Kyle's Pov

I was moving into Beacon Hills. From Las Vegas. With my mum, dad and brother and sister. My mother is Chelsea Rain, she is 5"9 with medium length brown hair, hazel eyes, in her mid thirties and a personality of the warmest person you'll ever meet. Also my mum is a stay at home mum. She is also referred as mama bear by dad, she is fierce when it comes to us kids. It reminds me of a bear and a tigress both protecting their Cubs.

Dad is Adam Rain, he is 6" with short blonde hair, blue eyes, also in his mid thirties, he works for as a cop he got a transfer to Beacon Hill county. He is also protect of us kids.

My brother is Brian Rain 5"9 the same age as me but older than a month, he looks like both mum and dad, mum's mouth, nose and chin with dad's hair colour and eyes. He has got some muscle on him from sports. He got his personality from dad.

My sister Lillie Rain who is five years younger than my brother and I she the height of a five year old, dad's mouth, nose, chin and mum's eyes and is like any other sister but we are all close.

My name is Kyle Rain, I am 5'9 like my mum. I have Mousey brown brown hair, a little button nose, rosy pink lips and I have been told I have mud eye colour is a mixture of brown and green, and I am doe eyed. Why don't I look like my parents? It's simple I am adopted.

My parents didn't want me, I know this because my dad found me when I was just born as my mother gave birth to me, there was four other children she wanted to keep. But I get thrown away like yesterday's trash? She told my dad to take me away she didn't want to see me. I could say that I hate them but, the truth is I'm grateful for them if I wasn't born I wouldn't be in the family I am in today. You might be wondering how I know this? It is simple my parents told when I was eleven years old I was adopted and what happened if the day of my birth.

We finally got to our house it was pretty nice. There was a garden in the front, I love to garden something about makes me all tingly. My family is all about supporting each other, like my brother with his sports we all go see his games and my sister with her Ballet we go to her shows. My gardening is a hobby so my family is okay with that and knows not to mess with it. I looked to the line where the forest starts I swear I saw someone watching me it was creepy. But then I knew it was someone watching as we were new people in town. So we unpacked mum and dad went down the street to get groceries. "So what type of sports do you think the school plays?" Brian asks. I smile at him knowing him pretty well that any sports he plays he excels at. "Who knows Brian, what sports haven't you played yet?" I asked him. Both him and Lillie both looked at me like I've grown another head. "Um I don't know Lacrosse? I guess." He told us with uncertainty in his voice and written all over his face. "Don't worry about it Brian, I know you do great at it if they play it here. You always excel at sports even if you have played them before." I told him encouraging him. He smiled at me and hugged me. "Thanks Kyle." He whispered to me. "I hope they do Ballet here." Lillie said with a hopeful look on her face it made adorable. "Sure they've got to right?" Both Brian and I asked at the same time.

After mum and dad got back from the store and we put the shopping away. "Where are you going Kyle?" Dad asked me with a 'I'm your father and you will tell me' look. "For a walk around town dad." I told him with my sweetest smile, he caved about a minute. I walking around town everyone gave me weird looks. "Well I guess that what happens when you are new and walk around town." I told myself and kept walking. "You're new here who are you?" A male's voice said to me I turned around and saw three teens looking at me. They were related and the same age so triplets I guess. "I'm Kyle Rain I just moved here from Las Vegas." I told them they seem to believe me which is lucky considering it's the truth. The three was staring at me when a black car pulled up. Two males were in the front seat looking at the three and then me. "Hey guys, who is your new friend?" The male with the same colour hair as me said. The teens looked at him as the driver did. "Stiles don't embarrass them in front of the boy." The driver said and looked at the kids. "Come one it's family night tonight and we have a lot to do before tonight." He told them and looked at once more it was very intimidating. "What's your name kid? My kids obviously didn't introduce you to their parents." The man said, the second one was also looking at me. "I'm Kyle Rain sir, I just moved her from Las Vegas. I don't know their names." I said as I pointed to the teens who were getting into the car, with my chin. "Well there is Logan,Thalia and Thomas hale, I'm their father Derek Hale and this is their mother and my husband Stiles Hale."Derek said to me. The triplets grunted a response while Stiles just waved to me. As the introductions was said, Derek drove off.