

"Ana's uncle married a Lestrange," Hadrian looked towards Rhea for confirmation, who nodded her head. "And my father's Uncle, Cygnus Black married Druella Rosier who was also Calypso's great aunt, I think. Caly's also related to the Malfoy's and Lestrange's because Aunt Cissa and Aunt Bella are Druella's daughters."

Alex eyes were wide in disbelief, "Wow that's complicated."

Calypso nodded, "Yeah, most pureblood families are related."

The next few months flew by and Hadrian became a favourite amongst teachers. Master Brauer had taken Rhea as his protégé, she couldn't become his apprentice until she turned 13, and Calypso was favoured by Mistress Vetrova. Alex's love of animals had gained him favour with Master Orlov while Anastasia had quickly won over Mistress Makela. Surprisingly, Raul had shown immense talent in spell creation leading to Mistress Petrova showering both Raul and Hadrian praise causing their competitive rivalry to flair up. All in all Hadrian was loving life at Durmstrang. Dark Arts, Blood Magic, History of Magic, Elemental Magic, Defence and Weaponry and Spell Creation quickly became his favourite subjects. He still hated Herbology and strongly disliked Potions but he had used the excellent tactic of paring up with Anastasia and Rhea. Both girls were aware of what he was doing but thankfully they just found his aversion amusing.

Today they were leaving school for Yuletide and Hadrian would be staying at Black Manor with his father and Calypso and Uncle Evan. It had quickly become a tradition over the years for the Rosier's to stay over at Black Manor for Yule and the Black's would then stay over at the Rosier's for Ostara. Evan and Regulus were both single fathers with political duties and Evan had his teaching job. This way, at least during Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox, Caly and Hadrian would have a father or godfather present. Both their fathers would join in the official celebrations however Hadrian and Caly would light red, black and white candles in (usually) Hadrian's room, since they were far too young, and would softly say together, 'This is my gift to you, for you have given many gifts to me. This symbolizes my pledge to you', while the candles would burn. Once the candles were fully burnt they would finish by saying, 'We thank you Lady Magic for all that you have given us'. To ensure their safety, Regulus had placed a spell on the candles making them unable to burn them.

After much protesting from Draco, his father had reluctantly agreed to allow Hadrian to spend a day at Malfoy Manor in England. This of course meant that Calypso would be going as well. Hadrian hadn't asked yet but he assumed Blaise, Theo and Daphne would be there as well. And after months of not seeing his friends, Hadrian was pleased.

Hadrian soon arrived at St. Petersburg and quickly spotted his father and Uncle Lucius. He left Ana and Alex with a quick goodbye before walking over to his father with Caly and the Lestranges.

Regulus gave him one of his genuine smiles, "I've missed you, Ri."

"Missed you too father," Hadrian said with a soft smile blinking back tears.

"Hi, Uncle Reg," Calypso interrupted.

Regulus gave her a fond look.

Hadrian gratefully used the distraction to control his emotions. It hadn't quite hit him until now how much he had truly missed Regulus. After spending five years with the man he found it hard to be away from him for months.

"I guess I'll be seeing you soon Lucius," Regulus said while giving his son an exasperated look. Somehow he had been persuaded into letting Hadrian go back to Britain after five years. He knew it was only for a day and his son would be inside the extensive wards of Malfoy Manor but he still felt uneasy.

Hadrian smiled at his dad unrepentantly.

A quick goodbye to the Lestranges and the Black's and Calypso were standing in the Black Manor Entrance Hall.

"Betsy will have dinner ready in an hour, the elves will unpack your trunks. Go take a shower," Regulus ordered, snapping his fingers causing two elves to appear.

A hour later and showers that had turned into baths, Hadrian and Calypso sat down at the dining table.

Regulus picked up his cutlery and asked, "So what do you want to do over the holidays."

"I was thinking we could go to Romania for a week," Hadrian responded.

"Romania? Why Romania," his father asked with a puzzled frown.

Caly rolled her eyes, "He wants to see the dragons."

"Of course he does," Regulus sighed.

"Caly, don't pretend as if you don't want to either," Hadrian said while giving his friend an admonishing glare.

"Our Magical Creatures teacher, Master Orlov, mentioned how impressive the dragon reserves in Romania are and Hadrian said he had to go see them. I admit that I am rather fascinated at the prospect as well," Calypso explained.

"Romania it is then," Regulus said with a grin.

Hadrian pouted, "Why do you always listen to Caly and never me?"

"Because you have reckless ideas," Regulus countered.

Hadrian was about to open his mouth to say that dragon reserves were a reckless idea but quickly realised his mistake.

Regulus laughed at the dismayed look on his son's face.

Hadrian and Calypso spent the rest of the day telling Regulus about their classes at Durmstrang. They couldn't mention the subjects exclusive to Hydras but Regulus wasn't stupid and was probably aware of them already. The Black Lord had his ways. Regulus was suitably impressed by the amount of subjects they were doing and how Hadrian and Caly scored in the top three for every subject.

The following day, they apparated to a Romanian dragon reserve. The previous afternoon Regulus had contacted Evan and informed him of their plans. Evan had decided to apparate to there location later on in the evening, as he still had plenty of essay's to mark. A whirlwind of a week later they were apparating back to Black Manor where they would portkey to Malfoy Manor. The Romanian Dragon Sanctuary had been exactly what he had been expecting; dangerous and thrilling. There had been a large variety of dragons from Norwegian Ridgebacks to Hungarian Horntails to Peruvian Vipertooths. Hadrian had briefly entertained the idea of becoming a dragons keeper but soon realised that it wasn't something he wanted to spend the rest of his life doing.

Hadrian was bought out of his thoughts by a loud cough. He looked up sheepishly to see all three Malfoy's, the Lestrange twins, his father and Calypso staring at him.

"I don't see you for months and you ignore me?" Draco glared.

"Sorry Dray, I was thinking about dragons," that was the magic word. Anyone who knew Draco Malfoy knew how utterly obsessed the boy was with dragons much to his father's dismay and his mothers amusement. Lucius wanted a politician yet he got a dragon obsessed budding potions master.

Draco's eyes lighted up, "Oh, yes you went to the Romanian Dragon Sanctuary. You must tell me all about it..."

Hadrian groaned. What had he done?

Calypso and Rhea's laughter just made him want to mentally hit his head harder.

Hadrian, Draco, the Lestranges and Calypso were currently sitting in the living room curled up near the fire. Anastasia had just gone home.

"So who's this Alex guy, I've been hearing so much about?" Draco asked suddenly.

Hadrian looked up in surprise.

"He's a friend we made at Durmstrang," he said gesturing towards Caly, Raul and Rhea. "He's a vampire of the Zraven clan."

Draco's eyes widened in shock, "A vampire?"

"No Draco, he's a werewolf," Calypso said sarcastically. The Lestranges let out identical smirks.

Draco glared, "Shut up, Rosier."

"Talking of friends, did you make any new ones at Hogwarts," Rhea asked in interest.

Draco shrugged, "Not many. Blaise, Theo, Daph and I tend to stick to ourselves. We're on friendly terms with most of our house and the Ravenclaws in our year. I guess you could consider Susan Bones a friend."

Calypso looked worried, "Bones? She wouldn't happen to be Edgar Bones' daughter?"

"Don't worry," Draco reassured her. "She's nothing like the rest of her family."

"That's not what she's worried about," Hadrian said quickly giving Caly a side glance.

Their fathers had told them a couple of years ago of what had supposedly happened to Evan Rosier. The only reason the British Ministry didn't know that Evan was alive and well was because all Durmstrang teachers had to sign a binding contract that left them unable to tell anyone that they taught at Durmstrang as well as reveal other teachers names. Magic similar to the binding contract was also woven into Durmstrang wards that prevented students from letting anyone on the outside know anything about Durmstrang besides the basics. The letters first years received as invitations to attend Durmstrang also contained similar magic and the moment the student opened the letter the magic would be invoked. Hadrian and the other first years had been informed of this on their second night by their Order Master/Mistress. The only teacher known beyond Durmstrang walls was High Master Karkaroff.

Raul, Rhea and Draco were extremely curious but were more than aware that if Caly and Hadrian didn't want to tell them something, no amount of complaining would make them. Secrets simply didn't exist between the two best friends and while they were all close only Raul and Rhea's bond as twins came any where near as close as the relationship Hadrian and Calypso had.

"Fine, keep your secrets," Draco pouted.

"Stop pouting, Drakey," Raul said in exasperation. Draco's cheeks went red. The others were more than aware of how Narcissa Malfoy spoilt her son. For such a cold, malicious and cunningly ambitious woman she was exceedingly soft hearted when it came to her son. She also had a tendency to give him rather ridiculous nicknames. Drakey was actually one of the more sensible ones.

Thanks you for your reviews Sailor Tala, RebeliousOne, Magicanimegurl, LandlessLord, ashashinde111111

I don't want to tackle Hogwarts right now so I won't be showing the reaction of the British but when Hadrian attends Hogwarts during his fourth year via the Triwizard Tournament I will have a flashback from Dumbledore's POV showing what happened in Britain during the year Harry went missing.

As for the Triwizard Tournament... I will not have Hadrian participate in it mostly because I know I'll get annoyed with having to write up the three ridiculous tasks and plus nobody is aware of Hadrian being Harry Potter especially Lord Voldemort so he wouldn't have Barty enter his name.

And about Reg hiding Hadrian's scar... it's a blood glamour. It's one of the reasons why Hadrian is so fascinated with Blood Magic. His mother's sacrifice involved blood magic, hiding his scar involved blood magic and so did the adoption ritual. Only a Black can potentially remove the glamour. And as for what Hadrian looks like well I imagine him to look a lot like a younger version of Jeremy Irvine. My bio contains a list of all my OC's and the characters that aren't shown in the movies... and I have listed what actor I imagine them to look like. For now imagine younger versions of all the actors for the students.

Magicanimegurl: thanks for the correction :) when you inevitably spot more typos feel free to correct me :D

As for the rude guest reviewer well when you were 11 did you know the history of Hitler? Were you aware of the Nazis and what exactly they did? And since Hadrian is a bookworm he is aware of Grindelwald however hearing your teacher talk about him and what exactly he did is still interesting. I am quite fascinated myself with Hitler and until this day I still get extremely interested the minute someone mentions him. I'm basing Hadrian's intrigue with Grindelwald on my own personal interest in Hitler and the Nazis.

Reviews are my motivation...