Chapter 16: Former Enemies and New Enemies

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter and am in no way associated with J K Rowling or Warner Brothers.

A/N: I apologize for the length of time between last chapter and this one.

"Just how the hell did this happen?" a raging Daphne asked, "We all watched him die less than two hours ago!"

"We found a concealed area in the floor and found him in there." Amelia explained, "I think we should dose him with truth serum and find out what the hell is going on."

"While I want to know what the hell is going on just as much as you Amelia, we can't ignore that we are completely exposed here." Amber said.

"We can conduct the interrogation back in our quarters along with the goblin." Erfolg said, "Given the circumstances with a potential invasion closing your parents house would be defenseless if they decided to attack there. I think we need to bring them here."

After much thought Amber finally said. "Alright, we should move everyone that is involved to the quarters. We will be able to plan away from prying eyes as well. Amelia, Susan, Erfolg, Daphne, Tracey, and I will go and pick up my parents just in case there something happens. The rest of you will apparate with Minerva to the hospital wing and move everyone to the quarters, including the healer, and await us there. In the case of an attack, I alone will need to verify that it is them before we move them as I am the only one related by blood to them."

After receiving nods that Erfolg and Amber's group were headed towards the residence of the Grangers.

When they arrived they were surrounded by a burning inferno that lit the blood red sunset. The dome that were the wards had massive holes burnt into its very fabric. The house was a burning wreck with no immediate movement visible. Erfolg motioned for everyone to spread out and search for survivors and/ or any bodies. Five minutes after walking through the burning rubble Amelia found a hand barely visible from underneath a toppled sofa. Using her new found draconic strength she easily moved the sofa out of the way and found two bodies underneath. They each had a very faint pulse, they were alive, barely.

"Amber!" Amelia called urgently, "I think I found them."

Amber was over in seconds with everyone else not far behind.

"It's, it's them." Amber choked out.

"We'll get them out of here." Erfolg said.

"I, I don't think I can apparate us out." Amber sobbed.

In the end Erfolg apparated everyone out to the quarters just before the building collapsed on itself. They arrived to find Sirius and Minerva in an argument about what to do, the healer was monitoring the three patients who were on the beds which had been moved closer together, the two aurors were around the goblin with wands at the ready, ensuring that he couldn't try anything sudden.

"We can't just wait here and do nothing! They could be in..." Sirius was saying, before catching sight of five grim faced dragons and two bodies.

The final two beds were moved together to allow the two final bodies to be put together. As the healer was checking over the two Grangers Erfolg sat down with Amber crying into his shoulder. As the other dragons gathered round the couple to provide support for one of their own, Amber eventually fell asleep in Erfolg's arms.

As the hours passed the only sounds were breathing, spells being cast by the healer as she worked feverishly to save the two Grangers, and quiet talking. Sirius, Amelia, and the aurors were talking about people they could trust for the upcoming attack on Gringotts. Tracey and Daphne were quietly catching their parents up to speed. Susan, Erfolg, Amber, and Minerva were cuddled on the large sofa.

After three hours of tireless work by the healer she announced that they were in the clear, but, had they been much longer there wouldn't have been much she could do for them. With the danger out of the way, the healer brought Dan and Emma out of the stasis spell she had cast on them to stop their health from deteriorating further.

"Mom? Dad?" Amber asked hardly daring to believe their fortune at being able to save them.

"Where are we?" croaked Emma.

"You are inside the married quarters in Hogwarts." Minerva explained gently.

"The demons are coming back again." Dan said nervously.

"We suspect so, yes." Erfolg said, "Remus has already been captured, and we are planning on breaking him and any dragons out of Gringotts."

"Demonic portals opened directly above the house and blasted it with some kind of spell that I have never seen before. It blew holes in the wards in mere seconds. We never stood a chance." Dan said grimly.

"Why do I get the feeling that they are targeting major threats to them?" Daphne asked, coming over with her parents and Tracey.

"Speaking of being targeted why were your parents protecting a goblin, and for that matter why was he being interrogated by another demon?" Sirius asked.

"It's for him to say, not us." Adrian said, "Needless to say he has no love of the demons."

"Very well, let's wake him, search him for weapons, but make sure everyone is able to defend themselves first, should things get ugly." Erfolg said, "Amelia, as head of the DMLE you are without a doubt the best person to conduct this interview. Would you mind doing this?"

"Not at all Erfolg." Amelia replied with a smile. She to was curious about what was going on here with the goblin.

Amelia nodded to the healer who cast "enervate" on the goblin.

"Where the hell is Dumbledore? I'm gonna rip his throat out with my bare teeth for doing this to my species!" the goblin roared failing to realize the change in location and the fact that there were several angry people around him.

"I will be doing the questioning thank you very much." Amelia said icily. "Who are you?"

Shocked, the goblin looked up. This person was clearly angry at him but appeared to be treating him fairly, at least until a verdict had been reached. Realizing that he had yet to reply he said in what he hoped they would interpret as a respectful tone, "My name is Ragnok. I am the king of the goblin nation, or, rather was when the traitor Griphook and his filth decided to overthrow us and turn my kind into demonic filth." Any who refused were slaughtered. Only a few hundred of us escaped the slaughter by being some of the last to be approached. Seeing the amount of demonic goblins approaching us we quickly got the hell out of there and have been laying low ever since. Unfortunately, I was captured two days ago while trying to gather supplies. They have camps throughout the country, perhaps the world. Why do you ask dragon? I would have expected given what my former people have done to your kind you would have killed me at first look."

This put the dragons on edge and causing Emma and Dan to look at Amelia in a confused way.

The goblin sighed. "Yes, I know which of you are dragons. It is impossible for even a dragon in human form to fool a goblin's eyes, or even dragons that have been forced into human form." At this he stared intently at Dan and Emma.

A/N: I apologize for the long wait as I have found it kind of difficult deciding where this goblin and his allies should be trusted initially. I still am unsure and would very much appreciate some help. Please let me know what you think should be the appropriate amount initially.

Thanks for reading,

Jonathan Palmer