Chapter 1

It was late one night in the end of June. Clark Kent lay asleep in his bed with his loving wife, his arm wrapped around Lois Lane's swollen belly. She was six months pregnant. A cool summer breeze blew through the open window. Clark had just dozed off after a late patrol when his phone rang.

Clark sighed. "Hello?" he answered.


"Chloe?" he murmured. "Whattimesisit?"

"I know you had a long night. But I thought you might want to check this out. I think that someone broke into your farm."

Clark flew back to Smallville in record speed. When he reached his childhood home, the lights were on inside and that the barn was open. Clark was just about to head inside when he noticed something that looked like somebody sitting on the roof. Clark flew up and his eyes widened. It was a kid. A little boy, who couldn't be any more but about eight years old, lying on a blanket, looking up at the stars. "What are you doing up here?" Clark asked.

The boy's eyes never left the night sky. "I couldn't sleep," he said with a shrug.

Clark slowly walked toward the boy and sat down, careful not to startle him. The little boy had jet black hair along with a familiar face and baby blue eyes and was wearing Star Wars pajamas. Where have I seen this boy before? He thought.

The little boy pointed up to a small group of stars. "See that? That's Ursa Major. The Big Bear," he clarified. "And that one, that's the Big Dipper."The boy seemed so comfortable, as if he knew who Clark was, and wasn't at all surprised that he'd shown up. "I missed coming here. It's quiet."

"You've been here before?"

The little boy gave Clark a warm laugh. "You used to bring us here all the time, Dad."

Clark's eyes widened. "Dad?" he starred at the little boy with awestruck and realized the bright blue eyes he was looking into were his own.

"Are you okay?" the boy asked "You look sick."

Clark tried to find the words to answer the boy, but before he could come up with a single thought, a bolt of heat vision hit the roof, setting it ablaze right between Clark and them. Clark whipped his head back and saw a girl about a year or two older than the boy standing there, wearing a baggy red t-shirt and grey pajama pants and no shoes or socks, her eyes still glowing red, ready to fire another shot within a moment's notice.

"Get away from my brother!" she demanded.

"Ella!" the boy shouted "What are you doing?"

"Johnny get away from him!" said Ella"That's not Dad!"

The little boy, Johnny, looked at Clark with confusion that quickly turned to frightful realization. With incredible speed, super speed, Jor ran to his sister's side.

Clark slowly got to his feet, Lara's eyes tracking his every move. "Stay back," she warned with steely confidence "or I'll melt your face off."

"I'm not going to hurt you," said Clark. "Just calm down."

"Lair!" Johnny disputed "Dad told us about you. You're that crazy space ghost that stole his face!"

"Space ghost?"

"MOM!" the two children yelled in unison.

"Look I promise I'm not going-," Clark was cut off in his last ditch attempt to calm the children down when he was whooshed off the barn roof and thrown across the corn field. He looked up at his attacker and felt his head start to spin. "Lois?"

She was dressed in bright red from head to toe; Clark's very not pregnant wife wore his old Blur jacket with matching pants and stiletto boots. "Those are my kids you just went after," she said darkly. With one square kick to the jaw, she sent Clark hurling into the air and smack dab into the windmill. Clark hit the ground with a thud, his head spinning as Lois appeared in front of him once again. "Big mistake." Clark watched her wind up for another blow, when a hand grasped her shoulder and she stopped.

"Easy Angel."

Clark looked up at a man wearing his face, dressed in a black trench coat and an military uniform that belonged to no country on this earth. "Kal-El."

"There really is no place like home." Kal-El stood at the Watchtower window, looking out at the sleeping Metropolis, taking in as much of his beloved city as he could. "Too bad I can't visit mine," Kal-El sighed "For the past two years, my world has been at war, caught in between a battle between Lex Luthor and General Zod. Lex thinks that Zod killed someone," he explained "someone very important to him. But Zod couldn't have done this because he loved her also, very much. Back in the day, Lex used his connections to DC to get himself elected Senator when he was still with the League, but for the past two years, he's been leading a manhunt for all aliens, vigilantes and metahumans just to get his hands on Zod, who's been causing chaos in hopes of clearing his name. My men and the League have been doing our best to keep the peace, trying to keep the casualties as low as we can on both sides. But it's not enough," said Kal-Ely "I'm not enough. But now there's hope, a real chance to finally end the bloodshed. But to do that, we need your help," Kal-El looked back at Clark, Oliver and Chloe. "I know that we didn't always see eye to eye last time I was here," Kal-El admitted. "But this is my world's best chance at peace. Maybe our only chance."

"What do you need?" asked Clark.

"Two things," answered Kal-El "First, I need you and Oliver to come with me back to my world. We only have one shot at this and it can only happen if Green Arrow and Superman are in two places at once."

Clark sat silently as he wrung his hands together. In three short months he was going to be the father to a little girl, his first child. But he couldn't stand by while innocent people were hurt. If Lex was in sitting in a Senate seat, there was no telling what kind of reach he had, how many people he could hurt. Clark glanced at Oliver and could see that he was thinking the same thing. "We're in."

"The other's a little more personal," Kal-El said nervously. "I was hoping if my family could stay here, just until the mission is over."

"You're family?" Chloe repeated.

"My wife and five kids," Kal-El confirmed.

Chloe's jaw dropped. "Five?"

"One's adopted," Kal-El said meekly. "I know that we shouldn't have moved into the farm without telling you, but Luthor he," Kal-El's voice broke as he paused, clenching his fist "He hit us hard last time. And right now, all I want is to give my family a moment to forget that we're fighting a war. And they can't do that back home. All i'm asking for is 24 hours."

Clark noticed the pain in the Commander's voice. "Ok, they can stay at the farm."

Kal-El released the tension in his shoulders. "Thank you. Meet me at the farm the morning. Get a good night's sleep," he advised "Tomorrow, we go to war."