Authors note: Thank you for reading my story, and the kind reviews. I wrote and published the first chapter for myself, not imagining so many people reading AoGG fanfiction. Your reviews and kind words were such a nice bonus.

The attending Dr. finally signed off on Gilbert's discharge. "Nothing but rest, lots of calories, be sure to finish your prescriptions, and follow up with your own doctor in a few days." He went over his list, looking at Gilbert over his bifocals. "I'd say you need to put about twenty pounds back on before Fall. Medical school is no picnic. I could tell you stories..." he chuckled. "Well, Mr. Blythe, take care of yourself and good luck in school." He shook Gilbert's hand and turned to leave, then stopped. "Oh, wait, why don't you just take a look at this" he said handing Gilbert a pamphlet on depression. "Talk to your Dr. about that, if you feel the need." Then, he was gone.

Gilbert looked at the checklist. There's a difference between depression and a broken heart he thought. His own heart certainly felt lighter since Philippa's message, but he wondered about Anne's. Was she suffering a broken heart? Or was Roy? His thoughts were interrupted by his parents arrival. He was never so happy to be going home.

The next morning, Gilbert awoke early. The hospital had messed with his sleep schedule, awakening him several times a night. He grabbed his phone, and decided to check Facebook again, hoping to find more information about the demise of Anne's relationship. Instead, he found Anne had posted a photo, a beautiful apple tree in bloom, the sun rising behind it. He knew exactly what apple tree that was. When he saw she had posted it just two minutes ago, he got out of bed, spent a few minutes getting ready, then quietly left the house, careful not to wake his parents.

Gilbert arrived at the Hester Gray Memorial Garden, and just as he hoped, found Anne sitting on a bench, book in hand, but staring dreamily off into the distance. She saw Gilbert and jumped to her feet. "Gilbert! You're not in the hospital? When did you... how did you know I was here? should you be here?" She hurried to his side, and took his arm, guiding him to the bench.

"it's okay, Anne, i'm not feeble." He laughed, as he sat down. "I was released yesterday. I happened to wake early and see your picture, of course I recognized that old apple tree. What on earth are you doing here so early and by yourself? I hope you have your pepper spray."

"Oh, I couldn't sleep. I thought I would come do some reading, I'm to teach literature this Fall you know, and I have some classics I need refreshing on. Gil, you can't imagine how good it is to see you looking so much better. There were some terrifying hours in the hospital. I sat with you every time I could get your mom to leave your side, since they only allowed one visitor at a time" she smiled at him wistfully.

Gilbert reached out and tugged gently on a lock of her hair "I thought I remembered seeing this. I wasn't sure and I was afraid to ask my mom, afraid it was just a dream"

She looked at him. "I only left for Phil's wedding when they assured me you were out of the woods. Nothing could of dragged me away if I thought I would not see you again, Gil." She looked down and begin to fidget with her book. "um...I never saw Christine at the hospital."

"That's probably because she is traveling with her rock star fiance" he said.

Anne's head flew up. "Fiance?"

Gilbert sighed. "Anne, there was nothing, ever, between Christine and I. In fact, I knew from the first time we met that she had boyfriend. She's the sister of a friend, I had promised him I would help her out."

Before Anne could say anything, he continued. "Even if she didn't have a boyfriend, nothing would of happened. With her, or anybody else for that matter. I may be a man, but even I know that it wouldn't be fair to any woman to always be second place, always a consolation prize"

She cleared her throat. "I see, thank you for clarifying." She took something out of her pocket. It was the pink heart necklace he had sent to her for Christmas. The chain was snapped. "I put this on before the graduation dance. Something about those flowers you sent, Gil, made me realize things, even though I wasn't ready to admit anything to myself" she explained. "Then on the way to the dance, the subject of you and Christine came up. Phil thought you guys must be really serious. She said it was clear that Christine was the only person you bothered to spend time with. So in a fit of... of jealousy, I guess...I reached and snapped this off."

Gilbert laughed. "Well, don't hold it against Phil. She's the reason I'm here now. She send me a message, told me to check your relationship status. To be honest, I'm not sure if I came here to console your broken heart today or..." he let his words trail off.

Anne realized he was asking for an explanation. "Roy proposed the day after graduation." She said, as if it was already a distant memory. "I nearly said yes, Gil! Simply because it was expected. Thankfully, I came to my senses and realized Roy was just an ideal, what I thought love should be, that when it came down to it, I couldn't imagine actually spending my life with him." She shrugged. "He had some choice words to say...but I can't blame him, can I. His sister assured me he will be fine."

Gilbert felt relief wash over him, along with a bit of anger at the thought of anybody having choice words to say to Anne.

The sun was up, the air was warming and filling with the scent of apple blossoms. Gilbert was sure it was going to be a beautiful day in every possible way. He took the necklace from her. "Allow me to get this repaired" he said, putting it into his own pocket.

Anne looked at Gilbert. There had been times over the years, when Gilbert was sure he had seen glimpses of love in her gray eyes, there for a brief moment before the veil was down again. Now, he clearly saw love in her starry eyes, this time unabashed and steady. It was that look that gave Gilbert the courage to go on. He took her hand.

"Anne, I asked you something two years ago, and I feel exactly the same...please stop me now if you're going to give me the same answer" he said.

Anne's eyes shone with tears. "Gil, I was such a fool. I would give anything to go back and do things over, to have these last two years with you. I knew the minute we thought we might lose you. All of a sudden it was so obviously apparent that we were made perfectly for each other."

Anne took his other hand. "I guess what I'm saying, Gil. Is that I love you, and I want to spend my life with you."

Gilbert stood up, pulling her up with him. He took her into his arms, and kissed her. A moment he waited ten years for. This time when he held Anne Shirley in his arms, there was no brokenness, only completeness.