Hey this is blue-eyegirl18 and this is also my very first fanfic. Just bare with me on this one! Read and Review. Also I do not own Fairy Tail. It belongs to it's wonderful creator. Enjoy!


regular talking

A girl with long pink hair walked to a bridge that stretched across a canyon. She looked as if she had been in a fight with all the cuts and scrapes that were scattered over her body. Her black tube top and skirt were torn so bad that it was a wonder they even stayed on her at all. The torn clothes revealed a pink tattoo on her left arm.

It was a Fairy Tail Guild mark.

"Storm! Where are you, you stripping freak?!" She yelled with her hands cupped around her mouth. When no reply came she shook her head. Storm Fullbuster was a member of her team and with his black hair and ice blue eyes he was the carbon copy of his father, Gray.

"I didn't see him in the river Ember." Said a voice to her left.

Said girl turned to see a boy with red hair and armor climb out of the canyon. He was a year older than her and is the leader of their team.

Of course, no one expected anything less of the son of Titania.

Ember shuttered.

Jaxon Fernandez had a temper like his mother but thanks to his father, Jellal, it was countered with his cool demeanor.

"He's got to be here! He couldn't have been thrown very far!" She said.

All Ember could think about was how Storm threw himself in front of her to protect her from the bandits. She and Jaxon looked to the bridge in time to see a white haired figure making their way towards them.

"Well he didn't make it to the other side of the canyon. I looked everywhere." She said. Light Dreyer had short white hair and blue eyes. She was the daughter of Laxus Dreyer and Mirajane Strauss, but she looked like her Aunt Lisanna. Light was a sweet tempered girl, but if you got her angry she would shock you into oblivion seeing as how she inherited her father's lightning dragon slayer magic.

What in the world does she see in my brother? Ember thought as she looked at her friend. Light has this big crush on her twin brother.

That made Ember stop and look around. Speaking of which,where was he?

" Hey has anyone seen Blaze?" She asked.

Jaxon shook his head.

" Not since we split up."

Ember could feel her already throbbing headache getting worse. Her twin brother was a hot head with no self control. he was exactly like their father in looks and mannerisms, much to the horror of the rest of the Guild. Apparently one Natsu was bad enough. It didn't help that Blaze could have been their father's twin, if not for his eyes, which the twines got from their mother. Ember on the other hand look exactly like their mother with the exception of her pink hair.

she sighed.

When they were little their mom would tell them stories about the missions she and dad used to go on. There was no doubt that Natsu Dragneel and Lucy Heartfilia could reduce a town to ashes, well Natsu could anyway. Ember's mother would yell at him for being reckless and costing them some of the payment. Between that and her father's regular fights with Gray, the only person who could make him behave was Erza Scarlett, aka Titania. Now that is one terrifying woman. Even Jaxon is terrified of his mother.

"I hope he isn't destroying anything." said Light looking worried.

A shadow of wrath crossed over Jaxon's face.

"He better not if he knows what's good for him."

Ember and Light exchanged a glance and it was decided that Jaxon was more like Erza than he was like Jellal at times. He could be as terrifying as his mother if the situation called for it. With the exception of Light, all of team Blaze's parents had been on the same team. Natsu, Lucy, Gray, Erza, and Juvia had been Fairy Tail's strongest team.

Ember smiled as she remembered her mother and father saying that team Blaze had almost surpassed team Natsu.

After a while, Jaxon, Ember, and Light started walking to the right side of the forest where they had sent Blaze to look for Storm. The sun was shining and it was a beautiful day and Ember wished she wasn't so exhausted. That way she could actually enjoy this moment, but of course knowing their luck the bandits were from a Dark Guild. Which means they were harder to beat than team Blaze had originally thought. Ember scowled as she looked at her ruined clothes. The black tube top she wore was barely held together by a thread and her short black skirt was in shreds.

If only I could Requip like Jaxon, she thought longingly as Jaxon Requiped into a new set of armor.

As they walked they heard yelling coming from ahead of them. Ember, Jaxon, and Light ran until they came to a little clearing where they saw a pink haired boy and a black haired boy facing off.

"What did you call me?!"

" What do you think I called you Snowflake?!"

It was Blaze and Storm, both of whom seemed to have gotten their second wind after the battle. Ember sighed in relief. She hadn't realized how worried she was about Storm. Jaxon took a step forward to end the fight before it escalated to a full out battle, which has happened and it was not pretty. Ember put a hand on his arm to stop him.

"I'll do it."

Jaxon nodded and stepped back so Ember could walk over to the bickering boys, who was too busy fighting to notice the girl walking towards them.

"Hot Head!"




Ember moved in between them and into the line of fire and closed her eyes. She really hoped that her calculation was correct. When Blaze and Storm's magic dissipated she let out a sigh of relief.

" What the crap Em?! I could have hurt you!" Her brother yelled.

Ember snorted.

She and Blaze were equally matched. There was a reason why they were called the Fire Twins of Fairytail. Storm just looked at Ember with impassive blue eyes.

" The mission is over and I'd like to go home and take a shower, so let's get moving."

As she walked passed Storm, Ember gave in to her impulses and punched him in the face. Storm went flying through the air and landed a few feet away.

"That was for trying to be a hero and taking that hit." She said as he picked himself off the ground and walked back to the group.

" But thank you Storm." Ember said with a smile.

Everyone stood in shock from her sudden mood swing. Blaze growled. Storm has been watching his sister a lot lately and he didn't like it. It was bad enough that he protected her before he could get there.

Blaze went pale.

His father was not going to be happy that he got shown up by the Snowflake. Blaze could see the looming fight between his father and Gray and he winced. This will not be pretty.

"Hey Em, lets not tell Dad about Ice princess saving you, okay?"

Ember got an amused look on her face, no doubt imagining the same scene he had.

"That's probably a good idea if we want the Guild to stay intact."

Blaze gave his sharp toothed grin.

"Come on! Dad would totally win that fight!"

Storm looked at the laughing twins as he walked behind them on their way home to Magnolia. Storm didn't like the idea of walking all the way home, but due to the fact that out of the five team members three were dragon slayers any vehicle transportation was out of the question thanks to their motion sickness. For people with amazing powers, they sure do get weak on vehicles. He and Ember had been friends for a while so he knew what they looked like. Storm remembered when he and Ember became friends. They were seven years old as they watched their fathers fight over something stupid for the umpteenth time that day in the Guild Hall.

"Why do they fight all the time? Aren't they friends?" Ember asked with a confused expression.

Storm shook his head.

" Your guess is as good as mine."

Up to this point they hadn't ever really interacted with each other. Ember mostly talked to Light, Storm's sister, Sky, Enoia Fernandez, and Lexia Redfox while Storm spent his time with Blaze, Steel Redfox, and Jaxon. Sometimes Blaze and Ember's older brother Igneel would come and join their group.

"Oi, Snowflake! Come and fight me!"

The pair turned to see Blaze standing on a table pointing his finger at Storm. He was all fired up and wanted to fight just like his father. Without waiting for Storm to accept, he launched himself at him with fists blazing. Storm had no time to react and he braced himself for a hit that never came. Ember had placed herself in between the boys and had caught her brother's burning fists.

"You idiot! He wasn't ready yet!" She yelled as she launched Blaze across the Guild with a well placed kick where he smacked into Gajeel Redfox. He turned with a dangerous aura to the person sitting next to him, who just happened to be Laxus Dreyer.

" Do you want to go Sparky?!" he yelled as he threw a stool at Laxus. It hit the lightning dragon slayer in the chest and sent him flying.

Right into Erza's strawberry cake.

She sat there for a moment and then flipped the table at the fighting men. Soon the whole Guild was fighting as the mothers pulled their kids behind an overturned table before going to try to stop the fighting.

Storm and Ember looked at each other and dissolved into laughter. Did they ever love their family.

Now at seventeen, they were the best of friends and Storm started to feel more than that for her. She was amazing and he had the urge to make her his and only his. Storm wanted her to smile that bright smile at him, to laugh at his stupid jokes, he wanted to wake up to her every morning and fall asleep to her every night.

He smiled as he planned how to make the female dragon slayer his.


How was it? let me know with your reviews! constructive criticism accepted, flames are not.