Chapter 1 of a hopefully long series XD: lost in space

I snap my eyes open only to be met with the black abyss of space; I felt my whole body freezing, eroding away. I open my mouth "screaming" for help, but nothing… it was only met with the silence of space.

I begin seeing memory of me floating around me, I see a memory of me with a girl who had one red eye and another eye which was blue and we were sitting under a tree as kid playing around and talking about everyday life and whatever we could come up with on the spot.

I see myself as a teenager looking down onto a younger child in pram fooling around with a green foxtail while her parents are off chattering about something with my father, leaving me along with the child.

I see myself as a young adult taking care of a kid who ran away from because of how horrible the conditions were. The kid seems scrawny and barely gets enough food to eat however at the same time he seems full of life and will do anything to achieve what his goal was.

I see myself as a adult saying my goodbyes to the kid from the last memory but this time with another girl who he which seems like he adores, with we yelling the words "Kid ask her out already I know you want to after all you basically follow her everywhere except the bathroom, close enough to marriage I say"

With me still being an adult in the memory I see myself chatting with a guy with ear embedded merged with his hair and a long tail circling around him, and him playing with a pair of blade knives in his hand and occasionally tossing the knife up then catching it with his tail or hand again.

A final memory passed by me and in this memory I see myself with another girl who has diligently working away inside of temple this temple seems like the temple of the mountains. Whilst I was leaning on a nearby wall with my eyes close, and taking what seems like a nice short nap

In the distance space, I see a glimmer of light, a spick that barely noticeable but with all the energy which I WILL get myself to that light and get myself out of this abyss after all … I am the world's strongest man.

Authors' notes

Sorry about the short chapter but I wanted to get this out quickly also because that ending is prefect XD

I do hope that you enjoy this and please do review, follow and favourite