12 year old Naruto Uzumaki sat on the swing in front of the academy. He watched as the academy let out and everyone else was being congratulated by their parents.

He sat there as they had a great time while he was having one of the worst of his life. He had failed the academy test for third time.

"Hey, Naruto." He heard a voice from behind him and turned to see a white haired man wearing a green chunin vest and a bandana over his head with his forehead protector on the front.

"You wanna know of a secret test?" Mizuki said with a sly smile.


Naruto was now in the forest where he would meet up with Mizuki.

Mizuki had told him that if he could steal the Scroll of Sealing and learn one technique off of it he would be able to become a ninja.

He had been training hard on the Shadow Clone Jutsu and had finally gotten it down. Now he was looking through the scroll to see if he could learn something else for extra credit.

"Wait, what is this?" He saw his name written in the scroll and some writing below it.

'Push some chakra into the writing.' He heard a deep voice say in annoyance. He looked around startled but did it nonetheless.

He put his hand to the seal and out popped a scroll. "What is this for and why is it address to me?" Naruto pondered.

He heard shuffling in the bushes and quickly stuffed the smaller scroll in his jacket and turned towards the noise and he saw Iruka come out with a stern expression on his face.

"Ha! I found you, Iruka-sensei!" Naruto yelled as he pointed towards Iruka.

Iruka grew a tick mark, "I found you, idiot! Why did you take the scroll, Naruto?"

"Mizuki-sensei said that it was a special test. If I could learn a justu off of this scroll then I could graduate the academy." Naruto said with a smile.

Iruka looked around saw the damaged area, 'You've been training hard, Naruto.' He thought.

He heard someone land on a tree to his right and saw Mizuki standing there with a smirk. He could this was going to end bad.


Naruto had to return the Scroll to the Thrid and apologize for stealing it in the first place. After getting some ramen with Iruka to congratulate him on becoming a ninja, Naruto went to his rundown apartment. He went in disregarding the graffiti on his door. The door swung open slowly with a loud creak, "I'm home." He said sadly as he knew no one would answer back he walked into the apartment and shut the door.

He by passed his living area and kitchen which were combined and went to his bedroom. He took off the jacket of his jumpsuit and took out the scroll. He placed it on the ground in front of him as he sat down.

He tried to open it but it wouldn't budge. He grew frustrated, "Gah! How am I supposed to open this thing?!" He shouted to himself.

'Tch, bite your thumb and swipe some blood on the seal.' The same deep voice boomed. This time Naruto could hear the annoyance in its voice.

"Where are you?" He asked as he looked around. 'I am within you, ningen.' Naruto's eyes widened before his surroundings became black and he was sitting in front of a giant gate and he was sitting in water.

'Why am I in a sewer?' He mentally asked.

"This is your mind, ningen." He heard the voice again from behind the bars and he saw two giant blood red eyes with slits down the middle. He instantly started to crawl back away when he saw nine tails waving behind the being lazily.

"K-Kyuubi." He stuttered out.

The fox grinned showing it's massive fangs, "Yes. It is I, the Great Kyuubi no Yoko!" The fox declared while standing to his full size making Naruto back away in fear again.

"Fear not, boy. As much as I want to be free, I can not because of this accursed seal." He motioned to the piece of paper on the gate.

"That single piece of paper is keeping you at bay?" Naruto asked in astonishment.

The Kyuubi nodded. Naruto grew confused, "Why did you help me back with Mizuki and getting this scroll of the Scroll of Seals?"

"About time you stopped acting stupid, kid. To answer your questions, I am sealed inside of you and if you are seen as weak then I am by association. I am the strongest Tailed Beast I won't be seen as weak."

"The second answer is I know what is in the scroll and seeing as you have little to no skill right now," he ignored Naruto's squawk of indignation. "I thought they could give you a boost."

"What do you mean they?" Naruto asked after getting over the fact the fox knew about his mask of stupidity and his jab at his skills.

"I mean there are two fruit sealed into that scroll. They giv-"

"What's so important about two stupid fruit?" Naruto asked. The Kyuubi grew irritated, "Shut up! I was getting to that."

Naruto put his hands up in surrender, "Ahem, as I was saying. The fruit give a special power when eaten much like those Kekkei Genkai of the Hyuga and Uchiha."

"So you're saying I will get those freaky eyes?" Naruto said and the fox face palmed.

"No. I am saying that powers the fruits give you will be exclusive to yourself." Naruto gained a look of understanding but looked at the fox with a curios exspression.

"Why are you helping me? Aren't you supposed to be evil?"

The fox sighed, "I have seen your life, kid. It's partially my fault for why your life is the way it is. I wanted to help you out a little." He answered truthfully.

Naruto stood up and bowed towards the fox, "Thank you." He said surprising the fox.

"Whatever, ningen. As payment for my help could you tear off a corner of the seal. This will allow me to see out in the world through your eyes. It get really boring in here." The fox explained as it laid down and rested his head on his arms.

Naruto nodded and tore off a part of the seal and he felt a pull and he was back in his room. He looked to the scroll and bit his thumb and swiped some blood on the seal. The seal glowed and then died down.

He unrolled the scroll and saw it was a letter with another seal at the bottom.

'Dear Naruto,

I am truly sorry for choosing you to contain such a beast as the Kyuubi. I simply didn't have any other choice. Could you ask another family to sacrifice their child when you couldn't do the same?

After your birth, there was a masked man that kidnapped your mother, Kushina Uzumaki. She was the container for the Kyuubi at the time and he stole it from her in her weakened state. Long story short, I defeated the man but I couldn't kill the Kyuubi so I sealed half of it into my son using a forbidden sealing technique that kills the user. The Kyubbi didn't want to be sealed again so it tried to kill you but your mother and I jumped in the way to protect you and I finished the sealing as we passed away.

I'm sorry. I asked them to see you as a hero but I think they will see you as the demon recarnate. Your life has been tough I'm guessing. I am leaving you these fruit along with some justu and sealing theories.

These fruit contain great power, Naruto. Please use them for good. They were kept with the Uzumaki Clan until their destruction and passed to your mother.

I had a lot of enemies, Naruto. So please keep your heritage a secret until you know you can protect yourself. Your mother and I love you even if you hate us.

-Your Father,

Minato Namikaze, 4th Hokage'

By the time, Naruto was done reading he had tears coming down his whiskered cheeks. 'My dad was the one to seal the Kyuubi into me?' He was feeling a range of conflicting emotions. Pride and happiness at knowing he was loved and had parents that were great shinobi. Well one of them at least he didn't know about his mom.

He felt anger at his dad about sealing the fox into him and sadness knowing he'll never get to see his family.

'Kit, they loved you a lot. Enough to jump in the way of my claw when I was trying to sorta kill you.' The fox said in his mind.

The fox coughed, 'Sorry about that. By the way. I was mad and didn't want be sealed again.'

Naruto didn't say anything but just nodded. He channeled chakra into the seal at the bottom of the letter. Out came two weird looking fruit, some scrolls with the five elements written on them and a scroll with sealing written on it.

He picked up the fruit and looked at the both. The one in his right hand looked like a red heart and had some wierd swirl on it. The one in his left hand was spherical and yellow with the same swirls as the other fruit.

'Naruto. The Fourth was right when he said these were very powerful. They are call Devil Fruits and grant unimaginable power but comes at a cost. You can never swim again and water will make you weaker and unable to use the powers granted to you by these fruits.' The Kyuubi explained.

'The one on the right is called the Ope Ope no mi. It allows you to create a 'room' around you in which you control everything. It was considered a great use for doctors as you could cut a person open without them feeling pain. The one on the left is even better. That fruit has the power to destroy the world.'

Naruto's eyes widened at this statement, "H-How?"

The fox gave a fanged smile, 'This is called the Gura Gura no Mi. You could literally create earthquakes as well as beef up your physical strength.'

"There has to be some drawback to this." Naruto said.

'Yes. Both of these take up a huge amount of stamina and the no swimming thing. But they say of you eat two Devil Fruit then you die. Lucky for you, I'm sealed in you and I don't feel like dying today so I can keep you alive.'

Naruto pondered it and looked down at the fruits and nodded. He at the Ope Ope first and noticed that it tasted like garbage. After keeping his dinner in his stomach her went to eat the Gura Gura and it had a similarly bad taste.

He felt a burning all over his body and fell to the floor holding his stomach. 'Don't worry. I'm trying to stop the effects of you.. um..dying.'

"H-How did you know so much about these fruits?" Naruto asked through the pain.

'I've been around a long time, kid. I was sealed in your mother and she had read a letter about these fruit before you were born. There should be more information that I don't know at Land of Whirlpools, the former home of the Uzumaki Clan.' The fox said as he finished.

Naruto felt exhausted and fell down onto the floor and passed out. 'Sleep well, kit.'

-Next Day-

Naruto woke up with a groan as he got up and cracked his back. "Last time I sleep on the floor." He muttered to himself. He went into the bathroom and started to brush his teeth. He looked at himself in the mirror and saw that his usually malnourished body was replaced with a nice layer of muscle. Not too ripped and big but not thin and wirey, he was confused on why there was such a chage though.

'I can explain. Yesterday, after you ate both fruits, your body was breaking down so I had to work to make sure you didn't die. Your muscles kept breaking down so every time I rebuild them, they came back with more and more.' The Kyuubi explained.

Naruto exspressed his thanks and went to his closet. He frowned when he saw all he had was orange jumpsuits. 'Those things are really an eyesore.'

"Hey they were all the stores would sell me." He defended.

"This is not how a shinobi should dress. I need to buy more clothes. I also need to train in these new powers. Preferably somewhere out of sight." Naruto said as he left his apartment with the scroll he after he sealed everything back into it.

Naruto went to a training ground that had three stumps in the middle, a river, and a monument behind the stumps. 'Naruto, that jutsu you learned yesterday is very useful. When that clone dispels the information it learned is transfered back to the user.'

"So I could learn things in half the time?" He said as he gained a grin and made a familiar cross. "Shadow Clone Justu!" He said as 250 clones poofed into existence.

"Okay I want 30 each working on one element that Tou-san left us. 50 of you work on the basics of sealing because from what I heard it is very difficult so be very careful. And then the other 50 work on those fruit powers. I think I have the techniques in my mind but I'm not sure so prove my theory. Now go!" He commanded.

"Hai, boss!" They saluted and went off into their groups. Naruto went to a shinobi store, he needed equipment if he was going to succeed in being a ninja. He had a week before he met his team.


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