A/N - People are actually reading this! That makes me so happy! Please review, any feedback is welcome. Even if it is just to tell me to update, change something, develop a story line more, I really want feedback and suggestions are always welcome!

Disclaimer - I do not own Criminal Minds, or original characters. OC's are mine, some parts of the plot are mine but that's it. :)

Chapter 3 - A New Life

The last two months seemed to drag on as Spencer couldn't get his and Eleanor's last conversation to stop playing on repeat in his mind. It was sometimes a curse to have an eidetic memory. He knew Hotch would probably just tell her that he would recommend her in the FBI academy and that he would re-interview her in a few years. But Reid also saw something in her, he knew she was probably smarter than him. He knew she had empathy for other people like he had never seen before and that she could be a great profiler. He wanted Hotch to put her on the team, but he also wanted to see her everyday.

Eleanor was breathing fast as she stepped of the plane in Virginia. She couldn't believe it had been two months since what had happened. She also couldn't believe that she was getting an interview at the BAU. She had packed almost everything that belonged to her and brought it with her in the slight chance she was put on the team. But she knew Hotch would probably just tell her that he would recommend her in the FBI academy and that he would re-interview her in a few years, she wasn't stupid. However little the chance of her becoming a profiler was, she had hope. Hope was something she never lost, not even now, not even after everything she had been through. It felt like an eternity before she got to Quantico from the airport. Can this cab go any slower? She thought. Yes, yes it could she answered herself as traffic came to a stop. After a long drive she walked through the doors to the BAU office and before she knew it she had been talking with Hotch for an hour already. Most of it was her trying to be professional while still rambling and stuttering. Hotch couldn't believe how similar her and Dr. Reid were. They we're also so different, he thought as she talked about her accomplishments. He cut her off mid-sentence

"But why do you need this job? Why do you have to be a profiler with the BAU?" he asked. She paused for a moment to gather her thoughts, then spoke with authority and kindness.

"Because I can help people. I can understand their pain, I can understand them. I know firsthand that there are evil people who do evil things, and I want to protect others from them. But I also want to protect people from themselves." Eleanor paused, then looked Hotch in the eye and smiled.

"Well, Ms Weston...welcome to the BAU." Aaron grinned.

"Wh-what?" Eleanor asked stunned.

"You will need some training but you can acquire that training in the field, and I'll have Agent Morgan over see that. You will be joining us as a Doctor, like Dr. Reid, so you will not technically be an FBI agent." he paused, " but you'll still get the vest that says so." he grinned again. Eleanor was still in shock.

"Thank you, sir. But that's it? I'm in? There isn't more you need to know?"

"We found everything on you when we were called in on your case Ms Weston we know you're not a criminal. If I remember right, Ms Garcia said you had "no skeletons in the closet." So you're in."

"Thank you sir, I can tell you how happy I am!" Weston said with a smile.

"Let's meet the team, shall we?" Hotch said as they left the room.

Eleanor's first week at the BAU was quiet; they had no cases out of state to consult on. She took the time to find an apartment she could afford and was close to the BAU. She was surprised she actually found one. Weston started to get to know her coworkers better and to develop a routine. Her desk was sharing a wall with Spencer's desk, so she probably looked up at him at least 30 times a day. She tried so hard not to be attracted to him, but as she got to know him better it was hard because she also liked his personality. It didn't help the attraction that he probably licked his lips almost every time she looked at him, why does he do that? Doesn't he know what it does to me? She thought to herself. What she didn't know was that Spence couldn't help himself from looking up at her almost as much as she looked at him, and she bit her lip as much as he licked his, why does she do that? Doesn't it hurt? Is that why she does it? He asked himself. He told himself he would never know because they worked together and FBI agent's had a no fraternization rule. He could at least be her friend and get to know her, which he enjoyed. No one else already knew half of the facts he knew, and certainly nobody corrected him on them. And ended up being right. Nobody else listened to him talk about one subject for hours and didn't get bored. He was not used to that. She wasn't either, she wasn't used to someone being smarter than her in some things, and she wasn't used to somebody valuing what she had to say. They all did, it was so odd to her. They wanted her input; even though she was only 18 they valued her and her knowledge and her perspective. She couldn't wait to get out in the field. Spencer couldn't wait to go on a case with her either, He wanted to so bad cause he thought that maybe when they were out of the office and focused on something else he wouldn't want her so bad. It just kept getting worse; he had never felt this kind of sexual attraction before. Everything she did he thought was either cute or hot. He couldn't stand it, he felt horrible.

Then it happened. A case in Colorado, a plane crash specifically. Her first case away, this was when it started. This was it she thought. Everything from here out is different, everything changes. She just didn't know how much it would change. But she was ready, so ready.